Panthera Ultima's Den

I don't sell cubs. Please, don't ask and thank you.

River Panther Pride welcomes you!

Another hot day in African savannah. Thanks to shade of marula and accacia trees it wasnt too overhelming, but some water will be great. And that can be a problem.
You alredy know, that you trespassed in some pride territory. It was logical. There was pretty herds of zebras and wildbeasts, in other words- plenty of good prey. And this prey looked at you with wary eyes. They know what you are and that you are hungry. But water comes first.
For some time you see on horizon a green mass of vegetation. It looks to you lush and fresh. It means water. Lions or not, you are thirsty. You can already taste the water on the wind. With a new found spring in your step you continue in direction of trees.
It take only a short while and you found fresh lion tracks. Okey... you are going to have company. More and more tracks. Most of them belonged to lionesess. But you can definetely smell a presence of a male. Maybe two... Maybe is a good time to reconsider your intention about going to water...
„Stranger in my land.“
Well, too late. You turn your gaze and you see lion, who must be king here. It seems, like he just poped into existence on the spot he is standing now. Maybe his natural brown-ish fur helped with melting with his surroundings? But his fur was also marked with panther markings. And again, it looked kind of strange: like this markings was of a lot of different colors. They were changing before your eyes with his slightest move. Well muscled and powerfull body identifed him as a good fighter. He looks at you with curiosity, more than aggression and with hardly covered amusement.
And he is not alone. From nearby bushes has come out few lionesses. Well... these lions are really from the same pride. All of them has pelt with panther markings. And all of the ladies looked like veteran huntresses, not afraid of gaining another scar or two.
„Well?“ asked the king. „Are you not going to introduce yourself?“ He showed you his teeth in wide grin and then he turned deeper into bushes, beckoning to you with his tail to follow.
„This is River Panther Pride and my name is Panthera Ultima. Come, and after you take a drink and eat something, maybe you will find your tongue again and tell us more about you.“
You follow Panthera down the path, but you will stop after a short walk. Why? Because you can now see, what bushes and trees hide from curious eyes. River flow bellow through a deep gorge covered in greenery. In high walls of banks yawned openings of caves. Some of them was used as storage of prey and other items, others was homes of lions around you. You dont know, how was this place build or created, but it is impressive. This will be interesting visit indeed.

Stamps, Art, etc...

About Ezgati

  • adult woman

  • happy married

  • living in a small country in middle of Europe called Slovakia

  • my time zone is Lioden time + 8

  • I am not native english speaker, please pardon my mistakes

  • owned by two cats, a tom called Machu and she-cat Trdlo

River Panther Project
Update of April 18, 2024
Aaaand here we are. Out of mane rocks and soon probably also out of ochre powders. And again, to taunt me more, there is one cub with one missing marking from pure perfection. Breed only eyes, mane color and shape, even base!!! But nooo... litle asshole must be missing markin 11. I want to pull my hair out of pure frustration and despair. To add insult to the injury, there is another cub... missing slot 18. That little shite got even the app markings on itself, but noooo... it has to miss one breed only panther, because reasons... I want to rage, I want to cry... After all this years, all the work... I guess nothing is ever granted or earned. Damn it all to hell...

Update of April 3, 2024
Well... I knew it! I was well afraid to build up any hopes. One marking... There is a cub missing only one marking from a pure perfection. Just to mock me... I am out of barks, out of proper base apps, SB are tight and if I manage somehow this last breeding, I will be out of mane rocks too... And then it will be pure RNG and prayers. I so much wish to avoid that state.... Please! I worked so hard and for so long! Can you be so kind and come to this world?

Update of March 2, 2024
With help from new stock of buffy balls and some more money trown in my project I got my first compatible lioness with my new side king. Well, my side king is still a cub in training, but I plan to king him the moment his new wife hit 100% cub training expy bar. Then will start the true RNG fight. if the gods have mercy on me, then my years taking project will finally be completed... And that is a HUGE if. But as I said, I finally see the light at the end of the tunel. Gods... I am even afraid to hope...

