Posted by All As One {RP thread}

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-28 10:40:43

@For never, Forever (#61889)
@Finzor 🐒 (#75645)
@Shy**BSS** (#51494)
@Flying pizza πŸ• (#65260)
@Zing (#80960)
@Floptart the Queen of Tabs (#22732)
@SHOVELS (#62735)

Leader: Rita
Deputy/beta: Asari
Lead hunter/huntress: Onyx
Hunters: Zevruu, Kharu, storm
Lead Warrior/guard:Baines
Warriors/guards: Jax
Medics (can take mates): Dhara
Mothers/pregnant females: Rita
in training: Leena
Loners: Dexter

sign ups, still open!

Start off time: morning

Current season: Autumn, turning to winter very quickly.

Character Sheets

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-28 11:08:19
Rita| leader |5 years | female |Snow leopard | mentions: None, open for interaction|

Rita slipped out from under a low hanging tree and padded down to watch the camp stir, she had been up all night watching her tribe. She knew that was a job for the guards, but she felt more secure watching over them for herself. Her belly was swollen with the sign of new cubs, She was wobbly when she walked and usually spent most of her time inside the camp walls because of this. She knew that as soon as she had her cub that she would have to pass on temporary leadership to Asari, at least until her cub could walk and was well coordinated, or just when the Medics said it was ok. Padding back to the camp entrance she emerged to see the tribe beginning to stir, as she walked she could hear soft thuds one the ground, made by her paws. She lay in the middle of the camp and watched her beautiful tribe proudly as they began to arise.

Jax | warrior | 4 years | male | mentions: None, open for interaction|

Jax blinked at the light streaming into his den. He stretched his muscles and a huge yawn escaped his throat as he struggled to his paws. Stretching once more, he stepped out of his small den and into the camp clearing, realizing that over night the temperature in the air had sunk, the cool air refreshed him, he took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles. He gave his pelt a quick shake before trotting off to find something to do or someone to talk to talk to.

Leena | in training | 1.5 years | female | mentions: None, open for interaction|

Leena opened her eyes and saw the light of another day, leaping to her nimble paws she bounced around and hopped out to camp, as she always did. "hey everyone" She squeaked excitedly. "Everyone ready for a new day?" She asked the camp brightly, before breaking into a slow run, lapping the camp a few times.

OOC: XD oh Leena. *shakes head* She is a poptart

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Edited on 28/01/16 @ 18:10:40 by For never, forever (#61889)

bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2016-01-28 11:15:39
Onyx | Female | Lead Huntress | Mentions: Leena, still open for interaction

The young jaguar got up from a comfy spot in the sun, which was still not fully risen. She yawned loudly and scanned over the sleepy felines. Onyx walked around the tribe, keeping her head up. She was looking for Leena so she could talk to her about training. She saw a blur running around the camp and rolled her eyes with a laugh. "Leena!" she called out, not even trying to keep up with her. "Come on.. This will be fun" she said in a sing-song voice.. she had something fun planned for when the hunters went out on their rounds.

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Salix (#22732)

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Posted on
2016-01-28 11:21:50
Zevruu l Male l Hunter l Open for interaction

Zevruu woke from his slumber and looked around. Light was seeping into the den. He rose and stretched, before padding out and seeing who else was awake. He looked around before slinking off to one of the edges of the camp, not really wanting to be noticed all that much. If someone noticed him, then so be it. But he wasn't going to go and seek interaction. He plopped down, resting his body on his paws and observed the camp. Maybe he should go hunt. They would most certainly need food sooner or later, and it's always better sooner rather than later. But for now he stayed and simply watched.

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Joceletris [SHOVELS] (#62735)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-28 11:32:54
Baines | Lead Warrior/Guard | 5 years | Male | Mentions: Rita, open for interaction |

Baines was already awake when the camp began to stir. She watched Rita make her way to the middle of camp, and lay down watching the clan. Personally, he was very excited to see cubs in the tribe again. He always missed the little buggers– and privately hoped he would have some cubs to father one day.

He brought himself out of his thoughts and sat by Rita to greet her. "Morning, Rita." He said happily, "And a cold one. You're lucky you have so much fur for these winter months."

Storm | Hunter | 3 years | Female | Mentions: Leena, Onyx; open for interaction |

Storm padded out of her den, looking around. Leena was dashing around the camp, and Storm was tempted to trip her for laughs, but refrained. Onyx seemed to be trying to get her attention. Maybe later.... She smirked to herself. She moved to the middle of camp, mostly to avoid getting her tail squashed by Leena. She laid down with a plop and grabbed the end of her tail in her mouth, purring and glancing around.

