-LOCKED - Fixes, tons of updates and... Something New.
Posted on 2015-10-09 01:21:27

Fixes and ToS update:

- Forum topic subscriptions will now give a notification at the top of the page when a new response has been made.
- Members can now check which forum topics they want to unsubscribe from and click a button to unsubscribe from the checked topics. Members can also now unsubscribe from ALL topic subscriptions that they've made.
- Members can now declare their lack of support for a game suggestion thread - basically saying that you don't like the idea. You CAN change your mind when you support or don't support an idea, in case the main idea changes and you decide that your opinion has changed. However, you still can't withdraw your vote altogether.
- Game stats are back on the sidebar, showing how many members, lions, sub-males, and cubs Lioden has at the moment.
- Some minor changes have been made to the sidebar aesthetics.
- Members can now report a lion if you see that their name, footnote, or biography violates our terms and conditions. The report link can be found at the very bottom of the lion's page. This item is not for reporting glitched lions, use bug boards please.
- The action of crafting a decor is now logged in member's User Log.


- New Terms and Conditions added:
3.5 - Spamming/flooding (several posts the same, nonsense content, continually posting messages with little content in them), all-caps, and other annoying practices such as these in chat will get your posts deleted without warning.
2.14 - (Reworded) We CANNOT and WILL NOT moderate what we call "promise transactions". This is a type of transaction that doesn't take advantage of the implemented game's trading system or studding system to conduct a trade, studding, or other action which involves an exchange of game assets. We STRONGLY advise that you do not transfer anything to other members on the promise that they will do something in return, e.g. breed your lioness and send her back, reserve future-bred cubs for you, etc. If you do partake in a "promise transaction" then it is completely at your own risk. If you get burned by not getting your game assets back, we will not intervene. "Promise transactions" include refusal to use the trading center, in-game breeding system (trading studdings for items, for example) or any other method of secure transaction on Lioden.
2.19 - Any attempt to scam or false advertise to other members may result in your account receiving a fine or temporary ban and having any trades reversed.

- We have removed a duplicate rule from our Terms and Conditions, and relocated a rule from Member Behaviour to the bottom of the page.

Bugs Fixed
- When going to other pages of TC search results, the fields should no longer glitch.
- Fixed new members being able to use same email for main and side account and thus not being able to access it.
- Fixed snake scent not working for elephants
- Dynamic backgrounds now work in wardrobe, and will use the game's current time of day to determine what to show - in future we'll see if we can add an option to pick weather and time in the wardrobe to preview all versions anytime!
- Updating katanga and savage version in Custom Decors should now work properly.
- Fixed an issue with transferring ownership to an admin in clans
- Fixed an issue with good and kind personality lions not giving the correct buff to their pride members
- Fixed an issue with tsavo maned teen males not showing their headshots correctly
- When lions leave it now notes in your user log what their mood and hunger was when they left
- Fixed an issue when retiring into an heir with the personality change dropdown not carrying over
- Fixed an issue with user log not always logging the name of what items were used
- Fixed an issue with eyeless & blind heirs showing up in the retirement dropdown
- Fixed an issue with mass messaging admins in clans

New Base, Nose and Markings:

We're introducing this week new stuff:
Dun base - Dark, Solid, Common, Black - Available in Base Changer and Oasis!
Butterfly Nose - custom nose, just like Dudley! Available in Nose Changer and Oasis!
White and Silver Roan - custom markings, per user suggestion - Available in Marking Applicators and Oasis!


On Hybrids...!:


What are Hybrids? Yes, they're that hyped mutation, and we're explaining because one is already waiting to be born as we speak, so better have all the information known on time!
Hybrids are born when your lioness is impregnated by a male of another species, and upon birth you will receive a message where she admits to breeding with another animal. It is incredibly rare and will display as mutation - thus, your hybrid cannot have Achromia etc. When breeding, it’s of a similar rarity to Dwarfism. Lower fertility lionesses are much more likely to get frisky with the male leopards! ;) The litter might still contain normal cubs, as felines are able to gather sperm from multiple breedings and carry cubs from different fathers.