Update of February 23, 2024
Just lol... the game decided to give me an early present to my aniversary. I cant belive I play this for 10 years. But, well, my next step side heir was born. It was impossible to get on the lion ALL the missing markings, but I got the best result possible given the circumstances. I will wait until this event ends and then king it. Stats sucks, but it cant be helped. Now I will need some compatible lionesses. But I can already see the light at the end of the tunel. Fingers crossed for me!

Update od February 12, 2024
RNG hates me. That is nothing new, but somehow it still manage to surprise me. Well, you can guess that my last breeding with Xiaomao was a failure. How is it possible, that the only missing markings on every cub are the one I need? Some things are just out of my comprehension. Anyway, things just got a bit more complicated for me. Damn it all to hell.

Update of January 31, 2024
Huh, first month of new year was unexpectedly demanding. It was probably because of the new breeding item, ochre powder. I was able to get myself some next step king material. I will king him in a week or so, as my last incarnation of Panthera is on his last year of life. I still hope for at least one breeding of XiaoMao. As she is on breeding cooldown it will ask for some barks. Thank god for incomming february! I have last two buffy balls and just hopes that the tiers will open fast enough to make it in time. I will probably need to freeze this account for a few days, which will be unwelcommed loss of HS. But I need this breeding to happen. It is my last chance to get cub with full correct slots. I will have to use probably both ochre powder and gnaws on both parents and buffy balls. If that fails... I will cry. By the way, in the future I will 100% ban usage of ochre powder on my boy. I cant forget to put it in his rules.

Update of December 25, 2023
The year is ending. As I look behind, I did a lot of work on this project. But the last month was terrible... I accidentaly killed my next step king. He was still under age of 5 months and I killed his mom. I had him secured and protected, why did the game alloved to kill his mom?! This is a huge hole in the whole idea of preventing this accidents to happen! I was so heartbroken that I was unable to speak about this. I still am very angry... at that moment I was just one step from rage quit. On the other side I was able to get my hands on spice panther cub. With correct slot of algae and black panther. I just hope for many more to be born. I will need to king some next step on this account, and soon, but where the hell will I find some king material? I just hope that the next heat of my girls will produce some good results...

Update of November 29, 2023
Ugh... this is just my luck... As I said, I needed king with spice pan in s2. Guess what... He exist! Great, isnt it? Yep, indeed. But all my girls I wanted to breed to him are already with cubs! Newborn cubs! I have to wait 20 days to actually be able to move forward!!!! Daaamn... Well... maybe not 20 days. There is one cub with desired mane color, eye color, slots 8 and 18 and lots of my markings so... There is high possibility for me to try breed that cub only. I have already too much lions in my den and I should start getting rid of them. But the tought about those expensive lionesess to go to waste... This is such a mess... Aaaargh!

Update of November 16, 2023
Still working hard. I try to mix slots below and over 10, with not much success to brag about. Spice panther RL is in capable account, so it will probably spred. Thank gods for small blessings, because I despretly need someone to king that slot. Lioness won't do me any good as I need my own girls to breed to it. Other way it would mean for me to king another lion just to include that one marking. I could consider it only if it would mean another step forward to my goal. In other words, that lion would need to have many more markings that my curent one, and slot 8 algae with slot 18 black panther. Sigh... BO breeding is an never ending exercise in patience...

Update of September 30, 2023
The spice panther is here and it isnt THAT bad. What is pissing me off most is the fact, that it comes out in slot 2. Damn, I fought so hard to get that algae pan! And now all that hard work awaits me again, if that RL fall at some kind of noob account, or, even worse, no longer active account. I just blow out UNGODLY ammout of SB on my new born cubs with algae pan in slot 8 (goodbye my equally hard won slot 8 black pan) and black pan in slot 18. Yep, it ate two gnaws and buffy balls. And 15GB also fly thru the windov, because I needed to remove rest of unwanted markings. If I wouldnt be able to get my hands on that slot of spice pan, this will be a devastating loss of items and funds. Also, I kinged new version of Neriss. That is 25GB investment in pure GB in this project for today. Why this feels like work?!

