Antares The Infernal's Den

G3 scoundrel primal

Breed only base

"I told you. Stay in your own pridelands. You dont belong here. If i see you again....ill have to kill you."

Antares stared at the lion before him. His read eyes met the softer golden ones.

" cant mean that....i thought.."

"You thought wrong. I cant. I have a pride to lead. So dont you Tar. You have a kingdom to build and run and defend. Cubs to raise and train. We arent cubs anymore. We cant just hang out by the river talking about how we want to unite the lands and make the world better. You have your life to live. And i have mine..."

Antares shakes his dark mane and runs forward. He buries his head into Edward's neck. Pulling away with a snarl Edward roars at him.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME! I dont love you."

The words burn more than if Ed had attacked him with teeth or claws.

"No. You said you're My your..."

"Grow up Antares. We were young and dumb. This is the way of the world. You arent my will never be my moon."

Edward turns and runs away. His orange fur blazing in the dying light of a sunset. Antares watches as he clears the river that seperates their two lands in a single jum. ...what should of been one pride....what they always talked about doing....

Tar turns and heads deeper into the forest that makes up most of his pride lands. His dark coat blending in with the shadows of the trees

His paws felt heavy....his heart hurt...he avoided the clearings where he knew the females of his pride would be gathering discussing things like the day hunts or cub antics. He wasnt in the mood to talk to anyone.

He made it to his cave without meeting anyone. As he pushed past the ivy that hung over the entrance he caught a familar scent.

"Kali....What do you want..."

A dark lioness with a mane stepped from the shadows. Half her face curls up in a small smirk that if you weren't careful you might mistake for a smile.

"Antares, my king, im think I have some motive other than checking in on my king?" Her voice is rough. As she speaks she moves closer flicking her tail against his chest.

"I dont trust you Kali any more than i trust...."

"Chose your words carefully, my king. I know your secret. I know all about that king.. what did you say he was....Your sun? Because you my lord are his moon?"

Antares froze. His pride cant know. He has a duty like Edward had said....his voice shook. "What do you want?"

"Make me your queen. I want to lead the hunts. I want the power and control. Make me the queen. And ill keep it a secret. I couldn't spill it without hurting my image in the process."

She tilts her head and stares at Antares. Her mane are dark as his. In the right light no one would know shes female. She was often mistaken for a submale by outsiders.

Antares shakes his head. He hates everything that has happened today. And its good to have friends. Even if its with someone hes not sure he can trust...he nods.

"Fine Kali. You can be my queen." Antares turns to go inform the other lionesses. Kali walks with him ocassionally nuzzling into his fur. Her smirk much more pronounced with every step....

"Aries i feel so lost. So alone...." the young king stares at the leopon male. His eyes wet with unshed tears. "Do you ever feel alone?"

"My young king. I am a hybrid. Unwelcomed by both the leopards who claim the trees and by most prides. My own mother was abandoned and shunned from her pride for her actions......much like those of you young queen......" Aries eyes go wide as if he revealed a shocking secret.

"Kali? My queen? What do you mean her actions?" Antares tilts his head and stares at his advisor.

"No. No. I've said to much already. Its just whispers. Gossip. Im sure its nothing."

"What has been said. Aries you are my advisor. I need to know. Advise me!" Tars roars at aries now. Aries bows his head.

"Very well. If you must know. There is whispers thst the Queen is rather close to her guard. The submale Ahktar. Rumors are swirling that the cubs she carries are his. Not yours." Aries turns away from Antares. A small smirk on his face.
Isolation....Antares paces back and forth in front of Kali.

"TELL ME THE TRUTH! YOU WERE WITH HIM!" Antares roars at her. She shakes her head and stares at him. She reaches out to touch his shoulder. To comfort him as she has been doing. He sees it as an attack and instead lashes out with his large paws. His claws rake her chest and in an instant he has her pinned to the ground one claw sunk into her stomach. She screams in pain.

Tar seems to wake up. He climbs off of her and yells to the guards to get a healer. His paws are covered in her blood. He stares at Kali who shrinks in fear of him.

The healer stands in Antares' den. Her eyes are downcast and swollen from crying.

"We tried my king. The injuries were to great. She lost the cubs. The queen is in mourning and needs a few days to heal before you can be near her."

"Are you sure they were mine?"

"Without a doubt my king. They were very much of your bloodline."

Antares approaches slowly. A chunk of zebra clamped in his jaws. He lays it on the forest floor as he adresses the guards.

"Im here to see the queen " one of the guards. A smaller female tilts her head and stares at her king. "My king she is inside with a few of the lionesses and the healer. They are preforming the last rites for the cubs. Now isnt a good time."

