Mistress Adrestea V's Den

CSS Template by Katie
CSS Design by Quake

Pride Lore

Queen R.O.R., also known as Queen Roaring Over Rivers, is the founder of this pride.
Long ago, this land was a beautiful place. Queen R.O.R. separated from her former pride and left to start a new home in a forest, next to a crystal clear lake, which was surrounding by mountains. She found lions willing to join her pride and they soon expanded.
This pride is connected with the Scorched Lands, founded by Azog and ruled by Queen Byuula.
Queen R.O.R. and Queen Byuula are close friends. They both came from the same former pride. Sharing battle strategies and fighting tactics, they one day plan to merge prides together.
The ruler after Queen R.O.R., named Mistress Adrestea, was favored more by her pride and Queen Byuula. She was stronger and smarter. She, along with Queen Byuula, were similar in many different ways. Byuula raised Mistress Adrestea like she was her own, teaching her the best ways to hunt and fight.
Over time, Queen R.O.R became more distant with her pride, and with the Scorched Lands. She moved deeper into the forest that was surrounded by mountains into higher elevations. She frequently explored on the cliffs, seeing if a lion could survive in the mountains. She eventually passed due to the lack of food and oxygen. When Mistress Adrestea took over, she brought the lions back down to the lake and befriended Queen Byuula once again.

Finish Vredefort Crater Quest - ✔️
Own a Tigon - ❌
Own a Leopon - ✔️ (HOW)
Own a Dwarf - ✔️
Own a Harlequin ichthyosis - ❌
Own a total of 100 GB - ✔️
Queen a Mutie - ✔️
Queen a Piebald/Patches - ✔️
Queen a Primal - ❌ (what about my mains old king?)
Make my own den CSS - ❌ (i tried and failed. never again.)
Get a pulsar base queen - ❌
Get an interstellar base queen - ✔️
Get a tri rosette queen - ✔️
Get a quad rosette queen - ❌
Get a quin+ rosette queen - ❌
Get a full interstellar queen - ❌ (SO CLOSE)
About Me
pulsar, neutron, interstellar, haliotis, rosette and any other colorful mark lover.
i know what im doing. this is just an alt, but im planning on making it my main.
this is a female only pride. i consider any of my "kings" and heirs to be female. if my queen still appears to be male, i just havent used a lab test frog yet.
female elf name addict
only muties (and favs of mine) get cool names. everything else gets smth goofy :skull:
please be nice im trying my best
Ruler History
- R.O.R - She/They/It -
R.O.R., or more commonly known as ror, was an odd ruler. It frequently had slurred speech, and a clumsy walk. They frequently tripped over twigs and rocks then act like nothing happened. She went on about how she would kick anyone's ass if they did something she didn't like, even if it was something like moving a rock out of place. Some people didn't really know if they were a king or a queen. She considered herself to be anything, saying any gender but male. ror came into rule by taking cubs from the tree and claiming any lioness desperate for a pride. She found strategies on how to rule more efficiently and how to become stable enough to support 40 lions. Although they were still hated by its pride, the lionesses had admired her courage to strengthen the pride.

- Mistress Adrestea - She/Her -
A favorite amongst her pride and their sister pride, Scorched Lands, Mistress Adrestea created what she called the "dream pride". With her amazing strength and great wisdom, as well as a little (a lot) of misandry, she created an all female pride, eradicating any traces of males. She considers herself to be the definition of sapphic and misandry. Any males that attempt to even think somewhat lowly of her or her pride, she is quick to eliminate such thoughts, and eliminate the thinker if she has a low opinion of them. She came into rule by force of the pride. They saw her as a better ruler than ror, but it didn't take too kindly to that. ror challenged Adrestea to a battle. Little did she know that Adrestea had been training to destroy any enemy, including them. Adrestea easily one that battle and her pride that day. She eliminated any males and turned her lionesses into sapphics just like her. "If there was a word that could describe my hate for males and love for lionesses..." Adrestea said, "I would give up my reign as queen and pass it on to my heir. But that will never happen, because words can't describe my feelings towards them. I would have to kill every male and claim every lioness just to show a mere fraction of my thoughts on them."

