Posted by archived RP Sunrise and Duskfall Pack

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 14:40:47
This is to keep the pack roleplay threads cleaner. When you are talking with judt one other wolf (or three total) and you'd like to continue while you wait for others who arent involved but dont want to clutter the roleplay threads, you come here.


---AND WHEN YOU LEAVE THIS THREAD, end your final post with a notice that you are returning to the main thread of your wolf's pack.

In the future: this can also be used for interactions between the sunrise and duskfall border - secret meetings, border skirmishes/interactions, "dates", etc.


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No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 20/12/23 @ 18:46:14 by Morrígra πŸŒ™ (Cinder) (#33027)

Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 16:44:19
(Check your phone weirdo. Replying in a moment)

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 16:49:03
PyrePyre | Noble DF

Pyre watched the exchange quietly, not liking thw sadness in the den. She picked up Sianna, and waited for Aela and Soren to finish.

Soren | Royal Guard SR

Soren smiled and wrapped his head around her own and her shoulder, whispering softly "I will always be here, if you ever need me - call for me, like we discussed." He pulled away reluctantly and forced a silly smile, his eyes remaining sad but calm. "When they know, call for me so i may meet them properly."

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 17:00:33
Aela forced a smile back at him, and her tail wagged "Of course! Everything will be fine." She stood and touched her nose to his once more, before bounding out in case her heart won over her head. Nova nodded to Soren and followed Aela from the little oasis, Noris swaying in his jaws.

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 17:05:29
Noris squeaked in surprise and protest as he was run out of the den.

Soren | Royal Guard SR

Soren padded after them halfway, stopping at the edge of the oasis to watch his mate, family, and her family cross the border and head towards Duskfall. His heart nearly shattered into pieces as he watched, and it took his whole being and will to not pad after them begging Aela and his family to stay here, or run away with him. It would be foolish, and they would all just end up miserable anyway. He watched their disappearing silhouettes, running towards Duskfall, the rival pack, the pack where his mate - former mate - her family, and their pups lived. Away from him. Away from the oasis. Away from a life together.

(Ugh, crushed soul writing that xD)

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 21:15:08
(Poor Soren :'( Maybe he can confide in Cahaya so he has a friend that knows about it at least. OOOOOOHHH AND THEN SHE FALLS IN LOVE WITH HIM AND ITS UNREQUITED. But she was so devoted to it would be out of character for her...BUT IT WOULD BE SO CUTE. Maybe in a year she develops romantic feelings for him. I DONT KNOW)

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 01:47:50
(That would be really really cute actually xD can i can i?? Maybe Cahay is the first one to ask him what's wrong and he tells her to never tell a soul blah blah blah)

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 11:23:53
(Yeah at least I can go the platonic route :3 Cahaya is the type to keep that kind of secret)

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 11:29:50
(woot woot, yep we'll do that. Postttt and then Kakao cuz more plotting.)

(also, pm/kakao me your email address, i always forget it/dont save it so i dont have it and i want to send you a google docs of what i have so far for the k rp. Im calling it "Kings Project" because calling it K project or "K" would drive me nuts and Kings sounds closer to the rp XD)

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Edited on 16/02/16 @ 18:31:17 by CinderπŸ”₯Blaze (#26583)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 11:43:17
(OH I've been meaning to watch that! will do. I gotta work soon though so I'll have to stop talking soon)

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 12:44:09
(daww sucks :( and yes watch ittttt. Its so good. First season might still be on netflix even XD)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-26 10:58:48
(2-3?) forms raced through the darkness. Paws hitting against the ground silently as they moved. (1-2?) males and a female. The smallest wolf flicked his ears before slowing, they had reached their target at last, eyes peering into the darkness at one of their many rivals' camps. Eyes spotting the nursery with not a single wolf nearby, most of the adults hanging near the water source near the dens or asleep. 'Some guard system' he mouthed before nodding towards the nursery. 'You get a female and I'll take a male.' He mouthed once more before taking the back way around the den and towards the nursery silently, ears and eyes alert for nearby sounds or wolves to blow their cover.

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:13:45
(Many things. First who and HOW MANY XD. Second, what pack and why are you in the 1x1? I wanna guess sunrise because everyone always says "wow such a horrible system' but never gives anyone a chance to respond as being a guard xD)

(If you mean sunrise RIGHT NOW, in Sunrise, kenai and daemon are both in the nursery with Himeru, Wendigo and Veena are heading towards the lake, and Axle has been left alone with kerrin going to tundra.)

