Posted by City dogs [thread]

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-21 05:51:21
RP thread! =D. sign ups! still open!

The dogs
Max (born a stray) ( For never, forever (#61889)
Arya (born a stray) (For never, forever (#61889)
Poison (Abandoned Showdog) (Cora (#38247)
Alura (abandoned showdog) (MistressAva (#74000)
Phantom (abandoned hunting dog) (Cora (#38247)
Lucca (abandoned pet) (For never, forever (#61889)
Cain (born a stray) (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478) 
Glacia (abandoned pet) ( BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)
Stein (born a stray) (Paladin (#70497) 
Mercy (abandoned pet) (Shy**BSS**(#51494)
Ajax (abandoned fightdog) (Cerebus [REV] (#38409)
Tyger (abandoned military companion) (Astral (#65000)
Sunny (abandoned pet) Oclock (#4574)
Goldeen (abandoned pet) Oclock (#4574)
Diesel (EX fightdog) (Taz (#74028)
Camden (Ex farmdog) (Boo (#58142)
Mara (Born a stray) (Boo (#58142)
Kaliber (Ex fightdog) (Taz (#74028)

Character Sheets

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Edited on 28/02/16 @ 11:40:32 by For never, forever (#61889)

Kas (#58142)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-24 01:59:40
Camden | 3 Years | Doberman Pinscher | Junkyard | Mentions: Mercy

Camden's dark chocolate eyes fluttered open, he lifted his head and parted his jaws with a wet click opening into a wide yawn. He had decided to climb one of the large piles of trash and metal parts to sleep in an old rusted car that had no front window. He looked through the cracked glass of the back window and realized that the sky was becoming a dull purple color meaning night was near, he hadn't had anything to eat yet today. His once stocky frame had thinned out a bit in the past few months, with the lack of food he'd been finding. Deciding to test his luck in the streets at night he climbed from the back seat into the front and out through the window onto the hood. That's when he caught glimpse of movement down on the ground. A two-toned form was making their way into his junkyard. A growl passed through his parted lips. Without hesitation he jumped off the hood and skillfully made his way down the tower of trash. His aggression visibly dulled when his dark eyes raked over the female Pitbull's body, she was clearly carrying pups which made his intentions of chasing her off waver. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" His raspy voice came out a bit harsher than he was intending due to the sleep that was still very apparent.

(This post is crap xD)

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-24 02:44:02
Max | 4.5 years | German shepherd | Mentions: everyone in the restaurant|

After listening to what the other dogs had to say, Max studied The female for a minute, considering her sudden change of mood. Thinking about her offer he looked to Arya, he that since this shepherd had already claimed this territory they could not stay in the near-by alley way. Flicking his gaze back to the female he looked over her stance. She was not particularly in a friendly stand, but she was non the less more accepting than before.

Giving his pelt a quick shake he said "Me and my sister will take up this offer, though I am not sure of the others" He made a swift but clear glance at Alura, wondering what her choice would be. He expected that they wouldn't stay long, but and time they could take safety and shelter wasn't worth giving up, no matter the hostess.

Arya | 4.5 years | Border collie | Mentions: Restaurant dogs|

Arya was surprised at Max's response. He had chosen quickly and almost immediately, she had thought that he would put more thought into his decision . Then again, she didn't know what was going on in his head. Arya looked around, she felt trapped inside with so many other dogs, I'll stay, for a Short while. I-I think I'm gonna head outside for a moment though she said, wanting to get away from all the other emotions around her, quite frankly she felt overwhelmed as she head out side of the building, not waiting for a reply.

Lucca | 4 years | German Shepherd | mentions none, open to anyone. |

Lucca was surprised by Cain's question, he swiveled his ears back so they faced to opposite direction. It was not and aggressive look, but a surprised one. His ear points were still pointing towards the roof of the abandoned school and not towards his tail. He studied Cain trying to read his emotions, it's was hard for him, Cain seemed calm, but Lucca felt like that wasn't it. He didn't want to lie to him, He felt Cain was a respectable canine, and Lucca just wasn't that kind of dog. The worst he could do is throw him out and growl, Lucca guessed.

