Posted by (OPEN) New ShadowPack Wolf RP Sign Ups

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 07:46:21
ShadowPack Camp & Territory
A new pack of wolves has recently decided to put down roots in new territory. They are known as ShadowPack, a pack with a dark, blood stained reputation and one feared by all who have come to know them. They fear no enemy and will take down whatever threatens their way of life. Though they are fearsome enemies and kinda scary neighbours, they are not entirely without honour. They value loyalty above all else, even strength. You could think of them as the 'Slytherin' of wolf packs. Cunning, bold and traditional. Rogue wolves are welcome to join and will have a testing period in which they are supervised closely by a pack member (with another watching in secret). Wolves from rival packs are rarely accepted without very good reason. They haven't gotten this strong by throwing caution to the wind. However there are some exceptions if undeniable loyalty is proved. Rogue/Loner Sign Ups are no longer being accepted. Must be already accepted in the pack or packborn

About 6 months ago ShadowPack was split in two in order to extend their reach. Half of the pack led by a young she-wolf named Meruem, travelled over a moon away to settle down in a great forest that neighboured two other packs (Duskfall and Sunrise). They invited rogues and loners they met along the way to join the pack and are now thriving in their new home as well as growing steadily in power. Their ultimate goal? Take over the woodland, plains and mountain that the other packs currently occupy. This objective may take a while and the journey will be fraught with many plots and dangers but that is what is so ultimately exciting! Will you be a part of the domination that is to come if everything goes to plan? Join up if thats a yes ;)

Ranks are...
Alpha x1 the alphas word is law. they make all the decisions and demand loyalty and strict respect from every wolf. Their mate and cubs are respected and held in high esteem.

Beta x1 they keep the pack in line, and hire new omega's when needed. They do all the dirty work like dishing out punishments. they become alpha after the alpha dies. They act as advisers to the alpha and are a vital part in the functioning of the packs dynamics

Delta x2 they become Beta after the Beta dies or retires. They are usually related to the alpha or beta in some way. Their job is to be a personal assistant to the alpha and learn the ways of leadership. If a delta is found to be unfit for betaship when the time comes their ascension to the rank will be postponed and another wolf appointed instead

Healer x2 they heal the packs injuries using their knowledge of herbs and plants. these packs dont have a starclan or anything. healers are chosen by the alpha as pups.

Gammas (infinite) loyal to their alpha and expected to die for the pack. Most have specific duties such as scouting, fighting or hunting and are trained for these roles as cubs depending on their body type and natural talent. Trackers, assassins, spies and teachers come under this as well.

Milk-Giver x4 nursing un-weaned pups or expecting pups. Expected to kill their pups or find them another home if they are not strong enough to be a credit to the pack/

Omegas x5 the slaves of the pack. If a wolf cub cannot hunt fight or scout well, they become omegas. If an omega does well they may become gammas. they babysit and stop fights.

Pups (infinite) unweaned pups. Cubs (infinite) in training to become gammas. Each cub is usually appointed a mentor once their area of expertise (scout, hunter or fighter) is decided but until then they are the responsibility of all gammas

If you are wondering why there are no elders/retirees etc, its because ShadowPack is not so lenient as to have wolves who do not benefit the pack and only use resources. Wolves hunt and fight until they die, if they are lucky enough to live to old age

remove spaces before and after the bs and /'s

< b >Name:< /b >
< b >Gender:< /b >
< b >Rank:< /b >
< b >Age:< /b >
< b >Personality:< /b >
< b >Strengths:< /b >
< b >Weaknesses (Min 2): < /b >
< b >Mate:< /b >
< b >Kin:< /b >
< b >Looks/Pic:< /b >
< b >Other:< /b >


