Posted by [Forest of Shadows SIGNUPS] {Warrior Cats RP}

🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-04 11:07:51
{ Far away, hidden from any other clans, over seas and above mountains, lies a large rainforest. The place is completely abandoned by humans, and the dominant species are wild cats. There are no monkeys, or toucans, nor jaguars. Only the cats of domestic ancestors, along with small prey. }

x - No characters that are attention beggars, marysue/garystu, 'perfect' [i.e. 'teh most loved shecat in all of teh foris!! all of th mails wannt!! moar bootiful than any oth cat in historee'], or powerplayers.
x - Put 'Tigerstar' in other so i know you read this
x - No killing or permanently hurting someone without permission
x - Fade to black when birthing/mating. Keep it PG, please.
x - Please be nice to one another


x - Name:
x - Gender:
x - Age:
x - Rank:
x - Clan:
x - Appearence:
x - Personality:
x - Other:


Maximum; 5, Minimum; 1. You may only have 1 cat with an important role, though. [aka Med, Leader, Deputy.]

This is not first-come-first-serve. Make a form, and i'll think about it. If you supply a RP sample and i approve, you're in. Deputy is chosen by the leader of the clan.

No. Like i said; "There are no monkeys, or toucans, nor jaguars. Only the cats of domestic ancestors, along with small prey."

Message me!

Fernclan : Calm, cool and relaxed. They disagree with war and believe every conflict can be solved without violence.

Morningclan : Fierce, Loyal, and Feisty. They love to win, whether it be battles or just silly competitions. Behind their rough exterior they are soft and kind to their clanmates.

Swiftclan: Mean, Agressive, and Agile. They are Morningclan's rival clan. Swiftclan cats are always finding themselves in trouble.

Please click here to see my crappy MSPaint drawing

Other Threads:

RP THREAD: Click here!

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Edited on 17/01/16 @ 14:32:02 by Asriel--Dreemur (#39962)

🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-04 11:28:15
[ Formy form, you may also use this as an example, but refrain from copying mine]

x - Name: Cougarstep

x - Gender: Female

x - Age: 28 moons

x - Rank: Warrior

x - Clan: Morningclan

x - Appearence: Cougarstep is a black-furred cat, white patches of fur on her front toes, muzzle, and chest. One of her eyes is a blazing amber color, the other half-amber half-blue, a result of heterochromia. She has a bobbed tail, and two scars across her muzzle from an attack from Swiftclan.

x - Personality: Cougarstep is a quiet, relaxed she-cat. She is always a pawstep ahead of her clan, making sure their decisions are well-thought and won't cause major damage.

x - Other: Tigerstar / She has siblings that are NPC loners, named Ben and Patches. Her mother is a deceased Fernclan cat, Honeytail, and her father a deceased Morningclan cat, Orangewhisker.

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Edited on 04/12/15 @ 18:33:16 by Asriel--Dreemur (#39962)

*Smew* (#54920)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-04 12:21:54

Ξ© the_phoenix___chapter_1_by_vectorsigma10 Ξ©

x - Name:
x - Gender:
x - Age:
21 moons.
x - Rank:
x - Clan:
x - Appearance:
Acornfall is a beautiful, average sized she-cat with yellow eyes and a torn ear. She has fine, graceful movements and great power in her hindlegs, allowing longer leaps and greater strides. She has a thick light ginger fur with barely visible stripes that she keeps neatly groomed. She has rather small paws but her claws are as sharp as black-thorns. She has a scar around her left hindleg and over her right eye. She has a bushy tail and a pink nose.
x - Personality:
Acornfall is the cat not to mess with. She is not fond of half-clan cats, but she does not know of her own half-clan ancestry. (More in history.) She is pretty mean and rude, and will chase any cat that steps into her borders without questions or answers. She has no time for games or anything, and is very serious. She is battle thirsty, and will take any chance she gets to get into trouble. Acornfall does have a soft side, but not many have seen that side, as she rarely, if ever, shows it. She's feisty, fierce and aggressive, and does not tolerate any 'unseriousness.' She does have a good sense of humor and is affectionate to her clan, and would put it before herself. She is mysterious, and many find her curious. She is a bit closed person, and has a hard time to make friends with her.
x - History:
(Foster mother: Snowleaf. Senior warrior.
Father: Sandtail. Senior warrior.
Mother: Spiderleap. Swiftclan. Senior warrior.
Brother: Ravenheart. Swiftclan. Warrior.)
Acornfall doesn't know that she is half-clan, and has always assumed that Snowleaf is her real mother. But her real mother, Spiderleap, gave her away to her Sandtail because it was too obvious that she was his daughter. She had is pelt, movements, body and eyes. Sandtail, of course, raised her as well as he could along with his new mate, Snowleaf. Snowleaf does know his secret, but she accepted it, and has kept it ever since and raised her mate's kit as her own. Acornfall does not know of her mother or brother, Ravenheart. (But I am planning that this will come out in the open some time in the RP. But Ravenheart will be the first of the siblings to know.)
x - Other:
She's up for a best friend who's mean and rude like her...