- Mistress Adrestea II - She/Her -
Mistress Adrestea decided to retire early because she felt that it wasn't her place to rule, so she decided to crown Mistress Adrestea II as queen. Mistress Adrestea II is like an exact copy of the former queen. Same looks, same personality, same thoughts and opinions, everything, which is why Mistress Adrestea saw her as a fit ruler for her pride.
She has a bit of a motherly personality. She's a very dominant lioness, and has a soothing voice that any lioness will fall in love with. oh and shes mega gay
Adrestea II is a self-proclaimed prophet. She claims she is capable of reading the stars and sees signs from nature and such. Most of the time, her prophecies seem to come true, but there is no way to really prove if what she sees is real. She believes it is due to the fact that she was given to Mistress Adrestea as a gift from the celestials. No one knows where she comes from or where she originates, she appeared with Adrestea on a day, or night, that some people call "Bright Night". Bright Night is a rare event that causes the night sky directly above this territory to glow a bright white. The lions here believe that that on this night, celestial lions come down to grant them gifts. On this night, Mistress Adrestea II was born from her mother, Mistress Adrestea. This queen never has come of her own, and never has she mated with a male, but she was given birthed a cub just like herself. The lions believed the cub was going to be a little unique in the future, and they could possibly be right.

- Mistress Adrestea III - She/Her -
Mistress Adrestea II was queened at an older age. She decided than Mistress Adrestea III would make a good queen. Mistress Adrestea is capable of talking to the dead, and she often refers to them as her "children". She is a necromancer, the opposite of the former queen, who was a prophet.

- Mistress Adrestea IV - She/Her -
Mistress Adrestea IV's rule was short lived. The queen before her didn't like her time as a queen. But this queen didn't get the proper training or didn't have the knowledge or strength the queen, so she retired early and chose Mistress Adrestea V. She gave the line of Adresteas a complete new look. The pride was happy with this change, seeing as they were getting tired of the queens' repetition over the years.

- Mistress Adrestea V - She/Her -
A big change for this pride. Never a a lioness been queened so shortly after another. But this queen was just right for the pride. She was powerful, she was incredibly intelligent, and according to some of her lionesses, she was ravishing. They loved her. They loved her personality. Her appearance. And her massive size! She towered over everyone and has no problem in winning a fight. She laughed at males and adored lionesses, with her girlfriend, Valkyr, her #1. There was no lioness she loved more.

What I Dislike in Lioden
(please remember that I am entitled to my own opinion. If you don't like it, just move on and forget it.)

i HATE how people give value to low gen/clean lions. being dirty/long gen changes nothing, and if it did, the only thing it should change is mutation chances (since theyre inbred). the only reason i chose to have a gen 1 queen is to get lower gen cubs because of how other people value them.
nrlcs. i hate them. i see no value in them until they become an actual rlc. otherwise, they are just like any other lion with similar markings, unless theyre 10/15-14/15. i see why people value rlcs, but not nrcls. to be honest, i would never keep an nrcl unless i thought it was gorgeous, and same for rlc too. the only reason i have an nrlc is to recreate one of two of my bday rlcs. shes the closest thing i can find since the original owner of the rl never ro'd again. they never named her, cloned her, didnt even let her age up at least once. same thing for my other bday rl. i also hate ugly rls and people that think theyre all pretty. i mean... come on. just admit that at least *some* look really bad. green and brown? im sorry but no. but the ones that have colors that are similar to each other or just beautiful blend into each other... give me that.
mutations that cant pass without a breeding item (not including OG fur , OG tongue, and mane fluffy and one or two other mane muts). i dont hate them as much as other stuff. i dont hate their prices or anything, i just wouldnt really want them for myself, with the exception of some things like dwarfism or overgrown fur. lethals on the other hand... no. just no. they are the last mutation i would ever want to buy (but i prefer them over some stuff like folded ears, bobbed tail, or primal fangs). they have no purpose other than to be a trophy. i would much rather take a lion that cant pass without a breeding item over them any day. they cant breed, they cant grow, they cant pass their mutation, they cant hunt or earn experience, they cant do anything. sure theyre super rare, but i still dont like them. i dont mind their values or i dont care about other people liking them, i just dont like them myself.
What I Like in Lioden
(please remember that I am entitled to my own opinion. If you don't like it, just move on and forget it.)