Hybrids also introduce a new marking and a base to the game, in Leopon’s case it is the Kimanjano base and Mottled Rosette. They have a very special pass rate and requirements to be passed onto offspring - Leopons will be able to pass them onto their offspring with relative ease, but lions with this base or marking may find it a bit difficult - though not impossible.

A first generation Leopon is one bred directly from a male leopard and a female lioness. This one will display the default Leopon look, and cause the special birth message upon its birth. Generations of the hybrid no longer track once more Leopons are born from a first generation, and their looks will pass more like in normal breeding. Female Leopons have a better chance of producing another Leopon through breeding, though it’s still low - but definitely not as low as breeding a first generation Leopon!

All Leopons are born with drastically lower stats than normal lions. Unfortunately, being a hybrid isn’t ALL wonderful.

Because Leopons in the Lioden world are still lions, you CAN retire into one and experience the game, battle, explore and so on.. well, almost. Males are infertile, like hybrids usually experience. Your main male won’t be able to breed, ever. Females however… enjoy! Maybe she’ll spawn more leopons? And yes. You can use marking applicators and base changers on them. Have fun!

Summary cause neverending questions:

- It's like a mutation. Upon birth you get a Cub Health message informing you about a certain accident with a Leopard, your lioness will admit to giving her flower to a Leopard. It's a surprise, she bred in secret, she won't randomly get pregnant, it will be any existing pregnancy that it can happen to.
- You DO NOT go anywhere to breed with a Leopard. Again, it's like a mutation.
- Yes, GMO cows raise your chances, just like Dwarfism, as we stated before.

If you have any questions about the Event that is currently going on, you can check the Sticky News post for October!
Remember that event ends on October 31st at 11:59 pm, and all your currency will be stored in your account until next year.

Shad has added new tags, check them out as usual! :D


Lioden goes Tumblr!
We have now official Tumblr page which will get weekly news posts as well SECRET ART SPOILERS during the week! Sketches, spoilers and other fun stuff will appear here, and won't anywhere else! (okay maybe art streams and chat sometimes).


Raffle Lioness

Congrats Aarengata (#58543)! you have won the last raffle lady along with Hottentots Mountains raffle background!
Newest lady has Vitiligo 7 and 6 as the Night Vegetation background and is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

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Edited on 09/10/15 @ 11:14:43 by Xylax (#4)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 14:02:03
:o Hybrids?!? /cries/ there goes all hope of saving any GB...

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 14:44:26
Ahh thats wonderful!!!!

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nadia (#47839)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-09 18:02:53
that leopon looks so beautiful!!

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nadia (#47839)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-09 19:28:47
that leopon looks so beautiful!!

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Siyvee (#46507)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-10-09 19:32:32
Guys, it's just like ANY OTHER mutation :) It's all written in the news ;A;

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Ezgati~Crazy Panther
Lady~🐆 (#28391)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 20:43:32
huh... leopon. Interesting!

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 21:22:43
I think the no support button was a very bad idea. There will now be absolutely no communication between the author of the idea and the people who dont support it, either because they dont agree or misunderstand or dont understand the idea and so they dont like it.

The author should be given the chance to explain in a case by case manner why they think the idea will benefit the game. While the first post should be enough in general, but one cannot think of every scenario and include it.

I have a lot of suggestions and I would love to know why someone does not support my idea. More so than wanting the reason why someone supports it. While it is clear, why someone supports an idea (agrees with first post obviously and the idea), on the other hand people could dislike the idea for various reasons, so this wont help the author to fine-tune the idea or make changes that could make it more acceptable or even explain and convince the people who didnt like it initially.

And now this communication is cut entirely.

Well, I will continue posting my reasons for not supporting but we will see a lot of threads where people wont bother and the author will be lost, confused why people dislike the idea.

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Siliandra (#1137)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 21:50:21
I find the no support button a fairness thing. So far supporters could just click and anonymously say yes to something while opponents had to be put in the spotlight, often meeting with very mean, aggressive response from some of the said supporters.

