Posted by CP- Character list.

Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-01 13:18:27
This is the Character list for Changing Tides roleplay
Alpha(s): 2/2
-Daphne (F) Page 1
-Rajat (M) Page 1
Beta(s): 0/2
Delta(s): 0/2
Gamma(s): 0/3
Lead warrior: 0/1
Lead Hunter 0/1
Warrior(s): 1/5
-Sigi (M) Page 1
Hunter(s): 0/5
Adolescent(s): 2/*
1- Lead Warrior apprentice 1/2
2- Lead Hunter apprentice 0/2
3- Healer apprentice 0/2
-Belle (F) Page 1
Pup(s): 0/*

Changing Tides Roleplay form

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Edited on 23/04/16 @ 16:24:35 by Hetchi *Romano* (#39590)

Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-01 13:19:11
Alpha Female
Name: Daphne
(Grown for its fragrant flower, all parts of the Daphne are poisonous, but especially the sap and berries. Headaches, delirium, and convulsions are typical signs of poisoning.)
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years (birthday October 30)
Breed: Dire wolf/ Red Fox mix

Appearances: Very small, about a head taller than a fox, but makes up for her size by radiating power. Daphne is a unseal mix of black and luminescent yellow. Her under coat is pure onyx and is only visible along parts of her body. The sun kissed marks that crawl and circle her body start along her muzzle, covering only a small part of its top side along her snout. She has a few paintbrush strokes of color under her eyes. Such intense eyes that glow yellow when her gift is active.


A tattered scarf of geometric shapes lays along her neck. From claw to half way up her legs climbs the same yellow color only obstructed by four gold bands on each leg. A blanket of honeycomb marks sits along he back and ribs surrounded by flower print marks that represent her name and poison attributes. She is an oddity with a split tail that coloring change from onyx to gold at its parting. Tucked under her scarf is a keep sake from her mentor a small vile that will be gifted to her mate to forever keep him safe from the females poison.

Nature: As another year comes and brings with it the fall of winter, Daphne passes just the same. Like mother nature she is a powerful force. Silent and calculating one moment and swift and passionate the next. But just like the change in seasons, Daphne is restless. Never staying in one place or pack for long. Her poison is not the only physical wall she holds between herself and others. Just as her name depicts, Daphne is a Rose with thorns. Protecting her heart is her first priority. She fears being taken advantage of but will not hesitate to do so to others. Males in particular will find themselves falling into her web, left caught up tightly when she flees once more. Daphne prides herself on strong female bonds and sisterhoods and is all open ears for a fae in need. She shows her care for male pack members in only small ways. Healing and the occasional brushoff fur. Nothing to bold unless she is truly ensnaring them. She plays her part well.... to well sometimes

Power: (Active) Daphne takes after her name and is like a poisonous flower and one touch of her claws and fangs hold yellow venom and poison, because of this gift Daphne also smell faintly of inviting flowers. Lesser wolves will be attracted to this scent. Poison makes those infected delirious and unable to digest food If given in large quantities. Smaller quantities can be used for healing practices. A weakness of this gift is time and resources. The use of her poison leaves the substance drained from her body. It takes the pass of half a day to regain it. This also depends on her consumption of deadly plants to speed up the proses.
Likes: Things that jingle, playing in water and poisonous flowers.
Mate: Mated to Rajat by name only and is not very sure if she is with him because it is the safest option or because she is beginning to care more for the brute, despite his playboy ways.
Pup(s): Apollo

Other: Daphne is judgmental and will class you as either a sister, chess pieces or a unknowns

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Edited on 01/04/16 @ 20:22:34 by Hetchi *Romano* (#39590)

Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-01 13:20:03
Name: Sigi
Age: 4 years, 3 months
Gender: Male

Appearance: Sigi looks like the sky before the storm. His pelt is a mixer of greys and blacks He holds himself with less confidence and has a less intimidating appearance than

Personality: While Sigi is shy and unsure of himself, he has a short temper and cant handle being crowded or small spaces. But Sigi is dependent and will cling to his leaders like a lost puppy when he is gone from them for a long period of time. He is able to keep is compositor during a job As soon as he is back with the pack though he turns into a needy brat again. It is not in him to make his own choices but he can fallow orders to a 'T". Leave him with a set list of instructions and he will fallow them and have things running just as you wanted. For all his faults and fears, Sigi is a strong wolf full of potential.

Power (Lightning): Just as wild as the force of nature, this gift is uncontrollable. The aggressive side of Sigi's personality is tide to this gift, striking whenever negative feelings have built up. Flashes of electricity rain down in white hot pulse's and the only thing he can do to spare those around is to leave. In a show of the limited control Sigi has, he will 'flash into whatever area pleases them. But will never be able to hit the small exact place twice. Sigi can also 'see' the pulse's of energy within nerve endings and can cut of the feeling in this part of the body.

Mate/ Pup(s)/ Crush:

Other: Sigi has Dependent Personality disorder (DPD) and can literally not live without another.

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Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-01 13:21:24
Wolf name: Apollo
Gender: Male
Age: pup4 months
Species: 1/3 Dire wolf, 2/3 Timber wolf,
Image/Description: rainbow_wolf_by_stripedpanther-d2xxom2.p
-Manipulative: It may be the influence of those around him in the pack (Rajat, Daphne) but Apollo will grow up learning how to twist others to his will. He is neither black or white when it comes to his reasons and just does so because he can.

