Canis Major's Den

This lion has 91 happy thoughts, 46 awkward thoughts, and 103 frivolous thoughts!

Adopt one today!

Come meet Ad Astra, my x2 rosette side king!

If you need to contact me my carrd is here

About me:
Hi! You can call me Eldritch! Feel free to shorten it if you want. I use any and all pronouns. I'm 3 hours ahead of lioden time.
Anyone with sell in their name is for sale, as is anyone called chased. So like feel free to pm me if you wanna buy one.

Im a cairngorm breeder so im always looking for clean cairn factors to buy. Also if youre wondering about my naming conventions these are the themes for the lion names:
Cairngorms: podcasts
Cocoas: creepypastas
slate: songs
pearl: rare words
ice: books
ethereal: movies
skyward: sayings
sidereal: latin/dead languages
muties: puns

Come visit me on Wolvden! I dont bite. Usually.

note: any mods/admins can leave stuff here if they want i dont mind

insert textOath of the Warrior
I'll remember Cinderheart...When I'm torn between two paths
I'll remember Cinderpelt...When I see someone risk something for another
I'll remember the kits... Whenever I am overjoyed
I'll remember Breezepelt... Whenever I feel unloved
I'll remember Brightheart...When I see a scar one someone's face
I will think of WindClan...Every time I win a race.
I'll remember Goosefeather...When nobody believes me
I'll remember Heathertail...When someone wants to be 'just friends'
I will think of StarClan...When I am near the end
I'll remember Leafpool...When I must follow my heart
I'll remember Hollyleaf...If I ever fall apart
I'll remember Bramblestar...When I must prove myself.
I'll remember Spottedleaf...When I'm suffering from bad health
I'll remember Lionblaze...When I am feeling strong
I'll remember Tigerstar...If I choose the path that's wrong
I'll remember Dovewing...When I hear of something far away
I'll remember Cloudtail...When a kitten catches their first prey
I'll remember Feathertail...Whenever I must be brave
I'll remember The Tribe...When I'm in a cave
I'll remember Ashfur...When somebody breaks my heart
I'll remember Bluestar...Whenever I lose faith
I'll remember Ivypool...When I try to be the best
I'll remember Firestar...When my loyalty's put to the test
I'll remember the many battles...When I see conflict or strife
I'll remember Yellowfang...When i'm accused of something i didn't do
I'll remember Scourge... When someones teased for being tiny
I'll remember Barley... For when me and my siblings are far apart
I'll remember Silverstream... For when i see a young mother
I'll remember Mothflight... For when i find it hard to believe
I'll remember Midnight... Whenever i'm at sea
I'll remember Crookedstar... Whenever someone abandons me
I'll remember Ravenpaw... When i have to flee
I'll remember Jayfeather... When i have a strange dream
I'll remember Longtail... When i can see no more
I'll remember Darkstripe... When someone holds a grudge
I promise to remember all of these cats...For the rest of my life

Art of my characters: (art that was bought on lioden)

Quasar (pink and black 'yena):

by Lux#220998 on Lioden

note: pfp by

Sapphic Canis Major
Level: 11 Branch: Ye Olde Gem Shoppee
Stats: 397 Territory: 104
Lionesses: 76 Beetle Slots: 8 / 8
Cubs: 96 / 520 Grandpaw: Erebus Sandstorm
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: sell 7bo g2
Sell 9m clone
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 9 lions with mutations in Canis Major's pride.

Canis Major's Player
Member ID #211139
Eldritch g1 rl clone
Joined: 2020-07-04 12:21:25 Last Active: 2025-02-17 0:23:13

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14 Pregnant Lionesses

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Canis Major's Recent Allies

played by Kelpie - clean x2 rosette
Level 21 - 30 lionesses - 39 cubs
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played by costalkaxx
Level 6 - 5 lionesses - 10 cubs
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Short King Lucifer
played by Patchstar G5 Nacre Dwarf
Level 8 - 20 lionesses - 41 cubs
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played by 🌱 whales0ng
Level 12 - 72 lionesses - 58 cubs
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played by t0xic
Level 6 - 34 lionesses - 8 cubs
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played by Jess
Level 1 - 3 lionesses - 6 cubs
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Canis Major's Clan Memberships

*...Breed-Only Beauties...*

Ace & Aro Alliance

Breeding items for free!

Care Center and More!!!

Chased Graced

daze's art beans

Dodgy Dragon Raffles

🏇 Equestridae 🏇

💎 Rampant Rosettes 💎

Furry Fandom

Gift the person above you

Gift Wars

Givers Of Lioden


honey's art hub

Ilanga’s Adoptions


lion adoptions

M'Dude Nirah

Muties and Stuff

Primitive Primals

Raffle Lioness Tracker

Rosette Dynasty

Spread the Mark!

Sun Seekers☀️

The Lion Lodge

Too Many Muties

Warrior Cats Society

Witches Of Lioden

Wolvden Kingdom


King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



Beetle Book

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