Update of September 9, 2023
... I wanna cry... Why me???? Damn... Somebody was thinking that my project is going too well and I need a bit more spice in my life. Because of that there is another panther recolor. Spice panther. Yeeeey! -_- What to do with this??? I finally got king with correct slots 1-10. I got even full side king with correct slots 11-20! Now I have to crash it again... Whyyyy!!! Thank gods for my slot 18 black pan. I would be so screwed... But with this the count of panther in game is full 20 colors. I am out of slots... Well... If I would be crazy enough and wanted to go full breed only all 20 slots, but... I am crazy enough as it is... I dont need another mad chalange.

Update of September 3, 2023
It finally happened! RNG gods took mercy on me and my new side king was born. It took a lot more of my buffy balls stock then I would like, but they falled like an offering on RNG gods altar. They are an unbelievable greedy lot... Enough of my grumbling. What will happen now? I have around 15 days on my side king untill I can move from that 30 days penalty period. I want to train it, because those stats are terrible. But damn I am happy I am moving somewhere... Now I can think about mixing those markings together. How long will it take to breed something decent? How many offerings to RNG gods altar will it take? No idea, but I am ready to go!

Update of August 8, 2023
Summer is for me time full of outside activities, so I got myself into kind of unexpected hiatus. Almost whole July flyed by without me even noticing. And maybe I just needed a break. I have a good news: I got a next step with slots 1-10 completely full. Yeeeeey! Praise be the RNG gods! But slots above 10 are still laughing at my frustration. Those who never tried to breed this cant understand how insane money sink this is. And when I start to combine this markings... oh gods. But I love my panthers... so, I guess I am crazy enough to go thru this.

Update of May 31, 2023
Kinged yet another step. This one got a bit more markings then my previous version. It is almost time for me to start mixing together slots above 10 with my slots 10 and lower. To do that, I will need a next step for my side, but so far is hard to get one. Markings refuse to pass in more then 4 slots at once. I am suspicious about those low opacities, but I cant prove anything... or am I just trying to find something I can blame my bad luck on. Either way, it is frustrating. Maybe it just asks for more buffy breedings? I still have some left, but... unmercifull gods, it feels like a waste!

Update od April 21, 2023
The third phase of my project is here. My old version of Panthera was put to rest and dawn of a new era is here. Well, not yet, but one day maybe. I spend quite a lot of GB today... Marking removals, IB fethers, retirement fee... I got one perfect cub out of it, the rest is meeeh, but usable. Anyway, prize the RNG god for that little one! I am truly tempted to age it and breed it... but I cant!!! I know that things like this end in truly big disappointment and I just want to be happy today, so no thanks... I will wait for that disappointment when it will grow up on its own.

Update of April 3, 2023
I am slowly moving in the third phase of my panther project. Today I kinged Kabaka, under my traditional name "Neriss" on my side account. His lionesses are still too young to breed, but oh boy, he needs to lvl up and get some stats, so he should use this time wisely. Tomorow I expect the last batch of cubs from curent incarnation of Panthera. I hope there will be some usable cubs, as I need them to have some specific slots and demanded draconid eyes. Not Neriss, nor Mkuu have draconid eyes or citrine mane, I need to breed next step king with this traits from my curent breeding stock. It will be expensive like hell and frustrating even more. Talking about breeding stock, I need to erase some panther markings from my curent king. Maybe in horizon of 14-16 days, depends on my lions with s4 briar panther groving up and going into heat. Maybe I will spend one ochre gnawrock on that breeding, just to make sure... I dont know yet...