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Finzor πŸ‰ (#75645)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-01-28 21:22:46
Dhara/Medic/Female/mentions: Leena,Rita, Baines

Dhara opened her eyes to the sun shining into her small herb filled den. She let out a yawn and walked outside, shaking some dried herbs off her fur. As soon as she entered the den, she saw Leena run past her den. "How does she have so much energy I never understand that." Dhara thought and padded towards Rita. She was going to see how she was doing, her having cubs soon and all.
When Dhara reached Rita's spot, she saw Baines sitting there already. "Goood moorning" she sang out and trotted towards Rita, stopping at her side. "How are you feeling? Any signs of kicking in there?" She put her small paw on Rita's side carefully and smiled.

Dexter/Loner/Male/Mentions: no one

Dextered opened his eyes and lifted his cranium groggily. "Mph, morning" he mumbled to himself, then got up on his paws. The enourmous cat padded out from his den, which was quite back in the camp and sat infront of it. His stomach growled, showing signs of hunger. He saw the others getting up, some even full of energy this cold morning. He was glad he had a lot of fur to survive winters. Dexter looked around and saw Zevruu hiding in the camp edges. He sighed and turned his head away, knowing the male disliked needless attention. Letting out a big yawn, the Medic's den, his limp quite deep. His paw was hurting him, the bullet from his past sticking in there.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-28 23:39:51
Rita| leader | female | mentions: None, open for interaction|

Rita smiled at banies and laughed, "thanks, but I think it's my cubs keeping me so warm"she turned to hear Dhara's voice calling her, "morning Dhara! she smiled, quite a few actually, and my stomach feels heavier everyday" she told the medic, wanting to keep her up to date and hopefully have good news about her cubs.

Leena | in training | female | mentions: onyx |

Leena leaped over onyx and skidded to a halt on the other side of her. "Yay! Are we going hunting?!" she squeaked to onyx, excitedly.

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Finzor 🐒(Side) (#80960)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 00:51:47
Kharu/ Male/ Hunter

Kharu woke up and yawned. He was always one of the last to wake up. He stood up and stretched, clawing the ground. He shook his head, like if he had a mane, to fluff it up and trotted happily out of his den. The air was cold outside, but it didn't bother him much. Kharu looked around camp and saw Leela running wildly around, Rita, Dhara and Baines together, Dhara examining Rita most likely. Onyx was about to train her apprentice and the other two, Dexter and Zavruu, were being on their own as usual. Kharu held his head up high and trotted towards Onyx. "Good morning fair maiden" he said flirtishly. "I'll be going on my rounds to find some breakfast for us all, is there any special area in mind Miss?" he asked his hunting leader.

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Joceletris [SHOVELS] (#62735)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-29 03:23:42
((OOC: It's so short, sorry ^^;))

Baines | Lead Warrior/Guard | 5 years | Male | Mentions: Rita, Dhara, Leena; open for interaction|

Baines chuckled at Rita's comment, and watched the interactions between Dhara and Rita. "It'll so exciting to have more cubs in the tribe. Not that the energy levels are down or anything, obviously." Baines nodded to Leena with a chuckle, "But Leena is the only trainee as of right now."

Storm | Hunter | 3 years | Female | Mentions: Rita, Dhara, Baines; open for interaction|

Storm decided to get up and go greet Rita, Baines, and Dhara. "Good morning, fellow tribe-mates!" Storm said happily. "How are the cubbins, Rita? Not giving you any trouble, I hope." Storm winked.

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Finzor πŸ‰ (#75645)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-01-29 03:39:32

Dhara smiled at Rita and saw Storm heading towards them. "Good morning, fluff tail." she said goofily, implying to storm's fluffy tail. She hoped Storm wouldn't be offended by the nickname. Dhara smiled at Rita and said happily "You're doing very well for having your cubs, you're healthy and I feel that the cubs are also. My herbs tell me that the cubs will be born soon." she giggled. Dhara had a small collection of rare herbs she hardly ever used. There wasn't much traumas in the tribe so there wasn't use for them. She started a habit of naming her herbs also, seeming like she's crazy, yet she was just lonely sometimes.


Dexter sighed when he saw Dhara wasn't at her den. He looked around and sighed loudly, having to go move into the crowd. He started heading towards the four cats, one of them being the medic. His limp was giving him a hard time again, and he groaned slightly. He needed some help, and quickly. As Dexter reached the four, he dipped his head and looked at Rita. "Good morning, I hope you and the cubs are well. Good morning to you three as well." Dexter turned to Dhara and sighed "Dhara, my paw.. it's been giving me trouble, the pain is bad and my limp is getting worse" he sighed.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 12:45:03
Onyx | Female | Lead Huntress | Mentions: Leena and Kharu, open for any other hunters

The jaguar smiled, "Well I was thinking you could tag along when we went hunting, maybe we can teach you something new" She said, almost with the same excitement Leena was showing. Onyx raised her voice, "We're about to go on a hunting trip.. a smaller one so we can bring Leena. Anybody coming?" she asked the rest of the hunters. She noticed Kharu and smiled, "Well, if you would like.. You could come along with Leena and myself." She suggested, her face a little pink after being called a ' fair maiden.'

