Mischievous~Mouse's Den

Pride Roles

QUEEN - Tigree(Being the queen does not mean you are the kings favoured lioness. It means that the king trusts that lioness enough to allow her to help him in his duties to look after the pride. whether it to defend it while the king is away or to make sure that there is peace in their pride.)

PRINCE - N/A (The prince is the next in line to the throne... although if there are 2 with the title of prince, then there will be a fighting match against the two and whoever wins will be worthy to take on the role as the leader of the pride.)

PRINCESS - N/A (To become a princess, a lioness would have to marry a prince. their role is to be taught the ways of old and the was of new so they can become queen and be by their king's side to help them with the pride whenever the king may be busy with other duties.)

DEPUTY- Chickadee (A deputy is there to make sure there is order inside the pride.)

ROYAL GUARD - N/A (Only a select few are appointed to be a royal guard. Their role is to make sure the royal family is safe and out of any harm. They are usually by their king's and queens side, whether he or she is in the land of the pride, or in another pride land to discuss things. they will always be there and ready in case anything happens so they can protect the royal bloodline. )

ROYAL ADVISER - N/A (One of the most trusted lionesses can be picked to be the king's Adviser. Their job is to make sure that the king knows of any trouble that may have occurred inside his land. They also give advice to what the king could do better in his pride. This role is normally given to older lionesses fore they have great knowledge of the lands and the pride which is an advantage to help their king, but a younger lioness can take on the role if they prove that they can handle it. )

HEALER - N/A / Helpers - 1#N/A 2# N/A (Only one can be made a healer in the pride, but they can take on apprentices and have at least 2 helpers. to become one, they will have to go through various tests competing with other lionesses to get the role of becoming the pride's healer. Only the best lioness with the ability to create herb remedies and to dress a wound will become a healer. Only the healer will be loud to hand pick 2 helper healers.)

PROPHET(S) - Nyx (A prophet is not chosen by the king or any of the pride members. no, a prophet is chosen by the fallen kings and queens of old. They will give one or two cubs the gift of foresight to help the pride and to also let them know if there will be any problems in the near future.)


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Dreamboat of Ladies Mischievous~Mouse
Level: 12 Branch: Cave of Mystery
Stats: 947 Territory: 41
Lionesses: 17 Beetle Slots: 2 / 6
Cubs: 23 / 205 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 9 lions with mutations in Mischievous~Mouse's pride.

Mischievous~Mouse's Player
Member ID #149176
Joined: 2018-06-18 08:42:25 Last Active: 2023-06-26 15:34:19

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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Mischievous~Mouse's Recent Allies

played by FizzleDizzle
Level 8 - 14 lionesses - 12 cubs
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played by Miscom (side)
Level 15 - 34 lionesses - 7 cubs
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played by Tigger
Level 20 - 55 lionesses - 38 cubs
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played by Cinder
Level 9 - 26 lionesses - 15 cubs
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played by Kage
Level 6 - 33 lionesses - 46 cubs
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played by 🍇CrunchyGrape🍇
Level 21 - 26 lionesses - 16 cubs
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Mischievous~Mouse's Clan Memberships

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King Dynasty

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