Posted by [++] Sub Male Options: Breeding, roles/tasks +

Zombeh || Clean King (#13715)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-07-10 05:47:25
With the addition of sub males a lot of neat things have come into Lioden. We can have heirs now and sub male patroling is always fun. But other then that what's the real purpose of a sub male lion on this game? Are there any other perks aside from having them look fancy on your den? No. But what if we give them more of a purpose.

::Breeding & Retiring::
Lets say you have a pretty lioness that doesn't mix well with your main lion, but looks nice with your sub male. However there is no option currently to breed the two. You could go through the hassle of creating a side account and sending your sub male there, but what if you already have a side account with a custom male lion? And creating more accounts is against the rules, so you're stuck.

Now back to my point, whats the purpose of a sub male lion currently? You spend time training up their stats and going on patrols, but what about when they age? Sure you can replace your main male lion when he retired, but wait.. hold up. When your lion dies you have the option to (retire them beforehand), reroll a new male lion, replace them with a heir or keep their appearance on the heir.

So lets say your male lion that just died is a custom. You don't want to waste that money and/or time you spent creating him. You like the way he looks and you don't want to loose him. But.... you also like the way your sub male looks. Now you're stuck.

What if your sub male is just as handsome has your main male or hey maybe he's a custom lion too! Before he dies you have no way at all to continue on his legacy and not only that but, wasted your hard earned time, SB or even GB when he dies.

Now I have two ideas that could fix this:

-You can give sub males the ability to breed within the pride. To avoid the already problem of too many cubs, we can have that be the only option. There wont be a stud fee, that's what you main lion is for. They can only breed to lioness within your pride.

-There could also be an option to simply swap between your sub male(s) and main male at will. To avoid any issues with overpopulation or inflated cub prices, there could be a limit to how many times it can be done weekly (or even monthly). Heck maybe there's a cooldown for once you swap?

This could also solve the issues of people creating multiple accounts for male lions. With this option their would be no need and you'd cut back on some rulebreakers too.

Now before I close this part up, I'd also like to mention something. Lion prides in the wild can have multiple, adult male lions in them. If males team up to take out another lion and overtake his pride (which usually is the case). They don't have a set dominant male within their collation. It's first come first served. Any of the males can breed within the pride.

New ideas & concepts-

-Maybe even a breeding cool-down for sub males where you could only breed them every few weeks, much like lionesses. -Airika (#1552)

-Another option when retiring your male lion, to keep the appearance on a new male. Not everyone wants to loose their main males appearance when he dies, but sometimes they already enjoy the way their sub males look. - Zombeh (#13715)

-Or maybe save the appearance of your past lions and, when each retires, get the option to keep/re-roll/choose from all your past lions. That way, if you ever get an awesome submale, but his looks are nasty, you can have multiple options for appearances.
Kimakishi [Kyo] {Loyalty} (CK) (#13351)

Some suggestions:
5 more cooling days for females
Limited to 5 a week
Ou can switch in between sub males BUT your 5 studding limit does not change. It will still be the same witch ever male you breed to.
Chunky (#10861)

Going off giving the submales breeding capabilities within your pride only, why not make all submale breedings result in only one cub?
Valravn (#22295)

what about the suggestion of having several looks to choose from ONLY when your submale takes over the pride? Maybe make it cost like 1 GB or a high SB amount to store up to 5 designs. Then if you don't want to lose your oasis custom design, you just can only have one on your male, but you still have access to the other one?
CharleyHorse (#7731)

Also instead of just swapping out sub-males, why not have the ability to have the sub-male challenge the current king? And if say, his stats and level are high enough or if he's lucky enough he can chase out the current king. There could be a penalty, meaning the king would be chased out entirely or just swap rankings with the past sub-male, the sub-male becoming king, or even a 50/50 chance!
Unkoneo (#45634)

What if the main male had a chance to kill the cubs when they were born?

Like you could get a message saying that you main male saw you breeding with the your sub and now He is going to kill the offspring to show that he is dominant male in the pride. And this could possibly carry a longer cool down because the main male is *watching* this sub more closely?
Or if he didn't "notice" then the cubs would be raised as his own? Still carries a cool down
Hayley (#53270)


This suggestion of mine is fairly old and I've only recently gotten back into Lioden. And I'm honestly surprised sub males still don't have that big of a role in prides. They sit there, look fancy and eat my food. Sure they can patrol, but that's it? It's a huge let down honestly and I feel there are so many great potential things you can add.