Ξ© 6937239-black-cat-wallpaper.jpg Ξ©

x - Name:
x - Gender:
x - Age:
21 moons.
x - Rank:
x - Clan:
x - Appearence:
Ravenheart is a pitch-black tom with blazing amber eyes and a white dash on his chest. He is very large with long, muscular legs and massive paws. He has a long scar across his shoulders that splits his fur.
x - Personality:
He and Acornfall should actually switch clans. He is kind and good, but Acornfall is rude and mean.
Ravenheart is a very playful cat, loves to have fun and laugh. He can make jokes from everything and is extremely charming. He's kind, affectionate, compassionate and romantic, also very loyal. He's very good at cheering up others and loves to play games. But Ravenheart also needs his peace and quiet and loves to take a walk through the forest, just listening to the birds singing and chattering, the leaves rustling and the streams gurgling. He's very rarely serious, only at extremely serious moments, battles, etc. And always when he just finished hunting, patrolling the borders, etc, he always wants to play afterwards. (Ex: After he just finished scooping snow away from the tunnel entrance he begins showering snow over his partner/companion. He likes that kinds of games.) He is a big time trouble maker and if it's anyone's fault that someone just got beetles in their fur, it's probably Ravenheart to blame. He often disobeys rules to do what he wants. He has an exciting life and rarely gets sad, but when he does, it's because of something really bad. Ravenheart, when he gets sad, he doesn't talk to anyone for days. He often makes mistakes and says things he shouldn't have said. He's not shy at all. (Ex: If a new cat joins the clan, he'll be the first to introduce himself.) He doesn't give a crap about what others say about him. He can be very attention seeking. He's very, very talkative. He’s loyal and would die for his clan and his loved ones, but he tends to cower, for he is not very brave. Ravenheart also has a problem of thinking straight when having a panic attack or anything of the like.
x - Other:
Ravenheart is open for forbidden romance and a 'partner-in-crime!' xD

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Edited on 05/12/15 @ 09:53:29 by *Smew* (#54920)

Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-04 12:27:57
33 Moons
Medicine Cat
Larkcall's pelt is of black smoke coloring and medium-short in length. Black furs swirling around on his pelt mixing with grays and silvers give Larkcall an almost shadow-like appearance. His body is long and slender, lacking some muscle that most warriors seem to have. With legs to match his body, most of his muscle can be found in his back legs. His tail is of a relatively normal length compared to his body size. Light greenish-gray eyes set deep in his face create a very friendly, inviting look to him. Larkcall has a black nose and matching paw pads.
The picture is not mine and it only shows his pelt color, not eye color.
+ Positive, = Neutral, - Negative

Larkcall's ability to talk to other cat's is one of his greatest talents. His looks and natural open-heartedness make it easy for people to open up to him. An ability to easily read other cats, aides in his ability of smooth talking. Though there are times when he has a hard time thinking of something to say, it doesn't happen often.

Larkcall takes pride in his dedication to his clan, and medicine cat duties. While he can occasionally get distracted by the simplest things, when the time calls for it he's as sharp as an arrow. When his leader asks him to do something, he will do it to some extent. Though he may twist some things around in order to do what he thinks is better, he will make sure it's on the top of his to-do list.

