Posted by Inheritance Roleplay-RP Thread

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-24 05:33:18

Unseen magic has begun its work here. The descendants and allies of King Galbatorix himself have begun to rise - as if the King himself is returning. The days of the dragon riders have begun once again, and we must rise to destroy the threats that have begun to surface. Rise, my brave warriors and Dragon Riders, and we shall fight once more.

The Riders

The Riders are men and women who are bonded to a dragon. They are bonded for life; when a dragon dies, his rider lives on. When a rider dies, however, so does their dragon. Riders are skilled in both aerial and ground combat once fully trained, and can conduct magic from their bond with their dragon. Elves have a higher chance of being chosen, although most riders will be human.

Riders: (6/6)
Lyanna Firenze-Partner: Belynda (Calla N.)
Ronan Barlowsson-Partner: Zircon-PotatoLord
Lewanna Yeager-Partner: Entchantna-Dick Grayson
Rose Hart- Partner: Aloys- Chrsticat15
Kade Ezrindaughter-Partner: Verdi-Nyanunix
Radia Karrant-Partner: Salanthis -Jacques

The Dragons


Dragons will stay in their egg forever until they find the one - the person to share their being with. They can only speak telepathically to their riders, and are skilled in combat. They can be any size, color, shape, etc. and can breathe substances such as fire and frost. They will start out as eggs.

Dragons: (6/6)
Entchant-Partner: Lewanna Yaeger-MiniBear
Belynda-Calla N.-Partner: Lyanna Firenze
Zircon-Atlas-Partner:Ronan Barlowsson
Aloys-Partner: Rose Hart-- Dick Grayson
Verdi-Partner: Kade Ezrindaughter-Nyanunix
Salanthis-Partner: Radia- Bailey

The Warriors
These are men and women who have trained for battle their entire life. They can be any kind of person, and can come from anywhere. They will accompany the Riders and their dragons on their journey to destroy the new threats. They do not have dragons themselves, although they can ride another's dragon if allowed.

Warriors: (Unlimited amount)
Evelyn Forestyne-Atlas
Gerrit Walker-Dick Grayson
Reagen Reedsson-PotatoLord
Cobal Ventch-Jacques

-Only one dragon per person. Only six can join the roleplay, as I don't want an insane amount of dragons.
-No godmodding.
-No instant kills.
-No Gary or Mary Sues. Everyone has weaknesses.
-I allow cussing, but please don't flood your post with curse words
-Fade to black during sexual scenes

The Beginning

The assassins of the King have hidden the eggs along the Spine, as the King cannot make the eggs hatch without their Riders present. The Riders will find their eggs, which will give them an advantage; however, the moment that egg hatches is the moment when their very lives are thrust into danger. Meanwhile, the warriors have been notified of the existence of dragon Riders from unknown sources, and seek to find and aid them in their perilous journey to destroy the gaining strength of evil.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 24/01/16 @ 12:33:40 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2016-01-24 16:15:06

Lewanna Yeager | Female | Elf Rider | 61~Looks 20 | The Shire | Mentions: Enchanta

A shadowy figure slipped easily through the woods, black hair twirling in the light breeze. Lewanna moved swiftly, her tall, lithe frame moving easily between the trees. The young elf was on the run, the crunching of leaves heard behind her, the shouts of men reaching her ears. She clutched the newly stolen sac of food in one hand, using the other for balance. Her bo-staff secured against her back, her eyes darted for someplace to hide. She needed cover, and fast. She could hear the hoard of people behind her, all the shop owners and patrons who were tired of her stealing and looting from them. Sure, she only took what she needed to survive, but none of them cared about that.

