King Damien's Den

The Rising Dawn

Hello! My name is Mikay and I breed combo bases but mainly Black and sometimes Cream and Red bases.On my side pride "The Feral Empire" (#119032) I breed Gold/Cream and sometimes Red bases.If you see that I haven't rolled over today please don't send any stud requests until I do.
If it says "(Gone)" in my name I'm on a hiatus and may not come back for a few days to a couple of months depending on how busy I am. I'm a full-time college student and don't always have time to play video games. A person once blocked me because of not getting to a request fast enough. Don't be this person, be reasonable and courteous of other people's lives and time. Thank you.
I'm 2 hours ahead of Lioden Time
If you see that I have lions not fed and that I rolled over today, I will be coming back online.
Feel free to offer on lions not yet up for sale.

Jack-O-Lantern Base Idea 40+ Supports!
Indicate Items on Wishlist Idea 130+ Supports!

Wishlist | Trade

◉ December Backgrounds
◉ Swampy/Flood Pit Backgrounds
◉ Dark Forest themed Backgrounds
◉ Waterfall or vibrant jungle/forest Backgrounds

Event Goals:

Current Rulers
King Damien and Queen Spiri Natali

Special Lions Bred

Alaska Sparoe: Elysian Primal Fangs
Queen Cassiopeia Twiligh: Nadir Tigon
Razia Blood: Elysian Noctis Soft Rosette
Duri: Two Heads


Major Breeding Goals

Breed a Cloudburst Tigon [ ] ◉
Breed a Cloudburst Ferus [ ] ◉
Breed an Elysian Ferus [ ] ◉
Breed an Elysian Ferus with Rosette [ ] ◉
Breed an Elysian Tigon [ ] ◉
Breed an Hoarfrost Tigon [ ] ◉
Breed a Madagascar Tigon [ ] ◉
Queen Cassiopeia Twiligh: Breed a Nadir Tigon [✔]◉
Breed a Pulsar Tigon [ ] ◉
Breed a Snowflake Tigon [ ] ◉

Event | Site Goals

RO Every day for one Year [ ] ◉
Win the Raffle Lioness [ ] ◉
Win the July Raffle Lioness [ ] ◉
Wenet: Obtain Wenet [✔] ◉
Complete the May: Punk Challenge [ ] ◉
Complete the December: Albino Cub Challenge [ ] ◉

Den Goals

Create bio art for all lions [ ] ◉
Add unique decor and backgrounds to all lions [ ] ◉
Pose all lions [✔] ◉
All lion marking opacities above 44% [✔] ◉

Combo Base Breeding Goals

Canya Icicla: Breed an Astatic [✔] ◉
Breed a Black Rose [ ] ◉
Empress Soul Storm: Breed a Cairngorm [✔] ◉
Breed a Celsian [ ] ◉
Rain Haze:Breed a Cloudburst [✔] ◉
Night Sparoe: Breed an Elysian [✔] ◉
Breed an Hoarfrost [ ] ◉
Brazilla Vel: Breed a Madagascar [✔] ◉
Queen Cassiopeia Twiligh: Breed a Nadir [✔] ◉
Breed a Pulsar [ ] ◉
Breed a Snowflake [ ] ◉
Breed a Soul [ ] ◉
Breed a Squall [ ] ◉
Breed a Temporal [ ] ◉

Special Base Breed Only Goals

Breed a Celestial [ ] ◉
Breed a Haze [ ] ◉
Breed a Leonid (Valkyrie Sashya) [✓] ◉
Breed a Leonid with a Rosette (???) [✓] ◉

Combo | Exclusive Eye Breeding Goals

Have a Banana Eyed Lioness lineage [ ] ◉
Have a Celadon Eyed Lioness lineage [ ] ◉
Have a Ceramic Eyed Lioness lineage [ ] ◉
Have a Glass Eyed Lioness lineage [✔] ◉
Nevada: Sparoe Bloodline
Have a Grape Eyed Lioness lineage [✔] ◉
Ruby: Ruby Bloodline
Have a Hyacinth Eyed Lioness lineage [ ] ◉
Have a Iris Eyed Lioness lineage [ ] ◉
Have a Tessera Eyed Lioness lineage [ ] ◉
Mutation Breeding Goals


Breed a First Generation Leopon [ ] ◉
Breed a First Generation Tigon [ ] ◉
Breed a Leopon (Duchess Spiri Natali) [✔] ◉
Breed a Tigon (Princess Judara Twiligh) [✔] ◉

Lethal Mutationsp

Breed a Cyclopia [ ] ◉
Breed a Harlequin Ichthyosis [ ] ◉
Breed a Conjoined [ ] ◉
Duri: Breed a Two Heads [✔] ◉
Breed a Lipomatosis [ ] ◉
Breed a Sirenomelia [ ] ◉
Breed an Extra Limbs [ ] ◉