Even though some of his actions make him seem a little less than loyal, Larkcall prizes his clan above anything else in his life. He realizes that without them, he would be nothing more than a normal wild cat. With them, he can be so much more. He can help cats, and have them help him. These are just a few of the reasons Larkcall is loyal

Many of Larkcall's actions and thoughts contradict themselves. This leads to him second guessing himself quite often. When he's alone he seems to lose a bit of the happy aura that radiates from him when around his clan.

While he is skilled at his craft, Larkcall can be seen as eccentric. This is due to his erratic behaviour and impulsive mindset. He loves to test the limits, and occasionally see just how far he can push the leader.

Larkcall has a tendency to act before fully thinking something through. This has gotten him into many arguments with *insert Fernclan's leader* and often into trouble. Because of his impulsiveness and inability to say no, he sometimes just won't ask for permission before doing something. He would rather just take the punishment that is sure to come afterwards.

Though he would never admit it, Larkcall can be a petty thief at times. Sneaking into places and stealing information or even resources has always been a secret skill of his. Larkcall doesn't necessarily take pride in this, but he does rather enjoy the adrenaline rush. {If the Skyclan leader wants to, he could be in on this thing.}

Helping others is his duty, but he looks extremely highly on himself. He finds his speed and ability to take care of others makes him a peg higher than most warriors. He knows this isn't good to think this way, and even partially against the warrior code, but he just can't stop his thoughts.
Tigerstar. I can change his thievish character trait if you don't find it appropriate. c:

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Edited on 04/12/15 @ 19:40:12 by Being as an Ocean (#41430)

OliAthens (#67890)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-04 14:44:09
x - Name:
x - Gender:
x - Age:
30 moons
x - Rank:
x - Clan:
x - Appearance:
A speckled cat, with a tail longer than most's, large black eyes, that have purple-ish flecks (this is what gives her her name). She had round paws and ears,and silver whiskers
x - Personality:
Very rarely acts on emotion, or instinct. She tries her best to be very wise, compassionate, and humble. Violetstep does her best to monitor the well-being of her clan members and keeping them happy.
x - Other
Tigerstar. None that I can think of at the moment!
x - Gender:
x - Age:
20 moons
x - Rank:
x - Clan:
x - Appearance:
A spindly legged tom, with a sharp nose, and attentive eyes. His lean frame allows him to move from here to there swiftly and easily. His faded spots on his torso blend well with surrounding areas, and his thick tail balances him well
x - Personality:
Slightly arrogant, and aware of his handsome features (I'm not trying to say he is "luved bai all deh ladiez", thats just how he acts), while he is that way, he is a tad quieter than most, yet is always up for competition. Attempts to always be aware of his surroundings, and is agile and speedy
x - Other
UPDATE! Thrushclaw is Sunpaw's mentor (if that's alright, I already talked to Ocean)

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 19:57:48 by OliAthens (#67890)

🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-05 02:50:27
@All - Accepted

@Being - If you do not have anyone else going for the medicine cat in that clan in the next 3 days, or you do not back down, you're in.

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Edited on 05/12/15 @ 10:05:45 by Asriel--Dreemur (#39962)

🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-05 03:05:01
The RP thread has been opened!

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 05:43:43
7 Moons
Sunpaw is a dark orange tabby with medium to short fur. Her body is evenly proportioned besides her large ears that rest atop her fluffy head. Her blue-gray eyes twinkle like they constantly hold a secret that she cannot share.
The picture is not mine.
Sunpaw holds nearly as much energy as the star she was named after. Headstrong and rebellious she was always the trouble maker of the litter. She would lead all the kits into trouble yet her uncanny ability to pull them out kept them all safe. Her large ears match her ego as she thinks very highly of herself. If Sunpaw does not complete a task on her first try she won't give up until she succeeds.
Tigerstar. Sorry for my really short form, I'm just not feeling too creative at the moment. Also if someone wishes to make a sibling fo her feel free. c:

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-12 13:47:46
@Ocean - Accepted! Sorry for being inactive, everyone. I lost my passoword..

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2015-12-20 08:52:01
Going to post form in just a second!

