Posted by The Lost Shadows Den (RP Room)
Gypsy (#29231)

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Posted on
2016-02-07 14:08:24
This is where all of the pack rping will go! If you need to ask a question or are wanting to join then go to the packs information/joining board :)

Info/Joining Board:
Fenrir and Leah!


Alpha Male : Fenrir - 4yrs - Black {Mate: unmated} - Player: Gypsy(#29231)

Alpha Female : Fenrir chooses

Beta Male : Leah chooses

Beta Female : Leah - 4yrs - White {Mate: unmated}-Player: Gypsy (#29231)

Lead Hunter : no one

Hunters: ~ Lilin - 2 yrs & 3 months- brown & red mix {Mate: unmated} - Player: Zanzear (#79048)

~Crystal - 4 yrs - Black with a white underside. Has amber colored eyes. Has a scar on her right side. {Mate: unmated} - Player: Dina (#81592)

Lead Guard: Medea- 3 Years, 6 Months - Black {Mate: Unmated} - Player: BlazeRed <3Loki's
Gal<3 (#27478)

- Crow - 3years - red with white underbelly {Mate: unmated} - Player:
- Trix - 3yrs - black with white paws {mate: unmated} - Player:

Den Mother: " "

Medic: Beckham - 3 1/2 years - Dark Grey {Mate: Unmated} - Player: Treveon (#81932)

Character Sheets

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 12:01:59 by Gypsy (#29231)

Gypsy (#29231)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 03:44:01
Fenrir howled into the early morning sky, warning any who came near that he was here. He snarled, Leah had been out searching for days for someone, anyone to join the pack but Fen was just fine being the only two. Leah was the only other wolf he could actually stand to be around and even then it was only for a little while. Leah was kind and full of laughter, she was a fea how any male would be happy to call his mate and Fen loved her strange as that feeling was to him he did but as a little sister. He knew the moment he met her he had to keep her safe, so like any good older brother would do he took her in and at this point in time was regretting it. He knew Leah wanted a pack, wanted a family but Fen was perfectly fine with being alone. He padded to the hill located in the middle of his terra and sat there ever observant for anyone to come in.

Leah continued to quickly run through the forest checking for scents. She had found some very faint ones but nothing fresh, which meant no new lupines to join their pack. Leah rolled her eyes when she heard Fen's howl. It wasn't a welcoming sound it was one that warned others to stay away. She knew he was unsocial but they needed pack mates. He needed a pack. She continued running hoping she would eventually find someone, anyone.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 09:58:32

Lilin pressed her small body against the ground and her fur made her blend in with the ground around her. She was breathing silently eyeing her prey, calculating her pounce. It one leap she had her meal in her mouth but was interrupted of her feathery food by a warning howl- she'd have to be very careful and with that she ate quickly and left ears perked up going in the direction almost opposite of the warning. Lilin didn't feel like dying today nor making 'friends'.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 11:49:29
Medea // Female // Lead Guard [Still Joining Pack]

Medea had just finished eating a hare when a loud howl rang out through the forest, and she stood up, licking the last of the blood off of her muzzle. It was very distinctly the howl of a male, and it was slightly aggressive, but maybe he was looking for a pack? Medea, deciding she had nothing to lose, followed the sound of the howl. She eventually came across a brooding male, seeming to be on a watch out. She observed him from the trees for a moment before stepping out towards him, the sunlight giving her fur a soft sheen as she did so. "Hello, I'm Medea." She greeted him silkily, keeping her body language calm to show that she wasn't planning on attacking him. "Sorry if I'm trespassing, but are you looking for a pack?" She pricked her ears forward as she asked the question, and her yellow gaze stayed fixed on him, watching out for any signs of aggression. She didn't want to get attacked today - especially not by this male.

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Edited on 08/02/16 @ 19:18:38 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

Gypsy (#29231)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 12:07:24
Fenrir // Alpha Male
Fenrir growled the breeze had brought the scent of a fea to his nostrils, he was about to go hunt her down when he smelled Leah as well. "Oh great she will sweet talk her and then I will be forced to allow her in the pack" he sighed resigned to the fact that he would soon be an actual alpha and then he sensed another lupine the black fea walked toward him her bodice showing no signs of hostility. He turned to her "Not really but my beta will kill me if I let you leave without giving you a chance." he smirked at her or at least tried he wasnt good with well.....others...or talking.....or not killing them on site, so at this point Leah would be very proud of him. "My name is Fenrir, Alpha of this pack. My beta fea Leah is out searching for others." He stood and slowly walked around her sizing her up. He was probably scaring her but this was polite for him "Muscular for a fea... you have strong features and your eyes show me you have intelligence to you. Medea was it?...hmmm would you like to be my Lead Guard... you would be in charge of the guards of this pack once we get more lupine...if we get more lupine. Are you okay with the responsibility? It would mean if something happened and one of your lupine messed up, you would be would have free reign to train and discipline them?" He wondered if she would accept it wasnt the most polite way of asking her to be a member of his pack but it was the best he could do.

