Posted by End of the World RP thread

lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:43:15
A zombie rp! If you want to sign up here's the link~

hate the character not the person!
No god-modding
no killing another without permission!
Fade to black for sex scenes!
Please don't leave anyone behind!
Feel free to curse as much as you want, but please not every other word!

Alright let's begin :)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:07:12
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Bandit, Charlie

"You too." She sighed softly and looked at her hands for a moment. "I need to work on talking to people. I suck at it." She chuckled. "You don't have to apologize. Normally when I'm under pressure I act out much more violently than you did." She smiled as Shadowfax whinnied, almost in agreement, and she rolled her eyes.

Hearing Charlie mention Kiba's name, she turned towards her and nodded. "Yep, she's Kiba."

"I'm sorry to here that. I know what it feels like to lose someone you love." She sighed and stroked Shadow's muzzle. "I don't know how much longer I can keep him alive.." She murmured, looking crestfallen for a moment. She shook it off quickly and masked it with a smile, trying to hide her sudden change in emotion. "Do you need a ride back? I can have Shadowfax take you. He's a sweetheart, he won't mind." She stated, smiling as the horse leaned over to sniff Bandit lightly.

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:09:15
"Town? No.. I.. Im fine. Id rather not go into walker territory." He said cautiously. He didnt trust the two females. And why should he? For all he knew they were planning to kill him. His left hand went down to his ax, more then ready for whatever these two could have planned. His stone cold blue hues study the two of them carefully. They didnt look dangerous, but he knew that to have survived this long youd have to be dangerous. Bandit nearly flinched as the horse neared him. "Uh.. Hey there big guy.." he said a bit nervously.

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Edited on 09/01/16 @ 13:10:52 by Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:14:36
charlie/15/dog-Vane/act talking to bandit/draco

"no mater where you are there's walkers" Charlie let out a sigh of defeat "look i know you don't trust us and... i probably wouldn't either but your disorientated and you look like you havent slept or eaten in days" her eyes rolled over to the weapons and slightly quieter said "besides you have a lot more power then us"... in truth he reminded her of a friend. She was going to make up for it and not let them down this time

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:15:52
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Bandit,

Draco pulled Shadowfax back by the mane as she noticed Bandit's hand moving towards his axe. Draco did not want to fight, nor did she want him to end up hurting Shadow. Her horse obliged silently and backed up, leaning down to sniff Kiba as she barked at him. "Don't be nosey, Shadow. Give him some space."

She nodded her head slightly, watching his hand. "Yeah, I suppose that's a good point. I saw a couple on the way there. That's mostly why I live in the woods." She chuckled, allowing herself a moment of carefree freedom before shifting her eyes back to his left hand. She hated fighting people, unless it was a walker, and didn't feel like hurting this guy. She knew he was dangerous just from his looks, although she was mainly concerned with the safety of her two animal companions as well as Charlie, with special emphasis on the young girl and her horse's safety.

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Edited on 09/01/16 @ 13:19:21 by Calla N.-The Beast Of Arda (#76766)

Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:17:49
(thanks draco ): )

(hate you XD

also this takes up less space sp muahha i can ramble)

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Edited on 09/01/16 @ 13:19:16 by Zanzear (#79048)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:18:32
(Ahahaha I forgot Charlie was there momentarily XDD)

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:19:22
"I.." he paused, sighing. she was right. He wasnt in the best state of mind and sure as hell wasnt up for a fight. "Im not going to hurt you guys.. I dont hurt girls.. No matter what they do" he said. Even from what his mother did to him he still believes that no woman should ever be hurt. "Id rather not go into the town, but.. If I am with you guys.. Maybe.." he paused again, as If someone was telling him this was a bad idea. Which, in fact someone was. The voice in his head who he knew as his other personality told him this was going to back fire on him. He didn't listen this time though, and went along with the girls. " I will go with you. It cant hurt that bad.." he said with a small shrug.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:24:18
charlie/15/dog-vane/act-talking to bandit/draco

she let a small cheer despite the mans... well whatever ego "Adventure time! to le town!" the sudden change in mood made Vane bark tapping her thigh " c'mon vane lets go" she suddenly rememebered something and looked the man in the eyes "By the way whats you-(she remembered what draco had said)whats your first name"

