King of Sins's Den

Welcome to the Pride of the Sins!

PLEASE NOTE: If I am not active, please do not send me a stud request. I occasionally go through hiatuses every once in a while. Please, for your time and beetles, do not send me a stud request unless I am active online. I will not see it until a month or longer later. Thank you :)
I have been really active recently, so if you are unsure if I am on a hiatus or not, please refer below!
Active Status: [x]Active | []Haitus
***I am now in the same time as the Lioden Time***
***I often leave Lioden open on my phone, so if it says I am online and you don't get an immediate response from me- for any reason(DMs, Trade Offers, Stud Requests) that's why. If I am ON on I will always respond quickly.***

My beautiful boy is up for studding! Check my stud muffin out!

[Main Lioden Account]|[Side Lioden Account]|[Wolvden Account]

Notes and other information for myself
For myself to copy: | Dawn | Crested/Ebony | 15M | Gen1 Primal| 400:sb:or1:gb:|Clan Discounts Available

Trades |Branch :potato:

Notes: (to self)
My refunded Studdings:
Rebozล(#266245) [3/3]
Adi [leo/scoun G2 DF](#195501) [2/3]
๐ŸพAnouka๐Ÿพ(#193282) [3/3]

Welcome to my page! Notes and information for Visitors!
What do I go by? You can call me BlackDogsCurse or just Curse. I go by [She/Her/They].
Do you do discounts on your stud breedings? I do! Anyone who shares a group with me(I know not all are listed in my stud rules- but any group we share counts).
If you are even reading this and want to stud to my handsome boy, put in the message box when you send me a request and say "Bruh" you will get your studding half off! I'm just genuinely curious to see if anyone will read this.
Do I do reverse breedings? The ones you will find for reverse breedings are going to be lionesses my kings are related too (will have the book in their footnote). Other than that not really. You are always welcome to ask me though!
Will I do traditional breedings? Um.. Maybe? I have never had my male run out of stud slots quick enough for me to ever do that. But, as long as you provide the nesting material for her- I probably would.
Any other questions/comments/concerns, don't be afraid to DM me!

