Posted by PineVille (Anthro RP/ Sign Ups)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-23 10:28:01
vfe9w9.jpgYou park your car in front of a golden gate and stare at it for a moment, then you exit your car and pull a small card out of your pockets and give the car to a security guard and he opens the golden gate as it gives off what seems like a heavenly glow. With a smile you get back in your car and drive to a house you recently purchased, a small flier on the door says, "Welcome to PineVille, a safe, new and welcoming neighborhood! -Mayor" Taking the flier you walk back to your car and unload your things and settle in to your new home.


1. 3 Sentences and up.
2. No godmodding/powerplaying.
3. No marysues.
4. Follow all Lioden rules.
5. Please ask before killing another player.
6. 4 Character limit.
7. I will not be allowing any powers, although simple flight will be allowed for anthros with wings.
8. Cussing is allowed.
9. Have fun! (Ugh, I can't believe I just did that.)


Name(Please include first and last.):
Favorite Quote:
Likes/Dislikes(Three likes and dislikes.):
Hobbies(If any):
History(Not required):


The Coffee Shop
The Mall
The Park
The Club -New Addition-
"Drop The Bass" clothing shop (In the mall.)
The Skatepark
"Charlee's Guitars" (In the mall.)
The Beach
The Pool (It's at the mall.)
The Arcade -New addition to mall-
-Will add more locations later on, feel free to make suggestions!-

RP Thread: Clicky

I do not own any of the above images.

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Edited on 07/04/15 by BritishStalker (#21705)

Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 02:18:08
Oh, Whitey! I need to make him a friend! who is also Silver's little Sister xD

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Whitey The Fluffy
Lioness (#21856)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-25 02:19:14
Ok,if you want :3

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 02:34:24

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 02:34:34
Name: Topaz
Age: 12 yrs
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Appearance: bored_anthro__wolfhome_pose___freebie__b
Personality: Annoying, childish, spontaneous, are the words that Silver describes Topaz With.
Occupation/Job: Home-School
Themesong: Fireball Willow Smith ft.Nicki Minaj
Favorite Quote: 'Do I have to?!'
-Being Bored
Hobbies: Swimming, Cooking
Positives: Careful, Cautious, Friendly
Negatives: Childish, Annoying
History: Silver's

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Edited on 25/02/15 by Silver Wolf(Llama) V.V C.T L.L (#28243)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 03:15:36
Both accepted.

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 04:35:59
Yay! Thanks British :)

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Amon (#49747)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 06:23:45
Name: Lou "Louie" Duff
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Old Irish Goat

Appearance: Standing at about 6'1", Lou is based upon the Old Irish Goat. His horns and fur look the same as in the picture, and he has quite a shaggy appearance, making most believe he is unhygienic. He usually wears a loose shirt and jeans, and no shoes or socks since he just has hooves anyway. He has multiple piercings on his ears, and 23 "rings" on his horns, signifying his years. He also has several bracelets and a nose ring, and is planning to get some carvings in his horns.

Personality: He's a very "chill" dude, and enjoys just hanging out. However, he's extremely talented at impressions, and will often do them for humor or to make a few quick bucks. Unfortunately, he does so many impressions that he's forgotten what his actual voice sounds like, and simply goes off the accent his father has: Irish. He has a dream of one day becoming an actor, using his impressions for the best.

Occupation/Job: Works at an electronic store in the mall, called Duff Electronics.
Themesong: N/A
Favorite Quote: "Fake it till you make it."
Likes: Coffee, electronica and dubstep music, birds.
Dislikes: Overly serious people, pressure, failing.
Hobbies: Impersonating others, making prank calls, working on his own electronic devices.
Positives: Humorous, relaxed, intelligent.
Negatives: Bipolar, possessive, not good under pressure.

History: [Will develop.]
Crush: Extremely hard for him to crush on others, since he's demi/grey-romantic.
Mate: Look above.
Offspring: N/A
House: A nice place with plenty of room. He lives with his father and his girlfriend.
Wealth(Rich/Average/Poor): A little above average.
Has a pet robotic dog that he built himself, and is constantly having to repair. He calls him Cyberus.