Lowering his head slightly, submissively, "I was, for a short time, before another dog helped me escape." He said, he was telling the truth and he was nervous as he waited for a reply from Cain.

Ooc: ugh mobile posting Dx

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Edited on 24/02/16 @ 09:46:54 by For never, forever (#61889)

Oclock (#4574)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-02-24 19:39:06
Goldeen| Female chi| 8 months| Mentions: Glacia
Goldeen slowly crawled out from the desk. If these dogs had any intentions of attacking, they would have done it already, or they would wait till they knew of her supposed families location. She sighed a bit when the lady comfirmed that she had not seen the older dog, and prayed that the lack of sightings meant he had enough sense to move out of the open for his rest. It was doubtful, though. "I think we split up somewhere that way." Goldeen informed, vaguely motioning southwards with her paw. Wait...she said she has only seen two dogs, including Goldeen herself. Yet, the whole reason Goldeen found herself in this situation was because she was trying to avoid a group she had smelled. Either this dog had been avoiding everyone like herself, or the bunch of dogs nearby must be a rare occurance. "You've only seen two dogs? There must not be a lot of us left in the city, hunh." the pup chimed, her head tilted slightly. If indeed there where only a few dogs, then something must be going on, and it might be worthwhile to check it out later with Sunny at her side. Otherwise meant it could be a pack location, and they would do well to avoid it.


Sunny | Male lab| ~10 years| Mentions: No one. Open to interaction
Meanwhile, an old lab sighed as he opened his eyes again. He was vaguely aware that his little charge was gone, but he had no doubt she would be back to nag at him again soon. Yet, his eyes looked to the sky with worry. It hadn't been long since he lay to rest, but already the sun was past it's midday peak. In only a couple hours it would be too dark for him to see. With a hefty sigh, the old dog pushed himself up into a sitting position, then gradually a standing one. With his nose to the ground, he took in a deep whiff, trying to sort the young one's scent out from the rest of the city. The trail led North, closer to the center of the city.
With an unhurried gait, the yellow dog walked the streets after the pup. Of course, thinking he had plenty of time, he decided he could afford detours. A puddle at the steps of an apartment building offered a refreshing drink. When he found some crows fighting over a trash can, the dog used his size and a deep bark to frighten them off. A gentle push of his shoulder was all he needed to upset the cans balance and knock it to the ground. Most of it was just soiled diapers, something he had no interest in. Yet, there was also a partially moldy loaf of bread and some steak bones. Puppies liked bones, right? Maybe having some to chew would lessen Goldeen's nerves. Furthermore, she should be happy with the bread. Grabbing the loaf of breads, he marked the trashbin so he might find the stash of bones later.

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Edited on 25/02/16 @ 02:40:24 by Oclock (#4574)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 13:50:09
Tyger | Female | 5 Years | Dutch Shepherd Mix |
Mentions: Ajax, Mercy, Peoples in Restraunt

Tyger’s fur finally lowered completely as the male Beauceron left...that one was trouble to be sure, not only his swagger, but his total confidence he could win every fight thrown his way. He was surley deluding himself if he thought that Tyger would be an easy win.

Giving her shoulders a metaphorical shake when the pregnant female left with a graceful choice of words, Tyger perked her ears when the German Shepherd declared he would stay...which evidently meant that the Border Collie would as well...the Akita seemed as if she was yet to come to a decision. Giving a soft snort, Tyger replied to the German Shepherd's acceptance. “It does not look as if it will rain you wish to test the weather or perhaps find better shelter? I am open to either option and know the place if you wish for better shelter. My name is Tyger, by the your long as you don’t try to take what is mine I should be reasonably friendly and only a little grumpy.”

