-LOCKED - Hunting Changes - what is going on?
Posted on 2014-12-15 02:13:16
Greetings almighty lions,

We've had a recent development regarding hunting - and how stat inflation is being affected by the recent change in price for skipping hunts. Since we changed the price from 1GB to 100SB to skip a hunt, we've seen a couple of members go a bit crazy on spending. While I'm sure you've been enjoying this little loop hole, unfortunately this has to come to an end!

About a year ago we set out to make hunting fair and well-paced regarding giving out stats, and we reduced the stat rewards from randomly between 1-6 down to 1 stat per lioness per hunt. There were several complaints about this, as it took the fun and surprise out of hunting. Recently we gave you randomly an extra point! Yay! This alleviated some of the tediousness of sending your lionesses hunting only to get 1 measly point.

However, this alone made it possible for lionesses to get double what they were getting - from a solid 10 points per day (if you completed all 10 hunts, or more if you added hunts) to a potential 20 points per day (or more.. etc).

When we changed the price from 1GB to 100SB, some of you who had stockpiled your SB went on a spending spree and - by increasing the amount of hunts a lioness could go on in a day, while also skipping the hunting time - managed to raise 4 year olds to extremely high levels, with thousands and thousands of stat points.

This is something that we strived to avoid a year ago, and by being overlooked (by myself, primarily) it has allowed super-buffed lionesses back into the game.

So as a result, we have removed the ability to add extra hunts to your lionesses. You can still skip hunts and get your hunting results immediately, and it still only costs 100SB instead of 1GB.

Our reason for doing this, rather than reverting the cost of hunt skipping, is because we feel confident that you have enough to do as it is - you don't need to sit and worry about adding more and more and more hunts to your lionesses, just to stay competitive. Additionally, we feel that limiting lionesses to 10 hunts per day as standard will help to regulate the inflation of stats (whereas if you can still add hunts, you're still adding stat points). We also don't want this game to be pay-to-win (which it was when you could use a $0.50 in-game currency to skip your hunts while other members had to wait).

I'm sure a lot of you feel very strongly about this issue, and we'd like to invite you to express your feelings in the comments. But please keep in mind that we, as developers, are trying to do the best that we can for the game and for ALL members - not just the top 1% (;D). Or 5%, or 10%. We feel that this is a fair compromise. As always, if you want to express your opinions, please be respectful towards all the staff, and other members. We all have to get used to big changes which sometimes don't seem like they are for the best, but we promise we're trying to do everything we can to make things fair.

Finally, steroid lioness says thank you for feeding her stats over the past two weeks:


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🌸Crafty🌸 (#35722)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:00:58
I don't think anyone should be punished, they exploited a game function which was there for them to exploit. If they have hacked into the system and somehow upped their lions stats,then that would deserve punishment.

I think the Skip hunt option should be removed totally. Give us our hunts back and remove the option to skip hunts. I really can't wrap my mind around how THIS was ever agreed upon to be a viable solution to the problem, which shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. When I saw that you guys took the skip hunts price down from 1gGB to 100SB my first thought was that people were going to stat grind their lionesses. That was an over sight on your guy's part and the solution isn't to freak out and nerf our ability to gain stats at all. Which is exactly what this looks like.

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Rinn (Gonna poop in yer house) (#35722)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:06:29
Why dont you just make stats uninheritable?

I mean, this seems to be your greatest issue. That steroid lions will give their higher stats to their offspring. If this is the very root of the problem, then why dont you case all limit on training the lions and simply make all lions born with maybe 15 in each stat.

All lions that go to the leaderboard indeed were worked on hard. Give back extra hunts, limit skip hunting to 10 hunts a day. No worries about stats rising out of control while people can keep the competition going. The lions on leaderboards swap regularly -not like right now where it is dominated by the same people all the time-, cubs are born with equal opportunities and traits, new people start out by already being able to compete. The end.

All problems solved in a single feature.

The only downside? Well, people wont be able to stud for stats. But seriously... it is miserable how much stats the cubs already inherit. That would be not a great change.

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:07:50
^Seconding Rinn's thought. It honestly doesn't make sense to remove extra hints when it was the skipping hunts that was the issue. I'd much rather have the option to add extra hunts than being able to skip through just ten.

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Mid [V.V] (#8680)

Luyene (#43653)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:08:22
Saw it coming, glad it was resolved. Things were getting a little crazy!

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ЯΛVΣП (#17481)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:09:42
Not inherit stats? but what about those that breed only for stats instead of looks alone?