~ Lioden RP rules apply
~ ABSOLUTELY NO POWER PLAYING unless given permission by other player
~If I find your character to be overpowered I will request that you change it
~No landing direct hits
~Try to have an even amount of genders so it doesnt stay as a harem pack please XD
~Players cannot be alpha and beta at the same time
~Permission from the alpha must be given before a couple can have pups
~Please discuss plot developments or future plans with the alpha before beginning them if they will affect the pack as a whole in case they interfere with plans already in place
~This is a SEMI LITERATE rp, which means 2 liners wont make the cut! Writers block can be a bitch but please try your very best :) proper grammar, spelling and punctuation is required.
~Alpha has full jurisdiction (except for me but I'm alpha anyway so it doesn't matter for now lol)
~Keep it in law. No outrageous colours like bright green pelts or blue with white stripes. You can go a bit out there but natural patterns and colours only.
~put 'Let's see...' in others so I know you have read the rules and remove it once your character has been accepted
~No wolfspeak
~If you have a high ranked role your character must be suited for the task. I have no problem removing them from the rank if their character cannot handle it or you are inactive. Inactive high rankers (with no notice) who are gone for three days will be removed from the rp

If you would rather be in packs that have a slightly less dark nature then I highly recommend my friends wolf Rp

which will be interacting with this one from time to time and are within the same universe (and are neighbours to boot)


Character List
Alpha: Meruem | F | Played by Sunfire
Beta: Killua | M | Played by Cinder Blaze
Healer: needed
Artemis | F | Played by Cinder Blaze
Zenya | F | Tracker
Ven | M | Spy
Shayla | F | Tracker | Mates with Alecai
Raphael | M | Hunter
Illumi | M | Assassin | Mates with Vex
Vex | M | Spy | Mates with Illumi
Terra | F | Hunter
Mika | M | Hunter
Alecai | M | Hunter | Mates with Shayla
Jazzlyn | F | Mentored by Illumi and Killua | Assassin in training

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Edited on 27/06/16 @ 06:10:28 by Sunfire (#26490)

Link (#63701)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-23 08:01:33
Name: Kismet
Gender: Male
Rank: Beta Male
Age: Three Years
Personality: Kismet is a very intelligent wolf. He keeps quiet most of the time when not following Alpha's orders and is very respectful to those with authority. The male is tough to impress and even more difficult to get to know. He is naturally protective of those he cares about and would give his life for anyone. When looking into his ice eyes, a constant sadness rules them, no matter how happy he may seem at times.
Strengths: Kismet is a very broad, muscled wolf, which makes him very difficult to face in battle. Hundreds of silver scars mark his body and face, physically showing his triumph in brawl. The brute is also a wonderful tracker, having grown up as the lead hunter in a prior pack.
Weaknesses: Kismet is an emotional wolf, and may act with his heart rather than his mind when enraged. He has a pretty nasty temper and a short fuse along with it, which may allow little things to annoy or irritate him. With Kismet's size, he isn't the swiftest runner or most agile wolf in general. He is built as more of a 'tank' than anything, which may allow for a leaner wolf to outrun and escape him.
Mate: "None, and I am not looking either."
Kin: He has a sister that is an alpha of a different pack.
Looks: Kismet is a very tall, hearty male. Muscle is tightly packed onto his frame, making him quite bulky. His coat is crisp white and very dense, with no markings other than plenty of scars that run mostly along his legs, throat and muzzle. His eyes are icy blue, nearly white in some lighting.
Other: Let's see...there's not a lot more to say about Kismet, other than the fact that he had a rough life before joining this pack.

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Edited on 23/11/15 @ 15:27:42 by Link (#63701)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 08:03:28
Sure, Link

