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Cryptid (they/he) (#44335)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-01-31 06:16:44
For a long time, all of you were experimented upon and even tortured. But after the older hybrids began to get shipped out for wars and battles, the rest of you escaped. Now you're out by yourselves, with no food, water or resources other than what you managed to grab. And to top things off, it's raining.

This is a hybrid roleplay, meaning your character is not an anthro or furry. It can be something simple, like owl and hawk genes combined with the human DNA, or it can be like a wolf and a snake combined. Anything you'd like to mix, go for it.

This is a PG-13 roleplay, for anything mature or graphic please fade to black or take it to a PM.

No more than 4 characters per person.

I'll post my character shortly.

RP Thread

Admins - Myself, Noka, and Hawkfeather.

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 18:56:51 by Libette (#44335)

finley (#80772)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-05 16:43:01
Is it fine if I add a new character?

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Marvel| G4 Rift 2x
rosette (#10060)

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Posted on
2016-02-05 16:58:25
Yes to both. :)

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finley (#80772)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-05 17:33:15
Thank you Noka!


Name: M

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Genetics: Scottish Fold + British Shorthair (dominantly Scot Fold)

Personality: Bearing the ears and tail of the Scottish Fold, Mallory dislikes being held by the tail, Or it being touched in general. She likes pets to the head, Which is a way to calm her down or to convince her to do something. She enjoys attention, But isn't very studious or needy. She is trusting, And is often being manipulated by others.

Appearance: Mallory has two coloured eyes, One being orange, The other being green. She has messy pale grey hair, And has retractable dark grey claws, Which she often keeps rectracted.

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🌊 hidden sea 🌊 (#51839)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 00:50:17
ohh can i still join? :O

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Marvel| G4 Rift 2x
rosette (#10060)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 01:06:22
Yeah. :D

BTW. The ages are 8+ years old. Though most of the hybrids don't breach 25. C:

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🌊 hidden sea 🌊 (#51839)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 02:29:13
Name: Umbra (shadow in latin)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Genetics: fruit bat+ kudu+ human

Personality: umbra is quite and timid, realy wary but in her silent way- loyal. she constantly seek for warmth and society and absolutely terrified of being left alone.
she is very happy and friendly deep inside but the experiments and inhuman treatment just made her bury it deep inside.

Appearance: she is tall, really tall. with striped kudo legs that ends on the knees, thin human body and rounded face with huge brown eyes, she has tender look, almost childish.
umbra has twisted and sharp kudu horns and big bat wings.
her hair is brownish red and smooth, reaching under her shoulders.

Sexuality: Bisexual

health: completely healthy, just a bit wounded.

just for you to know the general look of the wings and legs, her horns are much larger -

Umbra|16|Female/Bisexual|pale, thin, childish looking girl, big brown eyes, long brownish red hair, kudu legs, horns and ears, bat wings. |kudu+bat+human|Character Status Unknown|Open for interaction

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Edited on 06/02/16 @ 13:03:07 by hidden sea (#51839)

Marvel| G4 Rift 2x
rosette (#10060)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 02:38:27
Accepted my darling. Could you please post in the ooc thread her sexual orientation, a quick appearance summary and her health. :)

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🌊 hidden sea 🌊 (#51839)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 02:40:19
sure! just, um, i did wrote about her appearance ._.

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Marvel| G4 Rift 2x
rosette (#10060)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 05:58:01
I know. ^^ I wanted a quick summary in like a sentence or two for the character list here. Β


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🌊 hidden sea 🌊 (#51839)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 06:00:08
oh oh got it- fixing it now

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Marvel| G4 Rift 2x
rosette (#10060)

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Posted on
2016-02-06 13:34:32
Thank you and your character has been added! You are free to role play so jump on in! :)

