Posted by Zombie Got Your Heart? (and Brain?)

Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-12 14:19:57
1x1 between Valentine and myself.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-12 15:12:44
Crack. the shot echoed over the otherwise empty silent city, followed by the thud of a body hitting the pavement. "Boom. Headshot." Storm muttered, peering through his scope again. He pulled the lever back, reloading the rifle, before peering through the scope again and moving it across the broken and bloody pavement to the body. The torn and broken body moved no more, and a quick flash of teeth was all the indication Storm gave that he was pleased.

A soft scuff of cloth over hard ground alerted Storm that his twin was back on the roof. "Get the provisions?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder and raising an eyebrow at the disheveled stare of his twin. "Zombie get the drop on you again?" He asked. Light scowled "its not my fault that its smarter than the others." Storm rolled his eyes. "It isn't, you're just predictable."

Light flopped on the ground, crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe." He admitted. "Just be glad it hasnt bitten you yet." Storm huffed, before looking through the scope again.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-10-13 12:13:08
The silence of the abandoned store was grating on Theo's already wire tight nerves, he was to used to the constant sounds of the Biters groans, shuffling, and growls, but for the moment the twenty year old had to make do with the rats that shared his space, chattering. The brown haired male sat on the dirty, dusty floor and chewed slowly on a piece of long stale bread while gazing out the smeared, cracked window at the street below, disregarding the rats about his feet stealing the dropped crumbs away.

Theo stilled, since his leg had been bouncing in place relentlessly from his nervous habits, as the sound of a gun shot reached his ears. Theo let out a hum of interest, interest that was heavily diluted by his paranoia. What if they're after me, he thought to himself only to shake his head a moment later. What a ridiculous thought. A somewhat hysterical giggle escaped him as he was unable to stifle the rising dread and paranoia. With his leg tapping at a more rapid pace, Theo dug a bandaged hand, an accident with a chain link had left it cut up, into one of the many pockets of his black cargo pants to pull out a half full bottle of Quetiapine, or Seroquel.

Popping the top, Theo placed a whole pill in his mouth and took a quick swig from the bottle of water next to him to swallow it down. Coming to a split second decision, Theo stood, making sure to pat his pockets down to confirm that he had all of his things. In his front right pocket a roll of bandages, a small tube of Antiseptic cream, and a miniature bottle of cleaning alcohol sat; while the left pocket was taken up by his knife and it's sheave.

The four bottom pockets, two on each side, were filled with various necessities such as small packets of crackers and other none perishable food, two bottles of water and a small portable filter, a pair of wire cutters, a padlock and key along with a length of chain, an antique pocket watch (one that still worked), and other such things. Nodding to himself, Theo reached down and picked up his trusty shovel, a long handled thing that had a bloody, crusty, dirty spade piece. The blue eyed male grabbed the 'handle' of the shovel, which happened to be a long piece of rope he had tied to both ends through holes he had drilled in, and slung his chosen weapon over his shoulder.

With one last look around, pocketing his bottle of medicine, Theo strode over to one of the still open windows and climbed out, careful to not make any unnecessary noise . Theo adjusted his thick, red plaid jacket to better cover his black tank top underneath and proceeded to climb down the two story building, hell bent on finding the source of the sound.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-13 12:39:42
"I dont know." Maybe its sentinel." The white headed male snarked, rubbing a grubby hand against his cheek, making the dirt worse, before giving up. Storm snorted at that, as he sighted down his scope again. Usually a herd of strange looking deer came through the parking lot in front of their abandoned building. They had blocked off the entryway, and all on the bottom two floors, prefering to exit from a rope ladder they'd made. They'd actually quarantined the bottom two fllors for the animals they caught, until they were able to kill them and store them.

So far, they hadnt met any other humans, only zombies and the occassional creature. But that was fine. The twins had each other, and didn't need any one else. But as much as they told themselves that, they're relationship had grown strained from only being around each other.

Storm sighted another zombie and gave a feral grin. Most had either learned to avoid this particular parking lot, or had moved to other parts of the city. Crack. "Headshot." He murmured again, Light's voice an echo behind them. Storm always mumbled it after a kill, even when they'd played video games, and it had become the usual between them.

After making sure it moved no more, Storm forced himself to his feet, his ice blue eyes roving the parking lot one last time. "Since you failed, and we need to stay stocked up in provisions, I have to go down. You will stay here and watch my six." He frowned at him, making the usually jovial male scowl back. "Fine. Dont die." Light dropped to Storm's vacated spot, as the dark headed male gathered his sword sheaths and scrapped them to his back, slipping a small handgun into its holster, before heading for the door of the roof.