Name: Meruem
Gender: F
Rank: Recently appointed Alpha
Age: 2
Personality: Highly intelligent and logical thinker who puts reason before emotion. She is 100% loyal to the 'mother pack' and was appointed alpha at such an early age because she is extremely capable of the task. She is not an unkind wolf but does what must be done for the welfare of the pack and to help it grow in strength and power. A ruthless wolf, she rarely shows mercy to enemies (or to packmates if their loyalty is in question) and has been known to kill cubs and pups if they were to be a hindrance to the pack. She was trained to be a possible leader from birth and was made delta as soon as she could begin her training, working closely alongside the alpha and learning her ways. Meruem is a quick thinker and makes decisions within split seconds. She is warm to those she cares about but can turn icy cold at the drop of a hat as though as switch has been flipped. She gains the loyalty of those around her by using the carrot and stick method, and always rewards loyalty and good deeds with favours.
Strengths: Her tactical thinking, intelligence and emotionally cut off nature makes her impossible to sway with bribery, threats or emotional manipulation. She has notable combat ability though she is not the strongest fighter in the pack. Her battle strategy however has led to her being undefeated in battle. She is at home amongst water having grown up in marshlands and adapts easily to any situation or terrain.
Weaknesses (Min 2): She is on the smaller side and can be overpowered by larger, stronger opponents. Her blind devotion to the pack can lead to her missing out on the finer things in life such as romance, pups or just having a relaxing day.
Mate: None
Kin: Granddaughter to Shadow. Parents are in the original pack. She has two brothers, Illumi and Killua, who are currently spies in the neighbouring packs (may have a fourth sibling) as well as kin back home. Shayla is a cousin of sorts (Shaylas father and Meruems grandmother were littermates).
Looks/Pic: I'll find a pic later. She is 2.7 feet at the shoulder and weighs around 60 kg (Sorry Americans haha) with a slim but well muscled build. Her slate gray fur is thick but waterproof, with a black brindle pattern that darkens to black. Her eyes are large and bright green with threads of gold running through them. Her well shaped ears are lined with soft black fur and she has small white dapples around her mouth. Her belly fur is pale gray as is the underside of her tail and chest.
Other: Let's see...there's nothing much more to tell, except that she has a long, thin pale scar running down her chest from when her rise to Alpha did not go down well with some senior members. She took care of that problem
Mod removed image due to lack of source.

Name: Shayla
Gender: F
Rank: Gamma (huntress)
Age: 3 and a half years
Personality: Shayla was raised with love and good humour by both her parents so the harsh upbringing of the pack did not take away her love for playing, teasing (which includes sarcasm unfortunately) or frolicking in fields of sunshine and wildflowers. She has quite the cheeky personality and loves to stir up her companions but always apologizes if she goes too far. She is a trustworthy and reliable friend and is always ready to lend her ear to any complaints or troubles. If anyone talks badly about her late father or mother she gets very angry and can hold a grudge better than most. Expect beetles in your bedding and deer dung around your den if you annoy her to much. She dreams of finding a romance as fun and loving as her parents' was. Though she is a kind wolf by nature she has no issue with the way Shadowpack is run, or its questionable morals. She has never known anything different, and her loyalty is without fault.
Strengths: Shayla is a quick thinker and can always come up with a ready plan (which led to many wolves being pranked terribly in her younger days) and shows no hesitation when it comes to executing them. Her sharp senses and awareness of her surroundings due to her pale pelt and tracker background makes her a dangerous opponent and a skilled hunter, or even spy when needed.
Weaknesses (Min 2): She has a terrible fear of humans after her father was shot by one when she was a newly made gamma. Her reckless personality can sometimes lead to getting her into dangerous situations that she cannot always get herself out of without aid
Mate: None yet
Kin: Meruem (cousin) Mother back in the old pack
Looks/Pic: A willowy and graceful creamy white she-wolf with angular, pale blue eyes. Her right shoulder has a grooved pink scar made from the track of a bullet when she narrowly escaped an angry farmer as a new gamma. It still pains her sometimes. She is pretty tall for being a she-wolf and is very well toned from lots of hunting.
Other: None :)
Mod removed image due to lack of source.