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-02-25 06:37:36
I am sorry, I'll have to drop out of this as it moves to fast for me to keep up. I haven't introduced my character at all and it's already the 8th page. Great roleplay though!

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Nightcutter (Divine
King) (#52052)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-25 06:39:21
Nah, you don't have too though o.o You could just make your character come into the shop and mingle with the rest? o.o ))

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Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-25 10:34:55

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Pure Imagination (#54760)

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Posted on
2015-02-26 04:15:50
Name(Please include first and last.): Alia Kozak
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: wolf
(Replace the brown tan with black and replace the black markings with light blue markings. I don't own the picture credit goes to the artist who made it)
Personality: Alia is clever in some ways. She is kind of a party animal and can be outgoing at sometimes. She is protective of her family and friends she will always get them out of sticky situations. Alia has a huge sense of humor she'll crack jokes whenever she gets the chance to.
Occupation/Job: Works at the coffee shop. She also is popular on youtube by creating music such as dupstep and other types of music so she gets some money from small carriers and things like that. She also does drawing commissions and get paid a bit from that as well.
Themesong: Hey brother by Avicii
Here's to never growing up by Avril Lavigne
(I'm putting two because eh)
Favorite Quote: n/a
Likes/Dislikes(Three likes and dislikes.):
-Any type of music.
- all type of animation movies.
- Snow.
- Loves her jeans and boots.
-anything sweet.
- rude people
- Skirts.
- Very humid weather
Hobbies(If any): Music, Drawing,
Positives: She's funny, trustworthy, knows when to have good time.
Negatives: She gets stressed easily and she can get snappy at times.
History(Not required): to much to tell
Crush/Mate: none but could develope in the furture.
Offspring: Tons of nope's
Her bedroom:
Wealth(Rich/Average/Poor): Average
Other: Virus is her older brother.

Name(Please include first and last.): Virus Kozak
Age: 22
Gender: male
Species: wolf
(replace the orange with black and the black markings with a dark blue. I don't own any music or pictures credits to the owners)
Virus usually wears a black long sleeved hoodie with a pair of jeans and black and white sneekers. He has black and neon green headphones he keeps around his neck and he has a plain black backpack he keeps with him. He also he a black skateboard with a blue and green markings.
Personality: Virus is sarcastic, he has a wonderful sense of humor he'll try cracking jokes whenever he can. He is protective of his family expecally his sister, Alia. Virus is rebelious he has a knack for graphity and will sometimes go to the park with a bucket of chalk and start drawing on the sidewalk. He is adventerous and loves to go around the neighborhood and such and just see everything. He can become a bit of a hot-head if he's told off by someone or gets put into a arguement. Virus may be sarcastic and rebelious but he's also kind and he can be understanding when he wants to be. He is also trustworthy he'll have your back even if your going through a rough time.
Occupation/Job: He works at a gaming store in the mall called BlueGaming. He is also popular on youtube he mainly plays video games but will shoot a dance video sometimes so he get some money from that.
Themesong: Centuries by Fall out Boys
Immortals by Fall out boys
Favorite Quote: n/a
Likes/Dislikes(Three likes and dislikes.):
- skateboarding
- Hoodies
- all types of music.
- the night.
- judging others to quickly
- very humid weather
- Working late.
Hobbies(If any): Gaming, dancing, art, skateboarding.
Positives: He's trustworthy, kind, he also is very skilled with skateboards.
Negatives: he a rebal, has a thing for graphity, can get a bit hot-headed, he's a bit to protective of his little sister.
History(Not required): He's had some trouble in his past. He was always looked down upon by everyone except his sister. His sister was always there for him and now he want to be there for her. As he got older he started to get up onto his feet and started to rise in the world and not get looked down on. Now he is stronger and has rose up into the world a lot.
Crush/Mate: none but could develope one in the furture.
Offspring: nope!
His bedroom:
Wealth(Rich/Average/Poor): Average
Other: Alia is his little sister. He lives with her they both help pay for the house.

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Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-02-26 04:32:47
Accepted. ^^

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Zombee (#52056)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-26 04:47:43
{Added some stuff to Jack's form}

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Grimoire (#45200)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-02-27 02:13:17
Edited my first comment.

Form is now complete


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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-27 04:06:38
Edited my post againXD

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