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 13:20:16
Name: Tatiana Kirillovich Belevich
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Sexuality: Straight
Genetics: Viper
Mutations: Has many mutations after receiving heavy doses of Viper/Snake genes for 30 years.
Full Face, Fangs and Eyes.
Tail (Including spikes)
She can sense the body heat of others, Her bite is very poisonous
She’s a survivor. If she has to sacrifice others to ensure her own survival, So be it. She will never stand down from a fight, but she does know how to pick her battles. She doesn’t want to be feared, although it’s pretty nice, she just wants to be respected for her power and her wit. She is very witty and will make sure to put something in their place when they step out of bounds. Some call her selfish, but she doesn’t see it that way. She likes to appear emotionless, although few know who she is. She was the longest surviving experiment and was due to be shipped out to the military to be tested in real-life combat, she is serious and very stoic.
Tatiana has blonde hair and blue snake eyes that are perfect for night and heat vision, her fangs stick out of her mouth because of their size. She is over 1,200lbs as she was able to hunt for herself. Instead of the light blue color of her tail that the link shows, she is a dark green like an anaconda. Her torso up is covered by a slim fabric that exposes her belly and her oversized chest (D). Her long hair flows down to her hips and covers most of what the fabric does not.
She is in bad health; she has just gotten out of a military battle as she was not able to escape. Her armor is non repairable and her body is full of bullet holes.
She is very vulnerable to the cold since she is a cold-blooded animal and must keep warm.
If I remember correctly, Wasn't Kyle and Her the eldest there? Maybe he would be able to find her.
Tatiana was one of the eldest Experiments that were at the lab. She was frequently and heavily dosed for 30 years until she was more animal than human. She was closed with one teacher in particular nick-names Mystic who had a daughter. Tatiana was prepped for the departure into the military and made sure that her bow arm was astounding. As soon as the younger experiments escaped, she was taken into the lab to be 'questioned', which meant higher doses of whatever it was that they gave her and then was inserted directly into the military. She wrecked havoc in the battlefield ever since. She and her operatives were sent on a suicide mission, they were outnumber 5 to 1, but she was expected to succeed or die trying.....her operatives never made it out and she barely survived, now she clings to life in a field.

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 21:52:38 by Cora (#38247)

Marvel| G4 Rift 2x
rosette (#10060)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 19:01:13
Accepted, Cora. :) And yes, Kyle and Tatiana are the oldest hybrids.

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 11:01:14
Name: Agora

Gender: Female

Age: 15, but she never tells anyone her age.

Hybrid: Is i okay if she's part Chameleon part Poison Dart Frog, or would that be too overpowered? Like she can blend in with the surroundings and also has poisonous hands or something. She could also wear gloves 24/7 and hate the idea of actually poisoning anybody.

Appearance: Her hair is almost pure white from a failed attempt to combine the Chameleon DNA and her human DNA. It turned her hair and eyes pure white. When someone first sees her they might think she's part snake because of her viper-like glare, but really that's just how she's always looked. She never wears anything but camouflage, as her Chameleon DNA can only change her own skin, and a floating pink tank-top would look very suspicious. Her hands are blue beneath her gloves from the poison dart frog DNA, and her skin can appear scaly close-up, but it's not too noticeable.

Personality: She's very snake-like in personality. She is the kind of person that is usually the most quiet during conversations. She doesn't like to tell people much about herself, and often drifts away from people to be alone. She seems to always be glaring at something.

History: Her parents divorced when she was very little, so it wasn't very tragic for her since she never grew up with them together anyways. Her parents couldn't stand one another and she often felt ignored by them when they were still living together. When she was 13 she began to sneak away into the forest to be alone, and began sneaking supplies out into the forest too. When she turned 14 she fled the house. She left the day before her parents were going to move out, and began to live in the woods. A long while later, she went back to see how her parents would react. She didn't get to meet them at all, because the day she went to visit her parents was the day of the raid. She tried to escape but they caught her and brought her in for testing. She barely remembers anything from the experiments except the pain.

After almost a year of the experiments she was being prepped for war. They used large doses of the DNA so she developed more quickly than usual. She made sure to act as trustworthy as possible, and always did what she was told so that they let their guard down. Eventually she was in full military gear on a helicopter heading towards the battlefield hen she attacked. She removed her gloves and attacked anyone near with her poison, shoving one person out the side of the helicopter and subduing the others. She had no idea exactly what happened but next thing she knew all the people in the back area of the helicopter were strewn across the floor. She calmly walked to the pilot's cabin and held out her poisonous hand in front of the woman flying it, threatening to poison her if she didn't land. The helicopter sank to the ground, and Agora stepped out and ran.
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Friends: None yet, but you can try to befriend her.

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 19:03:36 by Lost In The Stars (#35073)

Cryptid (they/he) (#44335)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-02-15 11:17:17
Accepted! ^^

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