Many people wouldn't speak up against an idea, especially if it had a lot of supporters because of it, I know because I felt it and I was subject to being hounded down for saying a valid no with a reason attached. You might say it's because they didn't dislike the idea enough - I say it's because not everyone wants their name attached to it and be open to attack - not every person suggesting ideas does it but many supporters do.

Also what about people that don't want to be 'convinced' and/or do not want the idea in any shape and form? They understand the first post, still do not want it in game? How come some anonymous supporters can just as well make an idea show up high listed and highlighted because they click and yet opponents have to comment, be subject to critiques themselves, subject to 'convincing' or explaining things to them like they are children?

Opposition to an idea was always drowned in the influx of comments and the more controversial the idea or the more aggressive the support the more often opponent's comments were just shouted down in a flood or people telling them they are idiots for 'not understanding', 'not getting how it will improve things', 'being stupid' (because that's valid right?) etc. I'm glad that the statistics of votes are no longer one-sided.

If someone wants to explain their vote, yes or no they can still put it in the comments - but unfortunately as it is on Lioden and why there are constant reminders - the forums are often a mean, aggressive place and when you put your name to your opinion and it isn't liked you will even get threats and vile things through messages.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 23:04:40
"So far supporters could just click and anonymously say yes to something while opponents had to be put in the spotlight..."
But dont you see the logic? If someone agrees to a post, they dont need to put any additional detail. But if you dont support, it means you dont agree to the first post and there is addition detail to that. Supporters would just repeat what is in the first post. Non-supporters however have different information to add.

"Many people wouldn't speak up against an idea, especially if it had a lot of supporters because of it, I know because I felt it and I was subject to being hounded down for saying a valid no with a reason attached."
In that case, it means you dont find it important to open the eyes of the people towards your perspective. The main idea behind commenting is, that you share your view, which others can read and it might give them a wider perspective.
Currently, your button click of 'no support' will only add a number to the scarce no-support, without you being able to share your view and convince people and the developers why you think it is bad. See the problem? Numbers -in this case- will mean nothing. It will tell the developers, that x number of people didnt like it but wont tell them why. Eg.: people might not like and mass-no support a thread, which would give a limiting feature towards their gameplay. This doesnt mean the idea is bad.

"Also what about people that don't want to be 'convinced' and/or do not want the idea in any shape and form? They understand the first post, still do not want it in game?"
How do you know they cannot be convinced and dont want it in the game if they were explained? How do you know some people might not actually understand the first post? I had a ton of people misunderstand it, even if I thought it was as clear as day. You seem to concentrate a lot about the judger audience but forget about the suggesting party. The author has the right to know what is wrong with their idea.

"How come some anonymous supporters can just as well make an idea show up high listed and highlighted because they click and yet opponents have to comment, be subject to critiques themselves, subject to 'convincing' or explaining things to them like they are children?"
-see above for explanation why negative critique is important-. As for the last bit, it is EXTREMELY offensive. Just because someone needs to explain to you, doesnt mean they see you as a child. I myself sometimes need to see the base of an idea and need to be explained. This doesnt make me a child. Adults need also need explanation, convincing, persuasion and a calm debate. Nothing childish is in that.

All in all, communication is key. The author deserves to know why the idea is considered bad, has the right for information and if you see anyone being aggressive or calling you or someone else 'stupid' or an 'idiot', then please consult a mod or an admin because being rude to others is against ToS. people will always try to defend ideas that they consider good. This is nothing new.
Do not forget, that not only the voters have rights but also the authors of ideas.

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snowstar (#59137)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 23:10:50
Could Xylax please update the wiki, if they run it?

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Siliandra (#1137)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 23:13:32
@Axel my post was not actually pointed at you and yet you found the need to explain it to me in detail how you feel - did I want that? No. Did I get it without asking for it? Yes. You simply proved the part where when you do speak up and deliver any criticism you will be confronted. Why should I face confrontation when I do not want it?