Her eyes lit up when she spotted a hidden cave. The entrance was barely two feet wide, but she had spotted it, and moved quickly. Hoping none of her pursuers spotted her, she dove for the entrance, tucking her arms against her chest. A grunt of pain escaped her as she slid across the ground, gliding through the entrance of the cave before stilling. She clenched her jaw, shuffling into a sitting position and rubbing her aching muscles. She knew she had gained a couple new scrapes, but didn’t really care. She quickly moved backwards until her back touched the back of the cave, her body stilling as she inhaled deeply, needing to calm herself so she didn’t alert her pursuers to her hiding spot. Her hand brushed up against something she just assumed was a rock, but boy was she wrong.


Aloys | Male | Dragon | Egg | The Shire | Mentions: None

Nestled safely in an abandoned nest against the cliff face, a jet black egg lay waiting for it’s rider. Though the cliff wasn’t super tall, the egg wasn’t visible unless the person was within reach. Almost completely surrounded in old nesting material, the mat-black egg was safe from most elements, safe to wait for his rider.


Gerrit Walker | Male | Human Warrior | 24 | Gil’ead | Mentions: None

An almost permanent smile was plastered on Gerrit’s freckle-splattered face as he walked through Gil’ead. Having just left a medical call, and was intent on finding something to eat. He dropped into the nearest place he could find, dropping a coin on the bar before taking a bite of the roll of bread he was handed. He leaned against one of the support bars on the deck, his long, blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail. He talked brightly with anyone who would listen, his brilliant smile never leaving his face.

The tall blonde moved on from the deck, walking slowly through the streets. They were pretty crowded, but he spotted multiple people he knew, making quick conversation before moving on. He hadn’t need in Gil’ead more than a month, but had always been good at making friends. His bow and quiver were strapped tightly to his strong back, his fingers running absentmindedly across the strap. His mind was elsewhere through, unable to think of much else. He had been notified of the re-surfacing of dragons and their riders, and wanted nothing more than to help them.

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Edited on 24/01/16 @ 23:16:48 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-01-24 16:44:57
Enchanta // Female // Dragon // Lewanna Yeager

Slowly, Enchanta 'woke' from her deep slumber. A strange bond seemed to form between something outside the safety of her egg-shell. Trying to brake out, Enchanta pushed her wings against the sides of the egg, but, nothing happened. From what she could tell. But outside, the egg was slowly shaking and wobbling as the little dragon inside tried to free herself. Rolling to its side, something seem to catch it. Glowing a deep purple, it rolled around the cold ground. Shaking and letting out a soft weak hum. Before stopping. Laying still. Enchanta was now to weak to try any more. Maybe later.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 05:11:48

Lewanna Yeager | Female | Elf Rider | 61~Looks 20 | The Shire | Mentions: Enchanta

Lewanna was so focused on the group of people outside the cave, she didn’t notice the thing she assumed was a rock until it tipped over and rolled around. A sharp inhale tore through Lewanna, before she clamped a hand over her mouth, eyes snapping to the rock-like thing. ‘What the hell.’ She whispered to herself, eyes now trained on what she once thought was a rock, but was now glowing. She watched it carefully as the thing shook and wobbled, rolling across the floor as it glowed a deep purple. Waiting until the egg stilled, she slowly reached towards it. She touched the egg cautiously, running her hand over the smooth surface.

She slowly picked it up, setting it back where it was to begin with. She heard a rustling outside the cave and froze, silently pulling a dagger from under her outer jacket. She didn’t dare breath, waiting as the sounds slowly disappeared. The noise from the hoard of people slowly disappeared, and Lewanna let out a shaky breath, slowly turning back towards the egg.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-01-25 10:25:29
Enchanta // Female // Dragon // Lewanna Yeager

Still being to weak to try again the small dragon used her enrgey on trying to gain her rider attention, by glowing more. Letting the small body go limp, Enchanta used her mind force. Almost begging for Lewanna to pick her up. Her mind and force would be to weak to comuacate with Lewanna for a while. But for now. She just needed to get out of this egg.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 10:51:09
Kade Ezrinsdaughter || Rider (Elf) || Bonded to Verdi || Low-key forgot how old she is || oops || Mentions: Verdi's egg

Kade was climbing a tree - wondering if she could see a town if she got high enough in it - when something weighing at least two pounds and as anbreakable as a rock fell on her head. Luckily, it glanced off to the side; reflexively, the elf caught it before shaking her head to clear it. Once she felt steady again, after a moment of dizziness, she checked for a concussion with her free hand (I actually know how to do this because I had to go the hospital once). It involved checking for lumps on her head and then touching one finger to her nose and moving it back and forth to be sure she wasn't dizzy.