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:28:00
Brb for a while if I miss anything catch me up please

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:29:38
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Bandit, Charlie

Draco smiled softly. "I can have you both on Shadowfax if you want. I can walk. I don't mind." She smirked slightly at Charlie's enthusiasm. "Charlie, as much as I love your enthusiasm, dear, Bandit would prefer not to go into town, and I feel the same way. It makes Shadow edgy." She stated, patting her horse's muzzle as she pulled a carrot out for him to eat.

Kiba barked loudly in protest and she smiled, leaning down to give him a slab of deer meat. She was relieved that she didn't have to fight him; she was in no mood to kill today, nor did she want anyone to hurt her newfound friend - which had now become plural.

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Praxischu (#71297)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:31:20
Kennedy|18|Female|Location: City|Mentions: Brianna

Kennedy watched the girl kill the walkers, she was pretty skilled she thought. "Not bad." Kennedy whispered to herself. She then saw her fall as she almost killed the final walker. Kennedy sighed, "Godamnit." She muttered and walked out of behind the car, aiming her arrow at the walkers head. Quickly, she shot and the walker fell over. Walking over, she pulled the arrow out and slid it back into her pouch, lending a hand to the girl. "You're pretty good with the katana, just not with the last one there." She smiled slightly.

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Ryver Bloodfang (#79641)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:40:49
Also thanks so much for saving bandit XD

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lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:58:12
(@Ryver- Will you please put a little header when you post like everyone else? It makes it less confusing! Thank you :)
And all OOC chat goes here please~ I don't like clogging up the topic. Thanks!)

~ Brianna ~ 18 ~ Mentions: Kennedy ~ Location: City ~

Brianna gasped as an arrow landed into the walker's head and it crumpled to the ground. She let out a sigh of relief, that was a close one. She watched as a girl walked over, and took her hand as she got up. Brianna brushed her pants off and smiled to the girl, "Yeah... it happens" She said and laughed nervously being slightly embarrassed. "Thanks for that though." Brianna said walking over to the walker with her katana still in it's head. She placed her combat boot on the walker's stomach while her other foot remained on the ground and pulled the katana out of the walker's head with some force. "There we go" she said more to herself than Kennedy. Brianna put he katana back in it's holder. "I'm Brianna, how about we go in the store, it's probably safer in there?" Brianna suggested.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 06:58:41
charlie/15/dog-vane/act: talking to bandit, Draco

charlie was slightly annoyed but it was understandable so slowing down slightly " I've never spent more then half day there because of that reason but it is a must because of what holds, i mean we can we go to where we were yesterday? also-" she smiled a bit " you owe me camp fire, you collected some the left!"charlie was glad she could still be as smug as last year, but then those memories come up "also i havent ate today so i need to go back anyway and as animal lover, We both know your horse is in no shape to carry us" she started to walk back the way she came "Do me a favour and don't die? Im starting to like you two-cya!" she set off into a slow run and vane followed with ease.

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Edited on 10/01/16 @ 08:29:03 by Zanzear (#79048)

Praxischu (#71297)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 07:12:55
Kennedy|18|Female|Location: City|Mentions: Brianna

Kennedy put her bow on her back and looked over at Brianna. "Yeah about that, I already raided that store." She shrugged. "I'm Kennedy, by the way." She grinned and shook her hand, her own hand was sweaty and had a little bit of blood but by this point nothing mattered. "Were you heading anywhere in particular?" She asked curiously, as to what she was doing in the city. Kennedy didn't trust Brianna enough to bring her to her apartment stashed with all of her items, so she questioned her, trying to figure her out.

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