Posted by Shifting Tides|Open and Accepting

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 16:19:55

Shifting Spirits

Already accepted? Role-play here!

A warm mist surrounds your body, masking the scents of the forest. You feel cold, despite the beaming morning sun. Suddenly, a crackle of leaves sounds behind you and you whirl around to see a...... a tribe of humans staring expectantly at you. "Welcome to the Forest of Shifting Spirits." The voice seems to be all around you as if the whole forest is speaking but yet it just comes from one of the humans before you. "You are one of us. Your spirit longs to be one of the Others. An animal lives deep inside of you and it urges to be set free." All you can do is stare in bewilderment as the humans in front of you start to change. A voice speaks in your mind, "We are one." This time however, the voice seems oddly familiar yet you've never heard it before. With a shudder you realise that this is what they were talking about. Your spirit is more that you ever imagined.

Not all is peaceful though, after the earthquake, no one is safe. People still hold out hope that it was just a natural disaster, but you know differently. The earthquake was caused by the government; the same government that has sent the FBI out to roam the streets. The same government that is capturing Shifters. The same government that now wants to rule. It is your job to save the very few humans that are truly one of you. It's your job to teach them to be who they are, and once every shifter if found.... Once each of them know their place.... only then can you all be safe. Finally, after the very last Shifter is trained, you, along with all the others, can escape from the world you know.

(Original Rp idea by RainWatcher (#40211)
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This is the Star Stones. Where the Shifters gather to share their newfound spells, talk or just hang out. The way to get here is by following the Lake Path to its end and you will come across the Star Stones. This is where all "Tribe" meetings are held.

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The Lake Path where most Shifters often like to swim. This is the main route to the Star Stones and the Forest Village where the Shifters live. There are many different types of fish living in this lake and some Shifters even like to hunt in their animals forms in the lake.

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These are the houses in which the Shifters live, commonly referred to as the "Forest Village." Each Shifter lives in their own house but Trainee Shifters live closest to their Teachers. Their houses are usually separated by a very short rope bridge instead of a long one that joins all the houses. Every single house is connected by rope bridges and there are stairs and ladders leading up to each of them.


~No perfect characters, godmodding or power playing.
~Lioden Rules apply.
~Please keep swearing to a minimum.
~3+ sentences. Please be literate. If you don't speak fluent english please don't join. Keep in mind that if I see that you cannot do so, I will not accept you.
~Do not kill, seriously injure or hurt another character without their owners permission.
~Feel free to cause drama but don't do it all the time.
~Every Shifter studies an element of magic but the White Magic Shifters specialise in lots of different types of magic. (Your shifter must know some sort of magic but doesn't have to ever have any involvement in it if that is what you wish.)
~Only past tense writing please. 1st or 3rd person are both ok.
~Check to see what animals are already taken. Only one type of a certain animal. No double ups!
~Rescued humans will be Rp'd as just NPCs.
~Fade to black only if mating, birthing is ok.
~Be nice to everyone!
~Shifters have only ONE animal form so choose wisely. You can't change it!
~Put your favourite number in Other if you've read the rules.
~Trainee Shifters are Shifters that have not yet discovered their animal form. Once they can shift as they please they will move to their own house and begin to study magic.
~When Posting put more than your characters name at the top of your post.
(Any more suggestions? Feel free to say them!)


~Lucian Lake|Male|19 Yrs.|Jaguarundi - Trainee: Tavani
Leader's Mate:
~Mary Thoren|Female|20 Yrs.|Wolf
White Magic Shifters - (CLOSED):
~Avon Cornwell|Male|18 Yrs.|Golden Eagle - Trainee: Renegade
~Ashling|Female|18 Yrs.|Kodkod Cat - Trainee:
White Magic Trainees - (2 OPEN):
~Renegade Loving|Female|19 Yrs.|European Lynx - Mentor: Avon
~Raven Moon|Female|18 Yrs.|Raven - Mentor: Ashling
Full Shifters:
~Danielle Rox|Female|18 Yrs.|Sea Leopard
~Amelia Thoren|Female|16 Yrs.|Otter
~Amberlynn Ahdashi|Female|18 Yrs.|Clouded Leopard
~Aspen Ahdashi|Female|18 Yrs.|Clouded Leopard
~Ellanore Kiss|Female|22 Yrs.|Silver Fox
~Annette Clark|Female|19 Yrs.|Owl
~Levi Maine|Male|20 Yrs.|Lion
Trainee Shifters - (No More Trainees Than There Are Full Shifters):
~Tavani Joyce|Female|15 Yrs.|Serval - Mentor: Lucian

Sign Up's:

(Delete everything in brackets.)