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Edited on 22/02/16 @ 15:20:35 by Katze (#20064)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 08:38:41
Welcome :) Accepted

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-11-23 09:33:14
Name: Isis (Eygptian Goddess)
Gender: Female
Rank: Give me one?
Age: 4
Personality: Isis isn't afraid to put a dog in it's place, mostly if they are ranks below her, and sometimes above her. She only really submits to the beta and alpha male as she sees all females equal to her no matter the higher rank, but will step down if needed. She doesn't fear many things, and even stands up to the alpha at some points if needed, she secretly longs to be loved and will put any wolf back in their place if they step out of line or their power range no matter the punishment.
~ Strength
~ Speed
Weaknesses (Min 2):
- Agility
- Pups, a major soft spot for them
- Higher Ranked Males, major flirt.
~Jaxon~ Disappeared
~Wants another~
~Parents~ Deceased
~Siblings~ Unknown
~Daughter~ Jazzlyn
Looks/Pic: 2.8ft at the shoulder, 106Lbs, Isis, is a black wolf with white littered throughout her pelt. Much like the stars themselves, unlike the pictures she has ice blue eyes that can captivate most wolves. Luring them to their graves, unless they are in her pack.
Other: Lets See.. Isis secretly wants someone to love her and crack that very hardened shell of hers. She doesn't know anything about her familty and even believes that 'Stars can't shine without darkness' Something she holds true and thinks of her dark pelt. She was the only one in her litter with a black pelt, her siblings were all white and brown.

Name: Jazzlyn
Gender: Female
Rank: Fighter
Age: 6 Months
Personality: Jazzlyn will act innocent and feign hurt quicker then one can bat an eye, not a good thing if your on her hitlist, she tries to keep close ties with the alpha(s) and beta and even some of the packs best warriors so whoever is being mean to her will get punished. Not many can see past her little facade, only her mom and the ones she lets close.
~ Size, not afraid to throw her weight around
~ Jaw Strength
~ Agility
Weaknesses (Min 2):
- Speed, not the swiftest of wolves
- Authority, she listens without a doubt.
~Mom~ Isis
~Dad~ Unknown
~Siblings~ None
Looks/Pic: Jazzlyn is a tri colored wolf, gaining all the colors of her mom's family in one. Even the signature brown eyes, but gained her moms left ice blue eye. She will be as big, if not bigger, then her mom and is a hefty pup already.
Other: Lets See.. She wants to be a true family again but is afraid her (new) dad will disappear again.

Name: Vex
Gender: Male
Rank: Rogue
Age: 3
Personality: Vex is a talker, though knows when to shut up and listen. A proud wolf when it comes to certain topics and rarely focused. Though when on a job, strangely enough, he is more focused then a hunter aiming at a deer. He is a very understanding and thoughtful wolf, often stunning others into silence with mere words.
~Fighting, something he's practiced since puphood
~Silent, this wolf, even if he wanted to, couldn't make a sound when stalking. Having it been drilled in him since birth.
~Acting, he could act his way out of almost any situation
Weaknesses (Min 2):
- Idk xD Give me an idea?
- Males, he has a major soft spot for them.. Maybe a bit.. .to soft..
~Actively searching~
~ None
Mod removed image due to lack of source.
Vex is a bit on the small side, but all muscle none-the-less
Lets see... He LOVES bigger men xD

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Edited on 22/02/16 @ 15:25:03 by Katze (#20064)

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 09:42:09
(AH! ITS SHAYLA! Dang i thought we were going with the assassins' parents as "next generation", but i get it now! Ill sign up in a sec!)


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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 10:13:57
Accepted. Thanks for joining Dee :D lol we're gonna have a pack full of females. Lucky Kismet :P Isis sounds like she'd be good for either a fighter or a hunter, though her personality shouts fighter to me lol

