Posted by Minnowclan: RP thread

πŸŒ—PidgeπŸŒ“ (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-03-12 18:53:00
Hello and welcome to Minnowclan. Minnowclan is a clan for all cats, those who can swim, run fast, great fighters or great hunters. Our skills are spread out so, any cat is welcome here.

Join us here!

Clan Features:



Medicine Cat Den

Medicine Cat Den

Leader's Den

Leader's den

Warrior's Den

Warriors Den

Apprentice's Den

Apprentice's Den

Elders Den

Elder's Den

Cats Of The Clan

Fallenstar- 4 Seasons, 4 moons Played by Tatsu #49134 (F)
Sliverhawk- 3 Season, 8 moons, played by Silverhawk (#54659) (F)
Medicine Cat:
lilit- two seasons and two moons, played by Zanzear (#79048) (F)
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
Minkflight- 1 Season, Played by Tatsu #49134
Dogear- 2 seasons, 1 moon, played by Cheyrose (#50506) (M)
Fallenmask- 2 seasons, 1 moon, played by Cheyrose (#50506) (M)
Darkstream- 1 season, 4 moons, played by Viccy (#85379) (M)
Birdswoop- 2 Seasons, 6 moons, played by Silverhawk (#54659) (F)
Nightfang- 5 Seasons, 2 moon, played by Silverhawk (#54659) (M)
Tigerstrike- 3 Seasons, 1 moon, played by Tatsu (#49134) (M)
Littlepaw- 8 Moons, played by Viccy (#85379) (F)
Ravenpaw- 8 Moons, played by Tatsu (49134) (M)
Darkpaw- 8 Moons, by played by Viccy (#85379) (M)
Stagpaw- 2 Seasons, 7 moons, played by Tatsu (#49134)
Lightningfeather- 1 Season, 3 moons, played by Viccy (#85379) (F)
Featherwish- 2 Seasons, 1 moon, played by Tatsu (#49134) (F)
Silverkit- 5 Moons, played by Viccy (#85379) (F)
Spiritkit- 2 Moon, played by Tatsu (#49134) (M)
Ravenpaw- Silverhawk
Darkpaw- Tigerstrike
Stagpaw- Nightfang
1. be nice to every body
2. No arguing over ranks, it's first come, first served.
3. No power/god playing
4. Follow LD rules at all time
5. If kits are born they have two weeks to be claimed, or they will die.
6. If you suddenly vanish form the role play, you will be considered dead.
7. Fade to black when need, no mating or graphic gore.
8. It would be great if you had semi-literate, proper grammar and two sentences or so per post.
9. Put I like eating rainbows, if you read all the of rules
10. This is a realistic RP
12. Give credit if you use a drawing of a cat
13. Don't pressure other members into having a relationship between your characters that they aren't comfortable with.
14. The genders must stay even, if I fill that there are to many of one gender, I will close it off.
15. Maximum of 3 characters.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 12/04/16 @ 14:05:16 by Tatsu (#49134)

Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 03:13:57
(Sorry today is a 'cleaning-the-loft' day and it's taking forever .β€”.)
Lilit||F||Med cat apprentice||metions:Open to anyone

Before Fallenstar left she simply said "It isn't him that wakes me up... I just do" and then seeing as everyone was up Lilit decided to then go hide in the med cat den. Not any real work was done besides tidying up a bit and making sure things were stacked properly before she half fell asleep sitting down.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-13 03:42:41
Stormbird | she-cat | Warrior | mentions: Lightningfeather, Fallenstar, Darkstream, Silverkit|

Stormbird gave a huff of amusement "I suppose that's true." She turned at the sound of Fallenstar's voice along with Darksteam's. She would have offered to go, but she knew better, she would be assigned a patrol soon, she didn't have to worry. Turning back to the Queen and her kit she purred "I bet you cant wait to learn to hunt, i can show you the hunters crouch later if you like" She said to the small kit, crouching down to be on her level. A hunting crouch was an innocent move, with no threats. She looked to Lightningfeather for approval, she didn't want to teach her kit something if the Queen did not approve of it, it was just plain rude.

Rowanflame | Tom | warrior | Mentions: Ravenpaw, Fallenstar, open|

Rowanflame nodded thanks to Fallenstar as she went to confront Darkstream. He heard a hiss off near the apprentices den and turned to see Ravenpaw, a usual agitated look on his face. The rusty red tom padded over to him. "Ravenpaw"He greeted him, and nodded. "You up for a morning hunt?" He asked, knowing that the tom most likely didnt have much of a choice, but he was mostly curious as to why he had let out the irritated hiss at Fallenstar, his superior.

Cloudfoot | She-cat | Warrior | Mentions: Lilit, open |

As cloudfoot peered inside the medicine cat den she could see Lilit sitting not to far from the Stock wall. "E-excuse me, Lilit?" She stuttered, she hoped her total lack of social skills wasn't that noticeable, but it was no doubt that it was. "I was just wondering if you could help me with my pad, I-I got a thorn logged in it yesterday and couldn't get a grip on it with my teeth, do you think you could try?" She asked, Hoping she hadn't interrupted the apprentice.