Update of March 12, 2023
Some good things happened to me. First is birth of Kabaka, my next step side king. Because nothig goes perfect, he is missing slot 16, but as I still need to breed in slot 15 is it actually OK. And, to my great relief, I got a cub with slot 15 and slot 16. I hope to have at least another one until it will come time to king Kabaka. Girl can hope... Another great thing is that I got another cub for rainy days... slot 18! I got soooo lucky to spot that slot... So when Lioden decide to mess with my project once more, I am ready! .... please please, DONT consider this words as a chalange!!!

Update of March 5, 2023
*insert happy screams here *
I got it! There is a cub which I can king as my next step! I met a wonderfull person, which alowed me to use her project king as a stud for my girl. Vampyrix, you are an angel on this earth! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And about that cub... well, it has a little flaw. S4 is missing. I will try to breed it in, on my girls with the rest of the remaining slots from the old design. Anyway, it means mass breeding and production of more usable girls. And who knows, maybe next breeding with Vampyrix king will bring a flawless cub... (lol, who am I trying to fool? RNG god is merciless to my den...)

Update of February 21, 2023
It's been a year now... year of hard work. And there is very little I can show for all that time spent. Probably as an aniversary gift I got from RNG god a beautifull cub with 4 new slots for my project. Praise the RNG god! What is concerning me is the absence of a king with s3 seal pan. I hope that someone will king that slot soon. I dont want to imagine what nightmare it will be to add it through purchased lioness. Well, my cub still has some time to grow up, but still... Lets hope it will get more common, in the end, is february, season of barks and buffy balls. It means a lot of cubs from RL and RL clones...

Update of January 27, 2023
Seal panther is here and it is not as bad as I was afraid. I can deal with it... probably. There is a king with it in slot 5, and there is also raffle slot 3. I really hope that someone will king it. I can probably make it work in both cases, but as I know my RNG luck, it will go sideways, so I would love some room to maneuver. I finally got two usable cubs with right slots, but it cost me two gnaws, so it dont feel like any achievment at all. To add insult to the injury I expect some born now without items... because reasons. Ugh...

Update of December 10, 2022
Uuugh... seal panther. Yep, its pretty. I like very much. But... there is always a but. I am afraid what it will do with my design. In which slot it will appear? Thank gods for my slot 15 ruffian pan, because I will be out of my mind in search for another 11+ slot pan. In any other way it is a huuuge step back for me. It is another marking I need to include. There are no kings with it yet and I guess there will be no such kings for a looong time. And when it will be relased? The next week raffle liones will be probably Christmass special, so no seal pan for me. Gosh, I hate this waiting in uncertanity!!!

Update of November 24, 2022
Everything is going as expected. That is... RNG god still hates me. More than 20 project cubs, and so far nothing usefull. My curent incarnation of Panthera is almost at the retiring age, and I was hoping to replace him with lion with new set of markings. That is not going to happen, so I will temporary freez this account, move my project lions to my side, move frozen lions here, funds, items... it will be a mess, but in the end I will save GB for forcefull retirement. And also I will be able to age a little bit my curent side king (and move out of 30 days penalty period, where another replacement cost additional GB). I just hope for at least one usefull cub. Please...

Update of October 26, 2022
Oh gods... this was so hard! Nobody told me, that slot 8 black panther isnt so common as one could think. No active kings in a whole month! GB wasted on zebra hearts... I didnt wanted to waste gnaws and buffy on breeding of this supposedly common slot, but... I was forced to do so. But at least I got 4 cubs out of it, wasted a lot more GB to make them into adults and forced into heat and instantly breed them to briar panther king. At least one good cub should be out of it... Damn, so tempted to IBF... but no-no! I already spent far more then I ever wanted. But one good thing what happened is, that I got my hands on another panther in slot above 10, so yeeeey!

Update of September 22, 2022
Well, the day has come and I got finally enough panther markings in slots above 10 to actually start breeding for my next generation of Panthera Ultima. I still need to breed in two specific slots of noctis panther and briar panther to make this design work, but the biggest hurdle is gone. I will still keep an eye on panthers in slots above 10, because one can never know, when they will come handy.
Now starts the real work... I need to put together my next step side king, breed in noctis and briar panther, erase certain markings from curent incarnation of Panthera to make sure that the right set of markings is passed down, and hard selection of cubs. I see a lot of expensive karma fodder in my future...

