Posted by Arranged Affection ~ Jedi and Bamon

πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2014-12-17 06:01:52
2000 AD, the start of 21st century. Some 21st century it was. The Ministry of Magic had thrust them back into the middle ages with his new law, and Lucius Malfoy detested it. The ministry was forcing all single, fertile wizards into marriage due to the dangerous drop in wizards after all the deaths during the war.

Under most circumstances this wouldn't have affected him at all, but the war changed many things. Everyone was relieved after the Dark Lords defeat. The importance of blood status, or what little importance it had left, seemed to vanish overnight. Something changed within his wife and it was only days before Narcissa decided to leave him to find someone she loved. They had been loyal, affectionate even, but they did not love each other. And that was fine with him, he had Draco to continue the Malfoy legacy, Draco had even married Astoria Greengrass right out of Hogwarts, which Lucius also approved of.

But then there was this damn law.

He had fallen right into the lot that the ministry was choosing partners for. They didn't even know who they would be, just that they had to meet them in a specific place at a specific time, or they'd invoke a no compliance act which would more or less restrict every use of magic and cause one to be thrown out of the wizarding community and into the muggle one.

Only thing was, whoever he was supposed to meet was late. Fine by him. Maybe if they didn't show up at all he'd be left alone.

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Edited on 08/06/18 @ 13:46:02 by πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi} πŸ’€ (#4467)

Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2014-12-26 04:52:24
Hermione couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement and disbelief when Lucius mentioned Malfoys' were bred for eloquence and gentlemanly behaviour.

"Right, so the almost white blonde hair and grey eyes are just a coincidence then?"

She replied, surprising herself by showing her sassy side to Lucius. After all her friends knew it well. However that was her friends. To everyone else the closest they saw to her sassy side was what they interpreted as her bossiness.

"Really? You've seen it happen yourself then?"

Hermione asked softly, interested in what he had to say. After all when she had been at Hogwarts and first started to realise her own feelings as a woman for a man, she had wondered if maybe Draco had only bullied her so much because he fancied her and knew no other way to get her attention. Of course she had grown out of those feelings years back but it would be nice to know that for a brief period one man had wanted her. Plus, if Draco could like her that way then maybe there was hope for Lucius yet.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2014-12-26 05:40:22
"Actually, that was the effect of the introduction of Veela blood to the line centuries back . . . mostly."

Lucius quipped with that signature Malfoy smirk. Merlin he hadn't bantered with someone like this in ages. He couldn't even really remember the last time he had.

"Several times, actually. Draco did it, I did it to an extent, my sister had it done to her, it's more common than most people think."

He explained with a small shrug. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked around for a moment before his gaze flickered back to Hermione.

"So, who shall I be meeting first then? Your parents?"

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 05:59:25
"Veela blood?"

Hermione replied in a soft voice, eyes wide with surprise, delight and intrigue. She wondered briefly if he had a deep insight into Veelas and what other knowledge he could possibly impart. It was then she remembered one of the big perks about marrying Lucius Malfoy - his library. It was the biggest in the UK from what she'd read with some of the most expensive tomes and books in the world. Now she was his wife she'd get full access to it!

She did wonder who Draco, Lucius, and Lucius' sister had secretly loved and shown through bullying?

"Um, yes. My parents would probably be the best people to meet first."

With a deep breath she began leading Lucius into her home and into the kitchen where she was sure her parents had set up 'Catering Centre'. Of course she was right, her mother had just taken a large homemade apple pie out whilst her father was currently mixing up another large batch of alcoholic punch.

"Mum, Dad, I'd like you to finally meet Lucius."

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 09:51:54
"Yes, Veela blood. That was about five generations back now, my namesake had married a Veela that had wandered onto the grounds of Malfoy Manor."

Lucius nodded as he thought back on his family history. He always thought there was more than that particular Veela throughout the Malfoy line, but if there really was than there was no record of them that he could find.

It was suddenly a very good thing that Lucius had long since learned to hide his emotions behind a mask of calm, for while he'd never admit it, he was indeed nervous to meet Hermione's parents. He'd never interacted with muggles before, and felt very out of his element.

"Hello Mister and Missus Granger."

He said with a polite nod and a slight smile. What was he doing? Why hadn't he gotten out when he could have? Listening to his sister tell of his most embarrasing Hogwarts moments would have been so much better than this.

