Posted by Great Wolf Migration - Sign ups - CLOSED

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-02 08:50:25
Read This
This is a literate, realistic roleplay. Correct grammar and punctuation must be used at all times, and every post must have at least a paragraph (four sentences). I will require a sample from you to make sure you are up to standard. This roleplay aims to provide a space where experienced roleplayers can enjoy themselves, although if you are up to standard I won’t reject first time roleplayers.

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The Start of the Roleplay – Formation of Remington's pack


You are a wolf. You are part of a proud lineage of canines able to survive both alone and together. You rule any kingdom you enter. You make other animals cower in fear. They scurry out of sight when you appear. You hunt, you run, you feed you grow. You are a pack.

The day starts like any other. You wake up, yawn, and stretch. Your tail curls over your head as your back clicks, and you stand up. The forest is coming to life around you, squirrels darting up and down trees, and families of rabbits poking their heads out of warrens to check for danger. The trees tower above you, their roots reaching deeper than you could ever dig. They exist as a constant in the ever changing wilderness. You know they will always be there, just as your pack will always be by your side, running as one entity.

The first sign of trouble comes from the skies. You look up curiously at the sound of an endless stream of birds flying above you. They’re all heading in one direction, away from the forest. Your head cocks to the side in confusion. At long last the massive flock of birds passes, and then…nothing. Not even a single sparrow passes in the sky, and the forest has fallen silent. Feeling uneasy, you trot away from your pack’s den site to investigate.

Suddenly everything is moving, the ground shaking beneath your paws. Frightened, you bolt. As your world comes crashing down around you, trees once sturdy as mountains falling with booms that resonate your very core. When everything finally calms down all that remains of your forest, your kingdom, is a few, small, young trees. Mind on one thing, you sniff out your pack’s den site. You stand there, horrified, staring at the large tree trunk covering where your pack were sleeping only a short time ago.

Heart broken, you turn away. This is where your journey begins...


After the great earthquake that destroyed the large forest home of the wolves, crushing many animals and separating families, the surviving wolves left their old home. Rumours of a large valley encircled by forested mountains, with a lake situated in the very centre, spread amongst the remaining wolves. As they left the forest they came together, forming a new pack from the remains of their old ones, all with a single goal in mind; to reach the Valley of Hope. Thus, their migration to this new paradise began.


You are one of the wolves that survived the great earthquake. You have left the forest and are heading to the rumoured Valley of Hope. This roleplay is about the journey you make, and the formation of the pack, before you finally reach the Valley. Reaching the Valley will not happen quickly, nor will it be easy.

Current Plotline – The Rival Pack
(All joining members will join this plotline)

You are a member of Shadow’s pack. Shadow is a cruel alpha who fought his way to the top, and his pack follow his lead. You live on a stone plateau high up in the mountains, a large cave on one side making your pack’s den and a view on the other side over your flat, grassy hunting plains at the bottom of the mountain. In the distance you used to be able to see a forest, but that was flattened by the earthquake. Now, a small pack of unrelated wolves has entered your hunting grounds. Trespassers are not taken lightly here and you will follow Alpha Shadow’s instructions to either attack in two waves when they sleep or stay behind and look after those not able to fight. You will be leaving the pack to join Remington’s, and you have your own reasons for this.

Roleplay Rules

The usual no god modding/powerplaying etc
Follow lioden rules
Ranks indicate what your character is best at, not the only job they are allowed to do. The exception to this is alpha and beta as none of the other pack members may stand in for these wolves.
The first alpha, male or female, will be decided by me out of the first few who wish to apply for it. Alpha must be an active roleplayer.
Alpha’s mate will be decided in rp.
All other positions will be decided in rp, no exceptions.
Ask my permission before your female comes into heat.
You may have up to four pups in your litter, provided you can find roleplayers for them all that I approve of.
Write ‘Rusty <3’ in other
If the alpha is gone the beta is in charge.
If the beta is gone the pup sitter is in charge (after all pups are the future of the pack and must be protected at all costs).
Omegas are lower ranked than pups and on the fringe of the pack, eating scraps and acting as punching bags for training adolescents.
The pack will listen to the command of whoever is in charge.
Hunting anything bigger than a fox will require more than one wolf and must take place over multiple posts. No hunting large prey within the space of a paragraph; that’s not how fast realistic hunting takes place.
Any member of the pack may take a mate.
You may have two characters. After I've seen how well you keep up in rp you may ask to be allowed a third character.
The maximum age your character can live to is 20 years old. This is the absolute maximum and is very rare. Most of your characters should live to about 13 years old.