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 00:30:01
Glacia // Female // 3 Years Old // Siberian Husky // Mentions: Cain, Lucca, Goldi

Glacia smiled softly when the pup finally came out from under the desk, happy to see that she finally trusted her. "Well, let's go then. Your brother must be worried sick about you." She said to Goldi, starting to walk to the entrance at a fairly slow pace, so that the chihuahua could keep up. She didn't think that such a small dog could take very long strides. "'I'm going to help Goldeen find her caretaker, you two try not to get into any trouble." She said to Cain and Lucca in a slightly teasing tone. "Oh, and Lucca, don't be too intimidated by Cain. He might seem a bit tough, but he won't hurt you. He's actually a big sweetheart." She whispered to the German Shepherd as she walked past him, chuckling slightly. Hearing the young puppy's voice again, she looked back down at her. "Well, I did smell a few other dogs at the restaurant where I stole the meat from, but I decided it was best to avoid them." She informed her

Cain // Male // 4 Years Old // Alaskan Noble Companion Dog // Mentions: Lucca, Glacia, Goldi

Cain watched Lucca very carefully as he waited for the answer, his amber gaze still emotionless. 'He probably was a pet.' He thought, seeing how submissive he was. The male's answer only confirmed his suspicion. "Well, that explains why Glacia brought you in." He finally said. "I know how she is. She probably wanted a dog around who understood her. The poor girl is still devastated from when her humans left her." He slightly pitied the pet-dogs, having somebody who they had relied on for all their lives probably wasn't easy. Hearing Glacia's comment, a slight flicker of amusement could be seen in his eyes, and he huffed softly. If anyone needed to stay out of trouble, it was Glacia. He watched the two leave before looking back at Lucca. "Well, make yourself at home. You can go ahead and eat that meat you stole earlier, you must be hungry." He said, motioning over to the piece of meat that the shepherd had brought with him.

[Sorry for any typos, I'm on mobile]

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Kas (#58142)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-26 04:28:29
Mara | 2.5 Years | English Springer | Streets | Mentions: Glacia, Goldeen

Mara wandered down the streets aimlessly, she hadn't eaten a day or so. Her stomach felt as though it was going to tear itself apart from the inside out. A few papers blew out in front of her small paws before continuing their travel down the street. It was getting dark meaning there was no chance of her finding food today either. With an annoyed sigh she sped up her steps, she was walking down a rather long stretch of pavement. What the humans called a road, her eyes trailed to the faded lines that once guided their cars. She was passing by a rather large building when she caught the scent of other dogs. She eyed the building with question, if there were dogs there would more than likely be food. Naturally a plot instantly started forming in her mind. Searching quickly she found a trash can that had been pretty beaten, having a piece of it missing and all. There was a sharp enough point that she could just slightly nick her paw enough to make it believable that she stepped on something. She gingerly limped back toward the gate, hoping she could find someone. With a stroke of luck she noticed what looked to be a husky and a chihuahua walking together. Rather than instantly going up to them she waited to see what they were doing.

(I hope this is okay Blaze and Oclock, I figured by the time she would be near the school and have nicked her paw the two girls would be outside making their way out of the school grounds.)

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Edited on 26/02/16 @ 11:28:46 by Boo (#58142)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 04:36:14
Mercy | 2 Years | American Pitbull Terrier| Mentions: Camden

The males voice startled her, having taken her by suprise. She had not expected anyone to be living in the junk yard. "I apologize for insuring on your turf. Im only looking for a place to rest for the night" she spoke calmly. But in her mind she wondered what she was to do if the male refused her entrance to his domain. The streets at night were not say for dog, especially a pregnant one.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-28 08:19:10
Max | 4.5 years | German shepherd | Mentions: everyone in the restaurant|

Max bowed his head to the dog now know as Tyger, the name suited her. "I'm max" He informed her as he thought over what she had said about the shelter. "I would like to see if we could find temporary shelter else where, i think it would be smart to not take any chances tonight.: He woofed, thinking of Arya. She would want to find shelter, but somewhere where she could see the sky and the stars easily, somewhere with simple access to the outdoors.

Arya | 4.5 years | Border collie | Mentions: no one, open|

Sitting outside taking a mental moment xD nothing to see here.

