Posted by The Walking Dead RP

Dixon [RP] (#48022)

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Posted on
2016-03-29 01:19:29

Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/03/16 @ 10:09:58 by Dixon [RP] (#48022)

Dixon [RP] (#48022)

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Posted on
2016-03-29 01:19:38

✘ Willing to do 1x1 role-plays though PM, or participate in forum role-plays ✘

✘ Name: Daryl Dixon
✘ Date of birth: April 19th 1989 (Age 26)
✘ Pre-Apocalyptic Occupation: He had quit high school just before graduation, to move in with his older brother Merle, and drift around with him. He also took care of his abusive, alcohol father and half-uncle. He hunted and trapped, selling the animal pelts, for money, or trades of cigarettes and alcohol.
✘ Family: Will Dixon (Father-Deceased) Marcy Dixon (Mother-Deceased) Jesse Dixon (Half-Uncle-Deceased) Merle Dixon (Brother)
✘ Residence: He doesn't have a permanent residence. He is always moving, to avoid walkers. He is located somewhere north of Atlanta, Georgia, usually in the woods or small towns.
✘ Weapons: His weapon of choice is a crossbow. He has used both a Horton Scout HD 125, and a Strykezone 380. He is also skilled with many different types of firearms, and throwing knives.
✘ Biography: Daryl is an experienced tracker and hunter, he is deadly accurate with his crossbow. Daryl is also highly skilled with various firearms and knives. He has taken a prominent role in safeguarding the members of his group. Although he is shown to be the lone wolf of the group early on in apocalypse, he has started to integrate himself more with everyone, and is now well-trusted among his group.
Daryl had a rough upbringing. Daryl and Merle lived within the mountains of North Georgia, under the roof of their neglectful parents; their father being an abusive alcoholic and their mother being both that and a chain-smoker. When Daryl was old enough to ride a bicycle, they lost their mother to a house fire that had been caused by her cigarette when she was asleep or possibly drunk in bed. Merle was at least 12 years old when their mother died, as he was in juvenile detention at the time. Merle raised Daryl to share his beliefs and be tough like a grown man. However, he too was often absent from Daryl's life; part of that had to do with the fact that he was frequently in juvenile institutions.
Daryl and Merle were physically abused by their father, causing Merle to abandon the family. Merle claimed to never know that his father was hurting Daryl too, but Daryl does not seem to believe him.
Daryl reveals that he was a drifter before the apocalypse, following his brother and doing what he said. Merle lived in a small trailer, in an old trailer park. Daryl would occasionally stay with his older brother but lived at home with his abusive father, and half-uncle. Merle was always drunk or high, which made Daryl a bit uncomfortable. Daryl drank and smoked cigarettes, but he never did any type of drugs.
When the apocalypse began Daryl was hunting with his father, Will, half-uncle, Jesse, and neighbor, Buck. They had been in the woods for a week, camping and scoping out prey. Buck was the first to encounter a walker, after being attacked. Will ran to help but was also attacked. Jesse was bitten in the process of killing all of the walkers, but at the time they didn't know the bite would eventually turn you. Jesse was the one to put Buck and Will out of their misery, ​since Daryl was unable too.
Daryl and Jesse headed back to their home to load up weapons and supplies, but while being in so much pain, Jesse ended up killing himself to stop the pain. Daryl loaded up his truck with Merle's motorcycle and all the weapons they had before heading out to find his older brother.
✘ Personality: Daryl is often volatile, but is still significantly more level-headed and rational than his older brother, Merle Dixon. Despite usually acting distant, Daryl has shown on numerous occasions to be caring and selfless. Daryl has also shown himself to be an incredibly honest individual and hardly ever lies thus making him very respected and trusted. He is also much more intelligent and logical than he looks, even more so than his erratic brother Merle. Although he is not as tough as his brother, who is an experienced bruiser and has military experience, Daryl is just as aggressive and agile and can hold his own against the dead and the living on numerous occasions.
In addition, Daryl has a keen sense of intuition, especially when it comes to meeting new people. Daryl can tell almost immediately who can be trusted and who can't be trusted. Daryl can tell the difference between "a good guy and a bad guy".
​On rare occasions, Daryl shows his very vulnerable side, particularly crying, when he loses someone very close to him.
✘ Appearance: Daryl Dixon stands at the height of 5'10". He is very muscular, especially in his biceps. He has dark shaggy hair, that is usually greasy, and matted from lack of care, with the mixture of sweat, dirt, and blood from the walkers he's killed. He has facial hair in the style of a goatee, which is rather thin but, thicker on his chin. He has bright baby blue colored eyes. His skin is lightly tanned, from being out in the sun all of the time. He has several tattoos, the largest being two demons reaching out to each other, on his right shoulder blade. His back is also covered in large scars from his abusive childhood. He typically wears his leather angel wing, biker vest, on top of whatever clothes he can find, and jeans. His crossbow, and knife that is strapped to his belt are also part of his usual attire.