It didnt take him long to move to their 'ground floor' which was the third floor, and slide down the rope, his ears and eyes quickly searching for any hint of movement as he moved over the broken asphalt.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-10-13 14:04:50
Theo let out a mangled curse, nearly incomprehensible as the words were cut in half by a short lived shriek of terror. He had made it to the bottom of the building safely, only gaining a few scraps and bruises here and there from bumping into the stone wall, but as soon as he had turned to exit the alleyway he'd been set upon by a small hoard of Walkers. With his heart nearly pounding right out of his chest, Theo went into overdrive swinging and hacking with his shovel in both hands, breath caught in his throat. Knocking back as particularly strong Zombie Theo took off running, hoping to put some distance between himself and the flesh eaters.

Though he had taken his medicine not all that long ago, Theo's paranoia had skyrocketed to new heights, driving not only his blood pressure but his heartbeat ever higher. As he ran, a high pitched, miserable sounding whine reached his ears. With a start, the brown haired teen realized that it was him the sound was coming from. Slamming his jaw shut helped only a bit, the pathetic sign of weakness giving the twenty year old a feeling of shame. Theo slid around the next corner a little too sharply, causing the worn tread on his shoes to slip out from under him, sending the plaid wearing male straight to the ground in a hard roll.

A strangles yelp escaped him as he hit the ground hard, his prized shovel clattering to the ground in a canopy of noise. Dazed, Theo simply laid there.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-13 14:47:27
Storm had gotten a pretty good way away from their camp, slicing the heads off of any zombies he saw, when he heard the shriek of terror. He darted in the direction he'd heard the noise, guided by a high pitched whine. He got there just in time to see a male skid to the ground.

Instead of moving towards the human, he turned to face the zombies, his movements full of grace as he kicked one zombie, causing it to fly into the others. He didnt bother going for a gun, knowing it would attract attention. Instead he settled for hacking the zombies apart, his face calm and expressionless.

Once the zombies were disposed of, he wiped the blades down on one of the zombies shirt, before sliding them in their sheathes and turning towards the guy. "Have you been bitten?" He called softly. He didnt dare move closer, in case he had, and turned, or simply went crazy and attempted to kill him.

Instead, he settled for wiping his leather jacket down. Usually he was pretty clean in his killings, but he wasnt perfect, and accidents happen. He made sure most of the blood was off, before returning his ice blue gaze to the plaid-clad male.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-10-14 13:09:50
Wise, unseeing, blue eyes gazed up at the sky, a wall of clouds floated above casting shadows across Theo's face and the brick walls around him, giving the young male a sense of bitter peace. So lost in the silvery-grey of the sky, Theo almost didn't hear any of the fighting going on around him, but snapped out of it when all sound disappeared to be replaced by a soft, light voice. Theo blinked, arched his back and tilted his head back to see another male with bluish-black hair looking down at him. Blue eyes stared into blue, before Theo finally registered that he had been spoken to, or really, asked a question.

Shaking himself hard, he rolled quickly rolled over to the right, wincing in pain as the cuts and bruises from earlier flared with pain, and pushed to his feet unsteadily. Theo froze as the full view of the other came into clearer resolution (as being up-side-down before hand had made him a little dizzy), the sight of the mans leather jacket covered in blood had his paranoia shooting through the roof once more. D Did he kill someone?, his mind whispered hesitantly, before he forcefully squashed it down. Of course he killed someone, no something, zombies couldn't be counted as people any longer.

Theo opened his mouth to reply, but all that came out was another embarrassing whine. A brilliant flush spread across the top of his cheeks, turning them and the tips of his ears red in color. He fidgeted for a few moments before angrily pulling himself back together. "N no." He managed to choke out, anxiety tightening around his throat with fingers of steel.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-14 13:32:37
Storm gave a slow nod. "You should pick up your weapon. You never know when you will be attacked." After a moments hesitation, he moved closer, his steps light and soft, his pale face wary. "Are you hurt? Do you need assistance?" His leather collar tinkling softly as he patted his pockets. "I left the bandages at camp..." he admitted, stopping a safe distance away.

He straightened upon hearing a crack. "Come on. I'll take you to my base. We'll be safe there, and I can check your wounds." He moved around the stranger, wind tounsling his dark hair as he began the short trek back to their building. "Stick close. If you fall behind, you will be left behind, unless hurt in a way, in which you should tell me know." He spoke, glancing over his shoulder at the plaid wearing stranger. "Name's Storm, by the way."

He moved through the abandoned buildings with ease, though his eyes searched every shadow, and his ears caught every sound. They were only detained once, by a stray Walker, which Storm easily took care of with a clean sweep of his sword, before he wiped it down with a stray cloth and slid back into its sheathe as he continued moving.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-10-16 14:47:22
Theo froze for a second before he lurched forward and scooped up his shovel, the garden item turned weapon clenched tightly, his knuckles going white around the veins and ligaments. He forced himself to let go of his tight hold to swing the attached rope up over his shoulder, the shovel sitting at an angle across his back. Done rearming himself, Theo looked up only to jerk back in surprise as the other man stepped forward, moving in closer. To close, his mind whispered, and he couldn't help but agree. He took a step back to put some distance between them but shook his head in answer to the blue haired male's question.