Antares pushes past her and into the forest. He sees kali laying besides two small wrapped bundles. Around her other lionesses say prayers. They all stop and stare as the king approaches.

"You could of sent word my queen..."

"My king." Her words are barely a whisper. "You swore they were not your cubs. We are preparing to send them to the next world without their father's blessing or without the king of their pride giving them their proper name."

"No. They are my cubs. This is my fault. Please....kali....let me fix this. Let me help."

He lowers His body so he is laying on his body his head below hers. Every part of this seems odd to the lionesses watching. Their king is acting submissive. To his queen.

The ground was soft beneath Antares' paws. Every step coated his paws in water. Mud was soon clinging to his fur.

He turned to Kali. "What was it the crow said? Follow the rising moon? Something about a fork or spoon...."

Kali shook her head and gently splashed a puddle of water at her king.

"Follow the rising moon as it glows brightly,
Enter the reptile forest and tred lightly,
The spirits come to her beck and call,
Visit the swamp witch she will mend all."

Antares nods his head. "We did the first part. And the second. Tred lightly i assume is the ground being soft....however...spirits?" He shook his head thinking of Edward and the rumors that have he sold his soul to demons and monsters. Became half formed....something sinister and vile.

Kali turns and starts walking following where the moon should be if the trees didnt block it from their view. Suddenly the ground under her laws rose. Snapping jaws of a crocodile appeared rising from the mud. She lept free of the jaws of the beast. She landed beside Tar and together they ran deeper into the forest. Periodically snapping jaws or deeper water slowed them down. Eventually it stopped and they stood together panting in a clearing. Tar leaned forward and plucked a few leaves and sticks from Kali's mane. She gently licked his cheek without thinking before pulling away from him.

"My king. Look there.* A single fire fly floated in front of her. As she stepped forward it floated farther away but never fleeing from her. Antares nodded his head and walked next to his mate following this strange spirit.
A cave appeared before them. Broken trees and moss covered the opening. The air smelled like smoke and swamp water and herbs. A lion. An old world form of primal sat before the doorway. Her fur matched that of the forest. Earthy greens and browns.

"You're late Antares. And you brought your Queen. Interesting. I guess i do not know all. I assumed you would come and health your heart clear your mind....not...bring the Queen." The new comer tilted her head and studdied them both.

"I came to ask that you heal my queen. My heart and my head are clear already. What ive done i cant undo. I was a monster.....but this...please....fix this." He gently pushed Kali forward and pulled back the clothing she uses to hide the scar across her stomach and sides.

The witch walked forward. "Ahhhh yes. I see. They removed the cubs from the queen....nasty business...." she stared at queen Kali.

"Is this your wish my lady? Do you wish to be made whole? To grow more cubs inside your body?"

Queen Kali swallowed hard. Tears welled in to her eyes. "With all my heart. Please. Make this better."

"Fine. However my payment i dont wish to have now. In a few moons the king will sire a cub. A dorsal fur cub. Long hair will grow along the back and head. This cub i claim for my own."

The king stares puzzled. "You wish for a cub i havent even sired yet?"

The swamp witch nodded. "Yes. This boy is destined for greatness. He shall be my heir. Take over my realm of crocodiles and shadows. Learn the herbs and potions and from the earth and rain. He shall be great."

Antares turns to Kali nuzzling into her mane before he feels her stiffen and pull away from him. She nods.

"Very well. Let us begin. Remove all your decorations and lay here." She gestured to a patch of moss bathed in moonlight. "Lay so your paws point to the moon. Antares come help me gather herbs and oils."

"My king"....Aries pauses his deep voice a rough growl. "You must stop this. You are the king. To bow to your shows weakness."

Tar tilts his head. He feels the movement behind him, her smell now comforting he listens as his queen speaks.

"Aries. On behalf of the king. I, queen Kali, charge you with treason."

Aries turns shocked. He didnt see the dark queen he was to busy pacing and trying to turn his king to his own whims.

"My King. cant let her do this. What shes doing is...."

"She is doing her duty as Queen. She is her to help my protect and defend our pridelands from all threats not just hunt or bear my cubs...." the king pauses for a minute he turns and looks into Kalis eyes. She nods slightly letting him know its ok. They'll get threw this.