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Edited on 29/03/16 @ 10:46:33 by Dixon [RP] (#48022)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-29 07:14:30
(Yo fam I want to reserve a spot if that's cool with you and I'll make a character in a second, I may or may not use the same thing from the other one idk lol)

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-29 08:31:59
( If wanted I'll rp 1x1 in a pm or in a forum! (: )
✘ Name: Kenia Crawford
✘ Date of birth: August 29th, 1992 (Age 23)
✘ Pre-Apocalyptic Occupation: She had started college, but didn't get very far into it, considering she had only just started her first year of medical school. She had dreams of becoming a surgeon, but that clearly fell through, but the skills she learned are very useful.
✘ Family: Gregory Crawford (Father-Deceased) Alex Crawford (Mother-Deceased)
✘ Residence: Always moving around the country, doesn't matter where, but at the moment she's with a small group of people, most of which she hadn't known until now, in a small town, but they're probably about to move from there as well.
✘ Weapons: Favorite weapon would be a knife or a gun. Also skilled with bows and arrows and anything else she can make into a weapon.
✘ Biography: Kenia's life started out great, she can remember pieces of a good childhood, but at about the age of eight, things changed. Her dad was an alcoholic, who was, at times, abusive, but luckily never to her, only her mother. The two split and Kenia stayed with her mother, barely ever seeing her father after. When it was time for college, Kenia moved on her own, happy for it, and focused on her schooling, but that didn't mean she didn't party and have fun. She had quite a lot of friends, and the only way she became mean was if someone made her mad, then she was a force to be messed with. When the apocalypse started, she was in a hospital, they had let the first year med students go on a few rounds. Someone had come in with weird symptoms, at the time no one knew about the outbreak, and many of the nurses had already been bitten. As the group passed the bed, the walker broke free from the restraint they had put him in and started to attack the group. Luckily Kenia was able to grab a syringe and stabbed it in the head as he tried to get to her, but she got free with the help of another doctor and the two escaped from the hospital. The two stuck together for a while, getting supplies and weapons, traveling, but after a while, the other doctor was bit by a walker that came up behind him and ended up killing himself so he wouldn't turn.
✘ Personality: Kenia is very sweet and caring, always wanting to help people, but she can also be rough and mean, just depends on the situation and who's involved. She's always thinking things through before she does them, unless she's angry, then she can act on impulse. Kenia has always been really smart, but she doesn't like to brag about it. She may look fragile, but she is far from it, and she is very protective of the people she cares about.
✘ Appearance: Kenia is average height for a girl, standing at 5'7", she has a fraigile frame, but is very fit and is pretty muscular. She had long black hair, but cut it at the start of the apocalypse, since it would be less for the walkers to grab onto. She tries to keep it clean and brushed, but that can be difficult considering the conditions of the world. She has tanned skin, almost that of a latino, but she used to be real pale. She has dark green eyes. Kenia has several tattoos down her arms, all of different things, including feathers and roses. She typically wears jeans and a t-shirt or a crop top with a flannel over it and combat boots, whatever she can find that fits mostly, though she tries to keep her clothes matching. She usually has a gun with her, hidden in the back of her jeans and a knife either on her belt or her boots.

(Looks based on: Moderator removed image due to lack of source. )

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Edited on 27/06/16 @ 03:19:36 by Katze (#20064)

overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2016-03-29 11:19:26
Name: Ferala {My pride queen's name sake}
Nickname: Feral, Owlet, or Fer [pronounced- Fear]
Weapon of choice: Ebony bow and arrows or hunting knives[one in each hand]
Strengths and weaknesses: +Well versed tracker/hunter. +Maternal despite never have had children. +Can be very kind and almost loving once understood. -Can be quick-tempered. -Has some trust issues. -Can become 'territorial' around other women. -Not often fond of large groups.
Appearance: Thin but fit build, Shoulder length whitish blonde hair with slight yellow tint to the tips, blue-green eyes with a starburst pattern near the pupil; tends to wear a mended scout's outfit that has been fitted with hidden pockets and holsters; thick, snakebite proof shin and arm guards[normally under her pants and sleeves]
Her backstory is much like Ricks but her coma was induced due to the shock of having to kill her family after they turned walker and so I will get into it as the Rp goes on.
Personality: Survival minded, but can be flirty if she feels there is time for it. Keen to keep those closest to her alive. Very Family Oriented
Best places to find her: Thick forests; rafters of abandoned barns/large houses; look near water.

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Big Nasty [G2
Clouded 6x Dawn] (#30780)

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Posted on
2016-03-29 12:14:51
[ I'll possibly join in the future as The Walking Dead is my favorite show. The character will most likely be named Arabella Rose- being one of my two main characters. c: ]

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-29 12:18:12
(Depending on everyone else's characters I might make a guy character too or change Kenia to a guy and change his name and stuff but idk yet.)

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-04-11 08:55:59
Hello! I wonder if this is still alive... If so, i would love to join <3

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Dixon [RP] (#48022)

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Posted on
2016-04-11 09:12:22
Legolas, I don't have the forums up yet. This is just the place to post your character. You could also pm me for a 1x1 role-play if interested.

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-04-11 09:54:36
Okie Dokie, thanks. I'll be making my form soon ^.^

P.S: Charlie and Daryl. Ehem. xD

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Dixon [RP] (#48022)

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Posted on
2016-04-11 10:14:53
Yeah I know. I realize this now xD I'm awful at putting characters to usernames. I'm just so use to the characters names.

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-04-14 12:44:26
Hey. Sorry i'm taking so long U.U I finally got some time to finish my form...

Meanwhile, Dixon, i could help you advertise the roleplay. Where are ya, new members 7u7

~ Reserved for form

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