Posted by City Dogs [sign ups accepting!]

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-18 10:51:10
You are a stray dog inside of the city, the people weren't very fond of you except for maybe a select few. But all that changed when it happened. They all left and left their pets and houses suddenly, leaving the city deserted and abandoned. You must group up, find a pack, and survive under your own law. Become a wild dog....not just a stray.

your goal is to create/join a pack and survive in the city. It will be your choice whether you will leave the city with your friends and search for the wilderness or will you stay in the city and attempt to thrive there. Choose wisely...

the thread is finally here! C= Here it is X3

The dogs
Max (born a stray) ( For never, forever (#61889)
Arya (born a stray) (For never, forever (#61889)
Poison (Abandoned Showdog) (Cora (#38247)
Alura (abandoned showdog) (MistressAva (#74000)
Phantom (abandoned hunting dog) (Cora (#38247)
Lucca (abandoned pet) (For never, forever (#61889)
Cain (born a stray) (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478) 
Glacia (abandoned pet) ( BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)
Stein (born a stray) (Paladin (#70497) 
Mercy (abandoned pet) (Shy**BSS**(#51494)
Ajax (abandoned fightdog) (Cerebus [REV] (#38409) 
Tyger (abandoned military companion) (Astral (#65000) 
Sunny (abandoned pet) Oclock (#4574)
Goldeen (abandoned pet) Oclock (#4574)
Diesel (EX fightdog) (Taz (#74028)
Camden (Ex farmdog) (Boo (#58142)
Mara (Born a stray) (Boo (#58142)
Kaliber (Ex fightdog) (Taz (#74028)

RP Rules:
~no being mean/rude/insulting OOC
~NO "perfect" or "better" characters
~no mating/birthing roles! I have been informed that this is also restricted through pm!
~No forced mating! At all!
~ put a smiley face next to your characters face to show that you've gotten this far! =D
~ No magic please, try to keep most parts of the RP realistic.
~Please do not discriminate other people or their characters OOC
~ you can have as many characters as you believe you can handle C:

~Packs and Ranks will be discovered later in the RP
~Alphas, Betas, and omegas do not have to be mates to have the same rank. There will only be two dogs of alphas, betas, and omegas in the future and they will be the opposite gender.


Favorite season (just because):
family (if any):
romantic interest:

My Characters:

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Maximus (Max) =D
4.5 years
German Shepherd X border collie
Heterosexual (straight)
Max and Arya were born as strays in the city, they lived well and never had many difficulties, until the humans left. Food became scarcer and they have had to struggle to stay fed and healthy. They will never leave each others side and will fight to the death for each other. lets just say they have a tight bond.
Loyal and strong dog, He is very trusting in his friends and believes that they can achieve great things. He is a very sweet and kind dog, he will protect his sister to the death, seriously dude dont touch his sis. He is a large dog with a big heart, He enjoys exploring and wondering the city. Max always enjoys a good laugh and a happy, sunny, day.
Favorite season:
his sister, Arya (below)
romantic interest:
none currently (pm me if you want your character to be in his interest)
He is interested in taking a mate in the future.


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4.5 years
Border collie
(same as max's)
Arya is a bright hearted, but somewhat quite dog. She can sometimes be reserved and shy, but when she really trusts you she will protect you with her life, never stop believing in you, and enjoy having someone to talk to. She enjoys sunrises and sunsets, and she is interested by the moon and the stars. She will literally fall in love with you if you are nice, sweet, and like stars xD She will protect her brother to the death and never leave anyone behind.
Favorite season:
Her brother, Max (above)
romantic interest:
none currently (pm me if you want your character to be in her interest)

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Edited on 28/02/16 @ 11:39:58 by For never, forever (#61889)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 08:50:52
Sorry for taking awhile to get into the RP thread. Had an offline emergency. Everything is under control now, but I still have to deal with the aftermath of the incident and I'm insanely stressed out. I'll try to get intros in at some point tonight.

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 08:52:37
Take care of home first my dear *Huggles* Are you safe and well?

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 08:54:11
Yes. thank you. It actually had to do with two of my pets, but everything is under control now.

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Cerebus (#38409)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-02-21 08:54:49
Aww thank you! He is quite pretty. <3 Dream dog of mine

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Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 08:55:18
Okay good! Was just making sure

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 09:43:53
I'm really sorry, but at this point I think I should just back out of this roleplay. I have one of my own that I'm supposed to be opening tonight and I have several others I'm part of. They are pretty quiet right now which was why I thought I could afford to join another, but with my current predicament I think I might have enough to keep track of for now. I still wish you all the best of luck with this RP. Have fun! :)

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-21 09:49:55
no worries, we will miss you, but we don't want to hold you here if you don't want to/cant continue. Have fun yourself and good luck!

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-21 09:54:42
feel free to come back anytime, and everyone else this means that Lucca's close friend is now re-open to anyone who wants her. And it also doesn't have to be the same as Takara, you can completely re-create her to be your own, but you may also use Takara WITH POTATO LORD'S PERMISSION! DON'T ASK ME xD

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 10:22:22
Ty could use a former friend :) ( Perhaps she did not recognize his scent as he ran by?)

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-21 10:23:58
of course! that would be great! =D thanks

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pup (#18995)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 11:27:55
hey guys. i think im going to drop this roleplay. im sorry! im just really not feeling it.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-21 11:37:03
no worries, we will miss you though!

