Posted by Great Wolf Migration - Applications

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-08-27 10:16:48
Don't apply here!

Post your application here once you've been accepted so people can find it easily!

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-08-27 10:30:56
I'll go ahead and post my two.
Name –

Age –

Sex –

Appearance –
I have a picture of her, let's see if I can find it.
photo Jaydn_zpscdbd43e3.png
Gods help me I scrolled down to some of the older stuff and my drawings were so bad

If you can't see her, here's a (quick) description:
She is a medium-sized dark brown she-wolf, with green eyes. There is a stripe right down her back of lighter brown, tan, really, that starts right between her eyes, covers the back of her ears, goes down to frame the fringes of the fur on her jaw (but not her chin), and ends at her tail. Her front right foot has a sock of the same tan color, and her back left has a stocking. Across her snout, on her left shoulder, and on her front left leg, there are thin, pale scars. On her hip (left), she has a much larger scar, and on her back left leg, she has another thinner one.
The top of her front left paw has a black patch. On the same leg, there is a band (at the very top, where her leg meets her shoulder). There is another of these on her back right leg.

Personality –
Kade is, for the most part, a levelheaded individual. Years of resolving arguments within her first pack gave her the ability to see everyone's point of view and be fair in her rewards and punishments. However, she does need her space, and often; it isn't uncommon for her to wander off for a few days and come back when she is ready. She was born a loner and still occasionally craves the life of freedom, but she also loves to know that she has a family within the pack.
She has always wanted pups and, when she realizes she is infertile, she is going sink into a depression.
I hope you don't mind if I develop her more in-RP?

Biography –
Kade was born a loner. Her mother was entirely white-pelted and always told her and her two siblings that they took after their father, who they never met. She always assumed that they were a pack, until she got a little older and came into contact with an actual pack member.
Lilly was on her first solo hunt when she ran into Kade, in her hiding place (Kade and her two brothers, Juji and Garith, were playing hide-and-seek). They talked for a little while, Lilly asking if she was from a pack, and when Kade said 'yes', how big the pack was. For a moment, the older she-wolf was confused, then laughed a little and said that they weren't a pack, they were too small.
Kade didn't remember much after that, for a few months, but she did remember one thing in perfect clarity - her mother's death.
When she was about four months old, hunters came. They shot her mother and found Kade, Juji, and Garith. They took the three to a different place that Kade did not know the word for, and did painful things to her. One day, they were arguing and accidentally left her cage open, and she left, still walking strangely.
Because she was now free, but did not know where she was, she ran into a wolf pack quite by accident, and, after a bit of arguing, heard her story and let her become one of them.
A few years passed and she learned to hunt with a pack, learned their customs and ways. She started a hunter, but was soon, too soon, some said, promoted to the beta female position, and began to lead the hunts.
The alpha pair was aging, and eventually, they wandered off together and never came back. A hunting party found their bodies, and they were buried properly. Kade and her mate, the beta male, Yorrin, became the alpha pair, promoted new betas, and another year passed in peace.
Then the earthquake came.
Her mate was dead, and their pack.

Would you like to be considered for Alpha? –
Yes, I would, but I understand if that is no longer an option.

Other –
Rusty <3 Yeah, the hunters fixed her. She can still mate, but no pups. She doesn't know that she is infertile yet.

Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –
Kade waited patiently in the undergrowth. Her muscles itched to jump out, but she forced her body to remain still, but for her soft breathing. She could feel the eyes of Yorrin on her, from the opposite side of the clearing, and Faolin, in position, hidden between them. The trio had been stalking the herd for two days, and they were finally ready. Their target was a doe with a twisted foreleg, on the outskirts of the herd. She would signal when it was time. A shadow drifted over the moon and an owl hooted in the silence.
Her ears caught every sound; the rustle of the trees, a lone cricket, the earth shifting ever-so-slightly under her own paws as she leaned forward half an inch.
Then she gave the signal, one bark, ringing in the silence. She and Yorrin leaped from the undergrowth at the same time and circled, driving the injured doe towards Faolin, who waited until the perfect time and jumped out, making her shy back towards Kade, who took three extra bounding strides and latched onto the doe's throat, her teeth sinking in through the delicate skin and the animal's salty blood rushing into her mouth, dripping out the sides. Yorrin took the doe's side, and Faolin bit on her back leg, hamstringing her and making the prey collapse to the ground in a twitching heap of flesh. Yorrin had already started to eat before she even died, so Kade ripped out her throat and joined her mate, gorging herself on the tender meat of the doe's belly, which she knew Yorrin had left for her.
Faolin joined them after a moment, and when they finished eating, Kade threw her head back and howled their success for the rest of the pack, not far away. Yorrin and Faolin joined her song and they ended together.

Name –

Age –
3 years old

Sex –

Appearance –
photo Rivers_zpsqz3kwtvh.png

Personality –
Rivers can be withdrawn and is often reluctant to commit to things that will effect her more than a little. She prefers to be alone but enjoys the security that a pack offers, so she stays. She does not want pups and has never really looked for a mate.

I'm terrible at describing personalities so you'll see I guess, in RP. <3

Biography –
Rivers was born in a pack, but left eventually after her father encouraged her to go and find a mate to start her own pack. She never did so, simply wandering as a loner ever since. Nothing crazy or traumatic. She had two brothers that she bickered with occasionally, but they have long since found their own packs.