Leah // Beta Female
Leah sensed a fea in the forest and took of to catch up with her. When she finally saw the tiny fea she smiled. "You look like a cute!" she chuckled and then stopped "I am so sorry that was rude my name is Leah I am the beta female in a pack not too far from here." she sighed "The warning howl you heard is from my alpha and best friend he seems mean but he really is a softy! I followed you to ask if you would be a part of our pack?" She sat on her haunches and wrapped her plume around her smiling, trying to seem as kind and inviting as possible. Leah really wanted a pack and was praying this fea would say yes. She loved Fen like a brother but she needed others around her Fen was like a stick in the mud and Leah needed some fun and girl time in her life.

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Edited on 08/02/16 @ 19:08:02 by Gypsy (#29231)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 12:40:28
Medea // Female // Lead Guard

Medea sat down and neatly curled her tail at her paws, listening to the male as he spoke. She held back an amused smile when he said his beta was forcing him to get more members, she could relate to him slightly, since she wasn't exactly the most social wolf either, but being a wolf was hard if you didn't have a pack, which was why she was joining. It was a bit intimidating that he was sizing her up like this, but she wouldn't show fear. Her mother had taught her not to show weakness. Hearing his offer for her to be Lead Guard, she smirked, her sharp, white fangs visible for a split-second. "Sure, I'll be your Lead Guard. I think I can keep a few wolves under control." She told him confidently. His name was familiar to her, but she wasn't sure where she had heard it. Suddenly, she remembered, and she tilted her head. "Wait a minute...your name...are you the wolf from the stories?" She asked, standing up and watching him with her piercing, yellow eyes.

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Gypsy (#29231)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 12:48:28
Fenrir // Alpha Male

Fenrir sat down and smiled "A few wolves under control?" He laughed, he enjoyed her spunk "Well I will try not to get too many so that I dont stress you out" he chuckled again. He could tell from her stance that she was a strong wolf and could handle whatever he threw at her. He was happy with his selection and he could already see how well the guards of this pack would be and how she would get them in shape. He sighed and his ears went back in a sign of annoyance when she mentioned his name "I am not that wolf. I am the original Fenrir's descendent. His blood flows through me, his anger, and evil flow through me and control me in ways you could not imagine. Leah my beta is also ..... special her family is the one who took in that human boy and helped raise him in India... her bloodline is..... much kinder then mine."

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 13:35:58
Medea // Female // Lead Guard

"Stress me out? Please, it takes a lot to do that. Trust me, I can handle whatever you give me." Medea promised him, keeping her posture straight. So far, it seemed like she was going to be fine with this pack, but she still had to meet this Leah that Fenrir kept talking about. She didn't know about her, since Medea didn't get along very well with nice wolves. Seeing that he was slightly annoyed about her prying into his name, and sighed. "Well, sorry for asking." She apologized politely, seeing that it was a subject he probably wasn't willing to talk about until he knew her a bit better. "When do I get to see your Beta, Leah?" She asked, trying to change the subject. "Her family sounds very interesting, even though I don't have a very good history with humans."

[Gonna wait for a few other people to post before I reply again, don't want to turn this into a 1x1 :3]

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Edited on 09/02/16 @ 09:36:56 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

Treveon (#81932)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 14:31:13
Beckham // healer
Beckham woke hearing chatter going on. Considering how he doesn't feel tired like he normally does, he must have been asleep for a while. Since he was uo, he decided he might as well stay up. These wolves constantly getting hurt or sick, but that didn't bother him. It kept his mind focused. He tried to find where all the sound was. He finally found it and saw his wolf mates talking with a wolf Beckham had never seen before. "Greetings all," he said politely. "Who is the new one."

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 09:14:22

She snapped to attention and measured up the girl in front her and tried to make herself look a little big bigger until deciding she wasn't a threat-if anything so far she seemed too-trusting. Lilin wasn't trusting nor big in socialising so in a quiet voice, almost like herself, she relied "my names Lilin" and then tilted her head " you shouldn't stalk wolves... Even me knows that". She wasn't aware at how her speech was basic or that of a pup although Lilin was mistook for a pup so was never called out on it. Lilin sat and look at nothing in particular with the thought of being part of a pack before reaching a desision. "I don't really like being close" her head tilted the other way "packs don't suit". She dipped her head as in to say to 'sorry' and began to walk off.

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Gypsy (#29231)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 12:53:25
Leah // Beta Female

Leah sighed "You really should be in a pack. There is safety in numbers and we arent made to be loners." She really hoped logic would get through to this female. "We have safety of dens and others to watch your back, we have plenty of food, and packs are like family. Being a loner cant be what you really want. Dont you want to be part of a family? I know I came off too strong and I am sorry but dont let my enthusiasm detour you from joining the pack...if anything give it some are always welcome." Leah stood up and started making her way pack to the pack's main land.