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-02-21 12:20:26
Thank you for being so understanding. I appreciate it. :') I hope we all get the opportunity to RP together again sometime.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-21 12:24:39
we will look forward to it (=

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Oclock (#4574)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-02-21 12:42:29
Appearance: 376535_2226038491701_699645016_n.jpg?oh=
I don't have a current photo of him, but his fur is a bit lighter in the face. His right ear has a couple small white dots on it that aren't easily seen in the photo. And yes, this is my actual dog, Sunny. :D
Name: Sunny
Age: 9 years, about to turn 10.
Gender: Male
Breed: Labrador, field type.
Everything goes for him. Everything.
Bio: Sunny was bought by a military family and intended to be trained as a bird dog. However, when he was about 8 months, the soldier was deployed, and the rest of the family, consisting of just a mom and three young kids, did not have the resources to finish his training and Sunny got demoted to a simple house dog. For some reason, Sunny never got to see the soldier again, but the kids kept him too busy to think about why.
The oldest child took it upon herself to train Sunny, but this time he was trained for obedience and agility instead of hunting. Together, the pair won several local competitions. As fun as they where, and as impressive as his repertoire of tricks became, those days ended when the family lost their home and where too busy moving around for the next five years to continue his training.
When Sunny was seven, he was diagnosed with PRA, a genetic eye disorder that slowly causes dogs to go blind. Of course, Sunny doesn't really know that, he just knows that as the years went by his night time vision was getting progressively worse. He never paid any mind to that as it never really hindered his ability to hear his owners commands or fetch his favorite ball.
When he was eight, the oldest child had moved out and taken him along. They rented a room with an older lady and a large pack of chihuahuas. He formed a friendship with the small dogs, and never minded any of their yapping. When one of the dogs gave birth, Sunny's owner adopted one of the pups, and so, too, did Sunny.
When the humans left, Sunny had been outside using the rest room. He had wondered a bit far into the woods, and as such had a lot of difficulty finding his way back. By the time he got there, his owners where gone, and so too where most of the small dogs.
Personality: Sunny is a very laid back dog who's down for just about anything, however, being old he no longer plays a lot and he doesn't seem to have a lot of energy in general. He can be easily scared off, as he doesn't like wasting energy in confrontations, yet he will gladly protect those he considers family.
He lets most things roll of his back, and it takes a lot to get him's practically impossible to make him mad. Being a patient dog, he makes an excellent baby sitter, and he hopes that should he join a pack he'll get a position similar to such.
Favorite season (just because): Spring, when the world is full of the scents of new flowers.
family (if any): He considers Goldi to be his little sister/daughter.
romantic interest: None.


Appearance:12782239_1112788882065605_960689516_n.jpClick for a second image :D
Goldeen is based off a dog I currently own.
She's a chihuahua mix and weighs only about 2-3 pounds. She has a light red pelt, with white toes. Her ears are ginormous, and have long fur on the back of them. Her fur is mostly short but silky, with feather at the back of her legs and somewhat on her very long and curled tail. Her dark brown eyes bulge just slightly, (More-so when she's scared) and the way the skin crinkles around them almost makes her look like she has eye brows. Unlike most small dogs, she is well proportioned, excepted for those ears.
Name: Officially her name is Goldeen, but most people call her Goldi.
Age: 8 months
Gender: Female
Breed: Chihuahua mix
Goldi's mother was abandoned at the doorstep of a lady who was well known for owning other chihuahua's. Being kind hearted, the old lady took her mom in, knowing full well that she was pregnant, and gave her a cushy life, even if she had to share with other dogs. And so it was that Goldi was born surrounded by other small dogs, and her one sister. As she got older, her sister was sold to another family, and Goldi found herself in the hands of a young lady who lived in the same house. At six weeks, Goldeen first met with Sunny, the much larger Labrador owned by that young lady. Despite his size, the chihuahua quickly grew to like the old dog. After all, he was the only dog that didn't seem to care when she chewed on his ears or climbed up his back.
When the humans started packing in a frenzy, Goldi became scared for her first time. She hid herself under the couch, watching the humans weird antics. She didn't come out till hours after they left, and by then it was too late for her. They weren't coming back. Frightened by this realization, she started howling, only stopping when the older dog came insider. At first the two spent a few days sleeping by the door, waiting patiently for their owners, but as they grew hungrier, they began to roam.
Being so young, Goldi is still learning where she stands. So far, she has learned that others can't be trusted, and will avoid interacting with strangers untill they can prove their worth to her. This may seem weird for a pup, but being a stray is no easy life, especially so when you are only bite sized.
She can be a very manipulative dog, using her puppy like looks to weasel people into helping her, or to just sneak up and steal food from other dogs. When confronted, she knows how to toss on a cute act and feign innocence to sway the aggressor into letting her go. If her act isn't enough, she has no qualms about running to Sunny and hiding behind the larger dog.
If you can make it into Goldi's inner circle, you'll find she is a very bossy, arrogant, and clingy puppy. She believes herself to be a lot stronger then she actually is, and will often put herself in bad situations because of it. She's afraid of being abandoned again, and as such she tends to panic if she can't find her friends easily. Ideally, she prefers to just straight up follow them everywhere. Everywhere.
Favorite season (just because): Fall. She loves to play with and chase leaves.
family (if any): She considers Sunny her older brother. She has one sister and several aunts/uncles, but she doesn't know where.
romantic interest: none yet.

The two of them together to give you an idea of their sizes:
12325095_1112784138732746_104688839_n.jpa second image
Ignore the messy messy room.

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Edited on 25/02/16 @ 02:52:22 by Oclock (#4574)

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