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:25:37
[What happening??]

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Morr πŸ”₯
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:30:07
(No clue.)

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 14:48:21
Yano/Miro | Female | Gamma | Shadow Pack | In Black Water Pack |

The young and dark brown female took a moment to appreciate Remus's kindness. She acted shy and moved her head to the side and looked at him from underneath her eyelashes. "It's good to be back, Alpha" She smiled and returned to her normal self. She heard him shift his paws, his eyes never left her until he turned and started walking. He gestured for her to follow, so she followed him.

"Yano, You know how I feel about the formalities, you've been with us for a month now." he looked at her softly before returning to look in front of him. "I know, it's a habit from my years with my birth pack...." She trailed off, and earned moment of silence before he completely stopped and turned to face her, staring into her liquid amber eyes "That will never happen to you again." pure hate and reassurance laced his voice "You will never be forced to do anything you don't wish. Especially with me. You are No one's pet or toy. You are not a thing to be played with and used. Your body was used, but you are not broken. You are a strong she-wolf, but I will be your guardian and I promise you that as long as I live, he will never touch you again." his voice hasn't risen, but the declaration of his words spoke volumes. This is a wolf who would do everything to protect her....and she was playing him like a pup with a bone. Nevertheless, this was her job.

Miro stared at the young alpha, apparently her silence was enough of an answer for him as he shook himself from his spell "I apologize, if you needed my help, you would have asked for it. I intended on taking you to Ivailo so you two can go hunting for a few rabbits for the new pups. But I believe you can find his den on your own from here." he nodded to her and started walking off. "Remus," she began, he stopped to listen but didn't turn around "I appreciate your kindness, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with your pack." she said, but in truth her loyalty and life belonged to ShadowPack. She didn't wait for his response, she continued on to Ivalio's den.

Ivalio was one of the strongest warriors Black Water had. She had assimilated herself into this pack so well that she knew all members, their backgrounds, their relatives, and their importance. She needed someone to train her pack, but not just anyone. she needed someone who could teach, had experience, who would be able to be convinced, and who wouldn't cause too much suspicion when disappearing for large amounts of time. That wolf, was Ivailo. The only difficult part would be convincing him to help her pack.

On her way to Ivailo's den she was stopped by several members of the Black Water pack.
One of those members was a she-wolf with a bulging belly "Ah! Yano! Look at you!" The pregnant female shouted and waddled towards her. "Mi amour! Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you!" the chatty high-pitched voice continued, "When Remus told me you had gone out I almost convinced him to go looking for you!" and at that, horror filled Miro as she realized how bad things could have gotten if she had stayed with her own pack any longer.

"Mariana! Calm down, you're getting worked up over nothing, my sweet" She smiled reassuringly, she absolutely hated the sweet spot she held for the pregnant female because it only made things worse, but she couldn't help it. "I can hold my own, dear Mariana. Don't stress yourself over me, it's not good for your pups" she smiled again and licked the side of Mariana's muzzle and continued to lick her head and ears. This female had already produced 2 litters and was a seasoned milk giver and made sure that she took care of everyone, not just pups. After more reassurances, Mariana had finally backed down and returned to the nursery.

When she made sure that no one else would stop her, she made her way into Ivailo's den. When she first started assimilating herself into the pack, Ivailo had offered to share his den. His proposal was met with a lot of opposition, but after much reassurances from both he and Miro, they were allowed to stay together and since then, they had grown to be the closest two wolf friends could be.......despite the fact that she had to lie every time they talked, but that would change soon.

"Ivailo, I'm back" she looked around at the semi-large den for the black wolf. She saw a large fluffy form at the back and chuckled, She padded forward and poked his side multiple times before she heard a deep voice groan followed by an irritated but slow deep voice "Yano...." he complained, but sat up with a large yawn. "Well now I'm up. What the hell do you want?" he chuckled jokingly. But this is the time she needed to ask him.

"Actually, I need to tell you something" she looked at him, she was dead serious and he knew it. His ears perked forward and he laid on his side, patting the spot next to him. She got up and laid on her side about 2 feet away from him, where he could hear but no one else would. "I'm listening" he looked at her.