Would you like to be considered for Alpha? –
I'm thinking that you should take this out and instead put something along the lines of "if you are joining as a pup, would you like to be born into the pack or found outside of it"

Other –
Rusty <3

Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –
Do I actually need to? I mean, you've seen me RP. And I'm kinda pressed for time right now.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2015-08-27 11:08:24
Name –Cyber

Age – 3

Sex –Female

Appearance – f551th.jpg

Personality – Cyber is a very confident and proud wolf. She loves being around pups and seeing them grow into strong members of the pack. She is usually very social, but she values time to herself. She's curious and adventurous, but she follows orders and listens to higher ranked members of the pack. She likes learning new things and enjoys working with others to hunt and defend the pack from other wolves.

Biography – Cyber and her sister Flora were born in a small den in a thick forest. Her mother was the Alpha female. She grew up in a small pack and she was very close with all of them, especially her sister. Her and Flora always had each other's back. When Cyber was still young, her mother was killed by hunters. Cyber was devastated. She tried to stay strong for the sake of the family, but eventually she decided to leave and be on her own. After the earthquake, Cyber rushed back to her birth place hoping to be reunited with Flora. Sadly, there was no sign of them anywhere. Cyber began her journey to the Valley of Hope, hoping her family was doing the same.

Would you like to be considered for Alpha? – This is my first time role playing, so I don't really want to.

Other – Rusty <3

Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) – Cyber opens her eyes and looks around. The sun rays pierce through the trees and the morning dew drops shine on the leaves. 'What a beautiful morning', Cyber thinks to herself as she stands. Her paws sink into the damp, ice colored moss. She can hear birds singing high up in the tree tops and a woodpecker pecking in the distance. She begins to walk towards the pond when she sees a rabbit nibbling away at blossoms. She takes soft steps away, careful not to disturb the small creature. She isn't in need of food so she doesn't bother hunting it. When she reaches the pond, she lays on top of a black rock on the edge of the water. She looks across the glistening water at the tall pine trees swaying in the soft wind. She tries to enjoy the peaceful morning, but all she can think about is her sister Flora. 'She would love it here', she thinks to herself, looking at the beautiful scenery. Flora always loved nature. She saw the world differently. Cyber tries to shake the thoughts out of her head. 'I'll see her soon', she thinks. 'She'll be at the Valley of Hope'.

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Edited on 12/09/15 @ 07:12:00 by NightSky01 (#52637)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2015-08-27 11:11:51
Name – Dakota

Age – 2yrs

Sex – Male

Appearance – Muzzle, legs, ears and tail are black. Face and body is dark grey. Stomach/underside is light grey. Eyes are dark blue.

Personality – Very serious. Follows orders without question.

Biography – Dakota was born into a big pack who were all very closely related. His parents were very strict. They taught him how to hunt and survive on his own. He had many older siblings and was forced to fight for his position in the family.

What role would your character be best in? Fighter or Hunter

Other – Rusty <3

Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) – I already did one for my other character Cyber. If you still need to see one I can do one though.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2015-08-27 11:49:30
Name – Raven.
Age – 2 years old.
Sex – Male.
Appearance – Click here. Raven is a lithe, long-legged black wolf with white underfur. He has large pointed ears, a lengthy bushy tail and bright amber eyes.
Personality – Compared to Marcel this young male is far more naive and impressionable. He's eager to please and happy to follow orders unlike his 'friend.' He wishes for nothing more than to belong and will do almost anything for just a bit of companionship. His friendliness is genuine and he has a loyal heart. He can come across as overly apologetic and often quite self-conscious. He likes to see the best in people no matter who they are and that leaves him rather open to being hurt or easily manipulated by others. Raven is very forgiving and will forget almost any offense against him so long as the other party apologizes.
Biography – Raven bumped into Marcel recently and took pity on the half-starved male, catching prey for the both of them and trying his best to teach the spoiled wolf how to hunt on his own. He isn't sure he actually likes Marcel or vice-versa, but he's a bit desperate for company. Raven has had a hard time truly fitting in anywhere thus far, though he dreams of being part of a pack someday. He was born to a lone female who was banished from her own pack and she abandoned him as soon as he was old enough to survive on his own.
What role would your character be best in? Hunter.
Other – Rusty.


Name – Marcel.
Age – 4 years old.
Sex – Male.
Appearance – Click here. Marcel is an average-sized male Timber Wolf with a thick, pale blue-gray coat. His ears are lined with black hair and black mixes in with the blue-gray fur on his back, neck, the top of his head, paws and along his tail leading up to a dark tail-tip. His eyes are a light shade of green.
Personality – A sneaky and sly wolf with a long-running manipulative streak. He will generally only team up with or help others if he knows it will benefit him in some way and probably wouldn't think twice about betraying others once they prove to no longer be useful to him. At first appearance Marcel likely comes across as charming and charismatic, but underneath the friendly nice guy act is a rather nasty fellow indeed. He looks out for himself first and foremost, often not really caring how others feel no matter how much he pretends.
Biography – Surprisingly enough, Marcel was once a beloved pet. His former owner didn't seem to think much of keeping a wild animal in his house even though wolves don't exactly make the best pets. Marcel was often treated like the most prized dog in the world. In fact, for a very long time indeed, he actually thought he was a dog. During the great earthquake Marcel's home collapsed in on him and his owner, killing the human and leaving him trapped for days before he finally freed himself from the rubble. After that he was on his own. Just managing to scrap by from scavenging and stealing food from others. From a pampered pet to a lone wolf? Yeah, this hasn't been an easy transition for this spoiled canine.
What role would your character be best in? I'm not sure honestly. Possibly a scout? I don't imagine he would excel at fighting or hunting without some proper training from a more experienced wolf first. Though I'd like him to start out as a loner if that's alright? It sounds like everyone starts out as a loner, but I figured I better make that clear just in case.
Other – Rusty.

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Edited on 27/08/15 by Topaz (#33076)

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