Name –
Age –
Sex –
Appearance –
Personality –
Biography (including your character’s role in Shadow’s pack) –
What role would your character be best in in Remington’s pack? –
What are your character’s reasons for leaving Shadow’s pack? –
Other –
Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –

Remington’s Pack Ranks

Alpha male (one allowed)
– Remington, played by Nature Paw (#64491)
Alpha female (one allowed)
- Velvet, played by Rusty [MP] (Quad celestial) (#39276)
Beta male (one allowed)
- decided in rp
Beta female (one allowed)
- Kade, played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Nova, played by Astral (#65000)
Lead Hunter (one allowed)
- Dakota, played by NightSky01 (#52637)
- Raoula, played by Samba CC (Lilac Love) (#28104)
Elders (over 10 years old)
- Rivers, played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
Pup Sitters
Pups (under 2 years old)
- Glenn (not born), played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Current (not born), played by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)
Loners (not part of the pack)
Unranked (rank will be assigned through rp asap)

Shadow’s Pack Ranks
Any wolves listed without players can be thought of as NPCs that I control
Alpha male
- Shadow
Alpha female
- None
Beta male
- None
Beta female
- Ezrin, played by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Whirlwind
- Ajax, played by (Cas) JayKat The Hoodie Whore (#41384)
- Lynx, played by Astral (#65000)
- Hazel
- Twist, played by (Cas) JayKat The Hoodie Whore (#41384)
- Kova, played by Astral (#65000)
- Stryker, played by played by NightSky01 (#52637)
- Fang
- Kaeva, played by Windsparkle (#16196)
- Vulcan (future omega or scout), played by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)
- Unnamed
- Unnamed
- Unnamed

If you need to take a hiatus from the rp then let me know and I will list you as loner and your wolf can disappear from the pack for a bit. Then whenever you come back your wolf can reappear and work for a rank again. Real life gets in the way for everyone sometimes, but if you've rped with us you're always welcome to bring your character back ^^

Main RP Thread
Hunting Thread
Art Thread
Poll Thread
Character Sheets Thread

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Edited on 20/01/16 @ 18:11:00 by Rusty [Skyward 3.4k stat 3cel] (#39276)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 22:21:51
I'm sorry I wasn't on much yesterday ^^' My mom called me and we talked for five hours. I was up until 12 AM because of a phone call xD

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 23:03:04
Name – Misha
Age – 2 yrs. 3 m.
Sex – Female
Appearance – Mod removed image due to lack of source.
Personality – Misha, although born of alphas, is little less than so. Though this female is compassionate and caring, she also has a fierce temper and sharp tongue. This is a very logical wolf under most circumstances, but being thrust out into the world alone for the first time will surely have an impact on her and her attitude/emotions. She's been known to be an adventurous spirit, despite her tendency to remain close to home, and is nearly always seeking a challenge when she's in the right state of mind. When unstressed, she can be a very loyal and easy-to-work with companion. However, one misstep or wrong word around this she-wolf and she won't hesitate to turn on you. Although she lacks the weight for brute force, her long limbs make it easy to overpower another wolf as she's often much quicker. Misha has an aggressive temperament and a sarcastic demeanor if you haven't impressed her, but can be easily intrigued by wolves or things she doesn't understand, hence her drive for knowledge and love for learning.
Biography – Misha was born into a loving pack in the Northern Mountains, the daughter of two respectful alphas. She grew up peacefully with her littermates, Morrocco and Mutana. When her brothers left to find their own packs, she remained to help her parents with the future of their pack, feeling more in tune with her family unit than alone and searching for one. When she was hardly 2 years old, her parents bore another litter; the only pup that survived was a little male that they decided to name Gabriel (on Misha's wish). When the earthquake struck, her parents, three remaining packmates, and her younger brother were killed. Lonely and confused, Misha set off at a slow pace, a sliver of hope in her chest that she'd find her own companions and forget of her family's deaths.
Would you like to be considered for Alpha? – Definitely not.
Other – Rusty <3
Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –
Thump, thump. Thump, thump. The steady beat of the small deer's heart was easy enough to hear in the quiet of the forest, even if she didn't have her ears perked and angled in it's direction. Watching from afar and hidden in the brush, her pale green orbs were hard to see. Being alone had proven to be difficult for her, and she hadn't eaten more than a single rabbit she'd caught days ago. Feeling her stomach rumble with desire, the she-wolf crouched lower, her muscles tensing delicately under her thick, brown pelt. When the fawn took a step forward, angling it's eyes and head away from where Misha lay in wait, the wolf moved. Darting forward silently, she crept up behind the deer until she knew she could move no farther, lest she risk being heard.