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Edited on 28/12/14 by JediTimeLord SlytherinPrincess (#4467)

Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 06:44:04
Hermione couldn't help but wish to get Lucius into a cosy, locked room and coax out everything he knew about Veela - including the Veela that married into the Malfoy family. There was so much he probably knew and she couldn't help but feel a deep desire to know it too. Of course she knew a lot of other women and girls alike would want to get Lucius into a cosy, locked room for other reasons but then again Hermione wasn't them. She was her own woman, and despite almost being amicable as well as a rare (single) moment of sweetness she wasn't ready to even contemplate physical closeness with the man. He was going to have a very lonely wedding night if she had any say about it.

"Hello Mum, Dad."

Hermione greeted happily, leaving Lucius' side to give them both eager, excited, warm hugs where she really squeezed them. They of course returned it with equal enthusiasm and love before letting their little girl go.

"You've grown so much. I c-can't believe my little girl is married!"

Her father spoke, his voice breaking at the beginning only to end up crying by the time he finished speaking. Of course her mother gave her usual playful eye roll at her husband's antics. It was a family joke that her father was the "woman" in the relationship since he wore his feelings on his sleeve. That and Hermione had always been a daddy's girl. It wasn't unusual to see her father in tears.

Her mother on the other hand got right down to business and gave a narrowed stare at Lucius.

"You better treat my daughter right and never hurt her or I'll shove something sharp somewhere the sun doesn't shine!"

She warned him and Hermione knew she was probably serious.

"Mum! You know I wouldn't marry for anything other then true love. Please, you don't have anything to worry about."

She lied. Unfortunately she knew she lied well. The only other time she had lied was to draw Dolores Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest. She felt really guilty for that lie then, especially after she heard about what the Centaurs did to her, but she felt down-right sick to her stomach in guilt for this one. It was necessary however. She knew her parents would never accept the law, the marriage, or Lucius otherwise. They would have her leave the wizarding world and probably stocking shelves in ASDA (due to her lack of qualifications). She just couldn't be happy in the Muggle world anymore now that she had experienced magic.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 07:40:56
Lucius was taken aback as Hermione's mother rounded on him. He'd never been spoken like that before, even as his first wife's parents gave him a similar lecture.

Nothing in his pureblooded life had prepared him for anything like this. Why had he gone through with this? Why had he consciously put himself through this?

Recovering enough from his shock to produce a reply to the protective mother, he offered a nervous smile.

"I'd never do anything that would bring any harm to Hermione."

He promised, unsure how true the words were himself. But, he knew it to be unwise to upset the woman in front of him.

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Bamon (Again!) (#9657)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 21:04:58
Hermione watched her mother stare Lucius down. Whilst she knew she could intervene, she couldn't help but be slightly distracted. Lucius didn't look in the least bit terrified. Just as calm, dominant, and Pureblooded as ever. His words sounded believeable and yet the intimate touches between a couple in love were at the moment non-existant which she knew her mother had picked up on. She was very shrewed in that way, like a hawk examining every bit of land and prey it could find. Hermione did her best, of course, to pretend she was happy for her mother but she couldn't help but feel rather lonely.

She'd imagined her wedding day like any redblooded woman. She'd imagined the walk down the aisle, her Groom at the end with a look of pure, unbreakable love. Then there would be the happy, giggling, touching each other as they walked back down the aisle and out into the sun where their guests would be to throw confetti and celebrate with them. The Groom would know them, be friends with them, and warm to them all even though he knew they had to get to their mode of transporation so they wouldn't be late to the reception. He'd whisk her into their chariot of choice, and then in the few moments they had to be alone he'd show her, tell her how beautiful she looked, how lucky he was to have her in his life and she him, and just be a newly wed couple. Then the reception would be an amazing celebration where he could bare to be parted from her, and they just had to be touching each other, sharing small, secret kisses when they got a spare moment. There should be nervous excitement wracking her insides at the thought of their wedding night...

Instead she felt rather empty, and as much as she tried to force her imagination to kick in and make her believe things were as she imagined she knew it wasn't really working. So she was left with focusing on lieing to her parents, making them believe they were in love, and then hoping Lucius had no intention to carry out his 'husband duties' tonight.

"Mum, we don't need the Spanish Inquisition. Besides, how can you disapprove of the man who went against the grain not only courting me but then having the courage, the integrity, and the deep seated, passionate, romantic desire to propose to me Le Chat Noir infront of his and my peers alike."