Full Name:
Nickname: (If applicable)
Age: (No younger than 14-ish please):
Animal Species:
~Human: (No descriptions only. Must include a picture.)
~Animal Form: (Please choose something that no one else has, however it must be real, and not abnormal. Sorry, no blob fishes.)
Personality: (3+ Sentences. Do not just list traits.)
Bio: (Put a little back story of some kind, try not to be cliche. Not everyone's past is tortured.)

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Edited on 28/08/15 by Lia-Lin - {We All Still Die} (#36246)

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 16:30:03
Full Name: Avon Cornwell

Nickname: He prefers just Avon

Age: 18-ish Human Years.

Rank: White Magic Shifter

Gender: Male

Animal Species: Golden Eagle

~Human: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
~Animal Form: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Personality: Avon is generally very quiet but he's a really funny guy if you can get him to talk. He loves bad puns and loves being sarcastic. He is strong and defiant in his Shifter form. In both forms though, he is on task but will question someone's orders if they seem unreasonable of uncalled for. He doesn't try to please people because he thinks, if they want him to do something then they should just let him do it. His reasonableness makes up for his lack of strength in his Human Form. Being a Golden Eagle, he's confident agile, and extremely strong. He loves being outdoors and above all, loves the magic power that all Shifters possess.

Bio: Avon grew up on a farm with his parents but at the age of 14 his mother left on a business trip and never returned. His father always said she was coming back but every day, she didn't. One day his father became so angry at him for no reason and each day since he had been so blunt towards Avon. When he turned 15 he felt a stirring deep inside him and found himself as a Golden Eagle. Avon discovered the Shifters and joined their "tribe." His father never went looking for him and to this day he hasn't heard from him.

~Magic and Nature.
~Being alone while hunting.

~Flirty People.
~Unnecessary loud noise.
~Little Kids.

Quote: "The marks humans leave are too often scars..."

Other: 2712
Images Aren't Mine. (I lost the credit.)

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(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 16:38:59
Full Name: Tavani Joyce

Nickname: Tav

Age: 15

Rank: Trainee Shifter

Gender: Female

Animal Species: Serval

~Human: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

~Animal Form: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Personality: She is quiet, kind, but can lash out at times. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Tavani is stable and practical and values security and traditions although sometimes she can be sensitive. She loves observing people and what they do. She's cautious of others feelings. Tavani is quiet and tries to stay out of others way.

Bio: She was born and grew up in a broken family. Tavani lived without worry until she was about 8 years old, but at that point everything changed. She lost her home when it was destroyed after a horrible flood and her broke parents couldn't afford even afford to feed her, let alone buy a new house. They left her at an orphanage in Stonewater but, even since she was a little girl, she knew she was different. One day she found herself wandering the woods, unsure of how she got there. She liked the trees and the cover they provided and eventually discovered the Shifters.


~Obnoxious people

Quote: "Silence is a girl's loudest cry."

Other: 2712
(Image Credit: God damn I lost the links again.)

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-19 09:58:29
Full Name: Lucian Lance Lake
Nickname: --
Age: 19
Rank: leader if possible.
Gender: Male
Animal Species: Jaguarundi
Reference 1
Reference 2
He stands at 6'6"
~Animal Form:
Personality: Lucian is bipolar. One second he can be the nicest person, happy and just high on life, the next he can be mean and downright rude. But he is a generally caring person to anyone who can make it past his bipolar tendencies. Lucian is also self conscious of his height, he knows he's abnormally tall and doesn't like when people mention it, he'll clam up and usually just end the conversation, or switch to a totally different subject.
Bio: Lucian grew up in a pretty normal way, didn't know what he was until one day while he was at the park he suddenly shifted. After that his life changed, his parents rejected him and he was tossed out on the street, basically to die.
+ Tree climbing
+ Pretty girls
+ Cats of any kind
+ Steak
+ Food in general
- Swimming
- Annoying people
- Jokes
- Wasting time
Quote: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover."
Mark Twain
Other: 1337
(Credit goes to the owners of the images.)

