Posted by Calico Markings

NegativeInfinity (#45307)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-11-18 02:03:53
I feel that they should add calico markings to this game. they would differ in frequency and or position depending on which slot they were in

This suggestion has 39 supports and 1 NO support.

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AgentWafflez (#61577)

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Posted on
2016-01-28 09:26:32
I've been trying to breed calico-like markings too! :D I'm basing this off of the European tortoiseshell and tortoiseshell-and-white idea, where calico=tortoiseshell so bear with me.

But real talk:
How would that work though? Like, i realize calico is all about mixed fur genetics and this game is ALL ABOUT genetics, but as a marking, how would that happen? I know there could be a couple splooshes of color on the lion, but would they be individual markings that APPEAR calico ooooooor...???

I could also see it as a genetic mutation, like foldies long fur, where the coat colors of both parents would appear 'splotched' on the cub. For example. Lets say i have a fawn lioness and i breed her to my onyx male. There could be the rare chance that a cub would come out expressing both fawn AND onyx? Males can get the mutation too, but then they are sterile...I'm not sure how that would work in regards to coding and junk. :/ And then there's breeding...

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Khazhi (#72184)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-29 08:36:13
I've been trying to breed calico looking lions well. Official calico marks would be cool, though figuring out which currently existing marks make a lion appear calico has been a fun breeding project. ^^

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