Some ideas;

-Males could have a option of taking a adolescent with them on a patrol. The adolescent may pick up some stats or experience from watching and learning from the sub male(s). Or maybe they lack of experience from the adolescents will mess up the patrol! Lots of options for funny notifications and text.
"Adolescent Name tripped during the patrol; causing a commotion and scaring away any potential meals. Darn!"

-A option could be for them to 'guard' cubs that you can choose. This would be especially neat if you tie in some sort of random event features. Maybe the cubs could pick up on a few things from these elder males watching them.
"Cub name had a fun time pouncing on Sub Male's tail; it never hurts to practice after all. +Random stat"

"After a game of hide and seek in the tall grass with Sub Male; Cub Name seemed to pick up a few lessons. +Random stat"

"It appears Cub Name found something while out romping with Sub Male. +random toy item"

-It'd be neat if Sub Males could maybe choose adolescents to mentor as well. There'd be a option for you to assign certain adols (with a limit) to be a apprentice of sorts to the sub male(s). Where they could train every so often or maybe spar to get random,small stat gains; maybe even items?
"After a hard day of training; Adolescent Name gained a few skills! +Random stats"

"Sub Male had a lot of trouble keeping Adolescent Name focused. They didn't learn anything today.."

This suggestion has 2346 supports and 43 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 02:38:09 by Zombeh (#13715)

Ebonixi (#95756)

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Posted on
2017-06-27 17:48:12
I'm not sure if this has been regected or not but...

I like the idea for sub males to be able to breed via very restricted terms. Even costing 5GB to breed I think would work. It's less than forcing the main lion out but added revenue if doing so doesn't happen, resulting in an equal amount once two breedings occur and from there just more added revenue. So in the end, if a person wants to breed their sub male more often than their current male, it would be a money saver for the user to just switch them out.

No studding, limited cubs, and other restrictions could be in place for this as well. For example: Breeding the sub male for 5GB to one female (and only one per fee) would result in x cub(s). Then, two breedings would fall equal with switching the current king male out with the subordinate early. This would still lead to the user's descretion on if they want to switch out the lions or continually pay to breed the sub male and keep their current male. It would still cost 10GB to switch the males out early, though.

I know this was talked about with switching males out (which I do not like the idea of since it would cause problems one way or another - but then this whole topic may just cause problems anyway! XD) but doing so would cause a major revenue loss since there would be no way to further control the number of cubs with a revenue advantage. This way, there would be gains whether ya'll agree with the price or not - just keep in mind mine a theoretical price.

~just my thoughts~
I originally got the impression that this game (respectively) followed the life of a real lion clan... until this point. I had also bought some pretty males with that notion only to find out I couldn't breed them and they pretty much do absolutely nothing.

Seriously, though... If a site admin reads this it would be good food for thought in the very least.

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Edited on 27/06/17 @ 17:49:54 by Zakiya (#95756)

Anonymous (#44152)

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Posted on
2017-06-27 17:49:25
The idea of sub males being allowed to breed has already been rejected

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Equagga|G5 Harbinger
DHR Felis (#105402)

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Posted on
2017-07-02 06:30:58
I know submale breeding has been rejected, but I still feel that with enough limitations it would be a sure bet for GB sales.

I think a herbal item you could use to 'drug the king' so your submale could have his way with an in heat lady while he's out could work and provide limitations in a way that is canonically sensible.
- item is applied to the king, immediately after use you must choose a submale to breed with one of your in heat females
- cool down is applied to the king because he's the one who took the item
- cool down lasts the entire remaining lifespan of the king (or a few months, in a lenient situation), on the basis that he won't be foolish enough to consume the herb again
- because the cool down does not apply to the submale used to breed or any other submale on the account, if a submale is sold he's immediately usable by the buyer unless their king already is on cool down

The only potential for gaming the system here would be luridly expensive. Since the cool down is applied to the king, every time you retired a king, it would go away because the new king would not know better. In theory, if you could afford to retire your king whenever you wanted, you could breed submales whenever you wanted.
However, early retirement + bypassing the cool down costs 25GB all by itself. Add in a 5GB breeding item, and someone who wants to breed their submales all the time will be paying 30GB per breeding. If you're willing to pay that much to breed different lions all the time, as it is, you pretty much already can for just the 25GB it takes to replace your king.
The difference is that with submale breeding you would have the option of keeping a bank of good looking subs and use lousy lions as kings so it wasn't wasteful to toss them, whereas currently if you want to breed a few lions for their looks all in the span of a few months, you will lose all but the last to retirement. If you have deep pockets, I suppose that could be an appealing set up.