Tar straightens. He understands what he must do. "Aries. Maybe people thought i was insane to allow a Leopon to be my advisor. That leopons due to them not being sired from lions have no place in a pride. Have no right to be by a kings side....and they were right. I hereby strip you of your title. I ask you leave the pride or live ok the outskirts and never ever again assume that I need you....i refuse to be manipulated. I am King! Anatares lets out a roar that causes the leopon to take a step back. Hes never seen the king who hes known since his highness was a cub to be this confident. This self assured. This...kingly.
Many moons pass. A messenger comes nervously in the night. Her orange striped pelt make her stand out in the deep purples and black.

"King Antares. The Infernal. Third of his name. My Father. Edward 🐻 has passed away. His adopted son Diego, of the line From Lilith, your Daughter leads her pride now, has taken his throne. Diego wishes all bad blood stops. That our kingdoms are what they use to be....not one filled with bloodlust and envy." She bows her head and looks at the primal. Antares stares back. Grey streaks the purple in his mane and his teeth are more yellow then they once were. He nods.

"Yes. Let the moon and sun be at balance again. Let us cross freely from one land to the next and not plan bloodshed....." he turns and mumbles something to his queen. She leaves and returns a moment later. With her is a patch submale.

"This Is Frosted Flakes. He was the son of one of your former kings Fruity Loops. He....he shall take my mantle when its time for me to retire. He will be the Next Antares. This way...both our futures are entertwined. Both our kingdoms are destined to be together.....both the moon and sun and water and fire."


Antares The Elder sits by the river that seperates the two kingdoms. In the shallows, black and purple cubs play with orange and red. Parents and aunts mingle and talk in the shade. Everyone turns as hunting partys emerge from the woods on both side of the river dragging prey.

The Kings, Diego and Antares, sit together. They are discussing things like bloodlines and oaths and pacts made before any of them where born.

The Elder watches them. Enjoying the peace that he had once known as a child even if it was in secret. He looks at the reflection of the sun in the water and for just a second he thought he saw Edward there. He looks up and sees a firey scoundrel base submale staring back at him. Something about the way he tilts his head and smiles reminds him of his lost friend.

Shaking his head he stands and stretches. Accidentally waking his grand cub who had been curled up napping by his side. Nudging her awake he thinks of his own daughters and sons and it fills him with pride and hopes he can make amends if not in this life then the next for any of his cubs that he failed. Maybe one day, theyll understand. He takes Will O' Wisp and leads her to some of the prey. The others make space for them.

The wind blows suddenly, before He even starts eating, the smell of earth and wet leaves fills Antares' nose. He turns his head looking but fails to see anything in the darkness of the forest. He crouches protectively close to Will O' Wisp and watches the trees as they eat.

Necromancer Antares The Infernal
Level: 9 Branch: Garage Sale
Stats: 677 Territory: 70
Lionesses: 61 Beetle Slots: 3 / 6
Cubs: 23 / 350 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 5 Subordinate Males: Felix
Frozen Slots: 1 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 11 lions with mutations in Antares The Infernal's pride.

Antares The Infernal's Player
Member ID #351619
Galaxy {G2 Prismatic}
Joined: 2022-09-11 11:52:59 Last Active: 2024-09-20 17:51:00

