Posted by Island of Lab Wolves (RP)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-02-08 07:57:09

Your pack was hunted down, the violent ones shot on the spot, the others running for their lives.The pups, Were tranquilized and brought to a lab to grow up in fear and pain. Living in a small cage enclosed and blocked off from the wild, they never saw the sun and was given live prey to hunt themselves. Growing up with a great fear of humans, but a larger hate for them, using their powers they managed to escape, or so they had thought. Their cage had been transported to a secluded island with plentiful prey, and hidden cameras to watch the pack's progress. Many of you will die, but some will live. Each wolf is different though, none having the same power.

1) No Mating/Birthing scenes! <*b>Fade to Black<*/b*>
2) No force mating.
3) NO Powerplay/godmodding; Such as using another character thats not yours in any way. Insta-hitting. Indestructible/Powerful characters.
4) 3+ Sentences! Be Descriptive. Correct grammer and spelling to the best of your ability. NO "Kills prey runs back home drops and sleeps." Or "__ Panted and slept, it was hot outside." Or "Doug asked Jay 'do u know the best place to hunt? r u hungry?' "
5) Keep Cussing to a minimum.
6) Keep the genders even.
7) As many characters as you can handle.
8) Put (H) after name if In-heat, (P) if Pregnant
9) You cant be in one place then suddenly go to another if something is going on that you dont like.
10) If your wolf dies, it is DEAD. No Regeneration.
11) Destiny (#17200) is the owners of this RP. Put marshmallow's rock if you read this far.
12) Be nice OOC
13) Dont go past 5 pages without me! I would like to give accurate summaries to people :/ PER TWO DAYS. Meaning, for every two days IM gone, you get 5 pages to post.
14) Wolves with 2 powers are RARE. I will randomly select wolves to get a second power.
15) ISLAND GUARDS-- They keep the wolves from the shore lines and watch over them in a way. Scientist pets. They are infertile.

Alpha Female
- Lucifer
Alpha Male
- WILL be found within RP now.
Beta Female
- Bellatrix
Beta Male
- Rid
Elders (NONE)
Lead Hunter
- Quiver - Female
Lead Warrior
- Aero - Female
Lead Guard
- Pharoah - Male
- Fang - Male
- Frost - Female
- Winter - Male
- Jasper - Male
- Dayita - Female
- Fela - Female
- Paradox - Female
Pups (NONE)
Island Guards (TWO)
- Blice - Male
- Sitri - Female

Powers taken
Lucifer - Fear Illusion
Jasper - Shapeshifter
Quiver - Changes from black to white
Bellatrix - Invisibility
Fang - Duplicates using shadow
Rid - Uses Bones to make body a weapon
Aero - Retractable Wings and uses fire
Blice - Telepathic, Air, Night Vision
Pharoah - Disappears into shadows
Sitri - Dragon Wings, Ice Bending, and Aura control
Frost - Can summon animals
Paradox - Can stop time
Fela - Poisionous Bite
Winter - Wings/Frost Breath
Dayita - Matter Ingestion

Time : Late Afternoon
Weather : Light chill with a few storm clouds in the distance.
Season : Winter
Heat : Yes/No
Pups Born : Yes/No

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 03/03/15 by Destiny -IC- (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-02-08 08:05:27
(Adding in weather and territory descrips soon)

Paws padded across cool crisp, winter ground as others slept within the dens. Alpha Lucifer was guarding for the night, still on edge after escaping the hellhole they'd been in forever. Her ears up and eyes scanning the distance for other figures. The moon shone down on her beautiful fur, crystal blue eyes standing out in the darkness. Tall wagging cooly as she found nothing and walking back to her den. Spotting empty space in the hunters den she snorted and sniffed around, figuring the only hunter they had would want help.


Jasper stood in the middle of a deer herd, luring a few does away with his sheer size and antlers. They followed happily, his coat matching his regular to make him stand out so the pack wouldnt try to kill him. He turned and led the does away from the sleeping herd, there was only 2 but it was enough for the time being. Calm eyes watched a wolf slink in the shadows, recognizing the form as his alpha.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 08:14:38
{Aero - Lead Warrior - Female - H}

The fox colored female padded to Lucifer's side and nodded in greeting. "Anything new happen? Im going to head out on a solo patrol, if i can," Aero asked quietly "Id rather not ask anyone else to go, as it will be faster in the air and everyone is tired."

(rather short, not sure what else to say besides night and interacting with Lucifer)

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Edited on 08/02/15 by Cinder Blaze (Fir) (#26583)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 08:20:45
(winter is breeding season, right? or is it late and were starting AFTER breeding seaon?)

editting for in heat)

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Edited on 08/02/15 by Cinder Blaze (Fir) (#26583)

dragon (#48699)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-02-08 08:23:18
(I'll rp soon, I need to go study right now)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-02-08 08:23:44
(Yea winter is breeding, it's around the middle.. So i guess we can start in-heat ^^)

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dragon (#48699)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-02-08 09:17:05

Bellatrix was just a dark shadow sitting at the edge of camp. Several wolves, including her Alpha were out of camp, so she stayed behind to keep watch. Bellatrix would have preferred to be out and about at this time of night, since she liked the dark, but her duty kept her in camp. She glanced toward the dens, looking at her sleeping pack mates. Although it was late, she wasn’t tired. She shifted her position a little bit as she stared at the entrance of the camp, ears alert.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-02-08 09:26:50
Lucifer - Alpha - H

Stopping short, the fae turned to Aero. "No nothing new, go ahead and patrol. Im gonna help Jasper." She murmured in her warrior's ear before nodding towards the east and slinking back threw the woods. Spotting the hunter leading two does away from the herd. One beginning to eat grass was closet to the male so she charged in for the kill on the smaller less alert one.