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2015-12-20 09:02:58
x - Name: JadeStar (JadeFeather)
x - Gender: Female
x - Age: 48 moons
x - Rank: Leader (if not then Med. cat)
x - Clan: SwiftClan
x - Personality: JadeStar is a very strong and powerful cat. She is cruel, always getting into fights. She is always on top of everything, liking everything in order. She isn't afraid to boss you around or swat her large paws at your head. JadeStar is very smart and brave, she will do anyting to protect her clan. She is always in a bad mood, nothing being able to change that. She really hates everyone.
x - Other: TigerStar
x - Appearence: A very tall, muscled cat.
1355493292snowqueen.jpgx - Name: PantherClaw
x - Gender: Male
x - Age: 30 moons
x - Rank: Warrior
x - Clan: MorningClan
x - Personality: He is a mostly to himself, staying out of drama and other things. But he has a strong voice and a smart mind. He loves fights, but does not start them. He is very strong, brave, and willing to do things for his clan. He is very smart thinking and will do things other cats wouldn't.
x - Other: TigerStar
x - Appearence:

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Edited on 20/12/15 @ 16:29:16 by JadeFeather (#27167)

Tide (#65016)

Notable Lion
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-20 19:34:16

x - Name:
x - Gender:
x - Age:
23 Moons
x - Rank:
x - Clan:
x - Appearence: He is a funny looking cat her is brown spotted with dark grey and black. He has a dark grey splash on his forehead. He has peircing dark blue eyes. He has a dark grey tail tip.
x - Personality: He is a unforgiving once you hurt him it is over he hates you, hates whining mousebrains, he is quick to anger, he is serious most of the time, he is also very noble.
x - Other:Tigerstar

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2015-12-21 13:33:07
Name: Aspenpaw
Gender: Female
Age: 11 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Clan: Morningclan
Personality:Aspenpaw has always found it easy to make friends with her sense of humor, but with her short temper it's hard for her to keep them. When she's angry it doesn't matter if she's known you for her entire life, or for a few moments, she will say anything to hurt you. Although she doesn't have many friends, she's very trusting of those she has come to respect, and will follow them until they betray her. Aspenpaw has no fear, and will leap into danger if it benefits her or her clan. She is a very proud cat, and sometimes she talks like she's the clan leader.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Other: Tigerstar

Name: Rowanfang
Gender: Female
Age: 24 Moons
Rank: Medicine cat
Clan: Swiftclan
Personality:Rowanfang doesn't speak much, but if she does she must really like you, or hate you. With her, your are either a friend or a foe. No in between. She likes to observe cats, and based on what she sees is how she treats you. She may seem cold hearted at first, but she can be kind once she gets to know you. She is very intelligent, and knows how to get what she wants.
Sexuality: Asexual
Other: Tigerstar

Name: Cinderstep
Gender: Male
Age: 17 Moons
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Fernclan
Personality:Although he's pretty laid back, Cinderstep takes his job seriously. He likes to do what he can, but at times he just wants to sit and look at the clouds. He doesn't take orders very well, unless you happen to be leader, and will never take orders from those younger than himself.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Other: Tigerstar

Name: Littlepaw
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Clan: Fernclan
Personality:Quiet in size and personality, Littlepaw has led a quiet existence. Many cats don't know much about him, and because of this he has sentenced himself as an outcast. He does like to speak to the cats he knows well, and is very cheerful around them.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Other: Tigerstar

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-25 09:41:42
@All; accepted

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🐯 Rainy Day 🐯 (#39962)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-17 07:34:50
Instead of waiting 3 days for a Leader/Med rank, you only have to supply a RP sample! If i approve, you may go on and RP with that rank. If you are not accepted, you can either make a new character or become a warrior.

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Bluemoon πŸ’« (#42204)

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Posted on
2016-01-17 07:52:38
x - Name: Daisystar (Daisytail if not accepted)

x - Gender: She-cat

x - Age: 20 moons

x - Rank: Leader (Warrior)

x - Clan: Morningclan

x - Appearence: 570101cea0ef4b7f66c83a345b8afbfb.jpg

x - Personality: Daisystar is friendly and playful, yet serious when she has to be. She's a great companion and a talker.

x - Other: Tigerstar / Secretly mates with Cougarstep (girlfrienndsss XD as decided by both of us)

x - Rp Sample:
Daisystar looked out from her den, green eyes flickering towards her clanmates before raising herself to her feet. She bounded out of the den, jumping from the Highledge. The night breeze passed through her thick fur, causing her to shake. The leader shook the coldness out of her mind and padded towards a group of clanmates to join the conversation.

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