Posted by Unspoken Treasures [Private]

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:23:47
"Can you actually hear me up here?"

That voice was something that the professional on the other side of the line was used to hearing; the one belonging to a man who was dangling above a three mile drop above a jungle canyon from a piece of ancient masonry. This prayer piller, constructed thousands of years ago by an advanced and artistic culture that sadly - and mysteriously - died out only two thousand years ago was the only thing keeping the young man alive. His grip was slipping slightly, his feet unable to find purchase on the rock that was slippery from wet grass and slick mould from years of damp, humid rainforest air.

The young man was Chad Blaise Elliot, or Blaize Elliot as he was better known around the world. The son of the legendary Theodore Elliot, whose trails lead him across the globe and discovered so many ancient secrets and treasures, and contributed so much to anthropology and archaeology that entire courses and degrees were based around his works ... Theodore Elliot was a towering force in the profession of finding things from other times.

His son?

... Not so much.

It was actually a mystery where, exactly, Blaize came from. His father never married, the man always saying 'a gentleman never leaves his lady idle in a parlour, wondering if her husband will come back from another adventure'. With his erratic and heavy workload, he found it unseemly to take a wife and leave her for long stretches of time. He had entertained beauties, but he was from the school of thought that one should only court if one had mind to marry.
So when a son turned up, everyone raised an eyebrow and no-one really wanted to ask outright where he came from. Some DID pose the polite question as to where 'your son's mother' could be, something that would always gain the frosty reply of 'she is well, but she is occupied'. It stood to reason that Blaize was some sort of one-night thing, but with whom and where, and why the normally impeccable Sir Elliot broke his moral code were all up in the air.

Not that this seemed to do much to harm Blaize, at least not in a normal way. Raised by a succession of nannies, governors and private tutors until he attended university, he was allowed reign of his fathers house while his father was off making new breakthroughs in ancient history. This made him, to put it bluntly, spoiled, and this really showed when attending higher education.

A man of means and good blood like his would do well to earn stripes in academia like his father. But whereas his father earned his credentials through hard work, good manners, excellent method and perfect intelligence, Blaize got them through ... being the son of that.
While other students burned the midnight oil, Blaize burned the oil dancing and drinking. While others religiously attended lectures, he turned up in one out of five, if at all. While others were driven to the point of near insanity from stress handing in a dozen papers or more, Blaize always had his somehow turn up, despite the man being clearly hungover and barely awake, and earn perfect marks.

Because no-one wanted to criticize the son of Theodore Elliot.

Especially when Theodore mysteriously disappeared in the heavy mists of Shonosha, disappearing in his trusty biplane into the fog and never coming back. His plane was discovered three years later, but he was gone, as was all sign of him ... Though declared dead for reasons of inheritance and law, many still wondered about his ultimate fate. Blaize was seemingly unaffected ...

Like he was unaffected now. Despite being spoilt and handled with kid-gloves by the same institutions that revered his father, he was still his father's son, and the want to climb all over things in the name of knowledge rang strong in his veins.
Even if his way was brute force compared to his father's much softer touch, and he relied much more on his learned parter, who was watching what Blaize was seeing and hearing his voice through a headset they both wore. Telephones and technology were practically useless in locations like these, but their headsets somehow still worked, and while one was hanging off the edge of certain death, the other was watching from a computer chair.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 11:13:08
Oliver was caught off guard, did he really remark that often on Mr. Elliot stink? Thinking back he knew it to be true. Part of it was his own affections for his boss and the other was more about himself. He didn't mean the stink in honestly, it was how disheveled Mr. Elliot looked. There was something primal and attractive that often distracted Oliver, he figured by having more clothing would encourage Mr. Elliot to change more often, stopping Oliver form being distracted. It was all for his own benefit.

Following with his head as Mr. Elliot as he went to leave the room, his eyes fell to the bag once he left. He knew it was too much of a risk to even try and add in something else. Instead he made the mental note of bringing an extra shirt or two in his own bag, in case of emergencies.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 11:17:30
"We leave tomorrow from here at about 3:30am, since we need to be at the airfield for 5am. Suggest getting up at, what, 2:45 and getting breakfast at 3, unless you have objections"

Blaize personally didn't care, as he rolled up the maps, but it did mean less time spent here and more time being half-asleep on the road and in the air

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 11:31:19
Oliver nodded quickly .

"Sounds like a great idea and in that case I'm going to repack and get some rest, good night sir," He told him before leaving the head back to his rooms. Oliver was quick to repack and felt pleased with his efforts once he settled on the large four poster bed. He laid on the bed for only a few more moments until he ventured into the bathroom to shower and prepare for bed. But he found it difficult to fall asleep considering where he was an where he was going.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 11:35:24
Blaize had precious little difficulty sleeping, unsurprising in a way considering that this was his house. At the same time, there was something terribly 'off' with the way he was acting, more absent-minded than he really should be, still swinging between caring little about what was going on around him, to becoming stuck in details that normally didn't matter.