Jasper - Hunter

The male slowed hearing a rustle, acting like a cautious and protective buck. Suddenly, Lucifer had her jaws around ones neck and he to was running and changing height as he charged the other doe. Locking his dull, then sharp teeth around her neck as she froze in shock and clamped down. Feel the antlers disappear, fur grow and thicken, and hooves changes to paws. Shaking himself off he let the doe fall still before thanking his alpha.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 09:34:01
{H_Lead Warrior}

Aero nodded to Lucifer and watched the Alphess dash away. Aero spread her wings and pumped them up and down once, shooting into the air and banking left, away from where the Alphess had rushed off to. Aero had gotten used to her new wings, even though at first they had felt incredibly strange on her, but now they felt almost completely natural. It even worked out for her, her name means 'air' in an ancient language, her mother had once told her. Her mother hadnt told her what language, or why she had named her 'air' in the first place, but now it fit her perfectly as she flew through the skies, surveying the ground far below, light as air.

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Edited on 08/02/15 by Cinder Blaze (Fir) (#26583)

Unknown (#44136)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 12:02:00

Fang was silently doing what he normally did in his old pack, he was patrolling on the ground thinking about everything that had changed. It was odd now everyone was different and no was the same, it was all the humans faults. If they had not come many would still be happy with their families and original packs, yet if the humans had not come, no one would have met each other. Many were now friends with wolves who would have been enemies before it was quite odd how they had those human monsters to thank. He glanced for a moment at his shadow, he was still unsure how to feel about it's use, yes it was useful, nut it was not right. Shaking his head he drove the thoughts from his mind, "Focus," he muttered as he turned away from the following shadow and continued his patrol with out further thought on the past.

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Edited on 08/02/15 by Shadow Night (DD) (#44136)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 12:08:34
{H-Lead Warrior}

Aero was now flying low and doing somersaults in the air, diving and banking and ascending like in a dance, but if you looked closely you could see she was doing advanced looking surveying tactics. Aero elegantly dove through some trees and flew a few feet off the ground, surveying the forest around her before banking left and soaring high into the air. Her shadow passed over Fang and she resumed her surveying techniques, noticing the only other warrior and feeling a swell of pride in her chest that he was patrolling.

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dragon (#48699)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-02-08 12:36:12

Bellatrix glanced up as a shadow passed over the camp. She could see the shape of a canine with wings. “Probably just Aero” she muttered to herself. Her eyelids were slowly drooping and she had to remind herself several times to stay awake and guard the camp. A large yawn escaped her and she shifted her position once again. To keep herself awake, Bellatrix made herself invisible for a second. She chuckled and played with her power a little bit, but she was still on watch.

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Unknown (#44136)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 14:04:34

He glanced up as he noticed a shadow covering him, looking up he caught sight of the lead warrior the winged wolf Aero. A small amused smile made its way onto his face before it vanished once more. "It seems that some of us are more ready to accept these curses or gifts than others," he whispered. Some he knew may secretly call them gifts other like himself will call them curses, no matter what. Fang refused to accept this, he truly wished that this was all but a nightmare that would come to an end, yet he sadly knew it was reality and he must live with it.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 14:54:42
Aero noticed Fang and banked down toward him "Have you found anything unusual?" she asked, quiet yet authoritive. Aero smiled gently at Fang and looked at his frown "The powers? Yes yes i know. My flying does come in handy though when on patrol, im faster, can see more from afar, and at night its like i have my own little blanket" she nearly giggled now, but kept her voice like that of Fang's superior, showing small bits of casual friendly packmate behavior.

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Unknown (#44136)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 15:32:29
"Nothing so far, I can see you quite enjoy the wings you were given," he answered calmly he scoffed quietly as Aero seemed to be protecting the curse, "not all of us are so happy to be cursed as you are Aero," he growled slightly before lowering his head in a silent show of submission, he had growled at his superior, what great move. "I apologize for that i forgot my place...I am still quite wary of these powers," Fang muttered quietly, he was still growing used to his new pack.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 15:52:41
Aero hadnt gotten angry when Fang had growled, she had flinched and her ears pinned back in surprise "No, dont be sorry. Im sorry, i shouldnt have been so out-going" she cleared her throat and looked at him "I know you are not happy, as with most of the others, but try to have a slightly better outlook, or at least see the positive in all this. We have plentiful food, once the pack settles in, we basically live in a paradise...Fang, if we hadnt been taken, yes we were tortured, brutally damaged, scarred mentally and physically, but we met one another, didnt we? We all escaped together, we all became a pack, together. These curses/powers/gifts, whatever youd like to call them, they have their perks as well as their disadvantages" she flicked his ear gently with the white tip of her tail "Find the light in the darkness, and you will never go astray," she gave him a soft smile "Your power, shadows, yes? You can do amazing things with your shadows. Just remember that, please?" Aero smiled gently at him before beating her wings down and shooting upwards, hovering above him in the air "Just remember, find your light, Fang!" she barked before banking and flapping a few times to gain speed, she banked left again and soared over the skyline towards the farthest shore of the island, away from Fangs region and ever farther from Lucifer. Going off alone into less explored land.

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