She lied, again, and felt the deep, twisting blade of guilt sink just that little bit deeper into the pit of her stomach and her heart. If only she could believe that maybe the lies would come true but she knew it wasn't going to happen. She would be Mrs Malfoy for the rest of her life and she knew the most she could expect from this was living seperate lives in the same house. Lucius already had an heir after all, she doubted he desired any children.

She had wanted some herself but she had vowed - after seeing all the teenage pregnancies - that she'd only concieve them with love.

"We should probably get Dad some tissues."

She then added, smiling fondly at her father who was trying to discreetly sniffle and wipe away the tears.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 07:06:13
Lucius kept his expression a careful mask of nervousness as Hermione spoke. That was what she told them? Great . . . at least he could act. That would probably be his saving grace throughout the night.

"Lucius, there you are."

Lucius looked to his right as he was addressed. Upon seeing his mother, he was unsure whether to be relieved, or terrified that blood prejudice would ruin every lie that had been made over the past months.

"Hello, Mother."

He said, a soft, real smile appearing on his features. Stepping towards her, he he greeted her with an affectionate hug before stepping back beside Hermione.

"Sorry to intrude," the elder Malfoy woman turned her attention towards the Grangers as she spoke, "I just haven't seen my eldest in several months now."

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 07:36:16
Hermione had been about to step away from Lucius, an arm around her father's shoulders, when she heard a woman's voice address Lucius. Turning back she watched as Lucius' expression changed to real affection, a real smile, and then he went even further and hugged her. She knew it was his mother - he had said it after all - but in that moment she couldn't help the hurt and envy she felt in that moment. It was irrational, she knew and it wasn't as if she loved the man yet anyway, but the way he was behaving with his mother and the way he clearly felt for her was so great and full of love that she felt jealous. It made her feel like he treated her like a neglected should-be-seen-and-not-heard annoying child he had to unfortunately deal with.

She turned back to her parents, knowing she had to deal with one thing at a time.

"Mum, Dad, why don't you go inside and freshen up? We'll be right there, I just haven't seen Virgo in such a long time."

She gushed, her back to the two Malfoys as she did her best to appear completely normal. She was fortunate she had done a decent amount of research on the Malfoy family to find out Lucius' mother's name. Whilst his father, Abraxas, was very well known it had turned out that his mother was not. It had taken a lot of research just to find her name, and honestly that was all Hermione had. She wanted her parents out of the way just incase Lucius' old belief system came from his mother rather then his father. She doubted she'd be able to handle a verbal attack as it was but the least she could do was preserve the lies she had told her parents.

Once they were out of sight she let out a deep sigh before turning to face Lucius, and hesistantly looked at her new mother-in-law. She certainly aged well. She did not look old enough to have a son the age of Lucius at all. The woman was absolutely stunning with what she had come to know was the classic Malfoy looks: tall, thin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Hermione suddenly felt completely frumpy in her presence. She didn't have any doubts at the sight of such an enchantress that she was in any way what had been hoped for as a daughter-in-law. Maybe Lucius should have stayed with Narcissa...

"Lady Malfoy, its a pleasure to meet you."

Hermione began, hoping that manners would help her in this matter as with a blush she did her best attempt at a curtsey before rising once more. Not once did she touch Lucius.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 09:30:24
Virgo looked over Hermione for a few moments, stroking a few strands of her silvering hair behind her ear. After her assessment of the young girl, a friendly smile spread across her features as she nodded to the girl.

"Hello Hermione. I've heard quite a bit about you–from Draco of course, the crafty boy–and I can't deny I've been interested in meeting you for some months now."

Lucius couldn't help but feel relieved as his mother spoke. Even if Hermione's parents weren't there presently, if she could act like this now, then she would be alright around normal muggles.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 09:36:08
Hermione bit her bottom lip at what Draco could have told his grandmother. What if all she had heard had been from their Hogwarts days? It wasn't as if he really liked her in those days, infact he had hated her from what she could tell, so really it wasn't a great time for Lady Virgo Malfoy to gain her impression of her.

"Really? I'm very flattered."

She replied even though she knew what she wanted to say was: was it all good and if it wasn't do not believe a word he said. She also knew what wasn't said by Lucius' mother: she had heard nothing from Lucius himself about his new wife before, during or after the marriage and that was unforgiveable.

"I must say Draco and Lucius gush about you constantly. Why I feel like I know you already."

Hermione lied, trying her hardest to make sure at least one Malfoy liked her - Virgo.

"I have to tell you you don't look nearly old enough to have a man as old as Lucius as your son. Why, you look as if you could be his age - his own sister! I've never seen a woman more beautiful then you."