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Edited on 13/03/16 @ 10:43:31 by For never, forever (#61889)

Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 03:49:08
SilverKit | female | kit | mentions: StormBird,LightningFeather

SilverKit looked up at her mother,the kit's eyes wide with joy "Can she?" the kit asked,squealling quietly when LightningFeather nodded "i don't mind" she purred

DarkStream | male | warrior | mentions: whoever in the patrol,i guess

DarkStream shook his pelt again, padding away to wait on the rest of the patrol to go hunting

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πŸŒ—PidgeπŸŒ“ (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-03-13 04:29:09
Ravenpaw | M | Apprentices | Mentions: Rowanflame and Darkstream

Ravenpaw glared at Rowanflame, "Does it look like I want to?" He meowed sourly,' Do I really look like I want to be here! There better a good warrior join us, not that Rowanflame's a bad warrior, he's just not my type.' His ear picked up as Darkstream walked over. "Is it just us three then?"

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 04:34:45
DarkStream | male | warrior | mentions: RavenPaw and RowanFlame

DarkStream looked at the apprentice, then raised his head to see if any other cats were joining them. When no one else did, he gave a stern nod "it appears so" he meowed, nearly expressionless as he stood tall

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 04:46:23
Lilit||F||Med car Apprentice

Lilit was surpirsed to see somecat come to the den so early but quickly got herself together "Er...yes sure I can... Just sit over there a sec" she gestured to a cleared area with clean leaves laid out before going to the stack of plants, herbs, flowers, leaves which all had different purposes and picked up a small yet thick leaf and brought it over with it in her mouth. "Howd you get it" trying to distract the kitten from the pain before using a sharp claw to slightly make the gap of where it was in so it'd be easier to take out.

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πŸ’™ Pandaburrr πŸ’™ (#50506)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 04:51:18
(Wow sorry guys I fell asleep and then suddenly rp thread. XD)
Dappleshade | M | Med. cat | Mentions: Lilit, Cloudfoot

With a wide yawn, Dappleshade looked in the direction of the visitors. The noise had woken him from his sleep. Blinking the last tendrils of sleep from his eyes, he stood and shook his pelt. Slowly, he approached his apprentice and watched as she expertly began to take care of the cat's paw. He sat behind her, tail curled around paws, and waited to see how else she would treat the wound.

Fallenmask| M | warrior | Mentions: Dogear, RowanFlame, Ravenpaw

Fallenmask blinked, slowly registering where he was and what time of day it was. Once he realized he was cozy in his nest, he sprung to his paws, ready to go out on a hunting patrol if needed. After a rushed wash, he nudged his brother awake, and stepped out in to the morning light, looking around at his clan mates. He trotted over to where has saw Rowanflame with Ravenpaw. "Am I too late to join the hunting patrol?"

Dogear| M | warrior | Mentions: Littlepaw, Fallenmask

After being pulled from his sleep by his brother, Dogear decided he might as well get up. After a yawn and thorough wash, he stepped out in to the sun. Without hesitation, he made his way to the apprentice's den and stuck his head through the opening. "Littlepaw?"

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 04:54:00
LittlePaw | Female | apprentice | mentions: Dogear

LittlePaw stirred in her nest, then yawned and blinked the sleep from her eyes "hhmmmm?" she stood and stretched her tired muscles,shaking away the sleep and padding over to Dogear

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πŸ’™ Pandaburrr πŸ’™ (#50506)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 05:00:35
Dogear| M | warrior | Mentions: Littlepaw, Darksong

"How about we go practice some hunting?" Dogear asked, feeling a bit guilty for waking the apprentice so early. "You could catch some prey for Darksong. I'm sure she'd like that."

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 05:04:40
LittlePaw | Female | apprentice | mentions: Dogear

LittlePaw purred "I'm alright with that" she meowed, her tail swaying softly as she quietly squeezed out of the den,shaking moss and dirt from her fur

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πŸ’™ Pandaburrr πŸ’™ (#50506)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 05:16:46
Dogear| M | warrior | Mentions: Littlepaw

Taking the lead and hearing out of camp, Dogear paused just outside of a small clearing. He turned towards Littlepaw. "Can you smell anything?"

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 05:21:43
LittlePaw | Female | apprentice | mentions: Dogear

LittlePaw stood beside him, her head raised to taste the air. She was silent for a moment, then murmured what she smelled "i smell a squirrel" she meowed, pausing again to figure out where exactly it was. Soon, she pointed to a bush with her tail "over there"

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πŸ’™ Pandaburrr πŸ’™ (#50506)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 05:32:20
Dogear| M | warrior | Mentions: Littlepaw

Dogear curled his tail in approval. "Very good." He flicked his ears towards the bush. "You gonna let it eat nuts on your clan's territory like that, fearlessly?"

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πŸŒ—PidgeπŸŒ“ (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-03-13 05:34:06
Ravenpaw | M | Apprentice | Mentions: Fallenmask and Ripplepaw

"Why not the more the merrier, why not bring Ripplepaw along with you!" He replayed to Fallenmask in a sarcastic tone. ' Today and tomorrow is going to be hell' He swished his tail around his paws and flattened his ears to show he was in a bad mood, his clanmates can't tell already.

(Ravenpaw is a horrible cat, don't take his thoughts seriously)

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-03-13 05:39:06
LittlePaw | Female | apprentice | mentions: Dogear

LittlePaw rolled her eyes, then lowered into a hunting crouch. She crept silently towards the bush,then pounced on the squirrel and bit into the critter's neck. She killed it instantly. The apprentice carried the lifeless squirrel back to Dogear, her tail swaying lightly

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