Posted by .:GFX by BLaZin1 [Temp Closed]:.

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:19:37

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Edited on 14/02/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:19:51
Hey there, I'm BLaZin1 as you can see. I love Art in all shapes & forms. I'm an Artist myself!

So with all this Holiday spirit floating around, I thought I'd offer my Graphic Services to those that are interested! It's got me in the spirit to make "Holiday" themed things!

Normally, I just make custom name banners, logo's, designs, etc. for a small fee. Right now, they are simple as the machine I'm working on isn't my normal one & doesn't have all my programs I'm used too. Program's that I normally work on are thing's that can: photoshop, animate, drawing tablets etc. So, for now I won't be offering animations, ie. Gif's, etc. or my drawings, but anything else (if I'm able to, without having to shop it or anything of the sort) is open! Also, per Lioden rules maybe that's a good thing? This is temporary though, until I get everything back up & running. When I do have it all up, I will add more choices to my shop. They will more than likely be all my personal work(s), or credited to the orignal artist's, or where they were found.

You've probably seen me promote this thread & stuff in sale's chat! Or, maybe you were even directed here from that!

Well, I'd like to welcome you to my new semi-permanent thread, A.K.A My Graphic's Mini Shop. I've decided to open this, as I've had ton's of responses to my advertisement pour in, but it's getting hard to keep it all organized. I hate disorganization, so for me it's easier to bring it all here rather than jumble up my own profile with things like price's, samples, etc. or my inbox! Oh god, my poor inbox. I will be offering my "Holiday Graphic Service's" along with my "Normal Graphic Service's" at the same time, for those of you who wish to "re-decorate" your Den for "normal" everyday purposes, or the "Holiday" season(s)! Currently I'm working on a portfolio of "samples" from here, specifically as some of my other work isn't suitable to be posted here; so I don't have very many yet! However, the one's I do have, I'm sure will sway you to give me a try! I even offer freebies, to not only help myself, but you!

Once the "Holiday's" are over for a bit, I will probably re-word all of this & make any changes necessary so as not to confuse anyone!

If you'd continue reading, below I will go into a bit more of detail on what exactly I offer right now, the pricing(s), how many freebie slot's left, regular slot's & any question(s) etc. you might have! & more!


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Edited on 23/01/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:19:55
What I'm offering currently:

"Custom Logo Designs, Graphics Etc."

Custom Name Banners! ~ Description: These are graphic's of your name, your lion(s) name(s), a friend(s) name..or just about anything you can think of! Pricing is as follows:

Single Line or Word = 100SB's ~ View samples, in "Samples" post!

Multiple Line's of Words = 25SB's per additional ~ View samples, in "Samples" post!

Adding a pic somewhere or around, or a picture background = 50SB's per additional ~ View samples, in "Samples" post! *If* you do not provide me an image to use, or reference I will do my best to create what you envision! Same goes for you asking me to make it, myself!

Custom Logos ~ Description: These are image's made specifically for your use! These can be for anything, i.e.; Den pictures, User images, Shop Image's, Thread pics, etc. If you'd like something specific, then you need to provide me a picture or reference of it. For example: "Bat mans" logo. If you'd like me to "create" something from scratch, you need to let me know in detail what it is we are going for.

Buttons! ~ Description: Anything can be made into a button, via coding! However if you'd like real looking button's that are clickable, to direct people to a certain lion, thread, etc. for your profile, then this is for you! I know some don't know the difference & that is why I will provide a sample! I make button's in all shapes or designs for your Den's, shops, thread's etc. This include's your choice of unlimited colors, shapes, pics, etc. You will still have to pay for additional lines, if more than a single word or line is needed. Here I won't charge additional for pictures, but no more than 4 can be used in a single button at a time, to be fair.

Button itself =150SB's


~ Description: Right now, I'm currently making pretty "Valentine's Day" stuff for your Den! Perfect to send to loved one's to show them how much you care! Send them something cute & funny, or mean & witty. Or order yourself something pretty to match your den & go with the Valentine's Day holiday! I also have "Lion Cupcakes" available! Show your lions how much you care, as well!

