Posted by Opinions?comments on my art

Yone (#77948)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-28 10:08:05
Hello all~

Im just posting here to see if I can get any opinions on my art so I can try and improve me art.

Or if you just want to leave a comments, those are good as well ;3

I also have an art thread on here if your interested in commissioning me, IM cheap~

Here are my recent pieces

#1 cat_request_by_yone1229-d9k1jhs.jpg

Completed work
#1 lioden_request_1_completed_by_yone1229-d

Sketch #2

Completed work #2

Sketch #3
Completed work #3

#4 Sketch lioden_art_request__4_by_yone1229-d9k1jo
#4 Completed work

#5 Sketch lioden_art_request__5_by_yone1229-d9k1jl

#5 Completed Work

#6 Sketch lioden_art_request__6_by_yone1229-d9k1jq

#6 Completed Work

#7 Sketch lioden_art_request__7_by_yone1229-d9kqcz

#7 Completed work

#8 Sketch lioden_art_request__8_by_yone1229-d9kqdl

#8 Completed Work

#9 lioden_art_request__9_by_yone1229-d9kqe8

#9 completed work

#10 sketch lioden_art_reqyest__10_by_yone1229-d9kyh

#10 Completed Work

#11 sketch lioden_art_request__11_by_yone1229-d9kys

#11 COmpleted Work

#12 Completed Work

#13 COmpleted work

Roni Lioness Couple

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Edited on 12/02/16 @ 20:25:17 by Yone (#77948)

Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-29 00:05:43
Critiquing here (please dont hit me)

Your first cat example is very good anatomically. His ears look a bit off though, I think it's the lines across the bases of them, maybe leave those out on the next one and see how it looks?

Humans also look fairly good anatomically.I don't know what the shoulder imp is, but it's adorable.

Your laying down cats (well one is sort of sitting) also look pretty good. The sitting one may need a shorter nose, he looks a tad canine in the face.

For some reason the rest aren't loading aside from the horse (I'm on mobile I'll check in in a bit on my computer)

Horse #7, his pose is pretty neat. Looks like an action shot. (I'm going to be picky here. I've studied equine anatomy for a few years so bear with me, it's going to be a long winded observation list. I'll avoid the technical jargen)

His neck is a bit too short, and his legs are a bit too thick and a bit too long. His knees on his front legs are higher than they need to be. Usually the top of the front legs is a tiny bit longer than the lower part. His hooves and ears look great size and shape wise, which I've found are fairly hard to draw. He also looks a little bit Roach backed, but that could easily be just because he's mid buck. His face looks very nice, as does the shape of his head and neck. You did a very good job of tying his chest in with his front legs. I also really like the shape of his hind leg and rump.

Whew okay. I'm done with what I can see now, let me know if you want me to write another novel on the other ones later.>_

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Edited on 29/01/16 @ 07:06:57 by Angela (#77401)

Yone (#77948)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-31 06:04:03
Ah yeah I see what you mean good point!

Humans are what I have tried to work on the most since I started drawing <3 He's a Heartless. Its from a game series called Kingdom Hearts. Its an awesome game series

Yeah I redrew his face so many times and it kept getting worse and worse lol

Yeah I still need a lot of improving on my horse...they use to look like giraffes lol I agree with all of your points you made and I appreciate them thank you <3

And thank you for the kind words as well.

Oh im always open for critiques so long as your willing to give them that is, if you don't mind

Sorry about the late reply it didn't notify that I had a reply on this forum for some weird reason

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Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 10:36:54
OOOOOH I have played those games *facepalms* The black outfits make more sense now lol.

The forum notification thing is goofy sometimes, I've had it skip notifications at least a few times a week, so no worries. ^__^

The ring-tailed critter, is it a cat or a raccoon? If cat, looks pretty good to me, though his tail might be a bit high on his back. If it's a raccoon, they've got weird hand paws, with longish very dexterous toes that are something between a squirrel's foot and a 1-year-old human hand.

The lion with a tall grass backdrop. The only thing that really sticks out here to me is she looks a bit too separate from the grass. I might have put the grass up over the back end of her, and grown up around her legs a bit to make it look like she were stepping out of the thicker grass.

The horned canine is neat, but since he's not a real critter, I'm not sure how to judge him... his horns may be a tad crooked. It looks like the near one is a bit smaller, and lower on his skull than the far one.

The human with the bow looks really cool with your art style. I'm just wowing over the clothes!

The fluffy husky has a tail that's maybe too long, but he looks pretty good otherwise.

The lion couple looks cool too. (Male lions sometimes have mane in front of their ears, sometimes not, so that doesn't need to be altered. It's just something you could try sometime if you haven't already? :) I think it looks good either way though)

And the three-tailed foxes at the bottom are just plain adorable. I really like them.

(Stupid phone wouldn't load any of these, I'm sorry I didn't see them the first time!)

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Yone (#77948)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-31 13:46:19
Yeah thanks :3

Its a raccoon~ Yeah true they do, paws are one of the main things I have problems with lol after making them bigger, smaller short and fatter over and over again it ate up a day... I was like, lets call this good XD

Yeah I see what you mean by that, good point.

Yup he was an interesting one, someones OC and from the ref I got I was 100% sure how I should place everything. Yeah looking at it again the horns are a bit crooked

Thank you very much <3 Im slowly trying to work/improve me clothing

He's actually a hybrid, lets see if I can remember.... borzoi?(I think it is) mixed with wolf and something else I think

Hmm that sounds like a neat idea thanks!

Thank you again for your critiquing I really appreciate it!

No worries about it! Technology can be a jerk sometimes, I know that more than anyone XD

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Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 13:54:35
Borzois have those weirdly long tails so that does make sense! I had an aunt that raised them for around 10 years. She trained them as hunting dogs, and they were very good at it.

No problem, I'd be happy to tell you my thoughts on anything in the future if you want to show me more stuff X) If it helps in any way, I feel like it's a good way to pass my time.

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Yone (#77948)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-31 13:57:41
They are beautiful <3 I just discovered them from an artist drawing them and this person requested me to try and draw their hybrid. That is so cool!

I'd love that if you wouldn't mind taking your time to look them over. Thank you again :D

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Yone (#77948)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-11 06:39:34

Love my mermaid~ <3

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