General Mutations

Breed an Achromia (Snow Nightina) [✔] ◉
Breed a Blind (Cecilia Zaza) [✔] ◉
Breed a Bobbed Tail (Dusk Zaza) [✔] ◉
Breed a Clawless (Delilah Aurora) [✔] ◉
Breed a Dorsal Fur [ ] ◉
Breed a First Generation Dwarf [ ] ◉
Breed a Dwarf (Bastard Persia Aprilo) [✔] ◉
Breed an Eyeless [ ] ◉
Breed a Felis (Angelic Blood) [✔] ◉
Breed a Ferus (Phantom Strose) [✔] ◉
Breed a Folded Ears (Duchess Veil Midnigh) [✔] ◉
Breed a Melanism [ ] ◉
Breed a Primal (Duchess Primal Ligh) [✔] ◉
Breed a Primal Fangs (Misaki Russet) [✔] ◉
Breed a Polycaudal (Futaba Raya) [✔] ◉
Breed a Smilus (King Anubis) [✔] ◉
Breed a Tailless (Soldona Blood) [✔] ◉
Breed a Toothless [ ] ◉
Breed an Overgrown Claws (Lord Colton Fiera) [✔] ◉

Mane Mutations

Breed a Maneless [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Feathery [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Fluffy (Asha Russet) [✔] ◉
Breed a Mane Frizzy [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Fuzzy (Sasha) [✔] ◉
Breed a Mane Imperial [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Ruffled [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Scruffy [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Shaggy [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Silky (Lite Nightina) [✔] ◉
Breed a Mane Villous [ ] ◉
Breed a Mane Whiskered (Harua) [✔] ◉
Breed an Overgrown Fur (Sirius Taj) [✔] ◉

Piebald | Patches Mutations

Breed a Bisected (Zelda Sparrow) [✔] ◉
Breed a Broken [ ] ◉
Breed a Clouded [ ] ◉
Breed a Corrupted [ ] ◉
Havaska Lila Breed a Cracked [✓] ◉
Breed a Croupe [ ] ◉
Breed a Daedal [ ] ◉
Avalanche Cao--Breed a Dappled [✓] ◉
Breed a Dense [ ] ◉
Breed a Dorsal (Nevada Sparoe) [✔] ◉
Breed an Echo (Shula Pandora) [✔] ◉
Breed a Fissure [ ] ◉
Breed a Frail (Arborea Pine) [✓] ◉
Breed a Fringe [ ] ◉
Breed a Frontal [ ] ◉
Breed a Harlequin [ ] ◉
Breed a Heavy (Azula Strose) [✔] ◉
Breed a Light [ ] ◉
Breed a Mosaic [ ] ◉
Breed a Mottled [ ] ◉
Breed a Natural (Caribou Sparoe) [✓] ◉
Breed a Rift [ ] ◉
Breed a Scattered (Korra Pandora) [✔] ◉
Breed a Shadow [ ] ◉
Breed a Shreds [ ] ◉
Breed a Slender [ ] ◉
Breed a Spotted (Khendra Sparoe) [✓] ◉
Breed a Striped [ ] ◉
Breed a Subtle (Duchess Guinevere Natali) [✔] ◉
Breed a Svelte [ ] ◉
Breed a Symmetrical [ ] ◉
Breed an Uneven (Penumbra Slater) [✔] ◉
Breed a Vernal [ ] ◉
Breed a Wicked [ ] ◉
Breed a Withered [ ] ◉

Invisible Mutations

Breed a Deaf [ ] ◉
Breed a Double Uterus [ ] ◉

This den has lions that are aging up tomorrow - there is currently not enough territory to cope with them all!

Level: 18 Branch: Wisteria's Vendor Hollow
Stats: 1116 Territory: 200
Lionesses: 200 Beetle Slots: 83 / 85
Cubs: 180 / 1000 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 2 / 5 Subordinate Males: Orca Pandora
Boreal Eclipsoa
Frozen Slots: 3 / 3 Cave Slots: 8 / 8
There are 48 lions with mutations in King Damien's pride.

King Damien's Player
Member ID #96706
🌿Mikay’s Element🌿
Joined: 2016-08-29 10:24:23 Last Active: 2024-04-21 16:41:13

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⛔ Block Member ➕ Friend Request

17 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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King Damien's Recent Allies

played by ♡ 𝒮𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓂 ♡
Level 4 - 1 lionesses - 5 cubs
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Aural Night
played by Zenpai
Level 9 - 11 lionesses - 8 cubs
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Emperor Taji
played by ♡ 𝐿𝑦𝑛𝑛 ♡
Level 14 - 9 lionesses - 7 cubs
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Emperor Baskara
played by 🔥Mikay’s Element🔥
Level 16 - 156 lionesses - 165 cubs
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Fallen, Queen of the north
played by ○ Azzi (She/They) ○
Level 13 - 28 lionesses - 3 cubs
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played by Ellie
Level 6 - 46 lionesses - 97 cubs
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King Damien's Clan Memberships

Beetles and bugs galore!

Discord of Lioden

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Primitive Primals

Stud Buds

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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