Update of September 2022:
It is getting more and more frustrating. I was able to get some more panthers, but I cant belive how the hell are all of them in same slots I already have full. There are curently two in slot 20, two more in slot 17 and 3 (or more) in slot 12. Why it must be always this slots?! I wanna cry...

Update of August 2022:
I got my hands on almost all panther recolors. I am still missing briar panther, and because it is the last one, to get him will be an huuuge pain in the ass. But girl can hope... And also hope that in near future there will be no more panther recolors. Soon we will run out of slots... how can I have an all panther king, when I cant put them all on one lion?!

Update of April 2022:
Guess what! New panther recolor! This time is it an algae pan. Yeeeey! Or not? You know I love my panthers to death, but this way of adding markings without a way to make my project work is more and more frustrating, then fun... *sigh*

Update of February 2022:
Welp, to make my work even harder, there is addition of two new panthers: briar and cimmerian. I only managed to get my hands on bushweld panther (thank you my angel Typhon) in usable slot, but that is all. There are still three more pans hanging somewhere in aether. I got some GBs to use on my war with RMA, but I want to wait for release of those two new colors. Perhaps luck will get finally tired enough to sit on me...
What it means?
Panthera Ultima as you know him will retire. I will need this king spot and probably also side account king spot to try to put a new look together. It means put my arabica panther dream on hold and dump huge ammount of currency and work on this again. Oooofff... Just love me some challange.

Update of summer 2021:
With two new pan recolours of bushweld and noctis Panthera is no longer all panther king. I try hard to get those two markings for him, but sadly no luck.As always, my RNG luck is terrible and RMA app hates me. I will be very thankful to anyone, who can point me to a lion with panther marking in a 10+ slot. Well, except for auburn and white pans, which are applicable and scoria panther, which already exist in multiple 10+ slots.

Panther. Panther marks all over the place! I love them, and I put all of them on one lion! Day of 5th July is a day, when was born first and only ultimate all panther king! I have taken my first steps on this road somewhere in middle of year 2016 with my king Hielath and his white panther. Over few months it transformed into full scale project, but in those times I was never dreaming about all panther king. But... in the end was born Panthera. My project reached its final achievment, and I hope in long reign. He was kinged on 22th of july 2020 and was opened for public studding. His price was set on 3GB or 3k SB, and will be rising as he gain stats. He is my dream come true, my pride and joy.

This den has 4 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Protector Panthera Ultima
Level: 20 Branch: Rascals den
Stats: 1687 Territory: 45
Lionesses: 23 Beetle Slots: 10 / 20
Cubs: 9 / 225 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 3 Subordinate Males: Feri
New Cub
Frozen Slots: 2 / 2 Cave Slots: 3 / 3
There are 4 lions with mutations in Panthera Ultima's pride.

Panthera Ultima's Player
Member ID #28391
Ezgati~Crazy Panther Lady~🐆
Joined: 2014-02-24 20:02:14 Last Active: 2024-05-04 8:25:53

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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Panthera Ultima's Recent Allies
played by Crowmother
Level 8 - 11 lionesses - 1 cubs
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Wuh Hassu
played by Rin ~ LPC
Level 7 - 74 lionesses - 43 cubs
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played by 🐸Frog Love💚G1🍂
Level 14 - 69 lionesses - 64 cubs
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played by sanguisoul 🥩 [project king]
Level 12 - 71 lionesses - 23 cubs
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🐺 jasper 🐺
played by nothing (PRISMATIC PRIMAL))
Level 6 - 10 lionesses - 1 cubs
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Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs
played by || Sootsprite ||
Level 12 - 75 lionesses - 29 cubs
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Panthera Ultima's Clan Memberships

*...Breed-Only Beauties...*

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Traveler’s Guide to Lioden

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Pride Dynasty



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