-LOCKED - Hunting Changes - what is going on?
Posted on 2014-12-15 02:13:16
Greetings almighty lions,

We've had a recent development regarding hunting - and how stat inflation is being affected by the recent change in price for skipping hunts. Since we changed the price from 1GB to 100SB to skip a hunt, we've seen a couple of members go a bit crazy on spending. While I'm sure you've been enjoying this little loop hole, unfortunately this has to come to an end!

About a year ago we set out to make hunting fair and well-paced regarding giving out stats, and we reduced the stat rewards from randomly between 1-6 down to 1 stat per lioness per hunt. There were several complaints about this, as it took the fun and surprise out of hunting. Recently we gave you randomly an extra point! Yay! This alleviated some of the tediousness of sending your lionesses hunting only to get 1 measly point.

However, this alone made it possible for lionesses to get double what they were getting - from a solid 10 points per day (if you completed all 10 hunts, or more if you added hunts) to a potential 20 points per day (or more.. etc).

When we changed the price from 1GB to 100SB, some of you who had stockpiled your SB went on a spending spree and - by increasing the amount of hunts a lioness could go on in a day, while also skipping the hunting time - managed to raise 4 year olds to extremely high levels, with thousands and thousands of stat points.

This is something that we strived to avoid a year ago, and by being overlooked (by myself, primarily) it has allowed super-buffed lionesses back into the game.

So as a result, we have removed the ability to add extra hunts to your lionesses. You can still skip hunts and get your hunting results immediately, and it still only costs 100SB instead of 1GB.

Our reason for doing this, rather than reverting the cost of hunt skipping, is because we feel confident that you have enough to do as it is - you don't need to sit and worry about adding more and more and more hunts to your lionesses, just to stay competitive. Additionally, we feel that limiting lionesses to 10 hunts per day as standard will help to regulate the inflation of stats (whereas if you can still add hunts, you're still adding stat points). We also don't want this game to be pay-to-win (which it was when you could use a $0.50 in-game currency to skip your hunts while other members had to wait).

I'm sure a lot of you feel very strongly about this issue, and we'd like to invite you to express your feelings in the comments. But please keep in mind that we, as developers, are trying to do the best that we can for the game and for ALL members - not just the top 1% (;D). Or 5%, or 10%. We feel that this is a fair compromise. As always, if you want to express your opinions, please be respectful towards all the staff, and other members. We all have to get used to big changes which sometimes don't seem like they are for the best, but we promise we're trying to do everything we can to make things fair.

Finally, steroid lioness says thank you for feeding her stats over the past two weeks:


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. (#46570)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:35:36
Yes! Thank you for doing this, I've seem SO MANY level 4 Lionesses or lower with over 1k stats! Now things can be normal again :3. Love the steroid lioness XD

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Tyrrlin 😸 (Primal
Vitbomb) (#22373)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:38:04
Thank you.

I'm still pleased to be able to afford getting all 10 hunts in (as I have limited online time) without having to worry about not being competitive.

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Seventails (#38441)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:40:09
Yes, I have to agree with Rinn there, whole heartedly.

It was a MISCALCULATION of the admins, not us.
I think a lot of users KNEW that the grinding will happen, and even they news post said we should not fear grinding will happen:

"The hunt wait skip now costs 100 SB and we do not think this will affect people "grinding" lionesses, it's the same amount of hunts per day, and you still have to pay extra for the extra hunts. It just speeds up time. Equally, for everyone."

Sooo, the real issue here, is the skipping.
The free skipping per day.

You took away the adding hunt feature, because someone wasn't able to foresee this, for everyone.
Yes, some people might not use extra hunts, because they don't have the time, I understand.
BUT, if you would just regulate the skipping, it would take ONE grinding potential.

PLUS, if you also add like 20 hunting slots per day only, then you would take out ANOTHER grinding potential.

I.e. if I only can skip 5 times a day, I can only have 2,5 hours less on LD.
But, then I still have to, at least, spend 2,5 hours for the additional 5, free, hunts.

Then I have additional 10 hunts that I still have to pay for, which would still mean an additional waiting time of 5h.
Even IF I could do that, i.e. spend 7,5h on LD, then I am out of my "grinding" potential for that day.