I know someone does not want to be convinced because they press a button instead of commenting. I know then they don't want an argument about it, they just don't want the idea. Better yet how come you do not address the unfairness of only having up votes? It is plainly unfair for supporters to be anonymous and the opposition to be named and shamed.

If someone has something constructive to say - positive or negative - they still can comment, allow me to use your phrase here 'if they find it important enough'. Being rude doesn't have to be aggressive enough to be deemed against the ToS, sometimes being shot down or 'convinced' forcibly when you didn't want it is just as bad.

You say there is nothing childish in having things explained to you - that depends on whom you deal with, I never asked you in person to explain things to me - yet you spoke up as if I attacked you. I did not refer to you in my first post so please simply accept my opinion, it will not change whatever you say, because I already went through the wringer with it before.

You speak a lot about the rights of the authors - how about the right to say 'no' without being pestered about it? How about the right to say 'no' as anonymously as saying 'yes'? Non-existent? Not relevant?

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Edited on 10/10/15 @ 06:14:46 by Siliandra (#1137)

V-eritas (#47953)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 23:33:54
Awesome, I love the leopons:D

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-10-09 23:43:41
...my post was not actually pointed at you and yet you found the need to explain it to me in detail how you feel - did I want that? No. Did I get it without asking for it? Yes. You simply proved the part where when you do speak up and deliver any criticism you will be confronted. Why should I face confrontation when I do not want it? [...]
I never asked you in person to explain things to me - yet you spoke up as if I attacked you. I did not refer to you in my first post so please simply accept my opinion...

And? So I dont have the right to answer to any comment that is posted on a PUBLIC thread?

This is the problem with your thought-process.

You are in public domain.

You cannot tell me to not answer, even if you did not want anyone to reply to your comment. If you are standing on the streets, you cannot scream at everyone who looks at you that you demand they dont do so. They can see you, they will look. I see a comment on a public thread, I have all the right to reply to it. With the person asking for it or not.

I know someone does not want to be convinced because they press a button instead of commenting. I know then they don't want an argument about it, they just don't want the idea.
You can still do so by commenting why you dont like the idea and you can choose to ignore the thread after it, not letting the author convince you. But also at the same time giving the author the right to say their part and explain. Balance.

Better yet how come you do not address the unfairness of only having up votes?
Already explain that in my previous comment but will do so here as well:
Supports = Agrees to first post, would only repeat it, offers no additional detail.
No Supports = Does not agree to first post for a reason, has additional detail and information to offer
The key is in 'repeating the first post'.

The button was added when they saw that people needed to keep saying 'support'. Notice how if someone does not support will reply and explain? If someone just comments 'no support', the author automatically will ask the person why. The additional information the no-supporters offer is important for the author.

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Velvet Vixie (#63440)

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Posted on
2015-10-10 00:18:39
I would love a hybrid. :3

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Siliandra (#1137)

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Posted on
2015-10-10 00:20:18

Again you simply confirm all that I wrote. You keep telling me what I should think and feel - well I feel you are treating me like a child when you keep explaining the same things over and over, even though I said I did not want that. What is really rude for me is when you deconstruct my posts when I never did it to yours - I simply answer you. You are also aggressive in your responses, in my opinion. You do not allow me to simply say my piece and leave it there.

Public domain? Just another reason for a person opposing the idea to be able to hide as much as supporters do. To say no you have to put a public post into a public forum and not just the author but also others are allowed to throw anything and everything at them.

Please don't tell me I have problems with my thought-processes because that is insulting.

If it is indeed important for you to get feedback, ask and you may just get answered. Many time I see posts that already explain why I wouldn't support the idea, I don't want to repeat that as much as I wouldn't want to repeat the first post of the idea's author. If I find an idea especially perfect than I post still in support of it, not just press the button so that I could add my view to it - the same should be optional for non-supporters.

All I wanted to say was my opinion, not to start an argument you seem so hell bent on getting into - let's part in peace with each of us having their own opinions, how is that?

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