Name: Raphael
Gender: M
Rank: Gamma (fighter)
Age: Somewhere around 3 or 4. He stopped counting a while ago
Personality: Raphael can come off as arrogant or condescending sometimes. His experiences in life have made him somewhat closed off and he has had to be sly and confident in his own strength in order to survive as a loner for most of his life. Despite this, he is a wolf of his word who has a strong sense of honor, gratitude and respect, in regards to other wolves and their actions. He does not believe in the greater good, only taking care of ones own. He enjoys the feeling of power and wishes to be alpha one day but respects Meruem enough to serve her.
Strengths: Very strong physically despite his lithe shape. Is in peak physical condition and has great reflexes and senses.
Weaknesses (Min 2): He does not enjoy being awake during the day as he always hunted at night as a loner in order to avoid packs that would drive him out. He feels more vulnerable when he is not under the cover of darkness and tends to be more on edge. He also has a bad temper and sometimes cannot hold his tongue when it really ought to have been held
Mate: None
Kin: mother, out there somewhere
Looks/Pic: Handsome (by his standards anyway) with very rich, dark brown fur that is almost black come winter. He has a lean shape and is lightboned, with finer features and wide honey gold eyes. He has a scar on his chest mostly hidden by fur from when he was injured by a rogue wolf as a pup
Other: When he and his brothers were around 6 moons old a rogue trespassed onto his packs territory. Having been born from an omega and been scorned their entire lives, the young wolves were eager to prove their worth and snuck away in the dead of night to track down the rogue and drive him away as he had evaded all other attempts to do so by the older members of the pack. They did end up finding him. And at dawn a patrol found them. Raphael was the only one still alive, his brothers having been slaughtered around him. He had been kicked in the chest and knocked out and the rogue had left him, thinking him dead. Once he had healed he left the pack, too burdened with anger and guilt to stay there any longer. He taught himself to hunt over the years and lived as a rogue, drifting between packs and never staying in any territory too long. Meruem and the newly formed branch of ShadowPack found him facing off against a grizzly bear, trapped against a mountain face. They drove the bear off and Raphael swore allegiance to ShadowPack, now owing a blood debt to Meruem and her kin. He has been with them ever since.

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Edited on 23/11/15 @ 17:35:50 by Sunfire (#26490)

Anarch β˜… (#43404)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 10:18:00


"Short for kichie, a cree sky spirit."


Fae, female, lady, lass etc.




4 years and 8 months of age.


Kiche is kind, strong-willed, and intelligent. What she lacks in strength she makes up in sure willingness to give up her life for her pack and friends. Her tenacity and compassion towards her pack are what shapes her personality. Despite her loving nature she can show some, "tough-love" towards pack mates as well if they are causing some sort of dispute or disturbance within the pack.


+Leader Material


-Less than average strength
-Too trusting




Coy // Half-brother


Image source to image above

Other: Let's see..



"quiet and reserved; shy."


Brute, male, lad, gent' etc.




3 years and 2 months of age.


Coy is quiet, kindhearted, and inquisitive. He is much larger than his half-sister and a lot less talkative. His quiet nature sometimes comes off as selfish or rude but he is quite the opposite. Coy can be quite a charmer at times and will go as far at to lie to another wolf before he hurts their feelings. His temper is a bit more blazing than his sister though and he is fiercely protective of his pack.




-Overly nice




Kiche // Half-sister


Image source to image above

Other: Let's see..



"a general feeling of discomfort."


Brute, male, lad, gent' etc.


Loner. Will join the pack soon.


5 years and 7 months of age.


Malaise is menacing, rebellious, and strives for something more. The male is dangerously smart and knows his boundaries, but tests them. His pushing and constant exalting of himself can get him into trouble with higher ranking wolves. He does think highly of himself, but he also thinks highly of everyone else too. He believes all wolves have their own abilities and are leaders in their own senses. His "everywhere" personality can be much when you first meet him but most learn to love him.


+Assertive and Authoritative.


-High expectations
-Too confident




None that he knows of.