When the fawn's head shot up, she froze, eyes wide. Her body lowered out of instinct as something cracked and moved in the forest ahead of the small deer. As she watched, a doe moved out and glanced around, then moved to the fawn's side and nuzzled it's baby. Feeling the hunger pains in her stomach again, the wolf gulped, tasting her own saliva as it wet her mouth. Staring at the two deer, she resisted a whine. She had just wanted the fawn, but now that the doe was in such easy reach...

Calculating as she moved, Misha leapt forward and ran for the deer, who'd turned tail to run as soon as she'd crashed through the underbrush. The fawn was ahead of it's mother, like Misha had planned, and the she-wolf was quick to catch up to the pair, even as they moved quickly over logs and around trees. However, when Misha managed to catch the shoulder of the doe with her teeth, she knew she'd been badly mistaken. The doe slammed her in to a tree, and with a yelp, Misha dug her fangs into the hide harder, scrabbling with her claws to get a purchase on the hide. The doe stopped running and started thrashing as the wolf latched onto her back.

After a few moments, Misha was thrown, and slammed into yet another tree with a groan. That hadn't gone as planned.

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Edited on 22/02/16 @ 17:04:50 by Katze (#20064)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 23:17:37
Jay - don't worry about it, one of the benefits of paragraph RPs is they move slower so people don't have to be online the whole time

West - You're accepted ^^

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Edited on 04/07/15 by Rusty [MP] (Quad celestial) (#39276)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 23:41:02
Hello! I just came back from a three-month hiatus and I am ready for new RP. Not sure if you're still accepting~

Name –

Age –

Sex –

Appearance –
I have a picture of her, let's see if I can find it.
photo Jaydn_zpscdbd43e3.png
Gods help me I scrolled down to some of the older stuff and my drawings were so bad

If you can't see her, here's a (quick) description:
She is a medium-sized dark brown she-wolf, with green eyes. There is a stripe right down her back of lighter brown, tan, really, that starts right between her eyes, covers the back of her ears, goes down to frame the fringes of the fur on her jaw (but not her chin), and ends at her tail. Her front right foot has a sock of the same tan color, and her back left has a stocking. Across her snout, on her left shoulder, and on her front left leg, there are thin, pale scars. On her hip (left), she has a much larger scar, and on her back left leg, she has another thinner one.
The top of her front left paw has a black patch. On the same leg, there is a band (at the very top, where her leg meets her shoulder). There is another of these on her back right leg.

Personality –
Kade is, for the most part, a levelheaded individual. Years of resolving arguments within her first pack gave her the ability to see everyone's point of view and be fair in her rewards and punishments. However, she does need her space, and often; it isn't uncommon for her to wander off for a few days and come back when she is ready. She was born a loner and still occasionally craves the life of freedom, but she also loves to know that she has a family within the pack.
She has always wanted pups and, when she realizes she is infertile, she is going sink into a depression.
I hope you don't mind if I develop her more in-RP?

Biography –
Kade was born a loner. Her mother was entirely white-pelted and always told her and her two siblings that they took after their father, who they never met. She always assumed that they were a pack, until she got a little older and came into contact with an actual pack member.
Lilly was on her first solo hunt when she ran into Kade, in her hiding place (Kade and her two brothers, Juji and Garith, were playing hide-and-seek). They talked for a little while, Lilly asking if she was from a pack, and when Kade said 'yes', how big the pack was. For a moment, the older she-wolf was confused, then laughed a little and said that they weren't a pack, they were too small.
Kade didn't remember much after that, for a few months, but she did remember one thing in perfect clarity - her mother's death.
When she was about four months old, hunters came. They shot her mother and found Kade, Juji, and Garith. They took the three to a different place that Kade did not know the word for, and did painful things to her. One day, they were arguing and accidentally left her cage open, and she left, still walking strangely.
Because she was now free, but did not know where she was, she ran into a wolf pack quite by accident, and, after a bit of arguing, heard her story and let her become one of them.
A few years passed and she learned to hunt with a pack, learned their customs and ways. She started a hunter, but was soon, too soon, some said, promoted to the beta female position, and began to lead the hunts.
The alpha pair was aging, and eventually, they wandered off together and never came back. A hunting party found their bodies, and they were buried properly. Kade and her mate, the beta male, Yorrin, became the alpha pair, promoted new betas, and another year passed in peace.
Then the earthquake came.
Her mate was dead, and their pack.

Would you like to be considered for Alpha? –
Yes, I would, but I understand if that is no longer an option.