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:11:24
Rava I think Axel was mostly being sarcastic.

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Seph|G1 Wep (#39153)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:12:41
"If you have 80 lions, then you can still send them all hunting. It's not like we've said you can ONLY send 5 lionesses on a maximum of 10 hunts per day. You can still hunt, with 80 lionesses, 160 times a day lol. And you can still skip ALL of those hunts if you want to."

This is not the point people were trying to make. We are aware we can still skip hunts and still send all our lionesses out.

The point was more that you nerfed about the only way lionesses have to increase stats, which is negative to new players and players like me who - while not new - were only just starting to really care about stats. There is no way for me to catch up anymore unless I'm willing to shell out GB - and boy have I seen some high priced ones.


Why dont you just make stats uninheritable?

I mean, this seems to be your greatest issue. That steroid lions will give their higher stats to their offspring. If this is the very root of the problem, then why dont you case all limit on training the lions and simply make all lions born with maybe 15 in each stat.

All lions that go to the leaderboard indeed were worked on hard. Give back extra hunts, limit skip hunting to 10 hunts a day. No worries about stats rising out of control while people can keep the competition going. The lions on leaderboards swap regularly -not like right now where it is dominated by the same people all the time-, cubs are born with equal opportunities and traits, new people start out by already being able to compete. The end.

All problems solved in a single feature.

The only downside? Well, people wont be able to stud for stats. But seriously... it is miserable how much stats the cubs already inherit. That would be not a great change.

I actually really like this.


It honestly doesn't make sense to remove extra hints when it was the skipping hunts that was the issue. I'd much rather have the option to add extra hunts than being able to skip through just ten.

Seconding this thought.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:16:32
No, I was not sarcastic. But dont you think that the limits we have is already ridiculous? That developers are trying to keep stats at a certain limit, and yet they will fail as long as stats will be inheritable. They will keep growing and we might reach a point where more limits will be put in, which will only frustrate us more.
Wouldnt it be better to just be over this finally?

In this case you dont breed for stats. You get cubs and train them once they reach a specific age.

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ЯΛVΣП (#17481)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:19:13
We are already waiting for them at two years, you are going in circles Axel.

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Sir Valentine (#18462)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:20:27
If stats disappear (which is the ones i collect) then the game would be destroyed >_>

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:24:16
Oh well my bad then. I do agree the limits are getting nuts though however I'm not sure how the community as a whole would react to your suggested change.

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ЯΛVΣП (#17481)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:25:04
Half of them would leave. >.>"

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Knoka (#579)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:25:27
One thing I feel people are forgetting is games like these are meant to take TIME to raise stats..

Take this girl for example.. Started with 23 stats and is now sitting at 748.. She still has 3-4 YEARS left on her before she retires..

I never use "skips" nor do I add additional huntings to my lionesses.. I feel that we will be FINE in the long run with these decisions..

The ONLY bother is the fact that our lionesses will take a LONG time to catch up to those who used and abused the skip hunt time and adding hunts. As our lionesses gain more stats so will theirs. So I feel this is the ONLY unfair part of this decision.

You know what though? I hate to say it, but those people also "earned" the stats in a way.. they sat there for hours upon hours upon hours to get their stats to where they are. It is unfortunate that other players did not have the type of money to do this as well, but such is life. This type of unbalance happens in EVERY game, in EVERY real life event. The rich keep getting richer while the poor stay poor. Occasionally a poor can skyrocket to the richer, but it doesn't happen often.

The admins are attempting to make this game as fair as possible. To not punish those who only have 3 hours to play rather than those who have 10 hours to play. I see a lot of complaints from people who have multitudes of lionesses.. why not choose this extra hunting time to level up those girls? To level up the experiments, the for sale lionesses.. etc etc? This is a web browser based SIM game.. it should be treated as such. Not treated as an MMORPG. I do love everyone's passion about this game !!

With such a massive player base, one group of people is always going to be shunted.. please attempt to see the admin's point of view. They see the community as a whole, not separated into groups.

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Edited on 15/12/14 by Knoka (#579)

iMiles (#23446)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:26:57
Doesnt really affect me I think, never added hunts and never skipped hunting - just because I'm a poor little player xD but I think thats a good change x)

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-15 04:35:10
Why would I be going in circles? Can you expand on that, please?
Also, nobody is saying to take away stats. Just to make all lions be born with 15 in each stats. That would be the most fair as the developers want it to be. Otherwise we will get limits upon limits until we get cubs born with NCL stats from 3k+ parents.

I rather have that change now than having to suffer along through years until we get to that point.

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