Posted by usiku pride

FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 16:17:56
You have wandered into a cluster of caves shielded under a velveteen night sky glancing around you find pairs of eyes piercing you watching your every movement , out of reflex you perk your ears up catching the mewls of young cubs in a far off hollow. You rear away not wanting to disturb but a voice speaks out to you . "come closer (brother/sister) " not wanting to cause conflict you slink toward the voice then as if trying to lull you it says " you have been chosen my friend . You blink, the voice doesnt seem to be coming from a lion.Just as you finish that thought unconsciousness slicks over your thoughts like water mulling across jagged rocks.

Thisis how all of the subjects from the usiku pride are recruited they awake with no recollection of the previous night except for a lingering memory of that soothing but eerie voice they heard and a sense of loyalty to their new king , queen and pride .

spots open

sub males~

spots taken
queen ~ me ,kage

~name~ chungu-tamu
~age ~5 years
personality: chungu is soft hearted to those that have not betrayed her trust but she had to have shown something to be proven worthy of donning the title of kings mate: when trust was gone and all feelings were aside she was a ruthless and decisive killer always doing her own dirty work , personally executing those presenting threat to her throne
bio: the previous king had slain her parents for treason to the crown leaving her under the care of an unruly subordinate male she grew up idolizing the kings son even though he bared a grand resemblance to his vicious father
open for challenging :if you dare
appearance : tawny lioness with onyx markings snaking all over her lithe figure

~rules of the pride ~
mating goes on in a separate thread
~ please use swahili names
~dont make battles last less than two posts
~ the kings spot is permanent
~ please please please! be detailed
mating thread

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Edited on 21/01/16 @ 23:58:23 by erin leanne (#40751)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-22 13:34:18
(I might also make a lioness idk yet though)

Nova | 5 Years | Sub Male | Mentions: Open

Nova stretches his back legs out before walking around the territory a few times, looking over the pride, making sure that everyone was doing well and no one needed anything.

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ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 06:43:00
Asya Fikira Daniti // Lioness // Hunter // Mentions: None

The pretty female rolled in the damp grass, the rays of the morning sun shining on her pelt. She rolled back onto her feet and stretched gracefully. Her multi-lingual mind was clouded on the new morning, not yet awake. To wake herself up she padded up to a watering hole in her pride's territory, taking a long drink. Out of habit she waded in, the cool water waking her up.

Asya's eyes wandered around for anything of interest. None came to her.

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FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 08:17:58
-- tamu raked her claws against a boulder then stirred . She made her way to her den that she shared with the her betrothed , the king of the usiku pride , there she began working on bone trying to reach the marrow inside--

~b-m~ after a while he strolled out letting out a roar as the sun kissed his pelt . Shaking his mane he dusted off the dirt and pebbles that lay inside he winked at the gaping lionesses the were to his knowledge , admiring him -

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FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 08:41:30
-note- since mating was not allowed on that thread simply follow this link! :D
also if you wouldnt mind visiting it and leaving a message so i know it works

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Edited on 23/01/16 @ 15:43:34 by erin leanne (#40751)

Fred 2.0 (#75325)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-23 09:37:00
Giza -- Mentions: None

The large brute yawned gently as he rested upon pebbles in which surrounded a large watering hole. His eyes were still closed as he was slowly waking up from a long sleep that kept him through the night. Now that it was morning, his least favorite time, he groaned inside his chest and quickly moved one of his huge paws over his eyes to block the evil light.

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FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 04:46:00
~t~ a satisfying crack filled the air as she reached the delectable matter inside , working her jaw over it she scraped all of the brown-red substance and began happily devouring it tiny mewls and growls escaping as she eagerly ate

~b~ as he finished his show of manliness he began to make his rounds around the pride territories observing a few of the lionesses on hunt

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-25 07:49:25
Nova | 5 Years | Sub Male | Mentions: Asya

Nova made his way towards the watering hole in their territory, his massive paws padding against the ground. His tail flicked behind him lazily as he walked. As he reached the water he dipped his head down, lapping some of the water uP, as he picked his head back up, he saw a familiar lioness in the water, Asya. He decided to leave her in her thoughts and he made his way back to the main pride, laying atop a rock as he looked up at the sky, still trying to fully wake up.

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FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 04:03:58
:D slightly passive aggressive bump here (/゚Д゚)/ ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

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FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 02:25:47
ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) come on guys ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

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️☄ (#41910)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 02:35:12
Mind if I join as 2 lioness? Might even add a male later on if needed.)

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FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 02:46:51
sure go ahead! :D

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️☄ (#41910)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 03:21:50
~name~ asha
~age ~2 years
personality: asha is very loyal to thows she deems worthy of her loyalty, but the problom with that is that she deems few worthy of her loyalty. She is not that trusting of strangers and will often distance herself from them until they have proven some way to be loyal. She is quick to anger often taking action first and asking questions later. she has gotten better at this in the recent months but will still quickly flash her fangs and claws if someone says something bad about thows she is loyal to.
bio: Asha was born to a lioness who was at her last legs of life, her mother died when she was young and thuse she does not rember her. A kind lioness adopted her and raised her by the side of her son and daughter. She was treated fairly enough but it was quite obvious that the lioness would abandon her if it ment saving the lives of her other children. She trained with her adopted sister in hunting and fighting, witch she appeared to have a knack fighting and lacking in hunting. She grew up spending her days traning until she was 1 year old. She then left the pride she had grown up in along with her brother and sister as there was not enough room in the prides lands for more mouths to feed, especially with the new Cubs that were coming.
open for challenging : if you wish to I will not stop you, but be warned I shale not hold back.
appearance :

name: sesen
Age: 2 1/2 years
Personality: sesen is much more calm and level headed then her sister, preferring to sit back and gather as much information as possible before making a decision. But when she does you can be sure she has a plan be and in most causes a plan c. Because of this most would consider her to be calculating, and they would not be wrong. She unlike asha does not have the 'I either like or hate you' outlook on others, she has meany difrent outlooks. The main ones would be 'your useful to me', 'your family or like family', and 'can not be trusted'. But that does not meany she is not loyal she just has a different way of showing it compared to Asha. She knows her place in the pride very well and does not seak more power, being perfectly content with the spot she has now.
Bio: she was born just a few months before Asha and had just started her training when her mother added Asha as her adopted litter mate. She did not think much of her except another one who she could play with. But she quickly grew fond of her and truly started to think of her as a sister. When Asha started her traing it became quite obviuse the young lioness excelled in battle even more so then sesen. this saddened her a bit, after all she was older and had more training why would a cub who was just staring be better then her? But she quickly shruged it off when she found out she excelled in hunting and strategy. She decided when she was 1 1/2 that it would be best to leave the pride she was raised in as there was not a lot of food going around anymore with the pride growing more and more and them not gaining more territory. She told her siblings this and they both agreed it would be best and left along with her.
Open for challenging: do as you wish

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Edited on 03/02/16 @ 10:41:05 by Snowstar (#41910)

FallenStar (#40751)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 05:55:51

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️☄ (#41910)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 03:32:13
Asha/female/2 years/lioness

Asha glanced around the area she was in her eyes spotting nothing of interest. She let out a small bored sigh as she cuntinued to walk in search of something to do. Or at the very lest something to hunt.

Sesen/female/2 1/2/lioness

Sesen stifled a yawn as she near the entrance to the caves. Her ears twitched every now and then but her eyes stayed half close in a attempt to enjoy the quite that was curently there. She sighed happily as she laid her head down on her paws.

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