Posted by Pls READ before voting! - Marking slot changers

Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-03-26 08:52:09
We all know that the admins have decided to start polling on some user suggestions. Great, that's good as they can get a general idea of what users do and do not like in a place that more users see/have access to.

The recent poll features a suggestion that I have seen before and I personally have turned it down every time. For those who don't know or haven't seen the poll, the suggestion is to add a new item: the marking slot changer. The poll alone asks if this should be implemented, should there be restrictions and even goes to list a possible restriction.

I know that the poll alone doesn't mean the admins really will implement it or not, as ultimately it's up to them, but the poll gives at least a general idea, and idk about any of you, but I'm concerned about the poll's current results.

Sure, having a marking slot changer would be helpful for when you make mistakes, we are all human and yes they can happen. However..... there is a major downside that will outweigh any good that this item will bring, one that even the admins admitted. (I should make it clear that I'm not bashing or hating on, just point out the facts).

The biggest con, the one that should have been an automatic rejection for every thread for this suggestion had: Any sort of marking slot changer alone will maybe not completely ruin the marking market....but it definitely will make markings and slot rarity practically worthless and will make breeding know-how obsolete.

This game is not meant to be easy, the breeding is supposed to be difficult. This item is practically a handout, even if it is worth gb. There is a reason certain markings only appear in certain slots, and have rare slots. That's what aids in the markings staying rare or not as common.

If such an item is might as well make it so we can pick the marking from an event marking applicator, or add all breed only markings to all applicators, because now a marking slot changer can move a mottled rosette to another slot besides slot 6, the ONLY current slot for that marking (that I'm currently aware of). A marking slot changer...well now you have a chance at a double mottled lion, something that only a special lioness from the raffles should allow you to do imo.

Getting to the point, this suggestion is mainly for admins to NOT implement such an item. Honestly, and I know I admitted accidents happen, but it falls on us to pay attention and make sure we add the right marking to the right slot.

I honestly do not want a slot changer item at all....but if you must add it.....please only make it for oasis custom markings and worth more than the marking remover and marking applicator combined, as those are basically a roundabout way of changing slots.

Please either voice your support for the admins to not add a marking slot changer...or if you want a slot changer, please voice why as I personally would love to know other than to make the game easier as like I said, this game was not meant to be easy.... If you would rather voice your lack of support to me in pm, please feel free. I won't respond to them, I will just submit them anonymously here for others to see the arguments. No one will know it's you.

Other suggestions:

"Hm. Maybe if it was implemented, they could have a restriction so that a special marking can only be moved to a slot it's already released in." - Katze

"Maybe make a slot changer an Event thing, kind of like the November marking applicator? Only 1 lion a year or really expensive w/ event currency?" - Detective

Thanks again you guys!

And please....keep it civil...we don't want this getting shut down.

This suggestion has 343 supports and 90 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/03/16 @ 16:34:09 by Kat [Septa FO] (#49358)

Kich (#2373)

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Posted on
2018-06-16 23:56:47
I think this idea would only be a good, workable one.. if you could only move around oasis and applicator markings. Nothing breed only, no raffle markings, nothing like that. Keep those as they are. But using applicators with 4 markings of which one is chosen at random, especially when you want a specific marking in a specific slot.. that's always such a huge waste of money. You barely ever get the marking you want where you want it. So if we could finally cut that process with a marking slot mover.. I'd be all up for that. Just no non-applicator marking movers, please. Those would change the game, and a lot of people's projects, plans, goals, etc, far too radically. Those would most likely ruin the game.

Edit: Whoops, only now noticed this is from 2016. :'D Where did I find this? I wasn't even digging anywhere. It must've been on the front page for whatever reason..

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Edited on 17/06/18 @ 00:05:12 by Kich (#2373)

FyreKit (#110998)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-24 01:24:53
Honestly I was sent here by a mod from a suggestion I had typed in because I had a thought. If the item is coded so the markings are restricted to the slots they can currently appear on in existing lions and have the moved marking be given a zero percent pass rate then there wouldn't be any problem at all with selling it as an Oasis item as far as I can tell

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Meezy 🍊 (Gen 1
Sunspot) (#95045)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-11-20 16:35:38
I support this! If they were only able to be moved into slots they were already released in via raffle lioness etc then I think it'd be fair, and would still keep markings like mottled rosette/stripes special!

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Aucean (#154529)

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Posted on
2018-11-27 17:54:08
I only hoped to have it because I didn't realize marking slots mattered before placing Hyena Stripes Heavy Onyx applicator in slot two.Its my favorite marking and now my 2 GB went down the drain. I'm one of those people where getting 1 GB is so rare and the fact that it's wasted is a majo disappointment to me.

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🍑🌺 reviasaren
🌺🍑 (#144797)

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Posted on
2018-11-27 19:59:35
Since my post just got locked for being an apparent duplicate, regardless of my only doing so after finding nothing similar in a search of the forums, I will paste my addition here. (Irritating, seeing as my suggestion had more upvotes, but I digress.)

"(Oh gosh this is my first suggestion so I apologize if it isn't the most well-constructed.

But I happened to be looking over one of my recently purchased cubs in the Wardrobe, and it occurred to me how, if I could have just layered her markings differently, I could have been even happier with her "design". This was simply by rearranging her pre-existing markings, mind you, no new marks were added.