My Holiday stuff has a flat rate of 500SB's each. Depending however, on the time it took & request, I may charge lower or even gift it as everyone need's some love! ^^

View samples, of everything in my "Samples" post!


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Edited on 23/01/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:20:58
Some recent works:

Will update with fresh samples soon, or as they come in!

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Edited on 23/01/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:21:10
...Every once is a while this mini shop will have a special, where I give out freebies! I am currently working to build an extensive Lioden Portfolio with my work, to add to this mini shop under my "Samples" post; but in order to do that I need orders! & lot's of them, at that! For now, this serves as a place to help build & give other's a chance to own a piece of my work, that may not be able to afford it, otherwise!...

Valentine's Day Special's going on, right now! Come & order, you never know it could be a "freebie"! c;


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Edited on 23/01/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:21:26

• Please follow the Lioden TOS @ all times!

• I reserve the right to refuse any requests, at any time w/o given reason.

• I reserve the right to alter my rules at any given time.

• Don't stretch posts please, or trollass here; doing so get's you booted from my thread.

• DO NOT STEAL THINGS. Anything, here. Or from other sources & claim it as your own. Follow the Lioden "Art" ToS!

• Give credit, where credit is due whenever possible.

• BE SPECIFIC! I cannot stress this enough; I respect you giving me creative freedom to express whatever I wish, but this is for YOU! I am not a mind reader & I would love for you to share your vision on how you want it to turn out. If you are displeased with the work, I will try my best to alter it to your liking.

• NO RE-FUNDS. Full or partial. What's done is done. I spend a lot of time & thought making your gfx's & as stated above, if you are dis-pleased I will go the extra mile to fix anything you are not satisfied with but I will NOT RE-FUND for the time I wasted. Therefore, no cancelling your trade. You must transfer my payment, or I will report you. & yes, you can keep the Art's & use it. I will even fix/resize it when needed.

• No copyright/infringed submissions.

• Yes, I do have set prices. No I will not lower them, unless *I* feel like it. YES, I will go even further for a BRIBE.


• Please give me the credit I deserve whenever you can; I do include my name in very small print, hidden in most images; but I try not to watermark finished images fully, as it is unattractive & defeats the purpose of why I made it, in most cases! It's solely up to you to credit me, where ever you are choosing to use my work! I would love it if you did! Also, I gift & donate for credit referrals!

• DO NOT, I REPEAT: DO NOT STEAL MY WORK, OR OTHERS WORK IN HERE. This will be reported, if I find & I see it being done.

• Use your common sense when posting here. Think before you type it & submit it.

• No Begging, Advertising & absolutely NO Drama here.

• Be courteous & respectful to myself & others in this thread.

• No harassing, bashing or threats.

• Disrespect or any of the above here will get you black-listed from this shop & any of my future threads. I will also not hesitate to report you.

• Fill out my order list when ordering. If you cannot, I will ignore & consider it a bump! Sorry, but I like organization & that defeat's the purpose of my order forms.

• Normally, I accept 5 requests at any given time. Occasionally, I will accept more. If my slots are all filled up, don't be afraid to fill out an order & request anyways! I'll still add you & put a note for myself to remember.

• DO NOT, AT ANY TIME RUSH ME. I give specific times & sometimes dates when it will be done; if this changes I will IMMEDIATELY notify you, personally! No need to PM/Forum spam me. c;

• Specials! For those of you interested in scoring freebies, or bargain deals; please check my "Specials" post! I will occasionally offer FREEBIES (YES, free Name Banners, Logo's, Buttons..etc.+ all done specially for you & the way you want!!), Half-Off Deals & items/tips for referrals to my mini shop! Don't miss out! They don't last long! *Note*: Specials are subject to change as I see fit. This includes the adding or closing the # of slots @ any given time!