Other –
Rusty <3 Yeah, the hunters fixed her. She can still mate, but no pups. She doesn't know that she is infertile yet.

Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –
Kade waited patiently in the undergrowth. Her muscles itched to jump out, but she forced her body to remain still, but for her soft breathing. She could feel the eyes of Yorrin on her, from the opposite side of the clearing, and Faolin, in position, hidden between them. The trio had been stalking the herd for two days, and they were finally ready. Their target was a doe with a twisted foreleg, on the outskirts of the herd. She would signal when it was time. A shadow drifted over the moon and an owl hooted in the silence.
Her ears caught every sound; the rustle of the trees, a lone cricket, the earth shifting ever-so-slightly under her own paws as she leaned forward half an inch.
Then she gave the signal, one bark, ringing in the silence. She and Yorrin leaped from the undergrowth at the same time and circled, driving the injured doe towards Faolin, who waited until the perfect time and jumped out, making her shy back towards Kade, who took three extra bounding strides and latched onto the doe's throat, her teeth sinking in through the delicate skin and the animal's salty blood rushing into her mouth, dripping out the sides. Yorrin took the doe's side, and Faolin bit on her back leg, hamstringing her and making the prey collapse to the ground in a twitching heap of flesh. Yorrin had already started to eat before she even died, so Kade ripped out her throat and joined her mate, gorging herself on the tender meat of the doe's belly, which she knew Yorrin had left for her.
Faolin joined them after a moment, and when they finished eating, Kade threw her head back and howled their success for the rest of the pack, not far away. Yorrin and Faolin joined her song and they ended together.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 23:57:51
Nyan - accepted :3 of course you can develop her more in rp, I love people doing that. Details are always the best thing ever!

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 00:01:34
Thanks~ They're all loners right now, correct?

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 00:03:42
For now, yes. I'll be deciding on the alpha soon, and will pm them about assigning ranks. As soon as alpha assigns each wolf their rank (which the user can of course have a say in) then I will list them under that rank :3

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 00:07:27
Awesome, thank you!
I'm going to add my girl's appearance and then join in the RP! :D

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Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-04 04:33:38

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Edited on 12/07/15 by _My_Life_ (#14257)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 06:48:45
Accepted. The RP is now no longer accepting new people until a later date. At some point I'll be posting a plot update that the pack runs into an area where a bunch of wolves are lingering and joins up with them, but for now I think we have enough to build the foundation of the RP.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 06:58:16

Before it closed, I texted a friend and told her that she should totally apply for this.
I just checked back to it's closed.

I feel terrible asking, but would you mind considering her application, even though we have enough people? I'm working on helping her with her RP, especially with larger groups and this is the perfect chance. I hate to ask a favor like this but I didn't realize you were closing.

The one posting below me is the one I was asking for.

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Edited on 04/07/15 by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)

Rubinyan (Ruby) (#40145)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 07:47:41

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Edited on 23/02/16 @ 16:16:58 by Rubinyan (Ruby) (#40145)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 08:27:11
Rubinyan - I'll make an exception this once, but you'll need to fill out a form

This thread is now open to chat about the rp OOC if you want ^^ I for one am loving it so far. Everyone's style and slower than the usual lioden RP pace is exactly what I was looking for. All the waiting for everyone interacting with your character to respond before writing again is just brilliant. Thank you so much for making this possible guys <3 Also I am now officially living in my new house :O exciting/scary times

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 11:20:19
Rubin's pretty busy right now, with the fourth of July and stuff. She'll finish the form in a bit~

That's cool, Rusty! My mom moved around a lot until she got remarried and now we're firmly here, but my dad has never moved, at least not since I was born.

And I want y'all to know that I'll be here most of this coming week, but the week after (from the 11th to the 18th) I'm going to be at Salkahatchie. It's a work camp where you go and learn valuable skills while repairing people's houses, mainly poorer people or people too old to do it themselves. It's really fun, but I probably won't have a lot of time to post.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 13:20:54
>.< I'm also sorry that I wasn't on today. It was super hectic in my town today with all the American Independence Day stuff going on. People were setting off comepletely illegal fireworks all day and my dog and three of my cats were flipping out. I'll be on a lot more starting in the morning. I can honestly say that I am currently exausted lol. I think I may just go reply real quick though because I feel absolutely horrible for not being on.

Edit: How the hell did I spell "independence" incorrectly? xD I really need that new phone lol. iPod autocorrect hates me!

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Edited on 04/07/15 by JayKat [The Hoodie Whore] (#41384)

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