As soon as she was absolutely sure she didn't have a concussion, Kade turned her gaze on the thing that had fallen on her. And was immediately enthralled. For in her clawed hand lay a dragon egg. As a young girl, her education had not been lacking; not only did she know history, she knew of the Riders and the dragons. She knew what dragon eggs looked like - normally, they were the color of the dragon, veined with white, they looked as if they'd been smoothed out with magic, and they were lighter than they appeared but most still weighted several pounds. Naturally, she also knew about dragons; her people had only been at war, and then bonded, with the beings for hundreds of years.

And now Kade was holding a dragon egg, for that was surely what it was. "Oh, dear," she whispered, hurriedly climbing down from the tree and sitting on the ground. She had to know if the egg would hatch for her, of course, and had to think about what to do if it did and if it didn't.

So she sat, kneeling on the ground, for at least an hour, until she felt movement. It was hatching. Soon, the egg tipped over and out spilled a small, green bundle, about the size of a cat, but with crumpled-up wings. it collapsed, clearly exhausted, and she reached out to stroke its head. As soon as her thumb made contact with the dragon, it felt like lighting bolts shot up her arm and filled her body, and like icy water was being poured over her, at the same time. She almost screamed, it was so painful, but after a few moments, she regained control of herself and reached out again.

Verdi || Female || Dragon || Bonded to Kade Ezrinsdaughter || Mentions: Kade

Verdi felt the approach of someone and so managed to move her egg just a little, enough to fall. Though the drop would not have injured her, she was thankful that the egg was caught. Once in contact with the elf, she knew that this was who she wanted to be her Rider. An hour or so later - time was difficult to figure out when you can't see the sun - she began to attack the walls around her, moving the egg a little. In a few moments, she'd cleared out enough of one side for light to pour in, and for the egg to tip over, allowing her to climb out and collapse, exhausted by the effort.

She, too, noticed the icy-lightning-water feeling, but it didn't effect her like it did her new Rider, so she continued to lay there, occasionally squeaking and attempting to get it across to the elf that she was incredibly, ravenously hungry.

((I'm pretty late, so I tried to cramp everything I missed into one post. XD))

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-26 06:57:47
Rider Olsen-Male-Rider
Rider scratched the back of his neck, looking at the split in the road. Where did he want to go? North? Or further east? The split on the right went north and the split going forward/leftish went east. Rider didn't have a particular spot he wanted to go. He had some money from working with the dwarves, so he could go to a big city, or he could go to the famous spine! An adventure all on its own! It is also said that the first Dragon found was there, Saphira. Eragon was her rider, born in one of the small towns up north. His brother, Roran, had been the 'leader' of the territory for a long wile with his wife Katrina. Rider had read up his information while he was away from the elven land, learning many things he wouldn't have. The drmwarves gave him invaluable schooling on their history and sciences. Rider could work a stone very well, though it wouldn't even compare to the dwarves works. Rider shrugged his deerskin bag further up his shoulder and went north.
***One Day Later***
Rider was skirting the spine now, the mountains in view. They were quite small compared to the mountains in Du Weldenvarden. After a while he started going up hill, finding a trail. More often than not he strayed from the trail, distracted by many things. He had stopped once for a quick meal of bread and berries. The night before he had camped at the bottom of the mountain without a fire for a night and started moving before the sun rose. He hadn't come upon many animals. Just a stray fox here and there and some squirrels and chipmunks.
Rider had strayed, once again, from the trail he had been following for a while now. He was deep in the spine, walking aimlessly. He squinted his eyes, looking into the greenery. A glinting was coming from a little ways away, ten meters. Rider slowly walked towards it, slowly, but surely. He merit over to the shining thing, making no sounds as he went. When he was close enough, he saw that it was a rock with a shiny coating filled with various colors. Was it a jewel left behind? Rider stepped closer and slowly threw his arms out, letting his long fingers carress the stone. It was smooth, very unnatural. Rider picked the stone up, weighing it in his hands. It didn't feel like a stone or rock at all, or at least not one that he had studied or been told about by the dwarves. Rider brought the rock up to eye level, and observed it.
Mentions- Zircon
Other- Mobil. Sorry for any spelling errors.