ANY lion/lioness not in my sale den are NOT for sale or giveaway. The only cubs not for sale in said den are the ones that have Raffle in their name.
Cubs with "Abandon", "Kill", "ChaseAsAdult" are free, if you ask. Just note- the "Kill" and "ChaseAsAdult" are for dirty cubs. But, if you don't mind dirty cubs- then they're up for grabs.
Prices mainly depend on base, markings, and heritage. Old age lion/esses will also be sold at a lower value, but I rarely sell them when they're too old.
I rarely sell male lions. You will only find males for sale here if they are mutated. Which isn't often. But I tend to have lots I abandon.
Yes! I am a CUB KILLER. If I get your cub from a tree or buy it from you, and I kill them- it is nothing personal! I kill cubs for several reasons- 1.Karma. Which is the biggest reason. 2. They are a descendent of the big 4. I don't go out of my way to find them- but if they end up in my unsorted that's that. 3.Dirty. Same reason as number 2.
~Have a Trophy of every mutation(this will take a while)
-Leopon (1stgen) [x]
-Tigon (1stgen)[ ]
-First Tigon [ ] /Still Alive
Body Mutations:
-Achromia [ ]
-Blind [ ] /Still Alive
-Bobbed Tail [ ] /Still Alive
-Clawless [ ] / Still Alive
-Dorsal Fur [ ] /In Pride Dynasty x2
-Double Uterus [ ]
-Dwarfism [ ] /In Pride Dynasty
-Eyeless [ ]
-Folded Ears [ ] /Still Alive
-Melanism [ ]
-Overgrown Claws [ ]
-Overgrown Teeth [ ]
-Overgrown Tongue [ ] /Still Alive
-Polycaudal [ ]
-Tailless [ ] /Still Alive
-Toothless [ ]
-Cleft Palate [ ]
-Conjoined Cubs [ ]
-Cyclopia [ ]
-Deaf [ ]
-Extra Limbs [ ]
-Harlequin Ichtyosis [ ]
-Lipomatosis [ ]
-Sirenomelia [ ]
-Two Heads [ ]
Mane Mutations:
-Maneless [ ]
-Mane Feathery [ ] /Still Alive
-Mane Fluffy [ ] /Still Alive
-Mane Frizzy [ ]
-Mane Fuzzy [ ] /In Dynasty
-Mane Imperial [ ]
-Mane Noble [ ]
-Mane Ruffled [ ]
-Mane Scruffy [ ]
-Mane Shaggy [ ] /1 Still Alive, 1 In Dynasty
-Mane Silky [ ] /Still Alive
-Mane Succubus [ ]
-Mane Villous [ ]
-Mane Whiskered [ ] /Still Alive
-Overgrown Fur [ ] /Still Alive
Piebald Mutations:
-Bisected [ ]
-Broken [ ] /In Dynasty
-Clouded [ ] /In Dynasty x2
-Cracked [ ] /In Dynasty
-Daedal [ ] /Still Alive
-Dappled [ ]
-Dorsal [ ]
-Echo [ ]
-Frail [ ]
-Harlequin [ ]
-Heavy [ ]
-Light [ ]
-Mosaic [ ] /In Dynasty
-Mottled [ ]
-Natural [ ]
-Overo [ ]
-Scattered [ ]
-Shreds [ ]
-Slender [ ]
-Subtle [ ]
-Svelte [ ] /In Dynasty
-Symmetrical [ ]
-Tobiano [ ]
-Tovero [ ]
-Withered [ ]
Patches Mutations:
-Charred [ ]
-Corrupted [ ]
-Cross [ ]
-Croupe [ ] /Still Alive
-Dense [ ]
-Fissure [ ]
-Fringe [ ]
-Frontal [ ]
-Rift [ ]
-Panda [ ]
-Plumage [ ]
-Shadow [ ]
-Spotted [ ]
-Striped [ ]
-Torn [ ]
-Uneven [ ]
-Vernal [ ]
-Wicked [ ] /Still Alive
Primal Mutations:
-Basic Primal [ ] /4 Alive, 1 In Dynasty
-Primal (Felis) [ ] /Still Alive x2
-Primal (Ferus) [ ] /2 Alive, 1 in Dynasty
-Primal (Smilus) [ ] /Still Alive
-Primal Fangs [ ] /Still Alive

>will add more in the future

King of Sins, the UwU
Level: 10 Branch: Merchant in the Rocks
Stats: 286 Territory: 80
Lionesses: 62 Beetle Slots: 0 / 35
Cubs: 13 / 400 Grandpaw: โ€”
Male Slots: 3 / 5 Subordinate Males: Colorful Mane
Prince Margay
Frozen Slots: 4 / 4 Cave Slots: 6 / 6
There are 32 lions with mutations in King of Sins's pride.

King of Sins's Player
Member ID #6810
Joined: 2013-03-26 09:33:44 Last Active: 2024-04-16 23:16:17

๐Ÿ“ƒ View Wishlist :|: ๐Ÿ“ฆ View Trades

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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King of Sins's Recent Allies
played by Clementine.
Level 18 - 88 lionesses - 32 cubs
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played by norton
Level 9 - 110 lionesses - 101 cubs
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played by Lily
Level 7 - 41 lionesses - 17 cubs
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played by Maya
Level 12 - 45 lionesses - 9 cubs
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๐ŸŽจPaint Splatter๐ŸŽจ
played by Yza๐ŸŽจ/G1/Slender/Colorbomb
Level 16 - 103 lionesses - 58 cubs
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Queen Titania
played by Goldenfox688
Level 9 - 53 lionesses - 5 cubs
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King of Sins's Clan Memberships

*...Breed-Only Beauties...*

*Kripke's Weekly Raffles*

.:Piebald Parade:.

Chromatic Colorbombs

Clean Line Felines

๐Ÿ— Feed Lioden ๐Ÿ—

Event Enthusiasts

Ferus Passion

honey's art hub

Introvert Island


Pons & Gons

Primitive Primals

Raffle Marking Appreciators

Resolute Studs

Stud Buds

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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