Image Source

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Edited on 26/11/15 @ 21:01:20 by Catatonia (#43404)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-11-23 10:19:28
hehe Its a mystery to me as well xD
Jazzlyn, -pic comes from Wintergreen who is her daughter on the other RP-
Isis, -Personality comes from Jazzlyn-

Totes mixed them up

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 10:40:39
@ catatonia- delta rank has been reserved sorry! would she be happy as a gamma? also, be sure to read through the rules. you forgot a little somethin in your sign ups :P

@ Dee you lost me XD

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Anarch β˜… (#43404)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 10:42:05
I'll change her rank! uvu and I read the rules I just wasn't finished with their forms yet, sorry.

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Edited on 23/11/15 @ 17:42:21 by Catatonia (#43404)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-11-23 10:47:38
Welp xD
Topaz/Potato Lord has an RP, its a Redux of another, Rez Dogs...
Jazzlyn - 4 - Female - same personality as Isis - Daughter is Wintergreen
Wintergreen - 4 months - Diff personality - Jazzlyn's daughter

Isis - 4 - female - ^ - Daughter is Jazzlyn
Jazzlyn - 4 months - Female - Same picture used for Wintergreen - Diff personality...

I was off in my own litter world xD

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 11:04:01
Ohhh gotcha! I was reallly confused for a second there lol!
No problem Cat! (can i call you that?) Coy is so cute!

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 11:31:04
(i think Im done, for now. Ill update the thread if i add anything major)
Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Rank: Delta
Age: 2

Cruel and heartless, Artemis resembles her father to that aspect. She is waiting to become beta, but figures there would be more rebellions in the pack if two young sisters were alpha and beta, no matter how strong, smart they are. More to come but for now this is Artemis.

Long story short, her parents were chosen to reproduce to produce the 'best of the best warriors'. Her paternal grandfather is a talented healer, and both grandmothers were experienced and powerful fighters. Artemis' mother, Argent, sensed the pup's bloodlust soon after birth and attempted to change the pup by naming her something a little less fighting oriented. Because of this, Artemis hates when people comment on her name - compliment or otherwise. When she was a young trainee, she was sent undercover for her training to a neighboring pack of the main shadowpack. She made her first and only friend at that neighboring pack, and figured out later on that he is also her smaller, weaker brother. Her mission was to see if he was in fact her brother, to which she reported that he wasn't because of their bond and her grandmother's torturous habits.

-Artemis is a strong and well muscled wolf. She's tall and not at all lithe or lean.
-Despite her large size, Artemis can be considered a fast wolf.
-Artemis is extremely intelligent and like her albino coated brother is extremely charismatic.... when she isn't ripping out someone's throat in anger.
-Her paws/legs are larger/stronger than the average wolf, giving her superior swimming and leaping capabilities.

Weaknesses (Min 2):
-Artemis' fatal flaw is her hatred. While she was one of the best treated wolves in the packs, and her siblings' very existence was practically worshiped, Artemis seems to want to kill every living thing half the time.
-When her name is commented on, it is likely Artemis will be hysterical about it and attack, the hatred against her name is rather potent, though the word itself she finds likable.
-While she hates almost every wolf, Artemis finds herself conflicted about how she feels about love and family. She doesn't know how to feel about her own parents, and at one point even wanted her own pups to train them better than her own parents. Her only friend in the world is her runt brother, sent to the neighboring pack.

Mate: n/a
Kin: In this pack, Meruem is her "little" sister. Killua and Illumi are her brothers (along with a mutated pup sent to a neighboring pack by their mother at birth), the alpha of the main shadowpack is her mother's mother, and their current best fighter is her/their father and both their grandmothers(pat. and mat.) were the best when they were in their prime. There's a long list of family, but direct family is as stated above.
Looks/Pic: Artemis has medium thick fur and continues Shadow's tradition of black pelts, with the exception of a dull reddish-brown tail marking, muzzle, and underbelly. Artemis
Other: Lets see....we'll see what happens XD

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Edited on 23/11/15 @ 19:04:16 by CinderBlaze temp main (#33027)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 11:51:46
Accepted. Woo!

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 12:06:09
Hiiii :P

Also, Catatonia, during the roleplay, is it alright if you dont make your font smaller? Its harder for me to see :/

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