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-28 14:00:59

Salanthis|Dragon (Egg)|Female|Lake Isenstar|Mentions: Radia
Suddenly, the small dragon inside the egg decided she wanted out. The outside shell started to warm up, quickly. Soon enough, it was uncomfortable. Any longer, and the shell would burn Radia's skin. Meanwhile, Salanthis started to claw and nudge the softening inside shell, squeaking every now and then. She would try to bite at the shell, but to no avail. Salanthis continued, her squeaks getting louder and sounding more frustrated.

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May (#54848)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-28 15:15:05
Zircon / Dragon (Egg) / Male / The Spine / Mentions: Rider Olsen

Zircon's egg would briefly heat up, reacting to Rider picking him up. However, the dragon inside was patient, and could wait before hatching. Good ol' home sweet egg.


Evelyn Forestyne / Werecat / Warrior / Female / 23 years / Lake Isenstar / Mentions: Radia, Open for interaction

Evelyn tried to relax, but at the rock the girl held began squeaking, she would step back, staring at it strangely. What kind of sorcery was this?

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-28 21:47:29
Radia looked down as the rock started heating up. Her eyes widened, and she pushed the egg in front of her with her two arms, and then crouched down to place it on the ground before it burned her skin off. She took a step back, fear pounding through her veins. Her rational mind telling her to run away, don't bother grabbing your things. But the other part, the irrational part told her to stay and watch. To see how this folded out. Radia felt paralyzed, though, so the former reasoning was out. Her lips parted, about to say something to prepare herself-- or scream, perhaps-- but nothing came out. She waited for something to happen, anything.

The rock heated slightly, and Rider almost dropped it, but he kept steady hold. He had studied this rock, he realized. He had learned of this rock and it's predecessors. Riders eyes widened, a small smile came onto his face. He was carrying a dragon's egg. And sooner or later, it would hatch for its rider, and when that time came, this dragon would be the strongest creature of this land. Rider looked around to see if anyone else was near. No one seemed to be close by. He put the egg in his side bag and started walking again, one hand always in the bag to make sure the egg was okay. It was on top of Rider's clothes so that it was high up and not on something too hard.
Rider made it to town in good time. He checked into the nearest-- and cheapest-- inn. He only ordered a night, no food bath or anything of the sorts. He walked up to the room he had paid for and sat on the small bed. He would scarcely fit. He took his bag off and took the egg out, placing it on the bed.
Mentions- Zircon

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May (#54848)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-29 10:06:34
Zircon / Dragon (Egg) / Male / The Spine / Mentions: Rider Olsen

On the trip, the egg cooled down, yet was still lukewarm, showing content.
As the egg sat on the bed, the dragon inside sensed that they were in a secluded place. The egg began to heat up, currently at a warmer temperature, and Zircon would begin to squeak from inside the egg, trying to get the destined rider's attention. Soon, the egg would be burning hot, and would most likely leave a scorch mark on the bed. Zircon would make a serious attempt to break out, but even though he hadn't seen the world yet, he appeared to be trying to plan an easy way out.