"No," he croaked, voice rough from misuse, "not hurt too bad. I've got bandages." He waved a hand toward one of his many pockets. Theo was surprised that the other even offered to take him with him, he knew people in this day and age were far more dangerous than the undead around them, after all he knew from personal experience. He pushed a hand through his hair, sweeping his bangs from his face, scratching at his scalp lightly to try and relieve some of the built up stress. "Alright." The agreement left him before he even knew what he was doing but oh well, no way to back out now.

He strode after the other, Storm as he was informed, still slightly hunched over with his shovel on his back and one hand in his pocket fingering his hunting knife, not that he was going to use it unless necessary. As he followed after he thought he might as well give his name as well, after all, what could it hurt?

"Theo," he frown as it came out little more than a whisper. Clearing his throat he tried again," My name's Theo."

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-16 15:37:00
Storm flicked a glance at him. "Nice to meet you." Afterwards, he stayed silent, until they reached his and Light's camp. He used the handle of his sword to pull down the rope ladder. "Zombies cant get in here. I'll go up first, so you know its safe. Keep an eye out for any surprise attacks." He could tell that the male didnt trust him, and he didnt blame him. You couldn't make it in this world anymore, if you trusted too much."

With a soft grunt, he started climbing up the ladder, reaching the end rather quickly and climbing inside. He ran his gaze over the barricaded doors and windows, his ears perked for any signs of movement. Upon deeming it safe, he turned and called softly to him. "All safe. You can come up." He moved back to give him room. Once they were both safe, he began to think over exactly what they were going to do.

"I have a brother, here with me. I wanted to warn you... because he can get a bit annoying. And i'd prefer for you not to kill him." After speaking, he pushed open the stair well, making sure those doors and the stairwell leading to the bottom was still blocked off, before continuing up the cold column of steel, metal, and cement. "We have provisions, if you're hungry." He grunted.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 05:45:17
((Sorry for passing out and the shortness.))

Theo's limbs ached as he walked after Storm, his clumsy fall having left behind several small cuts and bruises, leaving him sore and tender to the touch, not that it helped having his shovel bounce against his back consistently. Blue grey eyes widened as the other pulled down a sturdy looking rope ladder from one side of one of the buildings to their left. He nodded at Storm when the blue haired male asked him to keep an eye out for any Zombies or surprise attacks from anyone else, turned and cast his gaze about the alleyway. Theo twitched violently when Storm called down over the edge, he had gotten so encased in the brief silence when left alone that the sudden sound startled him.

Swiftly he scaled up the slightly swinging ladder, scrabbling over the roofs edge his heart beating wildly at the thought of falling off to his untimely death. Once he was standing a safe distance away from the edge and back completely on his feet once more, Theo took the time to look around. Several doors and a few stairways were blocked off and the silence of the building was slightly overwhelming, but he shook it off with a firm self scolding.

"B brother?" He stammered in alarm, his anxiety racketing up a notch, but trailed after Storm none the less his combat boot making a dull clunking sound against the stairs. At the mention of food Theo's stomach let out a loud growl causing a faint blush to spread across his cheeks. "Food sounds g great."

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 08:49:28
(Its completely fine ^.^ also, you can make your posts as long, or as short as you'd like. I don't mind)

"Aye. Twin brother, no less." He nodded "I bet Light is too. So that should distract him from annoying you too much." He paused at the top of the stair well, and slowly opened it, his steps stealthy. "You know, Light. I could have been a zombie, for all you know." Another voice answered him "na. Not with those clunky boots all the way up the stairs." "Those weren't mine." Storm retorted, moving further out on the roof. "Met someone. His name is Theo." He motioned for Theo to come out.

A white headed boy blinked up from where he sitting near the edge, long barrelled sniper rifle propped on the ledge beside him. His tan skin was grubby with dirt and his red long-sleeved t-shirt resembled blood. Of course, it might have been bled upon several times, but Light didnt exactly say that.

"Yo. Name's Light. Nice to meet someone other than Storm." He grinned. He stayed where he was, mainly to avoid scaring or startling Theo. "I started dinner. Its just beans though." He nodded to a pot over a small fire on the corner of the roof. "Figured you'd be hungry." He had glanced at Storm as he spoke, and the dark headed male nodded, shutting the door behind Theo and locking it. He moved to the pot and stirred it. "Its almost done." He muttered, looking to Theo.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 15:03:19
Walking out onto the roof was like walking in-front of a fire squad dead set on having, well, on having his death. Learning that there were two people instead of just the one, Storm, his mind whispered, was not good for either his anxiety nor his paranoia. An invisible shiver wracked through him at being in such close quarters with other people, especially after the last few he'd run into, just remembering them had shudders running through him.