• Payments: All payments must be started immediately after acceptance, so I know you have the funds. Please start a LABELED TRADE immediately after being accepted & added to my list & show me the link. If you wish, you can transfer the payment, immediately, but it is NOT required. I prefer this option, because it show's you are serious & it prevents me from a loss. Upon finishing your order, GFX will be posted fully in this shop for you to view, watermarked with "SAMPLE" & my Lioden iD. This is so you & others, cannot take my work until it has been fully paid for. This means, if the work was done to your liking & correct, you must either post here, or message me & tell me! From there, I will remove my watermark & iD, then have you transfer the amount owed & send/post your finished commission, up. If it is not done to your liking, please view further up & read my Re-Fund policy & Specifics. Thank you!

• NON-PAYERS: You will be reported & will refer to Rule #16 via Lioden's ToS.
{ If you have not already started the payment as required & I have accepted your order, I will give you up to 2 days, to pay for your order(s), failing to do so will result in a report. If you are having issues paying me & need an extension, please PM to request one. I also accept items of same or equal value; if you do not have enough Beetle's to cover the cost of your order(s)! Thank you for your understanding!}

• If you *really* read all this, please put this ♛ somewhere in your post/order's so I know you are following my rules & Lioden's! Thanks!

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Edited on 02/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:21:38
All orders in this post & list are currently being made & worked on! If you do not see your name on this list or on my "Finished Orders" post & list, check my "Pending Requests" post & list for your name!

∞ 1: Blitz (#47268)

∞ 2: None

∞ 3: None

∞ 4: None

∞ 5: None


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Edited on 31/01/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:23:35
All orders in this post & list are currently finished! If you do not see your name on this list or on my "Current Orders" post & list, check my "Pending Requests" post & list for your name!

• • • NOTE • • • 


∞ 1: BLITZ (47268) photo LioDenCommisionBLITZ47268_zps11d4b8ec.png

∞ 2: None

∞ 3: None

∞ 4: None

∞ 5: None


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Edited on 01/02/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:23:44
All orders in this post & list are currently waiting to be processed! If you do not see your name on this list or on my "Current Orders" post & list, check my "Finished Orders" post & list for your name! If you cannot find your name, it is likely that all slots below are filled or I am offline! Please check back often, & don't hesitate to fill out a form!

∞ 1: None

∞ 2: None

∞ 3: None

∞ 4: None

∞ 5: None

∞ 6: None

∞ 7: None

∞ 8: None

∞ 9: None

∞ 10: None


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Edited on 23/01/15 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:23:57
Bribing me, get's you boosted all the way to my current orders list = AUTOMATICALLY! Depending on how many bribes I have at the given time, you will be bumped to #1. If I have more bribes at the time, you will be categorized on the # your bribe out bribe's!

∞ 1: None

∞ 2: None

∞ 3: None


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Edited on 02/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:24:34

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Edited on 02/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:24:45

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Edited on 02/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:24:57

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Edited on 02/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:25:15

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Edited on 02/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:25:34

∞ Name & iD # :: This isn't what is going on your Arts (unless you say so!). This is for slot's & stuff.

∞ Type of req :: Type of graphics = exp: Name Banner, Button, Holiday etc.

∞ What you'd like written :: This can be on, around, over..etc. the image(s). Just be as decriptive as possibly.

∞ Images :: Links to images goes -here- please! *Please follow Lioden's rules, when submitting this stuff*

∞ Custom Images :: Type of images wanted? Be as descriptive as possible, please!

∞ Colors :: Descriptiveness please! Blue can mean anything. Use Hex codes, palettes or references> Example: The flamingo feather from Lioden's coloring, please!

∞ Font :: Trouble picking a font? Let me know, I have sampler's!

∞ Theme :: What are you going for? Cute? Punk? Gothic? Be descriptive.

∞ Extra :: Anything else? Include it here.

∞ Price & Total :: What is everything going to cost?

∞ Bribe :: Show me the $$'s! ~ This makes me work faster! & can bump you! c;

∞ Questions :: Ask me here or message me.


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Edited on 02/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

#TOPNOTCH 💯 (#48372)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-12-02 03:26:03
Accepting Requests//Bribes//ORDER NOW!

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Edited on 05/12/14 by BLaZin1 (#48372)

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