How would she be able to convince him? " you agree with Remus?" she began. The young male stared at her for a moment "What I agree with doesn't matter. Remus will do what Remus thinks is right." He replies. "Do you think that taking over your neighboring packs will fix anything?" she asked.
"I do not." He replied simply.
"If you could do something to change that, would you?"
"It all depends on what needs to be done."
"What about allying secretly with Shadowpack?" she asked, making sure to keep her voice neutral but also curious.
"Absolutely not" His voice rang with certainty.
"Why not?"
"Because they are vicious monsters that need to be put down. Why are you even asking me this Yano? You know what they have done, you know who and what they are," He looked at her, he was getting suspicious.
"I know that is what Remus tells us, I know that it is what Remus believes. But what if not all of them are vicious monsters?"
"You wonder too much Yano, it is going to get you in trouble one of these days."
"I'm serious Ivailo, just think about it." She sighed and feigned weakness by looking down at the ground. She heard him sigh and move closer to her and lick her ear. "Alright, I'll bite. What if they weren't vicious? Then I would help them, but I don't believe they are all innocent," he stated. She looked up at him "None of us are innocent. If there was just one, would that give you enough hope for the rest?" she asked. After a few moments of silence he sighed once more "Yes, but I'm not stupid enough to hope for everyone. Only if I have seen them in action." he looked at his tail.

"Then all you have to do is look in front of you. There is your hope." she said quietly. It took him a moment to realize what she had said before he started turning towards her, he looked at her for a moment....and laughed. "Nice job Yano! You almost had me there for a moment" he chuckled shaking his head. The young female had this face= -_- and when he saw it, he stopped laughing, "You can't be serious?" at her nod. He instantly jumped up and beelined for the entrance.

She cursed and jumped after him, she was slightly faster than he and made it to the entrance before he did. She stayed there in the entrance and stared him down. He started growling at her and his fur began to bristle. "Think about what we talked about Ivailo. Think about what you know about me. "

"I don't know anything about you, is your name even Yano?!?" He practically roared at her. She quietly asked him to calm down so they could talk. And he responded that they could talk, but he would not calm down. She sat down in front of the entrance as he paced back and forth. She explained herself, why she was there and why she needed his help. After much, much convincing...he reluctantly calmed down and looked at her.
"So you're a spy for Shadowpack, Your pack calls you Miro but you go by both Miro and Yano. You came here to get info on the raids, the numbers, and basically everything about this pack for your Alpha, and you expect me to just drop everything here and haul ass to Shadowpack to train your members how to fight the pack that brought me in and treated me as family?" He looked at her incredulously.

"No, you'll have to be smart about it. Still be here, but go to Shadowpack to help. We can tell Remus that we are on a hunting trip. I'll do the hunting and still do my job while you help my pack survive the incoming battle." She explained. "So what will happen to this pack?" he asked, for which Miro could not provide an answer. She knew what would happen, but it is something she couldn't come to terms with right now.
"I told my Alpha that I would send you or a different wolf to teach them, and I intend to do just that" She said "Come to me when you have your answer, but know that if you tell life is on the line. I trust you Ivailo, and trust is not something that is earned lightly. I am putting my life and the lives of my pack in your paws" she said, then left the den.

She waited by the camp entrance. After some time, Ivailo appeared from his den and started making his way towards her. He nodded to her, relief instantly filled her body she smiled and quietly whispered "You're doing the right thing Ivailo" she smiled and licked his ear affectionately, "I never doubted you" she lied, and together they walked side-by-side out of camp. "You know, I am only doing this for you, Miro. You are the one thing I care for and if this means that much to you, then so be it. You are my sister, although not in blood. You have shown me the kinder side of Shadowpack, but know this, I have my own terms and if they are not met. I will not help. I won't rat you out, but I will not help" He stated, and Miro agreed.

Remus watched them leave, his own pelt prickling with a type of anger he hasn't felt before. Mariana came up next to him and licked his ear "I see the way you look at her Remus." she stated. Remus quickly looked at her and started to sputter excuses but Mariana gave him a look "Now now young Alpha, Yano is a good choice for a mate, and that anger you feel, it's called jealousy. And you might want to get used to it, it seems like Ivailo is getting close."

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