แฏ“โœฎโ‹†ห™ ๐™ฐ๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š’๐šœ ๐–ฆนเน‹เฃญโญ‘.แŸ's Den

This lion has 70 happy thoughts, 31 awkward thoughts, and 58 frivolous thoughts!

During my first february, I made tons of GB selling barks.
During my second february, I reserved 2 heats to 2 jaglions.

If you're looking to gift me, anything works! But here are the priorities in case you wanna know. . .
Wishlist > GB > SB > Anything

20 Yohimbe Barks, Aging Stone, IBF, and Buffy/GOP

Pet's name: Heather
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

The Bitterroot Pride

Pride Ranks

The king is the male lion who has the entire pride under his claws. He rules over all of the lions who are a part of his territory, and he is the one to decide who lives, who dies, who stays and who leaves. In the pride hierarchy, a king fears no one. But outside the pride, the king fears nomads who might try to sneak in and snatch his cubs. If the king gets killed by a nomad, his young offspring get killed as well. There can only be a king at once.

The queen is usually the king's mate and helps him with ruling over the pride. It is usually the queen's offspring who are chosen to be heirs or heiresses, but some exceptions are made sometimes. Other than ruling the pride, the queen also acts as a head hunter - leading all of the pride huntresses through their hunting trips and deciding what animal they should aim for. Queens are respected among the pride's lionesses, and disrespect towards them shall not be tolerated by such. There can only be a queen at once.

Everytime a male apprentice reaches the age of 2 years or 24 months, they gain the title of ''submales''. A submale is a male lion, a part of the pride who isn't the king. Most submales get chased out of the pride to find their own at around 2 years and a few months, but even though incovenient, the king might allow some to stay for a few more years or even for their lifetime. Submales don't have breeding rights at all, and if they want a chance to have cubs of their own, then they must leave their birth pride.

Every young lioness' dream is to become a powerful and skilled huntress one day. When a lioness reaches 2 years of age, she gains the title of huntress. A huntress, as said by their name, provides food for the pride to survive. The majority of lionesses in a pride should be huntresses, as a pride won't live for too long without them.

If a lioness is not really interested in taking the path of a huntress and seems quite intrigued by botany and spirituality, then taking on the path of a herbalist might be the best for her. A herbalist has two main jobs, which are tending to the sick and injured members of the pride and communicating with Goddesses and deceased pridemembers in order to decipher prophecies. In order to become a herbalist, a lioness has to not only be experienced with plants, but needs to have a strong connection with their dead ancestors. There can only be one herbalist at a time.

If a lioness is not fit for or does not want the rank of a huntress, then she can also choose to become a cubmother. Cubmothers live out their lives in the place they were born in; the Nursery. They spend most of their time cubsitting young cubs and playing with older ones. They are allowed to go outside the Nursery if the cubs are done with cubsitting for the day or if there aren't any litters during the season. A cubmother needs to have extreme patience, especially during times where there are way too many litters to keep up with.

Every lion who is officialy 1 year or older may be considered an apprentice. Apprentices still reside inside the Nursery, but differently from cubs, they don't need to be cubsitted and can leave the Nursery whenever they want to; without needing permission or a Cubmother accompanying them. Apprentices accompany submales on patrol, huntresses in hunts and may join some extra activities if invited by the king or queen. They must be trained enough to take a full-fledged rank at 2 years old.

CUB ๐Ÿผ
Every lion that was born to a pride receives the title of a cub. Atleast until they are 12 months old, they are considered cubs. They are born and raised inside the pride's Nursery, and cannot leave the place without being accompanied by a Cubmother. They can't stay unsupervised.

Pride Law,
written by Streammane.

1. If you need to injure yourself in order to save the pride, do so. It's better to lose one pridemember over more.

2. If you tresspass onto another pride's territory, unless in times of war, you will get punished for it.

3. During feasting, the king and queen must be fed before the entire pride. If any pridemember eats before they're allowed to, they will get punished for it.

4. Do not overhunt prey. If you do hunt more than necessary, contact the king or queen and they'll bury it in the hoard for later.

5. Privileged cubs are the priority of the pride. They must be protected by cubmothers until they're old enough to train.

6. While sunbathing, please do not eat fellow pridemates. It ruins the mood.

7. Cubs must playfight daily to see who is the strongest. The weakest cubs, if going to be kept, are allowed to be bullied and used as a stress reliever by the rest of the pride.

8. After the oldest offspring of the king has taken over, they must kill all lions under 1 year of their same gender.

9. If a cub or apprentice (except for the weakest) is in pain, they can't be ignored by the pride. Each pridemember that ignores a cub in dismay will be punished for it.

10. Lone prideless females may be taken in if the pride's numbers are low or the pride is in need of cubs, but the female and her unprivileged cubs must be chased away after in the maximum 3 days.

Notes to Self

Ways to get ENERGY
โ€ข Bone Marrow (20 energy per day, 80 SB each on monkey business)
โ€ข Difficult Gorilla Enclave Quests (60 energy)
โ€ข Fermented Marula Fruit (can give or drain up to 15 energy โ€“ it's a gamble!)
โ€ข Energy Boost (makes energy automatically go to 100%, 2 GB each in oasis)
โ€ข Meat Pie (it's an energy boost but with 5 uses. Get one for free on your bday or buy one in TC)
โ€ข Red Bull/Roasted Lamb (makes your energy recover 20% faster)

Box HTML Credits | CSS Credits

Level: 11 Branch: Cosmic Sales
Stats: 260 Territory: 39
Lionesses: 14 Beetle Slots: 2 / 6
Cubs: 9 / 195 Grandpaw: โ€”
Male Slots: 0 / 2 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 2 / 3 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 9 lions with mutations in แฏ“โœฎโ‹†ห™ ๐™ฐ๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š’๐šœ ๐–ฆนเน‹เฃญโญ‘.แŸ's pride.

แฏ“โœฎโ‹†ห™ ๐™ฐ๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š’๐šœ ๐–ฆนเน‹เฃญโญ‘.แŸ's Player
Member ID #444907
Lion [they/them] | 149/150 HS
Joined: 2023-07-19 08:13:38 Last Active: 2025-02-18 18:11:07

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แฏ“โœฎโ‹†ห™ ๐™ฐ๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š’๐šœ ๐–ฆนเน‹เฃญโญ‘.แŸ's Recent Allies
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*King Daemon Targaryen 20M!
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แฏ“โœฎโ‹†ห™ ๐™ฐ๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š’๐šœ ๐–ฆนเน‹เฃญโญ‘.แŸ's Clan Memberships

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