He was first to get up in the morning, woken by servants who prepared a very large breakfast for the two. The house was still pretty dark, the night outside in full effect, and everything had that odd stillness that begot extremely early morning starts when the rest of the world was asleep ...

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 11:40:03
Oliver was woken and found himself a little groggy but didn't let it bother him too much. Instead he splashed some water on his face, changed into his expedition clothing before finding his way to the kitchen. Oliver was a big believer on breakfast and nearly clapped in approval at the wonderful spread of food. He wasted no time and quickly sat in the same chair as during dinner and begun to fill his plate. He didn't really find a need to talk but was careful to not over stuff his mouth in case Mr. Elliot had something to say.

He also remained careful of how much he ate, he didn't want to sick in the very likely chance their plane was hit with turbulence during the flight.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 19:50:27
Porridge, toast, freshly-squeezed orange juice, a selection of cereals, bacon, eggs, crust rolls, honey, jams and marmalades ...

Blaize took a bit of everything, going over his hand-made maps once again as he made his way through the pile on his place. Car or plane sickness never really bothered him, and he was likely going to burn his way through his breakfast the second they hit and tried to enter Shenosha anyway.
Dressed in his usual attire of a white, lightweight shirt, brown trousers, tall brown boots, suspenders with matching belt ... It was like they were going on a normal expedition, rather than one that would potentially fundamentally change their lives. Blaize didn't say a word during breakfast, and left as soon as he was finished to get the car, leaving Oliver to bring the bags (his own being the smallest and lighest).

Once again, usually they used University transportation, but in this case Blaize decided to forget taking something as conventional as a taxi and would drive himself and Oliver to the airport. Holding more than once license for more than one country, he briefly amused himself with the idea of taking them on horseback but settled for a grand and beautiful car that purred its way out of the garage. Almost-new from underuse, it was a welcome site ....

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 20:18:32
His own breakfast he watched as Mr. Elliot left the room and him to gather up their things. He was quick already sure he had his proper gear and Mr. Elliot his small bag. Hidden within Oliver's own backpack was an extra pair ot trousers and shirt, just as safety measures.

Oliver arrived outside the house and nearly let his jaw drop to the floor at the sight of such a lovely car. His first instinct was to run his fingers over the enitre thing but knew it wouldn't be appropriate. Instead he loaded things up and let himself into the passanger side of the car. He wasn't a religous man and didn't see the point of it but for a brief moment he was tempted to send a prayer to who ever would listen. A prayer that would hopefully bring them back alive

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 20:26:51
"Here we go" Blaize said under his breath, not really directed at Oliver despite how close they were within the car. The round, smooth white pebbles made a soft crunching noise as the car glided its way out of the estate and onto the open road. Soon, they joined the main motorways for a long drive that was sort-of eerie at points.

The roads were so quiet, haunted only by those trying to make overnight drives, people who started at frightful times in the morning, or those returning from the graveyard shift. By the time the sun rose over the horizon and turned the land into a dusky lavender, orange and pink tone, they had finally arrived at the isolated airfield and caught sight of only a single plane waiting on the tarmac. A discreet, dark maroon, sturdy beast patiently being fuelled as Blaize turned into the car park where only three other cars lingered.

Without much ceremoney, he got out, opening the back to retrieve his own bag and hand Oliver's own over, and making his way to the standing figure of 'Mr. Cinders'
"So, you are awake"
"Of course I am" Blaize became humourless, glancing at the plane, "Are we ready to go?"
"Just about, you got the maps?"
Blaize pulled them out of his back pocket, and the pair walked into the hanger to have a look

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 20:47:48
Oliver had a feeling the car was worth more then student loans and probably was. Avoiding any awkward conversation he kept his eyes out the window and watched what little activity that they passed by. His mind wandered to what he was leaving behind...

His parents would still be asleep, his father was always an early riser but wouldn't get up until six or even seven am. His mother would wake with with her husband. If he was still at the university he'd just be getting out of bed around six to work on some kind of paper work, but nothing as important as what they were going to do. Conflicted by what he would consider abrupt, Oliver tried not to let it show on his face. Instead he continued to think of what they might find in his far away land and how irritating it was that the hem of his shirt was coming undone.