Fenrir // Alpha Male

He laughed "I can see that. I am glad I made a good choice on my Lead Guard" he chuckled and then shrugged as she apologized "Your fine. Nothing to apologize, its just a touchy subject. If you ever get really curious I might tell you one day." Fenrir turned to look in the direction Leah had gone in "She should be back at any time. She went out looking for other pack members and since she has been gone as long as she has I am assuming she found someone." He turned back to her and smirked "I dont think a lot of us have a good history with for the most part" He chuckled at his little joke, family was man eater of course they didnt get a long with humans. He turned and looked at his medic "Morning Beckham, this is Medea she is the packs new Lead Guard." he laughed "She will be in charge of whipping all the new recruits we may get into shape, so you two might want to get acquainted, because from what I can see now she will probably be sending a lot of lupines to you to get fixed up before she beats them up again." He turned to Medea giving her a rotten grin. He liked this fea she could tease him as good as Leah could and handle his ways just fine. Now that she was part of the pack she would have to get used to him being a jerk to as kind of a way as possible.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 13:05:30

Realistically she knew that she should follow and join a pack... Maybe soon she would since getting food was slowly getting harder and some regret filled her but she also knew being 'social' wasn't her forté and being close to other wolves or worse having to take 'orders' from other wolves could make her snap. Lilin watched the other wolf make her way and said "maybe..." But it was hardly audible and stayed watching until she set off her way to get her last meal and somewhere to stay that night.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 13:22:42
Medea // Female // Lead Guard

Medea nodded at Fenrir's words. Hopefully this Beta Female of his would bring pack some good pack members. She wondered what Leah was like. Hopefully she wasn't one of those pathetic wolves that thought 'everybody had some good in them' or 'everyone deserves a second chance', cheesy quotes like that made Medea sick to her stomach. Hearing the voice of another wolf, she turned her head to see who was speaking, and she spotted a dark grey male, who she assumed was a pack member. She smirked as Fenrir introduced her. "It's nice to meet you, Beckham." She began "And don't worry, I'll try not to beat them up too badly." She teased.

[Sorry for how short this is, I'm about to head out of the house]

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MintyMinth (#33957)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 22:36:56
Crow - Guard (Joining Pack)

Crow had heard a howl a few moments earlier, and he was now trying to find the wolf who had made it. Sure, the howl didn't exactly sound friendly, but he had been searching for a pack, and he decided it was worth the risk. He finally came upon three wolves. A large, black-pelted male, a smaller male who smelled strongly of herbs, and a pretty, but intimidating female. He took cover in some bushes, careful not to make any noise. He wanted to make sure these wolves weren't aggressive before he approached them

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-10 04:04:05
Trix// Female// Joining Pack

Onyx ears perked forwards as the howl faded into the morning air, it appeared some wolf had woken up on the wrong side of the den with that kind of warning. This didn't faze Trix though, for if there was a wolf, perhaps there would be a meal. Parting her jaws in a wide yawn, revealing deadly ivory canines, she lifted her slightly malnourished body to her paws and began silently stalking to where she recalled the howl originated. Sleek onyx fur blended in nicely with the morning shadows cast from the forest, providing the ideal camoflage she desired in order to ramain hidden. It didn't take her long to come across a small pack of three wolves, two males and a female, which caused her to quickly bolt behind the bark of a massive tree. Peeking her head around the trunk to observe the small clearing, the small flare of hope in her chest deminished when she realized there was no food in sight. Turning away from the pack with the intent to go search for a meal elsewhere, her stomach clenched painfully and caused her steps to falter and accidently misstep. Snap! Trix's muscles froze as the echoing sound came from beneath her paw, her icy gaze shifting to the wolves that were now in plain view.

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Gypsy (#29231)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 07:36:31
Leah // beta female

Leah was almost to the pack territory when she spotted a female wolf watching the pack behind a tree. She sat and watched the fea. She looked as if she had not eaten a good bountiful meal in a good while, the sight worried Leah. No lupine should go hungry they had a den that had food in it saved for moments like this that had been buried. She was about to go talk to her when the other lupine began to walk away and snapped a stick loud enough that Fenrir, Beckham and another lupine she had never seen before turned and looked at her. Leah could see the fear on the fae's face and jumped in before Fen went all scary alpha on the poor thing. She padded beside the black female and panted as if she had been running. "Thank goodness I caught up with you goodness you are fast I bet you would make a great hunter or maybe a guard?" She sat down and smiled at the female hoping she would play along "but before we work on your new position in the pack I would like to take you to our den that holds our extra food, you look hungry and I'm sure that's the first thing on your mind" she smiled hoping bringing up food would help persuade her.

Fenrir // Alpha Male

Fen smiled at Medea glad she was making herself part of the pack, He turned quickly when he heard a stick snap and noticed a black she wolf staring back at him wide eyed. A growled escaped his maw but was cute off when he saw Leah come up beside her and talk to her as if they already new each other. She must of found her when she was out searching for members. He looked back at the ebony fea she was very thin, he actually felt sorry for her.. An emotion he had never had until meeting Leah... Emotions... Feelings what horrible things he thought. Fen sat down and wrapped his plume around himself " Yes please go with Leah and grab some food, you need to gain your strength. I think with your small stature and speed you would make a perfect guard." He looked at Madea "small and quick is something you would need in a guard wouldn't you agree?" He turned to Beckham "after she eats will you check her over and see if she needs any herbs and such?"

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