-Curious: Like all pups, Apollo just wants to explore his new world, but his want is more of a need to take advantage of everything around him and exploit every opportunity.

-Colorful: Bright and playful Apollo is not a shy pup or a closed of thinker. He likes to be in the front lines so to speak. He is full of passion and life and can't wait to do just about everything.

-Independent: Apollo has a need to branch out from under the watchful eye of his father and mother. He wants to accomplish everything on his own. Not that he wont tag along to watch them work.

-Playful: He's full of life and needs to burn off his energy. But once the sun sets its likes it drains right out of him. He will sleep like a rock in the night and hardly is seen out past sunset.

-Oblivious: While other pups a developing crushes and getting shy around those they like, Apollo just tilts his head and questions why everyone is acting weird. But if he thinks your pretty he'll bring you flowers... even if your a male.

Rank: pup

Power: (Active)
-Reason: The shadows sometimes grave a wolf at birth and claim them for themselves and the light lets them go. Sometimes the light fights back and takes what belongs to them. Apollo just happens to be favored by the light. It reached out and snatched him up before the shadows could.

-Power: Light manipulation is Apollo's ability and it allows him to grasp and call for color and light in the same way a shadow wolf does. He has a limited influence on this and light is just as temperamental as its counterpart fire. But in moments of control, Apollo can use the light as a sort of shield around himself or others.

Other: Needs a Mentor

Picture source

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Edited on 23/04/16 @ 16:20:02 by Hetchi *Romano* (#39590)

Hetchi🦂👑 (#39590)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-01 13:22:18
Name: Belle
Gender: Female
Age: 10 months
Breed: Timber Wolf

Appearance: tumblr_lrlxj6CKLq1qjtn5jo1_500.jpg
Bio: Not the playful out spoken pup her others, Belle stayed pressed to her sergeant mothers side. Sleeping often and not moving. Eating was forgotten in favor of sticking to the entrance of the Nursery. Often she would watch the pack move about their day, taking in what they said and did. Learning more through observation than adventure. The art of acting came easy to her as she pretended to sleep while other pups came back and forth in the middle of the night.
Personality: Belle is calm instead of the usual playfulness of a pup. Observant and a fast learner, not wanting to be treated like a useless pup. Her heated eyes tell of a more intense demeanor that she has yet to grow bold enough to show off. She has not yet learned what fear is and most likely wont ever find it in herself. Has a childish possessive need to mark all that she calls ‘hers’ this is not limited to items…..
Power: In a area with such powerful wolves its inevitable that a pup would be born to help contain the use of powers. Belle is in possession of Negative Touch. The temporary loss of power/gifts come from this little fae’s touch. Her power is weak and can only take away a gift from a wolf in direct contact and it will be returned within a few hours.
-Will always be on
-Can not grasp users with intangible gifts. (Shadows)
-Wont reach a user covered by a force-field

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-04-23 05:07:56
Name: Rajat

Gender: Male

Age: 5 years, 1 month

Species: He is a dog hybrid..but don’t you dare say that to his face...according to him his size comes not from a dog ancestor but from a dire wolf.

Description: Very,Very, Very Big with a very reflective silver pelt and you guessed it….Lavender (purple) eyes. Some would call him beautiful because of his blinding pelt and beautiful eyes...

Personality: At first I meant for Rajat to be completely evil, I soon realized that would not work, with the kind of characters the Rp has Rajat would be soon outnumbered and eventually forced out of his own pack or killed by the other instead Rajat became something I did not expect. Rajat is a very self confident wolf and with good reason. He is extremely charismatic and huge in size yet strangely graceful (though no where near as fast or agile as smaller wolves). He is a very logical wolf and believes only the strong survive...only the strong have the right to survive. He has a horrible temper that he has learned to control though sometimes in manages to break through...he is also sometimes emotionally unstable as a result of the fights the humans put him in against their dogs...sometimes his normally logical and cool exterior will be replaced with actions not thought about, a virtual 360 from his normal personality. The way he cares for his pack can only be described as...different...he does not see them as equals but he cares for them deeply in his own way and wishes to see them to become powerful (as long as they don't threaten his position). Wolves outside of his pack are regarded and will eventually fall into two categories-weak and strong. From their he will find if he can get the strong into his own pack. Usually Rajat will not seek out and destroy weaker wolves...though they should step lightly when around him. The only exception is Rajat's son Calyx who was the only survivor of Rajat's litter despite the fact he was a runt. Rajat has always been mad about this since the other pups had been stronger, bigger and more healthy then Calyx. This dislike for his son also has a background that leads back to why Rajat truly left his former territory and might one day be reveled. The dream Rajat had of his runt of a son snapped something within him and the wolf tried to get rid of his son...who he views as a freak of nature. He soon realized his hasty action and got back in control of his emotions...
Rank: Alpha Male

Power: Mesmerism….

Crush(If you can call it a crush): Every female he sees though technically Daphne is his obsession...he loves the fact her power is poison. Someone might get him to tell them about his history...though she will have to be strong and dangerous.

Other: Not so evil as I thought he would be(Isn't the world weird?)...more just logical to the point of being harsh. A survival of the fittest kind of wolf.

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