Posted by Post the last thing you copied!

ChampionHerd (#18892)

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Posted on
2013-12-21 00:30:06
Pretty simple, you just post the last thing you copied, It can get pretty funny!
edit: please don't post ooc outside of parentheses.

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Edited on 21/12/13 by ChampionHerd (#18892)

SilverCy {Ornament
Primal} (#24815)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-04-06 18:23:11
As you step paw into the humid savannah soil, you notice something odd about the layout of the area. The rocks strewn around the area forming something similar to a den site. Looking around, this seems to be the perfect place to call your home. You lie down, maw gaping open in a yawn. All of a sudden, a purr could be heard and you stand up to come face to face with a cheetah. Startled, you stumbled backwards before bumping into something hard. Whirling around, you see a large male standing behind you. Giving a crooked grin, he gestured with his tail to the lands behind him.

"Stranger you are welcome here, however, keep in mind that you shall not harm any of the inhabitants here or you will be chased out." At that, the several lionesses behind him gave a soft snarl before their expressions faded into welcoming looks.

Feeling intimidated by this pride, you bow you head before backing off and out of the territory.

I was copying a story I wrote on my phone's notes into a message to send to some one :D

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{L.A.W.S} (#30388)

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Posted on
2014-04-06 18:43:31
I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh x2
I stretched my hands out to the sky
We danced with monsters through the night
Wo-o-o-o-o-oh x2

I'm never gonna look back
Woah, never gonna give it up
No, please don't wake me now

This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-i-i-ife
This is gonna be the best day of my life
My li-i-i-i-i-ife

I was......nevermind

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Tinebra [2100+
Fiery,Het, Inf] (#20580)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 01:27:03

A random beauty studded by my king XD

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~Shiverz (#28652)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 09:49:09
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lobortis viverra ante, vel eleifend mauris lacinia ac. Morbi bibendum lobortis dui, fringilla lobortis mauris iaculis et. Sed a tincidunt magna, nec mattis velit. Sed ac vehicula metus, nec vulputate orci. Nullam a urna eros. Fusce eu felis quis mi tincidunt tempus non ac odio. Donec lacinia consequat nulla, eu facilisis felis lacinia a. Vivamus leo ante, sollicitudin et varius nec, auctor at tortor. Nunc auctor metus nisl, sed accumsan dui porttitor at. Integer quis ante sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus sagittis orci sed faucibus lobortis. Nullam tincidunt tortor ut lacus porta, sit amet pharetra arcu faucibus.

I wanted to translate that...

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-04-07 09:49:31

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bye guys..} (#20458)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 09:51:45
ban_hammer.jpg?1257015625I was on You are Banned!

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ChampionHerd (#18892)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 10:51:16
(ID for the scrying stone. Omg blackbird, that is my favorite song of all time!!!)

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Leaving (#23278)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2014-04-07 12:51:14
Michael almost laughed aloud at Jack’s next comment. To learn from those two? He couldn’t imagine it. They were so out of control, so emotional so….well maybe it made sense. He had always been one to adapt. He changed with the situation as needed. But lately he had gotten stuck in a rut. He was caught up in his old ways, perhaps which was why he was feeling so run down. The world was changing again, and he was not changing with it. The future lies with the Gon’a and Vershay. He knew that, deep down. It was time he loosened up. Not as much as Jack, no, he could never be that, but to let the leash he holds slip a bit from his hand. He shook his head and offered one last small smile to his friend.
“Once again ole boy, you have shocked me with your wisdom.” He teased softly before shifting his massive white wings and tucking them safely against his back. “Perhaps it is time we learned from our charges.” He said shaking his head in disbelief that he had just said that. He was about to walk away when he stopped and turned towards Jack, his face serious. “But we must never let them know that.” He added sternly, if not with a bit of humor. He could not even imagine how Gon’a would react to finding out the great Archangel and his soldier was trying to learn from the things she did.
“For now, I will leave them in your capable hands. Don’t let them burn the city down.” He called lightly over his shoulder as he left Jack. He was already late for a meeting he had, but he did not mind. The conversation he just had was much needed. He felt better, relived even. He felt as if he had just shrugged off a heavy weight and was ready to take up his sword again. He would never admit it, but Michael was made for war. He felt anxious and out of place when his sword lay idle during peace. No, he did not like the bloodshed, or death. No, what he craved was the excitement, the fury and power. Him and Jack, back to back fighting for each other. It had been so long. But not much longer he thought as he heard a slight commotion over by the fountain. Those two were going to start something they won’t be able to finish on their own.
Ver smiled at Gon’a and shook her head. She spun around so she lay on her back looking into the sky, her hand continued to trail in the water as the peacock strut around planning a paint job for the holy city. She laughed and rolled her head to look at Gon’a.
“Yes peacock, paint the city. With beautiful splashes of teal, purple and green. I want to be reminded of my fair peacock even in the few moments I get without having to watch her strut about.” Ver teased and flicked some water her way. She made fun of Gon’a, and Gon’a made fun of her. It was a vicious cycle they both loved, and not so secretly. As the colorful angel began to speak about a group not far from them Vershay pushed herself up to look. Suddenly a sort of sadness came over her and she nodded in agreement with Gon’a. They wouldn’t know what to do, not at all. Why? Because they do not live in the darkness, they don’t know the pain or the blood. They lived in pure innocent ignorance, and though Ver would never trade her experiences for anything, sometimes she envied how peaceful their lives are and would continue to be.
“They are Guardians.” Ver responded nodding towards Gon’as target. “They know no pain of their own. They watch over their charges below and share in their pain. Pain such as losing a loved one, breaking up with a longtime lover. Such trivial things.” Ver sighed and pushed herself up from the fountains edge and from the corner of her eye thought she spotted Michael watching her. Yet when she turned to look, there was nothing. She shook her head and turned back to her friend. She let her sadness melt away and was replaced with a wicked smile. “Not like us.” She purred moving around the angel and letting her hand trail along her shoulder. Then she gave a fake pout and tilted her head, letting her blood red hair fall to one said. “Well I guess you wouldn’t know either love.” She teased and continued her circle. “You have only ever lived in the light, though you hate it.” She said with a smile. Sure Gon’a may be the spoiled daughter who is never happy with what she has, always wanting the dark side because it holds some sort of attraction for her. However, Ver was certain Gon’a would much more enjoy tormenting the good, then suffering with the evil.
“Come birdy; let’s go get you some paint.” Ver finally said walking off towards the heart of the city, a slight swing in her step.

(A post for an rp xD)

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EasyPlesi (#23249)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-04-07 12:54:05

Decor preview xD

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{L.A.W.S} (#30388)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 13:13:26

( glad you like is champ, it's one of my favourites too )

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Iron Ferrit (#17745)

True King
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Posted on
2014-04-07 17:11:07




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of all (#24217)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 17:16:03

(Was posting as studing in sales chat)

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Edited on 08/04/14 by RJ-C.T[side](triple vit stud) (#24217)

Aurielle (#22994)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 17:27:26

One of my newest girls :33

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{L.A.W.S} (#30388)

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Posted on
2014-04-07 17:38:22

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Rev. [side] (#7903)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-04-11 12:08:18

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