So I thought, "Well, we have a Marking Replacer... Why not a Marking Swapper?" This came to mind because of the fact that other app markings, like Feline, Bloodborne, Cloudburst and others aren't included on the Marking Replacer's list of applicable markings for replacing!

So it could work possibly in a similar way to the Marking Replacer, except that it does not apply any new markings, and simply switches the slots of the existing ones! This could apply to blank slots as well, where the marking selected simply switches to a different spot!

For example, say you wanted to switch your Slot 2 (Onyx Back) and Slot 6 (Maroon Pelage) Marks, you could choose them from the dropdown after purchasing the app, and swap them that way! Additionally, this could apply to blank slots as well, where the marking selected then just switches to a different spot! (Ex. Switch Slot 3 Mark (Copal Mask), to Slot 5 (blank)).

It has been suggested that this be implemented in-game one of two ways:

1. This could be set as an Enclave reward, to keep the usage of it fair, since this is something that goes more towards customizing specifically, likely for 100 MT at the cheapest! Though the issue of it being purchased by mistake, and the fact that MT purchases are non-refundable is an issue that has been brought up, so the alternative suggestion is --

2. Like the Marking Replacer, this could be something purchasable via the Oasis, with the consideration of the price of two Marking Replacers in mind (as this would work to technically "replace" two marks simultaneously), possibly for a price of 6GB (exactly the price of two mark replacers) at the least, and possibly 8 at the most (to include the specialty of including app marks in swapping). The issue of it being something that might be subject of abuse if too easily attained has also been brought up.

Please let me know what you think! Any feedback is appreciated! If you don't support, please let me know why, if you wouldn't mind! (This feedback could even be that I could express parts of this idea better, as sometimes I have trouble working the best way to word a phrase, so all feedback is very, very appreciated!)

This would not include special marks, like those on raffle lionesses (so this does not ruin the current market for the markings included in this demographic), this is strictly regarding common, custom and applicator marks!)"

If you would like to access the post for additional comments, here is the link:

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An Altercation of
Nature (#90503)

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Posted on
2018-12-04 09:57:44
I've been holding back a concrete decision on this topic for a while, and I've finally decided that I do not support this item. Support for this comes from the very good point that was already made, it would make the breeding aspect of the game worthless. It's fun to strive to get those markings where you want them, and there's that sense of accomplishment when you do. If you can just buy an app what's the point? If this item does come out, I will not be using it and I will look into studs to see if they have used it before sending breeding requests.

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Chompchomps (#155830)

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Posted on
2019-03-16 12:12:38
*throws tv across room*


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Cowrdly|CLEAN G2
Fulvous Felis (#169548)

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Posted on
2019-04-25 18:58:53
Please put this in the game! But only for random marking applicator, event applicator, gorrilla shop applicator, or oasis applicator markings
I have a ferus king who got chatoyant margay, but you can't even see it because cloudburst brindle covers it up. I want to swap those two markings because it looks way better. It took me loads of tries to get chatoyant margay and I'm poor lol

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erstel|G3 (#166943)

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Posted on
2019-04-25 19:43:41
I support, didn't even think of it this way, I just wanted it to move the marks so my lions could look good if they were born with marks on 1 instead of 10 and such.

I was thinking they could even maybe make it so the lion isn't breedable since I just want to make them look pretty but that is a very big penalty for some people so defo not a reasonable option if it ever were to be implemented

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Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2020-01-28 11:47:16
I was looking for suggestions for implementing a marking slot changer and both the ones I found suggesting it got redirected here, despite this suggestion being against adding a marking slot changer. No support, and be sure to read the whole post before you decide to support my friends.

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Quinn [BLM] (#155822)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-04-06 10:25:08

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Edited on 06/04/20 @ 10:25:43 by 🍋Lemon Boy🍋 (#155822)

🌻 the serval
spots (#98320)

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Posted on
2020-04-06 10:26:32
Supported. Slot changers are just a bad idea.

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Guillo (#107363)

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Posted on
2020-04-07 20:19:18
bruh y'all need to learn to read. this post is for it to NOT be implemented. it's against slot changers, not for them.

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Merilial (#154030)

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Posted on
2020-04-08 12:23:47
Support. The cub market is already rough, adding this with no limitations (as some people have suggested, i.e. only common/Oasis markings) could be a mess.

There seem to be two main camps of thought to address:

1) "Well, I think it's unfair because of breeders with lots of GB monopolizing the market and making it inaccessible!"
Will a very expensive/exclusive product like this change that? No, it will just make this WORSE, and crash prices for marking in a less favorable slot that is still desirable and rare.

2) "I've spent money on the game/spent a lot of time to breed something very specific and this will crash the market."
I get you, and agree. The game has always had a shaky economy, and I don't know how a marking slot changer will make it better. I get a lot of duds in my breedings, that's just part of the game. This game, and SIM games similar to it, are about the grind and time investment. Lioden is pretty fair in terms of how easy it is to make GB if you can't buy it. It's not impossible for casual players to breed their dream lion.

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Astrid┋CLEAN 3.7K
3x Clouded (#124118)

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Posted on
2020-04-08 19:44:35
Sorry, but no-support, i think slot changers with limitations would be beneficial for reasons already listed by others

i especially like the idea Katze suggested— most of us supporting this idea aren't out to make marking rarity obsolete and we don't really care what slot are markings are in beyond aesthetics, so if they can implement it in a way that limits the marking to slots it was introduced to the game with, that seems like it would be ideal for both parties

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