Theo look the new guy over. White hair, off set to his brothers blue, a long sleeved red shirt, and a sniper rifle rested next to him. Theo looked at the weapon warily. Guns had always made him a bit uncomfortable. He jumped faintly as Light introduced himself and Storm locked the lock to the roofs trapdoor. Torn between following Storm to the food and staying where he was to keep both of them in sight, his stomach decided for him by giving out a particularly loud growl. Unbidden to him, his hands twisted nervously in the material of his jacket, the plaid pattern crumpling and twisting into strange shapes, as he stumbled over to Storm and the bean pot.

"T thank you." He stuttered out, giving the other male a small, shy smile. With practiced ease he swung the shovel from over his shoulder and set it against the wall, dug his knife out from his pocket it and set it to the side as well before sitting down and digging through his pockets. A sound of happiness escaped him as he pulled a tube of antibiotic cream and a roll of gauze bandages from the depths of one.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-18 22:23:00
Storm gave a small smile back to him, as he unstrapped his swords and laid them to the side. He also took out the gun he rarely used, but kept as a precaution, and pushed it away with a slight crinkle of his nose. He preferred his swords, and the sniper rifle. He rarely used other weapons, as they just didn't sit right in his hands.

He scooped out some beans into a tin bowl, and settled a clean spoon in it, before sitting it close to Theo to cool, before dishing up his own provisions. Before this had all gone down, he'd been a vegetarian, and he preferred things other than meat. But Light was generally a pure carnivore, and Storm knew Light was trying to get back in his good graces by fixing something that wasn't meat related. Of course, they were careful about their meat, to ensure it hadn't been tainted in any way.

Storm watched Theo produce medical supplies, giving a nod of approval. This guy was pretty smart. He carried what he needed, so if he needed to move, he wouldn't be bagged down. "Need any help?" He asked, his ice blue eyes searching Theo's own blue eyes.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

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Posted on
2015-10-19 12:14:53
He spared a glance at the bowl that had been set next to him but continued to take stock of his injuries, including the two severely bruised ribs on his left side. Theo frowned as he gingerly pressed a hand against his side, wincing minutely as sharp twinges of pain shot up his spine, locking his muscles in place. "Not at the moment." He said to Storm, placing the medical supplies to the side and picking up the bowl of beans. He'd never been picky about food and wasn't about to be now, after all food was food and he'd eaten far worse. A groan slipped from him at the first bite, the taste running over his highly underused taste buds, his previous diet mostly consisted of stale crackers, tasteless berries, and highly unappetizing fish.

"This is great." He muttered, directing the compliment toward Light, the white haired male still sitting on the edge next to his gun.

Licking the last of the sauce from the spoon Theo set the utensil and bowl to the side, promising himself to offer to do the dishes for everyone. "Do either of you know how to wrap ribs?" He asked, shrugging out of his jacket. His medicine finally seemed to be kicking in, no longer was a stuttering, blushing, twitching mess and for that he was great-full. Theo knew a lot about medicine and first-aid from taking a secondary course at the local collage in his home town, but even he knew he couldn't wrap his own ribs, the angle and tightness would be all wrong.

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Starwolf -
semi-haitus (#28052)

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Posted on
2015-10-19 13:21:09
Storm nodded and began to eat his own food, his gaze watching their new companion. He catalogue each injury, and which would be most likely to become infected. He flicked a glance at Light, who wasn't even paying attention, as he sighted down the scope. Storm gave a roll of his eyes.

Light glanced over his shoulder at the compliment and gave a bright grin at him. "Thanks. I'm glad you like it. If you decide you want to stick woth us, we'll have good eating for a while. "Storm even started his own vegetable patch. But I figure we'll move out by winter or next summer and start a farm or something." He chattered.

Once Storm was finished, he took both of the bowls and set them in a wide basin to soak. "I can." He murmured, his voice soft. He'd actually been in the military before all this went down, and had been on leave when the virus had turned every one into zombies. Those that hadnt turned, either hid, or died.

He stood and went to a nearby pack, pulling out a large roll of ace bandages. "This should work." They'd lucked out when they had found an underground pharmacy, and though it mostly dealt with drugs, regular stuff was there as well. He moved back to Theo. "Shirt off." He spoke softly, calm authority in his voice. He was careful but firm in his wrapping, before giving a quizzical tilt of his head "is that good enough?" While he hadnt had much training in medical, he knew basics and how to wrap. But he wasnt perfect

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