But, if your kings themselves are always crud so replacing them to cut the cool down is painless, you miss out on stud fees. Since you can only breed within your pride, the only way to make money breeding submales is to sell the resulting cubs or to offer traditional breedings. 30GB a pop for achance to make money back as a seller or get a cub worth 30GB as the owner of a lioness isn't highly appealing when it's easier to make money putting up your best lion to stud as a seller and, and as a buyer it's a less painful gamble to pay a stud fee and risk a bad litter than it is to pay some 30GB and still gamble against those duds. So, swapping kings out all the time for the sake of breeding sub males won't have much more appeal than frequently replacing kings already does, IMO. Most people will breed submales for personal use only and perhaps sell the best looking results, but kings will still produce many, many more cubs and the economy probably won't even wobble.

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Edited on 02/07/17 @ 06:51:45 by E-quagga (#105402)

UF~Sans (#101571)

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Posted on
2017-07-03 22:01:43
"-You can give sub males the ability to breed within the pride. To avoid the already problem of too many cubs, we can have that be the only option. There wont be a stud fee, that's what you main lion is for. They can only breed to lioness within your pride.

-There could also be an option to simply swap between your sub male(s) and main male at will. To avoid any issues with overpopulation or inflated cub prices, there could be a limit to how many times it can be done weekly (or even monthly). Heck maybe there's a cooldown for once you swap?

This could also solve the issues of people creating multiple accounts for male lions. With this option their would be no need and you'd cut back on some rulebreakers too.

Now before I close this part up, I'd also like to mention something. Lion prides in the wild can have multiple, adult male lions in them. If males team up to take out another lion and overtake his pride (which usually is the case). They don't have a set dominant male within their collation. It's first come first served. Any of the males can breed within the pride."

I love this idea so very very much.
Soon I'm going to be kinging my first king. But I dont want all my lions to look like the ones in my breeding project.. My sub male has perfect looks for the lions I'm trying to breed for. It would be wonderful if I could use him.
I'm sick of paying a lot of sb to mass breed my five 'ghoul' lionesses.

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Anonymous (#44152)

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Posted on
2017-07-03 22:24:12
Even limiting how much a sub male can breed has been rejected down:
it has been mentioned on quite a few past suggestions variations to allow for sub males to breed and the end result is NO you have to king them.

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EvilSamLion (#127374)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-02-11 12:43:33
I wish you could breed sub males great idea

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Latin's Side
πŸŒ±πŸ› (#136392)

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Posted on
2018-02-11 17:29:11
I've wanted to breed a sub male, his name is Blacktiger with my Lioness Silverstone

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Edited on 11/02/18 @ 17:32:43 by SilentNature (#136392)

Candle (#142363)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-04-18 17:17:42
I have a primal, and i want to have more primal babies!
But i already had a heir in mind. So now im quite torn because subs cant breed! I would love if this was made a thing!

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-04-28 14:35:00
Huge support for submale breeding within your own pride. Maybe a submale could be limited to breeding to one lioness per rollover or something, I'm not sure about the GB item, it would depend but submales being able to breed would help breeding projects across the board and maybe make them more valuable and people more likely to buy submale slots (which do get rather expensive already which is why I'm not sure about the GB item.)

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Alex|; x3 Lilac 5k (#152021)

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Posted on
2018-08-05 06:20:59
I NEED this for my pride!! I have a couple sub males that i love dearly. and i hate to see them just sit in my den and rot :(
Patroling is okay.. But nothing special.
But maybe the submales could breed behind the pride leaders back.?and i think that, chance of the pride leader killing the cubs, is a smart thing! Maybe the submale cant have a kind nature, or a good nature, because he is lying, and going behind his leaders back?
But i really Really think this should be added-

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Kibibi (#17285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-07 00:46:37
Did they say why it was rejected? There's so many supporters.

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Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2018-11-07 01:21:54
Sub-male breeding has long been on the "Permanently rejected ideas" list. The other things in this suggestion might be under consideration.

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Kindred - #1 Java
Hater (#45189)

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Posted on
2018-11-07 21:46:40
Just confirming, but sub males being able to breed is a permanently rejected idea. As linked before, you can view permanently rejected ideas on this thread here. It's a great idea but unfortunately it's just not something that's ever going to be added.

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Kibibi (#17285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-11-07 22:10:01
Thanks you two for answering me! I took a look at the thread so thank you for linking it. :)

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Tree (#191216)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-01-29 13:15:22
I support! I have a beutiful sub Male but I still have my og starter male

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