Or then you also could limit skipping to only 2x a day.... but taking the slots away is NOT the solution and it makes more people upset, plus punishes more, than it does good.

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Seventails (#38441)

🌈 Abbey ⚑🦁 (#1)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:44:53
I have to disagree, Seventails.

Taking extra slots away helps a lot with the eventual stat "economy" if you will. Yes, I messed up, which I have admitted to. But giving you the daily potential of over 100 stat points helps with stat inflation.. how? Versus limiting to 20 per day?

Please do some math, if you were limited to 10 skips per day but were still allowed technically unlimited hunts, you'd get around 57 hunts a day (allowing 30 minutes for the skippable hunts) which is a potential of 114 stat points. Assuming you sat at the computer for 24 hours anyway. Maybe halve that, for people who don't sit at the computer for 24 hours.

I think this is a lot more reasonable, a lot more reachable for new members. It also means people don't HAVE to sit at the computer all day to stay competitive.

Yes there are now lionesses with inflated stats, which is a mistake on my hands and I am aware of that. But over time it will matter less, and less, and less.

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Seiden πŸ‘‘ (#31516)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:45:01
I would have loved if you had said about it BEFORE doing it, it would have save me a lot of SB. Because I skipped my hunts thinking I could replenish them later, but if I can't replenish, then, I just skipped those hunts for nothing. But, well..... I'm kinda frustrated because I wanted my special lioness to get at least 300 stats before breeding (I'm affraid breeding a 20-something stats girl to a 1500+ stats stud will still give my crappy cubs that will be impossible to sell....) but, well, I'm still ok with your change, as it may indeed be a real problem if richer players use it to get a lot of 1200+ young lions.
Still thank you for that change.

But I have to agree with some players. I would prefer you to remove the skip hunt thing and keep the replenish hunts one.

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Cytosine (#31516)

Gwynneth (#19769)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:45:05
Well that sucks massive donkey balls =/ I'd rather get rid of the skip feature and keep the ability to add extra hunts. 10 hunts per lioness per day is pretty crap tbf D= Although I understand and accept something needed tweaked limiting the hunts to 10 isn't the answer. No game will ever be able to be totally and completely fair when there are casual players with little time and players with lots of time and I feel this change is geared towards the casual players who whine they can't play more and cripples the players that enjoy hunting/levelling/stating their lions.

Why not allow 10 free and then cap the extra hunts to being able to add an extra 10 hunts or something? The cub stat inheritance is rubbish as it stands and an extra 10 - 20 stats on a lioness a day really isn't going to make all that difference surely? That way the folk who have the time could still have a few extra hunts and the casuals don't moan =/

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Sasha [Semi-Hiatus] (#6263)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:48:49
I agree with what you are doing!

I did not actually think that people where actually abusing this and this may explain why food prices have also taken a huge down turn! Nor did it ever occur to me!
Guess I am actually a fair player .... actually just an old player that is stuck in the fiar play ways of the past! LOL

Okay all my lioness' are low stats compared to others by now but heh it's liveable with ^_^

Removing the extra hunts for all lioness' is a really good idea as its fair to those of us who have to go to school/college/uni and work to those who have the time to play all day.

Even when I was off work recovering from surgery I could not even use up all the hunts on my lioness' but that was the day before being able to skip the time.

I don't think I EVER used the extra hunts thing so not worried about that disappearing =)

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Sasha (#6263)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:49:02
But you do realize, Abbey, that you just trashed competition at its core? How else do we compete for the most hunts for example? How else do we compete and catch up to the lions on the leaderboards (be it hunts, stats, levels) if we can only hunt as much as they do and we get no chance to get even more hunts in.

It will freeze the leaderboards where it is! How are we supposed to be competitive if everyone will just end up being the same? o.O

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Axel (#6627)

Kahleeki (#26266)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:52:41
Steroid lioness is best lioness.

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Citanul (#43419)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:54:52
I feel like this was a good solution. I keept my pride small, but I feel like with your 'max' of 20 lionesses without fighting and then 10 hunts a day with each lioness will bring in enough food. Even when I was a new player with only 5-7 lionesses at a time I never hurt for food, especially with the warthogs and random finds in explore.