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Edited on 19/08/15 by Uchiha Prodigy Bless my Fall (#38424)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-08-19 10:53:50
For the leaders and all things like that, is it like, first come first serve?

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2015-08-19 11:12:10
imgFull Name
Ashling Kavanagh
18 years old
White Magic Shifter
Animal Species
Kodkod Cat
They are smallest wild cat in the Americas
Human Form
Animal Form
Ash is a shy and quiet girl when it comes to strangers, but will warm up to you. Once her friend, she becomes silly and loves to talk to others. She is very friendly. Another side of her is the love to explore things around her, though that can leave her getting into trouble. What really gets her in trouble is her curious side. Ashling always gets in trouble for her curiosity with animals or fellow shifters. A rare side of her is when the girl becomes aggressive. That comes out when someone is bullying others or even herself. It calls for defending herself. The aggression can lead to getting into fights. Other than that, she loves to help others, especially healing wounds or the sick.
Ashling came all the way from Ireland in a very nice family with a above average income. She was a normal girl for 16 years, not having any problems in life. A normal school girl with good friends and a loving family. One day, while walking to school she was getting a strange feeling that she had all week. Shaking it off, she went to school. On her way there, she encountered a homeless person. He began to chase her and Ash ran from him. As she ran, she changed into the Kodkod cat she is now. The stranger, stunned turned and ran off. That day, Ashling ran away from home until she ran into other Shifters like herself and joined their, "tribe."
-Practicing her Magic
-Healing Others
-Being Helpful
-Alone Time
-Annoying sounds
-People how are to sarcastic
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before"
-Edgar Allan Poe

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Edited on 19/08/15 by | starsky | (#2771)

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 14:14:23
Uchiha & starsky - Both accepted! Lovely forms!

Cape - With the ranks such as leaders and White Magic Shifters, I accept based on form quality, but yes. First come first served. Sorry!

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-21 02:04:54
By the way, the link to the role play thread doesn't work for me.

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-08-21 08:15:24
Full Name:
Danielle Cardella Rox





Animal Species:
Sea Leopard

~Animal Form:
(Credit to their rightful owners)

Danielle is a very out-going and skippy personality. Her favorite thing to do is go swimming or hunt in the lake at the Lake Path. She mostly likes hunting or swimming in her animal form. One thing to get her really happy is just fish in general. Being a water animal, she loves fish. You'll occasionally catch her walking around with a fish in her mouth. She sometimes eat it raw, or sometimes cooked. When someone gets her mad, she's usually the type to just storm off and go soak in the lake. She has a nice little slide that leads straight to the lake if she doesn't feel like walking. (If this isn't acceptable, I can change it.) Other than that, she's very nice and lovely.

Danny was born to a very good family. She was born straight into the Forest Shifters, and has been learning magic all of her life. She's not a White Magic Shifter, but one type of magic to learn is fine by her.

-Happy people


"Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."


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Edited on 21/08/15 by CapeSoul (#68250)

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-08-21 08:16:06
Uchiha - That's because it's just an empty link. It doesn't lead anywhere. ^^

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-21 09:01:20
That makes sense. I was going to subscribe and wait for the role play yo begin, but never mind Lol.

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-08-21 09:17:36
Question, if I have twin characters would they be allowed the same animal or would they have to shift to 2 different ones?

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(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-08-21 09:19:58
Cape - Accepted! I'll put your character up in a moment.

Nephthys - Hmm, as long as the animals aren't identical, then sure. They can have the same animal.

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-08-21 09:20:29
Alright, making their forms now ^^ Thank you

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Clueless (#56865)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-21 09:31:56
Full Name: Amelia Olivia Thoren

Nickname: Amme or, by close friends, Livvy

Age: 16

Rank: Full Shifter

Gender: Female

Animal Species: Otter

~Human: River%20Otter.jpg
~Animal: River%20Otter.jpg

Personality: She is a very kind person. She strives to please everyone around her, no matter what the cost would be. Alongside being very kind and a people-pleaser, she is one of the most sensitive people in the village.

Bio: She, along with Mary, was born into the village. They come from a long line of shifters.


~Disappointing people
~Her first name

Quote: Is this neccesary? If so, I'll do it.