Evelyn Forestyne / Werecat / Warrior / Female / 23 years / Lake Isenstar / Mentions: Radia, Open for interaction

Evelyn stepped back more, slowly beginning to realize what was happening, although it was hardly believable. The rock was no gemstone, but a dragon egg of legend. The poor child was in for some trouble.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-29 10:22:19
Rider brought his attention back to the egg, feeling the heat radiating from it. His brows furrowed together, and he stood. He put a hand on his chin, thinking for a minute. He couldn't touch it, his hand would be burned. He really didn't know what to do. The dragon inside seemed to be struggling to get out. The egg, slightly shaking, was making burn marks in the sheets and bed. Rider would probably have to fix it with the little magic he knew. He didn't study long in Elesmera. Her only been there for ten years, traveling the past seven. Rider just watched the egg, thinking about what to do.
Mentions- Zircon

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May (#54848)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-29 10:30:04
Zircon / Dragon (Egg) / Male / The Spine / Mentions: Rider Olsen

After a few planned knocks at a presumably thinner part of the egg's shell, the little black obsidian-like dragon successfully breached the egg, a small crack showing in the stone-like egg wall. Soon a hole big enough for Zircon's head existed, and it would pop would as he huffed and tried to push the rest of his little body out. When he was out, he would squeak once more, staring at Rider with thoughtful eyes.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-29 10:50:33
Rider-Male Elf-Rider
Rider couldn't help but let out a gasp as the dragons head popped out. His hand slid from his face and landed pimply by his side. He grinned. "Hello," he said warmly. "I'm Rider." He greeted. He held out his hand, palm down, waiting to see if the Dragon would accept him or not. It was a handsome dragon, with beautiful colors. His obsideon tone giving off a tone of strength. When he got bigger, he would most definitely be a menace, in appearence at least.
Mentions- Zircon
Other- Mobil. Sorry for short >.< Don't know what else to add

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 11:13:31
Kade Ezrinsdaughter || Rider (Elf) || Bonded to Verdi || 70, though she appears much younger || Mentions: Verdi's egg

After a moment, Kade scooped up the seemingly frail hatchling and deposited it on her shoulder. She did not know the gender of the creature as of yet, and would only know when it chose to tell her. Until then, they could not decide on a name, either, though the elf was of the opinion that Verllma (pronounced with the Spanish 'll'; ver-jah-ma) would fit just fine. Verllma was the name of the dragon who had been bonded with one of Kade's great-grandparents, for whom Togira was made. Of course, the dragon may not think so.

It was still damp from the egg, but Kade did not mind. She held it steady with her left hand and used her right to push limbs from their path. There was a village nearby where she could figure out her next move. Returning to her home was the first thing that occurred to her, but for the moment, she needed to get some kind of food for the hatchling.

She cast about with her mind; it was lucky that most elves were gifted with magic. Quickly, she found a warren of rabbits and - cringing internally - killed one with her mind and cast a quick spell to remove it from the den. Then she had to find it, though that was easy. Once it was in her hand, she sat back down and offered it, carving off small pieces, to the dragon.

Verdi || Female || Dragon || Bonded to Kade Ezrinsdaughter || Mentions: Kade

Mind still feeling muddled, Verdi allowed herself to be picked up, and ignored everything around her until she realized that she was being offered food. Meat. Greedily, she snapped up the first few pieces offered, swallowing almost without chewing and nearly biting her Rider's fingers several times, before she slowed.

Once she was done, the entire rabbit was gone save for a few scraps and the bones. Satisfied, she stretched and yawned, parting small jaws that revealed needle-sharp, serrated teeth. Then, she curled up on the lap of the elf and went right to sleep, not even noticing when Kade picked her up and they started moving again.

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May (#54848)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-01-29 11:19:51
Zircon / Dragon (Egg) / Male / The Spine / Mentions: Rider Olsen

Zircon curiously watched Rider, nostrils flaring when he lifted a hand to greet him. The young dragon took a deep inhale of Rider's scent. He obviously wasn't one to make too much noise or whine, and had eyes that seemed intelligent for a hatchling. Zircon's mind felt blurry, however he seemed to be thinking about everything at once.

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