I don't mind that you can't add more hunts. I honestly feel like 10 is enough; I rarely get my main 5 hunters over 10 anyway. There are always two sides to an argument, and always someone who is going to be unhappy with the result. I think that this one makes the most sense, rather than raising any limits or amounts of sb/gb to be spent.

The skip feature also makes more sense than the extra hunts, I think. As someone who works 40 hours a week plus has two very active nephews I have for 6+ hours a day, I'm not on very long. If I can skip 1-3 hunts a day, I get to 10 with my lionesses pretty easily, and more than enough food for the pride.

Though, to be honest, I wasn't aware people were abusing the stat-raising of their lionesses. XP I know stats are important for some things, but... They seem almost arbitrary to me. They don't affect prices much, nor how the game works, so why bother with that much SB?

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Seventails (#38441)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:55:18
I have to agree with Axel here.

Plus, it took a LONG, long time to fade at least a little bit for the old 'system', who had a change of higher stat hunts.

If you want something levelled, then please give out limited hunts AND equal stat gaining (skill not included, since it doesn't seem to matter in this economy and you seem to trying to fix this, here, too - no?).

So, with only 10 hunts per day, but a *maybe* 20 stat gaining, it is still luck based how good you will be able to compete.
And this also makes it harder for younger players, who might be able to spend more time or for people who do have time to send the lionesses out a 11th or 12th time.

Yes, grinding needs to be stopped and stat gaining needs to be levelled to an equal degree, at least with the lionesses, but this one is not a good solution and it made a lot of people, rightfully, upset ... especially with now grinded lionesses running around, who WILL dominate the leaderboards, the economy and therefore the market, for a looong time.

Also, what about the big prides?
With 80+ lions?
I don't have such, mine is only 40, but still.
They also used the additional hunts, to get more food in, to be able to support or rather afford it ...

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Seventails (#38441)

koben (#328)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 02:58:16
this honestly is a /fair/ solution like a few others have said

this is fair for the very rich
this is fair for the poor
this is fair for those that play for 8hours +
this if fair for those that log on maybe 1-twice a day

no new player will ever catch up in any game that has pass on able stats ever its just the laws of the internet.
it only feels like a punishment to those that play for over 5 hours , because they will run outa hunts at 5 hours of consectuive but now there will be a benifit to keeping more than 5 lionesses
larger prides will have a bit of advantage thus (but that is what happens in the wild - a large pride can be both a gift and a curse)

-BUT- what WILL happen now is the leaderboard will become very static with change only happening when top lioness dies and then it will be taken back over by their offspring.

maybe one of the best things currently right now to do is: specifically to drop "Most Successful Hunts" form the leaderboard /aka remove it/

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Bilby [project go
brrrrr] (#22185)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 03:00:02
Completely agree with Axel.

Abbey, you've just made it so birth stats are the deciding factor in a lioness's shot at the leaderboards. Every lioness on them or trying to get on them can be assumed to be doing 10 hunts a day, they might get lucky and gain 16 stats, or unlucky and 6, but 10 hunts a day, and the gain would average out. But they'd never make any progress towards it at all. They're effectively static.

The reasoning behind reducing stat gain per hunt from 1-6 to 1 was to limit the exponential growth of stats in the game, while still allowing stats to be improved gradually over generations. I totally agree with that, the steroid lionesses of a year ago have returned now though. The hunt cap means that we can't work to gradually improve our stats anymore, as they're capped at 1440 hunts per lifetime, and stat gain reflects our luck - simple RNG - with that.

I realise that you didn't expect to have this issue, and I hope that the frozen hunting cap is simply a stop-gap solution while you figure out a better course of action, but no, I think it's a terrible long term solution.

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Sasha [Semi-Hiatus] (#6263)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2014-12-15 03:02:30
well said koben!

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2014-12-15 03:03:01
I don't get it. The replenish hunts never were a problem. While the new skip hunt price is the problem. Why not change back the skip hunt price, and keep the replenish hunts?

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