β˜† π“œπ“²π“Όπ“±π“ͺ𝓡 𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓡 ~ β˜†'s Den

There is a small chance on this user's next breeding within their pride that their lioness will go on a date with a jaguar instead... This boost is active for the next 20 breedings!

Mkali Nyota

Β Jack // He/Him // 20

Hello, I'm Jack. Nice to meet you. I tend to have bursts of clustered activity, and then go on hiatus for months when I'm done. If you need to get my attention, please DM me so I see the message notification- or, if it's been quite some time, contact me at Wolvenscore on instagram. Thank you.

Currently trying to get a jaglion at all costs! If you're selling boosts for 7GB, DM me, I'll buy all of them.
Β Β Β Β Β 

Jack // He/Him // 20 // Etc /// Etc //// Link

Current Goal: Breed a first gen jaglion!

All First Gen Hybrids (Clean) (0/3)
All First Gen Hybrids (2/3)
All Lethals (2/?)
Feb - 100HS per day.

Making a full list of mutations I own. Still editing. This may be an extra box or the new link box I have no idea tbh

Lavi and Ulv

Before even the beginning of time, there was nothing... but the endless dark ocean of space. This was the birth home of the gods. There were many different deities, and many took favour over different lifeforms across the eras. Of course, the lions who tell this story will endlessly claim that the highest above all were the lion gods. Well, they're not too far off, certainly.

The gods of life came together, swirling a great claw of their combined form, shifting and swirling the dark ocean until a bubble-like form appeared. And another, and another, and another. While all planets shared the lives of the creatures favoured by gods, one in particular was favoured by the felidae goddess. The planet that would be come to be known as Lavi. Of course, right beside her was the canid goddess, who had claimed home to the planet of Ulv.

The two goddesses began silly competition, to create ideal worlds for their respective lifeforms- the nature of this rivalry long unclear to the lions who tell the tale. Some akin the competition to sisters playing a game. Some believe it was a brutal, bloody battle between territorial gods, fighting each other for territory in the ocean of space. Others believe they were lovers, creating their ideal lifeforms with one another's support. Regardless of the truth, the great goddess of felidae split into the planet's first gods.

---(Yet Undiscovered)--- was the goddess of space, sea, and the water of the womb. A lioness whose back legs sown together like a fish's tail, gratefully mirror the god of fish; and a great wing protruding out of her back, a call to the god of birds, allowing both flight and the ability to swim. Stepping a paw through the bubble of the neonatal, hollow planet, she tore open the sac like the one of a newborn kit. A deafening crack broke through the sky, and the planet breathed its first breath; into its lungs, water poured in, filling the planet until it coughed wildly.

Ahtahka was the god of the sky and the great barrier. A single-eyed god, he stopped the quenched planet from engulfing anymore of space by creating a barrier, made of glass, great thick clouds, and a great pressure life forms cannot nakedly pass by. The planet was now half water, half sky.

The planet needed, now, a place for the lifeforms to put their paws. Such came the goddess ---(Yet Undiscovered)--- , a heavy lion like the land, spreading and cracking their body to fill the ground. Pushed and shoved by the wild ocean, this great landform contorted itself into mountains, valleys, and volcanoes. However, unlike Earth, the goddess of the ocean did not pursue a cruel end to break her sibling's body, thus the great landmass forever remained akin to Earth's Pangea Ultima. Such was born Lavi, a twisted, mutated, mashed together world like a mirror of Earth to house the reign of lions.

This new world began to fill with animals, plants, and life, catching the attention of smaller gods. Some of which, such as Bast and Seth, were forgotten gods of Earth who chose to inhabit Lavi instead, only to sleep there for many years. Others, like Apedemak, were much smaller gods- demigods, even, that found their calling in Lavi, where they were praised as greater than they probably were.

The planet of Lavi itself circled a stunning red star, that is believed to only show it's true face at sunset, sunrise, shining through smoke, or other such situations that would make the sun appear red, dim enough to look at for even a moment longer. The lions of this pride never look at the sun when it's bright and yellow, they say the gods make it painful, as they do not want to be seen when they're not at their purest form. Shamans often create heavy smoke for a chance to glimpse at the 'true sun'.

Speaking of this pride, this pride was born from the cry of the sun itself, birthing a new deity who deemed Lavi worthy, falling from his place in the stars to birth a pride favoured most among this particular group of gods, birthing the Mkali Nyota pride- the pride of truth and fire.

This king, named Fallen Sun (or Ruinosus Sole), grew his pride carefully, with much help from his queen, Aureum Ignis, the light of the golden sun and the heat of the sun's flames, the pride flourished. The two were greatly aided by Dove, a lioness who, while not a deity herself, was a hard worker, establishing many ranks within the pride and doing much of the work herself, all the while growing the pride and praising the red sun. Eventually, the two lovers, king and queen, died and from the ashes they returned back to their place in the brightly shining sun.

Vessel and King


Art / Stamps


Art at the top of the page made by
Silfiik(#133839) and DHS(#19757), thank you!

lioness_recolor_eyeless2_by_junipervixen-dcbpch6.png lioness_recolor_blind2_by_junipervixen-dcbpf1a.png




This den has 19 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Level: 6 Branch: Wolven Branch
Stats: 362 Territory: 42
Lionesses: 29 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 38 / 210 Grandpaw: β€”
Male Slots: 0 / 3 Subordinate Males: None!
Frozen Slots: 3 / 6 Cave Slots: 6 / 6
There are 6 lions with mutations in β˜† π“œπ“²π“Όπ“±π“ͺ𝓡 𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓡 ~ β˜†'s pride.

β˜† π“œπ“²π“Όπ“±π“ͺ𝓡 𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓡 ~ β˜†'s Player
Member ID #98461
Jack | G2 Jellyfish Prion
Joined: 2016-10-03 08:23:20 Last Active: 2024-07-26 18:30:35

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0 Pregnant Lionesses

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β˜† π“œπ“²π“Όπ“±π“ͺ𝓡 𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓡 ~ β˜†'s Recent Allies
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Level 3 - 3 lionesses - 0 cubs
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β˜† π“œπ“²π“Όπ“±π“ͺ𝓡 𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓡 ~ β˜†'s Clan Memberships

CRB Mayhem!

Dawn Of The First Gens

πŸ— Feed Lioden πŸ—

honey's art hub

Money Hungry

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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