Their arrival at the airfield was uneventful. His bag was given to him and he was careful to follow after Mr. Elliot without looking like a lost puppy. The short interaction between Mr. Elliot and the man he assumed was Mr. Cinders, he lingered near the opening of the hanger unsure if he was allowed follow. It was then he noticed in himself that he was doing a lot of lingering. Determined not to be an onlooker forever, Oliver caught up with the two men and hung around as they talked about the trip.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 20:59:53
The map was spread across a metal - and rather damaged - table as both men looked it over. Mr. Cinders, a mature man with a trim moustache and large aviator sunglasses on, tisked as he looked it over.
"Not going to invite me in?"
"Shenosha is dangerous" Blaize stated firmly, "We're landing on the flat land out here" Pointing to a spot on the map and stabbing it insistently with his finger.
"But that's cliff, according to you" Mr. Cinders pointed slightly away from it, "How you going to get up there"

Blaize gave him a withering glare
"I'm an Elliot" He stated in a condescending tone, "A mountain is nothing to me"
"What about him, though" Mr. Cinders motioned to Oliver, "Doesn't look like a mountain climber to me"
"I'll carry him if need be" Blaize snapped, "I'm paying you to fly me to this field, are you going to do it or not"
"Sure" Mr. Cinders showed the palms of his hands in mock surrender, "Just don't be too surprised if I never hear from you again"
"That's another thing; you might not hear from me again, but if Oliver calls, you come and pick him up without hesitation. Do you understand me"
Mr. Cinders shrugged, "Sure, whatever you say"
"Good" Blaize rolled up the map again, his forearms tense as he did so

"Let's go" Making his way to the plane, casually opening the door and walking inside. This poor thing had been in storage for many years, and only hastily cleaned up when Blaize demanded that it be ready to take them to Shenosha. The age didn't really show other than the decor, though it was still as sumptuous as anything else in the Elliot name.
But the dead giveaway was a drawer built into the side of the plane. There were quite a few storage drawers in a panel opposite a pair of leather chairs and a small table, intended for passengers to work or read as Oliver and Blaize would normally do on a small University plane. There were even still some books and stationary on board.
But one little drawer had the name 'Blaise', in Blaize's actual name spelling. The drawer was slightly ajar, and inside were toys ...

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 21:42:51
Feeling like a fish out of water when it came to the two men talking Oliver decided to keep himself out. However when Mr. Elliot suggested that he would carry him up the cliff was enough to warm his cheeks. Looking away he pretended to be adjusting the strap on his bag. He had seen plenty of his mother's romance novels and they complied together to great an image in Oliver's head. One of a shirtless Mr. Elliot holding him bridal style on top a sheer cliff.

He did overhear the order be given that if he called that he'd be rescued. It never crossed his mind to come back without Mr. Elliot. Did his former boss now technically expedition partner think he'd leave without trying to get him home. Oliver thought about interjecting to clarify that but had a gut feeling it would cause a fight. A made the choice to remain silent.

Following after Mr. Elliot he entered the plane and found it a beautiful sight. His attention was draw to the space and the comfortable looking chair. The books also caught his fancy but before he could go and inspect them. The sight of a slightly open drawer caught his attention. The name did too but more importantly was it's contents. Unsure if he was 'allowed' to see it Oliver made a beeline for a chair and sat, avoiding looking what was might be considered old unwanted memories.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 21:48:54
Thankfully, Blaize didn't spot it, at least not yet. He took his own place on the one remaining chair, sitting down before realising he had no idea - or had forgotten - how the plane worked in terms of safety.
"... No wonder this place was full of spiders" He murmured, looking at all the nooks and crannys still full of dust as the pilot's door slammed shut loud enough to rattle the sides of the craft

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 21:52:03
Oliver's attention went to the noise and the fear the sunk into his chest also came from it.
"Are you sure this thing is safe to fly?" He asked, his fingers going to the arm rest, nails tempted to dig into the leather. He wasn't a 'bad' flyer but he did like to know that an aircraft was safe. Oliver had a feeling that if they made to the actual island it would be considered a miracle.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 21:58:34
"Yes" Absolutely no hint of doubt in his voice, "It's one of the best aircraft of its type, and it wouldn't leave the airfield if it didn't pass all safety checks"

He was still on the touchy side with regards to the mission, but at least this was one area in which he had absolutely no worries. Everything would be just fine. He knew it would be.
Buckling himself in and prompting Oliver to do the same, he relaxed in his chair as the plane taxi'd itself onto the runway, preparing for takeoff

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 22:03:05
Oliver nodded but Mr. Elliot's words did little to comfort him. Instead he closed his eyes and took a few well timed breaths in order to calm his nerves. He only wished there was a flight attendant to provide them with drinks, but then again he didn't want that because most likely Mr. Elliot would bed her before the plane took off.

"How long?" He asked in reference to the flight, he found it kind of ironic that he asked that question when normally it Mr. Elliot asking it. That small bit of humor was enough to easy a little more of his anxiety but not enough.

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