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 10:58:37
"Oh do they now?"

Virgo asked, though one look over to her son told her all she needed to know. The Malfoy family was a rather close one, but they were also a very private one. They rarely talked to outsiders about each other.

"It's alright child, there's no need to lie to me as you do to your own parents. I understand the law quite clearly."

She insisted as she looked back to Hermione. She had been feircely vexed when she heard about such a law, especially after realizing it applied to her little Lucius as well, but there was nothing that could be done. Besides, the pair were married now. It was clear how little they seemed to like each other, when one understood the circumstances under which they were forced together.

But what mother wouldn't meddle in efforts to bring about her child's happiness?

"Why thank you, dear. Good genes I suppose."

She chuckled as she listened to Hermione's compliments. Despite when the girl said, she knew she was getting older, and it was starting to show, subtly. From the silver starting to speckle her hair, to the wrinkles that were starting to crease her otherwise flawless skin. However, she carried hr age with grace, and pride.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-01-15 08:35:24
"Oh. Well I am glad you could come to the wedding."

Hermione was relieved the invitation she had given Draco for Virgo had ended up arriving. Not only that but to hear the Malfoy Martiarch accepted and then attended... well, it was amazing. She had been worried that Virgo would be so prejudiced that she'd make a stand by not attending.

She couldn't help but feel rather awkward at this point. This was definitely not how she imagined her wedding day. Not only was Lucius not touching her in any way, nor did he seem to know (or care) if she was even there as far as she could tell, but there was also a very clear gap between the pair of them. Now the gap may not have been a mile wide, it wasn't even that big physically but to Hermione it felt like the whole world was inbetween them in that gap.

She should be in the same position as Astoria who was now wrapped up in Scorpius' arms, giggling and blushing prettily at something Draco had said. It was clear by all that looked at them that they were happy and in love. It was a beautifully romantic and intimate scene. Those two looked like a newly wedded couple and yet it wasn't their wedding today. No, she and Lucius had gotten married. Hermione had to hold back a sigh; she had clearly over-estimated her imagination. None of her happy thoughts or fantasies could hold up and gloss over the truth today.

"May I get you a drink Lady Malfoy?"

Hermione asked softly, entwining the fingers of both of her hands together in an attempt to do something with them. Chocolate cheesecake and watching the movie Man of Steel to see Superman shirtless was definitely on the cards tonight. That is if her spell to make Muggle electronics work in the wizarding world worked in Malfoy Manor - she had no doubt that was where she'd be expected to spend the evening and live hence forth.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-01-15 14:21:37
"Of course, any excuse to see my little boy again. And thank you for the offer, but I'm fine."

Virgo answered, smiling softly as she reached up to brush away a few stray strands of Lucius's platinum blonde tresses from his face. No matter how old her children got, they were still just that; her children. Which meant she would embarrass them without hesitation.

"Mother please, I am forty three years old, for Merlin's sake."

Lucius sighed in response to his mothers words, though he willingly allowed her to stroke his hair back. There were just some things that he knew were futile to resist with her.

"Sirius, you little bast–"

"Watch your tongue, Syria, there are kids around."

Lucius looked over towards a side room where some of the guests–all wizards and witches from what he could see–as the annoyed bickering sounded. That came later than expected.

"I see the twins are getting along well."

He said wryly, causing his mother to let out a not-so-amused laugh. "As well as can be expected."

His neice and nephew were known in the family for their incessant bickering, though they tried to get along during occasions such as this. Though, since nobody in wizarding Britain outside of the Malfoy family really knew of their existance–in large part due to their heritage–it was rarely seen as such a normal occurance.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-01-16 08:22:50
Hermione fought the urge to shift from foot to foot due to boredom and feeling uncomfortable. She just felt so out of place and as much as she tried to bluff her way through upper class ettiquette and behaviour she knew she was probably just making a fool out of herself.

She found herself glancing at Lucius again out of the corner of her eyes, wondering if Narcissa had felt the same married to him or if they had been closer in bond. Perhaps they had genuinely loved each other at one point in time...

Unable to find a way to get rid of the unease she felt Hermione decided to take herself out of the equation. At least for a little bit so she could think more clearly to decide on how to proceed for the rest of the day.

"I'm afraid you'll have to excuse Lady Malfoy, Lucius, I just need to use the powder room."

She told them softly, giving a small curtsey after speaking before she turned to head for the bathroom - otherwise known as the powder room.

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