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6 Pregnant Lionesses
View Lore Lions
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 161 Felix
6 years, 8 months old
1 621 Navi
9 years, 4 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 27 Bagheera
3 years, 6 months old
11 253 Queen Kali
15 years, 2 months old
2 361 Rahu
11 years, 4 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
No independent cubs or adolescents!
View Natural colors
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
10 64 Wenet's Cousin Apricot
14 years, 9 months old *
15 93 Asteria
13 years, 3 months old *
13 352 Divinity
6 years, 6 months old
1 181 Sunpelt
5 years, 8 months old
1 152 Spookly
5 years, 8 months old
11 316 Dustwing
5 years, 6 months old
6 109 Lunacy
5 years, 6 months old
1 87 Will O' Wisp
2 years, 2 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
No independent cubs or adolescents!
View Pride Lands
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 382 Woods
11 years, 5 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
9 184 Lillian
14 years, 9 months old
13 457 Damascus
11 years, 1 month old
1 638 Victor's Honor
7 years, 5 months old
1 615 Sunset
7 years, 5 months old
1 110 Gorgon
2 years, 8 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
6 months old
View Purples pinks blues
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
11 106 Starshine
14 years, 11 months old *
n/a n/a Mudslide
9 176 Chastity
11 years, 9 months old *
1 104 Daphne
11 years, 1 month old
10 327 Shiryū
12.10.21 | G11 clean
10 years, 11 months old
14 447 Amuck
10 years, 9 months old
1 226 Wilted seal rosette
2 months old
1 129 Lotte
10 years, 2 months old
1 115 Hecate
10 years, 1 month old
1 170 Dream
9 years, 8 months old
1 95 Horus new
8 years, 7 months old
1 147 Horus
8 years, 6 months old
1 695 Cub
4 months old
8 331 Jetstar
8 years, 5 months old *
1 294 Oracle
7 years, 9 months old
1 140 Horus!
7 years old
1 169 Starshine
7 years old
1 265 Britney
6 years, 5 months old
1 180 Interstellar!!
6 years, 2 months old
1 259 Angelina
5 years, 11 months old
1 205 Cub
1 month old
1 284 Starlight
5 years, 11 months old
1 470 Amber
5 years, 11 months old
1 256 Cub
1 month old
1 368 Karma
5 years, 11 months old
10 223 Grape jelly
5 years, 7 months old
1 129 Nembus
5 years, 5 months old
1 238 [={Dirt laced petals}=]
5 years, 4 months old
1 87 Azula
5 years, 3 months old
1 169 Tokyo ♡
5 years, 2 months old
2 254 Prismatic
5 years, 1 month old
2 118 Khnum Cub
5 years, 1 month old
1 216 Artisan
5 years old
1 99 OMG HORUS PASS!!!;!
4 years, 11 months old
1 680 Cub
4 months old
1 190 Lucy
4 years, 10 months old
1 272 Amorius
4 years, 8 months old
1 202 Cub
3 months old
1 59 Marabelle
4 years, 7 months old
1 160 Cub
0 months old
1 330 Khnum
4 years, 6 months old
1 304 Oni
4 years, 5 months old
1 219 Cub
1 month old
1 218 Keep
1 month old
1 304 Strata
4 years, 5 months old
1 173 Rumor
3 years, 10 months old
1 234 Midnight
3 years, 6 months old
1 187 Navine
3 years, 6 months old
1 279 Star Mist
3 years, 6 months old
1 182 Moondust
3 years, 5 months old
1 176 Gray|Grey|Razor|7m
3 years, 4 months old
1 276 Check f
2 months old
1 291 Check f
2 months old
1 292 Cub
2 months old
1 324 Magic dust
3 years, 1 month old
1 308 Cub
2 months old
1 337 AMP silky giveaway
2 years, 6 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 433 Khnum G2 Rosette
1 year, 9 months old
1 203 G4 Horus Base Female
1 year, 8 months old
1 358 Khnum pass
For galaxy
1 year, 7 months old
1 200 Chula
1 year, 6 months old
1 324 Galaxy
8 months old
1 310 Galaxy
7 months old
1 299 Galaxy
7 months old
1 195 Ooo
5 months old
1 152 Cub 10/15
5 months old
View Unsorted Lions
LV Stats Name Age Status
No sub males!
LV Stats Name Age Status
1 129 Ncl2
3 years, 10 months old
1 136 Ncl2
4 years, 4 months old
LV Stats Name Age Status
No independent cubs or adolescents!

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Antares The Infernal's Recent Allies
ꜱɪᴄᴋɴᴇꜱꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ
played by Midas!! ~ 1.5k G1 Murky NRLC
Level 18 - 21 lionesses - 33 cubs
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played by Sully • G1 Mada • Spotted
Level 1 - 50 lionesses - 32 cubs
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played by Elyzian
Level 12 - 108 lionesses - 11 cubs
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Leonidas Cole
played by SCSlucid
Level 1 - 47 lionesses - 21 cubs
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played by Galaxy {SCOUNDREL}
Level 8 - 88 lionesses - 63 cubs
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played by Bailee
Level 9 - 41 lionesses - 33 cubs
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Antares The Infernal's Clan Memberships

*...Breed-Only Beauties...*

•●Ecstatic 4 Events●•

♡ Primal Instincts ♡

Catch Me If You Can!

Chased Graced

Cimmerian Appreciation

Clean Line Felines

Cryptic Hallows

Dark Crusaders

Dawn of Eden

Dawn Of The First Gens

💀The Skeletal Vault🗝️

🦐 The Shrimp Party 🦐

Heritageless Pines

Inanna's Oddities

jellies, specials and muts!

Legion of Lioden


Lioden's Vibe Tribe

M.A.D for M.O.Ds

Patches,PatchesAndMore Patches

Pies & Patches

Pies, pies and more pies!

Pixel Lion Collectors

Primal Rampage


Purely Aesthetic

Raffle Marking Appreciators

Recreating Extinct RLCs


Shaded Shadows

Stud Buds


Super Senior Crew

The Collector

The Lioden Conservatory

The Preservers

The Vampire Coalition

The White Rose

Treasure Cove

~|The Giving Lily|~

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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