Other: 25

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Edited on 21/08/15 by Clueless (#56865)

Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-08-21 09:45:42
Full Name: Amberlynn Ahdashi
Nickname: Amber/Lynn
Age: 18
Rank: Full Shifter
Gender: Female
Animal Species: Clouded leopard
~Human: 1JMNIpO.png
~Animal Form: MUdk2IN.png
Confident ~ Amberlynn holds extreme confidence in herself no matter how others see her. She knows she is beautiful and knows that if she really tried she could get someone to love her, though it is her lack of voice that makes her think a man could never see her in that way.
Brilliant ~ Smarter than many give her credit for Amberlynn can generally work her way through obstacles and any roadblock thrown her way. She is very protective of herself and will work her way out of things if she sees them as threatening and a jeopardy to her life or someone else she cares about. She can solve puzzles with ease however it is difficult for her to communicate them.
Mysterious ~ Sneaky as can be, one moment you'll see her then the next you wont. She is like a ghost and will appear when she wants to, however if she does not want to good luck finding her. Amberlynn is only ever found when she wants to be. If you do manage to come across her she will almost always run away.
Lonely ~ She always craved the companionship of another and yet pulls away each time. What Amberlynn needs is someone who will accept her for her flaws and won’t shove her down as she fears each time. She has been lonely much of her life, having run away from her family and now being on her own completely. Her following of the others is now mainly a hunt for love and friendship.
Jealous ~ While Amberlynn is lonely it causes this much worse trait. When she does find a friend or starts to crush on another she gets very jealous when they befriend another. She tries to claim them as her own. When her jealousy kicks in she gets overly frustrated because she can’t voice her opinion and will often spin around and run off.

Bio: Born to a loving family both twins were basically inseparable from birth, you would have to tear them away from each other. While identical in almost all ways hair color was the only thing to tell the difference in these two, and soon enough they were off to discover even more about their similarities. They found they had the same form, though again, fur color was the only thing making these two different.
Likes: Swimming | Sunlight | Exploring
Dislikes: Muggy weather | Most females | Fear
Other: 19


Full Name: Aspen Ahdashi
Nickname: xxx Think of one.
Age: 18
Rank: Full Shifter
Gender: Female
Animal Species: Clouded leopard
~Human: 4ozhXjB.png
~Animal Form: b6T0nsL.png Form is noticably lighter than her sisters, in fact her base color is nearly white with patches of gold.
Aggressive ~ Nasty right down to the core Aspen has never exactly been a sweetheart. From a young age her whole mindset has been turned to everything being a challenge towards her. With that having been forced into her mind she snaps at just about anyone and will fight to the death in order to prove herself to anyone. While her heart is in the right place her mindset might not be just yet. She has been trying desperately to fix this factor of her personality however it has had very little success thus far.
Paranoid ~ She isn’t exactly sure who is friend or foe in her life. She doesn’t know who is going to use her and who is going to truly become a good friend to her and so she simply doesnt trust anyone. Getting her to trust you just might be the hardest thing you do in your life and so you need to try extremely hard. She will be wary of new-comers and even at friendly gatherings won’t be seen speaking openly to others.
Jealous ~ While she has yet to find true love, or any love for that matter Aspen is extremely jealous when it comes to what is hers. If she has laid claim to it she will go after anyone who so much as looks at her item or crush. She feels that anyone is trying to challenge her and she will take it as such and use it to her advantage. While she knows she is pretty she still feels extremely threatened by other women.
'Innocent' ~ She plays off an innocence that she does not in fact have. She will pretend time and time again to get out in case of conflict that she knows she cannot win, however if the chance were to present itself she would not hold back from running off for a fun night with a handsome man she knows she shouldn’t. Her mother thinks she is a perfect flower however she proves that theory wrong to anyone who actually knows the trouble that Aspen will get herself into time and time again. She won't hold back from this and doesn't care who will fight her on it.

Bio: Born to a loving family both twins were basically inseparable from birth, you would have to tear them away from each other. While identical in almost all ways hair color was the only thing to tell the difference in these two, and soon enough they were off to discover even more about their similarities. They found they had the same form, though again, fur color was the only thing making these two different.
Likes: Freedom |Open sky | Reading
Dislikes: Closed Spaces | Heat | Being Alone
Other: 19

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