Lucca | 4 years | German Shepherd | mentions none, open to anyone. |

Lucca bowed his head, refiled that Cain didn't seem phased by him being a former pet. "Thank you" He said before grasping his meat in his jaws and walking the the edge of a desk, laying down with his side perched up against it. "How did you and Glacia meet? He asked in between mouthfuls, he wanted to talk it felt awkward just to sit there and stare into space in this dogs potential territory.

OOC: this is the shortest i think Ive ever done, i'm so sorry xD

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Edited on 28/02/16 @ 15:19:13 by For never, forever (#61889)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-02-28 14:11:05
Tyger | Female | 5 Years | Dutch Shepherd Mix |
Mentions: Peoples in Restraunt

Giving a nod of her head toward Max, Tyger’s blue eyes sparkled. “I know just the old greenhouse by the school house...the thick glass has survived the test of the weather...though the same could not be said for the wooden door.” Taking a more detailed scan of the darkly colored German Shepard Tyger gave a small grin…”You may have a tight squeeze to get through but your friends should not have a problem. Come, it is getting dark.”

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Taz (#74028)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-09 11:38:24
Diesel // Male // 4.5 Years // Bully Pitbull // Mentions: Kaliber, open to others

As the sun rose into the sky, a bulky gray pitbull awoke, his eyes scanning around him cautiously. He slowly rose to his feet, stretching and yawning, before nudging the dog next to him. Diesel and Kaliber had decided to camp out in an old, abandon school bus for the night. They'd found old backpacks filled with chips, water bottles, and other yummy snacks. After digging through all of the bags and devouring half of the food they found, they'd dragged all the empty bags and coats into the back and formed a giant bed. Whilst Kaliber was waking up, Diesel trudged to the front of the bus and hopped into the driver's seat to look out over the street. He could see all the old cars who's engines used to purr and hum with ease, and now just sat in the road, many rusting and growing moss. Although it seemed like a normal morning, he felt as though something was off.

Kaliber // Male // 4 Years // Bully Pitbull // Mentions: Diesel, open to others

Kaliber was in a mildly peaceful sleep when Diesel had nudged him to wake up. He took his time, stretching and taking in his surroundings before finally rising to his feet and padding to the front. His muscles tensed as he neared Diesel, sitting in the driver's seat, sensing something outside. It was nearly silent, when a loud clang shattered the silence. He growled lowly, sinking low to the ground towards the sound near the back of the bus. As he peeked through the dirty glass, he saw a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. The hair on his back rose as he growled, loud enough for the intruder to hear. They both began to bark, the loud, thunderous noise echoing through the streets.

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Edited on 12/03/16 @ 00:21:40 by Taz (#74028)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-04-08 09:27:39
Max | 4.5 years | German shepherd | Mentions: Tyger, Arya|

Max bowed his head slightly to Tyger, acknowledging her. "Lets go." He woofed. "It sound like a nice place, Ill go get Arya." He said, turning and padding out of the restaurant, happy to be free of the stone walls that had surrounded him. As he stepped outside Max saw Arya sitting alone, looking into the sky as she often did. Padding over, he sat down beside her with a slight thump. "We are ready to head out." He said softly, "You ready?" He asked.

Arya | 4.5 years | Border collie | Mentions: Tyger, Max|

Arya slowly turned her head to look into Max's eyes, "Yes" She said quietly, "I'm ready for rest" She said with a smile. Her train of thought was cut off as a loud noise of barking howled over the horizon. Arya lifted her head to howl into the sky, acknowledging the others off in the distance. Her sweet song sounded along the roads, for all dogs to hear in the abandoned city. She was cut of my Max's confused and curt tone 'What are you doing? You'll attract every dog in the city!" He told her. But Arya just looked at him, her gaze explained everything. Max's eyes soften as realization hit him and he smiled slightly at his sister. They both swung their heads into the air, eyes closed, their long howling songs joining the night sky as they replied to the city's strays.

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