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Edited on 29/01/16 @ 19:48:06 by Flying pizza πŸ• (#65260)

Salix (#22732)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 02:45:54
Zevruu l Male l Hunter l Mentions: Onyx, anyone else going on patrol

Upon hearing Onyx call for any other hunters to go on a hunting trip, Zevruu got up and walked over to her, nodding briefly. He supposed he ought to come, seeing as it was a much better thing to do than to just watch the camp. He had nothing else to do, since he didn't really like socializing with others, and he pretty much despised having to talk.

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Finzor 🐒(Side) (#80960)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 03:10:28

Kharu had a smug smile on his face and chuckled. "Of course, my maiden. I will accompany you and little cute Leena on the trip." he smiled at Leena and spoke with a soft voice. "Zevruu, you're coming along too? Great, the more the merrier!" he laughed and trotted in place. "I'm so ready, so so ready!" he smiled , as if being a cub again. Today he had more energy and was showing it to the leader of the hunters.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-01-30 03:10:57
Rita| leader | female | mentions: Baines, Dhara, Storm|

Rita smiled and looked at all the cats around her, "thanks to all of you" She looked at all the hunters gathering and her strong pride stirring around "the kits have been quite well so far, and new trainees as soon they are old enough." she struggled to her paws and stretched her limbs, she flicked her long tail on Dhara's shoulder and added" thank you so much, Dhara, you have been a huge help" she added smiling.

Leena | in training | female | mentions: onyx, zevruu,Kharu |

Leena hopped in circles around onyx and Kharu, before spotting zevruu. She bounced over to him "Hey! Are you coming Hunting?" she mewed cheerfully.

Jax | warrior| male | mentions: None, open for interaction|

Jax shook out his pelt, padding over to the edge of the camp to watch the camp organism patrols and share news with Rita about her kits. He sat down and began to clean his paw with his rough tough. The scars along his pad shone brightly in the wind, he had never told anyone about the scars and he didn't plan to. The sun was rising above the clouds now and Jax enjoyed the cool air, he had always been fond of the cold, oddly being a leopard.

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Finzor πŸ‰ (#75645)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-01-30 03:58:29

Dhara nodded her head and started to trot towards her herb den. "Come with me, Jinkies will help you." she smiled. Jinkies was a plant that reduced pain. It wasn't actually called that Dhara found the plant looking funky and jinky. Dexter nodded and followed her to her den. As soon as Dhara reached the den, she leaped in starting to search the herb from her piles of mixed herbs. Dhara wasn't messy, just a tad bit lazy. As Dexter was a tad bit too big to enter the Caracal's den, he sat infront of the entrance, gazing into the cloudy sky, planning his day ahead. He was hoping Dhara would find the herb soon and he'd be done with this. Dexter didn't like chatty animals, he preferred silence above all.

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Joceletris [SHOVELS] (#62735)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-30 15:47:26
Storm | Hunter | 3 years | Female | Mentions: Dhara, Rita, Baines, Onyx, Zevruu, Leena, Kharu; open for interaction|

Storm giggled at the nickname Dhara had given her, and picked a few leaves out of it. When Onyx called out for the hunters, she scrambled over to the group quickly, shouting a goodbye back to Rita, Baines, and Dhara. Zevruu, Leena, and Kharu were already there. "Heeeey, guys. Busy chattin' up some pals, you know how it is." Hunting was always exciting, especially when more cats came. "I wanna find some rabbits. I love me some rabbits." Storm swished her tail in the air low to the ground.

Baines | Lead Warrior/Guard | 5 years | Male | Mentions: Storm, Rita; open for interaction|

Baines laughed at Storm as she scrambled over to the other hunters. He scanned the rest of the camp, allowing the comfortable silence between him and Rita to stretch out before asking, "So, Rita, any particular plans or missions for the guard? I was going to lead a out patrol around nightfall. The amount of humans and traps around the area is still increasing, unfortunately, and doesn't seem as though it'll stop." Baines sighed, shaking his head. "Humans are so greedy. We just want to keep our home..."

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Edited on 31/01/16 @ 16:39:07 by SHOVELS (#62735)

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