my favorite mutation is probably gonna be piebald/patches. i think they can make any lion gorgeous (except for a few ;) ). i love how easy they are to get, and how they are able to pass their mutation. piebald is a good mutation to have if youre looking for something cheap. unlike primal mutations (not including ferus), it can pass from both males and females. some types of pie/patches are worth more than others. with the right markings and stuff, you could make a beautiful lion with pie/patches! my favorite varaiation is ticked/rift, but my favorite of those two is rift.
i am an absolute FAN of colorbombs! i also love darker themed lions, too! my favorite markings are interstellar, neutron, pulsar, haliotis, vitiligo. hibiscus, dawn, noctis, and especially rosette. with these all together, they can make a GORGEOUS lion!
applicators. OMFG I LOVE APPS. not happy with your starting king? dont worry! use applicators you got in events or bought from someone else! no problem! there are many gorgeous applicators and you can make beautiful color combinations with them. some of them are harder to get, like interstellar remnants and markings.
vvvvv Pictures! vvvvv
Favorite Lion(s)

Clans! (I own Patches and Pies)

This user is suspended until 2024-09-30 00:00:00.

Interstellar Mistress Adrestea V
Level: 15 Branch: bwanch 👉👈👉👈
Stats: 1579 Territory: 50
Lionesses: 47 Beetle Slots: 9 / 17
Cubs: 41 / 250 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 1 / 2 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 29 lions with mutations in Mistress Adrestea V's pride.

Mistress Adrestea V's Player
Member ID #215312
Sappho 🌈 [ROSx3/BOx4/G2/RIFT]
Joined: 2020-09-04 09:58:04 Last Active: 2024-05-10 5:52:06

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11 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Mistress Adrestea V's Recent Allies
Kastor the Great
played by Pearl
Level 5 - 6 lionesses - 11 cubs
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played by Dirty Little Rental
Level 6 - 10 lionesses - 10 cubs
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played by Everdayyy
Level 1 - 1 lionesses - 0 cubs
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*King Dylan Serger 20M!
played by Brooke(*Frozen)!
Level 16 - 161 lionesses - 174 cubs
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played by Lily
Level 7 - 39 lionesses - 16 cubs
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played by Wendigo
Level 12 - 82 lionesses - 52 cubs
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Mistress Adrestea V's Clan Memberships

*...Breed-Only Beauties...*

*Kripke's Weekly Raffles*

*The Saviors*

+ Lioden United +

Adopt a Newbie

Alphabet Mafia

•●Ecstatic 4 Events●•

✧|Raffle Muts|✧

Breed That Jaglion

Chased Graced

Click for Free Stuff!

Coven Of Blessings

CRB Mayhem!

Dawn Of The First Gens

Die Hard Statters!


🍗 Feed Lioden 🍗

🎨Applicator Addicts🎨

💎 Rampant Rosettes 💎


Event Enthusiasts

Ferus Passion

Heavy BO Lovers

Holy Hybrids!




local thrift store

Mütåtïøñ Kïñgðøm

Money Hungry

Mutie Adoption Center

Mutie Mayhem

Muties for Everyone

Night Owls of Lioden 🌙

Noobies Get Muties

Patches and Pies

Patches,PatchesAndMore Patches

Pies, pies and more pies!

Pons & Gons

Primitive Primals

Purely Aesthetic

Recycling claws

RLC Eden

Roleplayers United

Shaded Shadows

Splotches Stop and Adopt!

Stud Buds

The Collector

The Dwarfie Army

The Hoard of Goodies.

Tigon Team

You've Got Muts!

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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