Posted by Possible Artwork Interest

ToxicCreed (#4630)

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Posted on
2014-09-15 23:56:13
It's been quite some time since I've been on Lioden and I wanted to start off trying to see if anyone would have an interest in Commissioning artwork from me for either Silver Beetles, Golden Beetles or even possibly USD (Since I have seen many people on the Art For Sale offering USD prices as well).

I am by no means the best artist in the world but I can link some examples so people have an idea for what I draw. I also want to take the time to practice more on my Large cats because well I need practice with them and I'm rusty due to drawing so many other things >> *coughs*horses*coughs*

My DeviantART is located here: ToxicCreed's DeviantART Page

Possible Prices:
5GB (Or SB Equivalent) for something like the first image
1300 SB (Or GB Equivalent) for something like the 2nd image
500 SB for things like the last 2 images.

Examples of my Artwork (Recently Post some Older)
world_of_warcraft__lifebinder_s_rage_by_Link to Image
equus_ballator__the_song_of_seven_by_toxLink to Image
handsome_lion_by_toxiccreed-d649j8t.jpgOld Artwork
aragos_revamp_full_by_toxiccreed-d5fhookOld Artwork

If interested, how much would you pay for anything like these. Of course something like the first image with it's detail would cost quite a bit but I don't want to overprice my artwork. Things like the bottom two would cost less of course. All artwork will more than likely be Traditional Sketches without color as I do not have time to digitally color anything. But you can find examples of my digital colored artwork:
Here, Here and Here.

Feel free to list what you'd pay for in SB, GB or USD if you'd like. I'd love to hear what people would consider a fair price for things like this. Though in the past I offered things like the first image for only $20 so... I always feel I'm overpricing my stuff.

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Edited on 17/09/14 by ToxicCreed (#4630)

Mots - RP LovedπŸ’ (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-09-16 00:07:46
USD I can't pay at all. Bills, and other real life stuff. And no work hours pretty much kills my bank account.

I'm bad at pricing traditional works to be honest, I'm more used to pricing digital. But I do know a lot of time goes into traditional art since I do that for my county fair every year.

However the more complex with coloring could easily go for 6 GB or more. (I tend to under price so we can meet in the middle)

The less complex like toward the bottom, maybe 500 - 1000 SB. Or 1 GB if you value them at 1000 SB each. Not many do now.

But I'm sure others can give you a better ballpark range. Eitiher way, even if I rarely buy traditional art I would buy your work. It's really good.

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ToxicCreed (#4630)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 00:15:22
Yeah I'm the same way there because I tend to feel so horrible for over pricing things >> Generally a piece like the very first one takes me about 6-8 hours to complete (Of course depending on the complexity of the drawing)

I'm not sure what to value GB at, I see anywhere from 1000-1300SB for 1 GB so I don't know but those certainly seem to be more reasonable prices. 500 works as well since I don't want to overcharge and I'd feel bad for it XD

I don't do a lot of digital coloring, mostly because what i DO color is all done with a Mouse (I have Tablets but they are so hard for me to get used to >>) which pretty much takes just as long as it does for me to draw the sketch to begin with haha.

Thanks for the reply though :3 It helps give me some ideas for what to price things at ^^

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Z03-Felis (#23367)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 09:22:29
OOO your art is great!

And usually GB prices are at 1300 SB for 1 GB
I guess depending on how hard/work the art will take should affect the price too

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ToxicCreed (#4630)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 22:43:42
I believe that's the same it was back when I stopped playing some year or so ago. I recently came back so I'm having to relearn everything haha.

Most drawings I tend to work on generally take between 2-8 hours or so, and that's with me taking little 5-10 minute breaks in between (Like with the first drawing I tend to cramp it up pretty bad with the details haha) so yeah. It's just hard putting a 'price' on art these days oxo

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Seiden πŸ‘‘ (#31516)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 22:52:12
OMG your art is really amazing. I really love your style, and it's really well done.
The coloring are not really good thought, you still need some practice, but your sketches are really awesome. You're really skilled.
Some of your drawings (mostly the horse) would be so fun to color.

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Maddy {Roco} (#40076)

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Posted on
2014-09-16 23:00:27
I'm horrible with pricing but I really love your art, the traditional is beautiful and I also love the digital colors you have posted up as well. Depending on pricing I will most certainly be asking for a few pieces. Also bookmarking this so I can find it again when I'm off mobile.

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ToxicCreed (#4630)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 00:27:08
Yeah I'm not the best at coloring things, as I've mentioned I only have a few things to work with. Which is basically a Mouse and GIMP. I don't have flashy things or the like ^^; so that's why I tend to lean towards more traditional means. I also color my 'digital' art over the actually pencil sketches so that's also a big thing with it. I've been trying to get practice but eh, I did traditional art for most of my life XD It's hard to get used to things like Digital coloring with a tablet >> but well gotta work with what you got. Before I actually did a lot of color pencil coloring but I feel to just linework XD

Thank you everyone as well, it's helping me get a grasp on what everyone likes and such. Though pricing still seems to be a thing I need to work out haha

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Seiden πŸ‘‘ (#31516)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 01:20:47
If you're not into digital art, you don't need too. Pencil coloring is really nice too. But people tend to prefer colored art over sketches. The lion would look awesome with some pencil coloring.
If you ever want some of your art to be digitaly colored, I may do it.

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ToxicCreed (#4630)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 01:31:19
I've had quite a few people actually offer to color a lot of the lineart and pencil work that I do XD So it's always nice to know that it's an open thing. I also consider my artwork to be more than mere 'sketches' as many people seem to see them as. For me, what I post is completed works just without color >> it's hard to explain but I've been given many problems by people stating that my art is sketch, WIP or otherwise 8\

I'm into digital art, I just have a ways to go before I can fully get into the swing of it (Working with minimal equipment makes it harder on me) and it's just a thing that takes time and practice to switch into.

I sadly have no means of coloring anything with traditional means. No color pencils, etc. really. I'd love to do more coloring but for now I tend to stick with pencil works and offer them to others to color if they so desire.

I do also have slower collaborative works with my Roommate but those tend to be slower given my Roommate having her job and being busy most of the day due to it.

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Edited on 17/09/14 by ToxicCreed (#4630)

Seiden πŸ‘‘ (#31516)

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Posted on
2014-09-17 02:43:59
Actually, I'm just lacking the vocabulary (I'm French), but, sure, your art is finished artwork. I thought unfinished work were called "doodle" and "sketch" was for uncolored pencil art... So how am I supposed to call them?

I feel like your drawings will look better with a pencil coloring rather than digital coloring. Maybe should you buy some color pencils? That's way cheaper than a tablet or photoshop licence =p

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ToxicCreed (#4630)

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Posted on
2014-09-18 11:04:55
Sadly money constraints don't allow me much leeway to get supplies I could use to color. I'd get color pencils but given the cost of rent, etc. it's hard to do just that sadly ^^; so for now I just use what I have. I do already have a Tablet (A Monoprice 8x12 I believe is what it is) but I just rarely use it due to the way I'm not used to pen sensitivity, etc.

As far as what goes, well doodle doesn't work but sketch or just whatever works I suppose. I've just had issues in the past with people deeming my works as 'wip' rather than complete works so I tend to get iffy on it at times. Sketches work since I tend to call it that but most of the time I just go with Lineart because that seems more logical oxo I dunno though ^^;

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