Posted by Shifters of the Forest
that lioness you
love (#87735)

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Posted on
2016-04-07 13:48:48
Fifty years ago there was a war between two of the most powerful shifters. Max and Luke, Max was wanting to keep equality between the ranks. Luke was all about power, he wanted all the power to one leader and the rest were dirt. After the war the two sides hated each other. But with new leaders, will the sides change or will another war happen.

1. Be nice
2. Mild cursing is fine
3. Be active
4. No 1x1, give people time to reply.
5. 3+ sentence replies
6. Fade when needed
7. No godmodding
8. No outrageous animals that you shift into
9. Max is 3 characters
10. Put banana tree in other I you have read the rules


The Light Group
The light group is more about equal task and balance, so normally everyone has a job. A scout looks over the border to make sure the dark one have not crossed over. A lead warrior leads all attacks, with the help of the leader. The warriors follow the lad warrior in his/her battle strategies. The messengers send messages to the dark side and to members of light side. (exaples: light leader to dark leader, or light leader to light scout). There are 5 guards who protect the leader whenever she feels threatened. They are normally the strongest and smartest of the warriors. The elders are the ones who give information to the leader, they also provide wisdom. And the kids, well they are kids.

Hannah Brown/ 20 years old/ Golden Tiger/ Homosexual

Scouts (1)~
Linnra Sha'ka (Lin, Linnie)/ 14/ Female/ Tabby Cat/ Unsure

Lead Warrior~
Kesi Sylla/ 19/ Female/ Dhole Canis Alpunis/ Pansexual

Warrior (unlimited)~
Traia Sha'ka/ 20/ Female/ Black Wolf/ Heterosexual

Samantha Greene/ 20/ Female/ Red Fox/ Pan-Romantic (Bi-sexual)

Messenger (2) ~
Bella Lee/ 23/ Female/ Black Quarter Horse/ Bi-sexual

Guards (2) ~
Kadan Mareo/ 21/ Male/ Black Leopard/ Bi-sexual

Elders (50 and older are elders)~

Kids (under 10 only allowing 5 kids )~

Dark group~
Since the dark group is more power oriented, there is one leader and his/her second. They make the rules and figure out who does what. Then there is the rest of the people. The two who hold all power are always very greedy and normally don't like each other. The leader holds more power than his/her second but can be dethroned and banished. If you wish to challenge the leader or second, you must make a public announcement and fight in front of the whole clan/group. Loser is whoever gives up or dies. The community is everyone else, they have no real job or reason. Some may be favorites of the leader for running errands. Then the kids are just kids.

Leader (0)~
Vaclav Silvers/ 20/ male/ African Crowned Eagle/ Heterosexual (Bi-romantic)

Second in command (0)~
Rowan/ 22/ female/ Bengal Tiger/ Bi-sexual

Community (unlimited)~
Caspian Maral-Mueller/ 21/ Male/ Elk/ Homosexual (Pan-romantic)

Bonnie "Bon" Murray/ 25/ Female/ American mink/ Heterosexual (bi-curious)

Orion/ 18/ Female/ No Human Form(only a snow leopard and hawk)/ Bi-romantic (Asexual)

William Scarlet (Will)/ 25/ Male/ Leopon (lion x leopard)/ Heterosexual

Kids ( 10 and under only allowing 5 ) ~
Amelia Blackthorn/ 8/ Female/ Rabbit/ Unknown


Sexual Orientation~
Shift Creature (no mythical creatures)~
Shift Creature Appearance~

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 11/04/16 @ 14:58:31 by that lioness you love (#87735)

BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-04-07 22:47:29
Could I reserve a spot for a guard?

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 00:29:14
Kesi Sylla



Sexual Orientation~

With high cheekbones and her strong jawline, Kesi's features are as sharp as her tongue. Her skin is a light brown, full lips a shade darker and eyes a surprising bright amber-green, highlighted in contrast to her long dark lashes, arched dark brows and her freckles. She keeps her hair natural embracing her natural 'fro. She's no stick either, but not exactly soft. Her work-outs keep her toned, but her large thighs, hips and breasts remain soft. Known to be beautiful and 'sexy', she uses this to her advantage.
Click for Source
Strong and determined, Kesi is willing to do anything to get what she wants; which she usually does. She doesn't seem to have much of a moral compass, and doesn't seem to regret most of her behavior. She can be fiesty and even at times aggressive and possessive; her friends and family mean everything to her, and she can get possessive over them and has a habit of getting snappy when they don't listen to her, though she has their best interests at heart. Affectionate and outgoing, like her shift creature, she regularly engages in pre-hunting rituals; much of the tribe are used to this, though sometimes her affection gets a little too sexual, and backs off once told.

Shift Creature~
Dhole Canis Alpunis

Shift Creature Appearance~
Dhole-6-191220771 Click for Source


Lead Warrior

Banana Tree

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Edited on 20/04/16 @ 12:53:20 by Ohnicio (#86486)

Ashes (#82783)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 02:40:08
Name~ Orion
Age~About 18 in human years

Sexual Orientation~Biromantic Asexual

Moderator removed image due to lack of source.
Orion is a slim but well-built Snow Leopard with silver eyes and sharp teeth. Her fur is thick, tufted, and has beautiful spotting patterns . Her ears are taller then normal, but in an elegant way, and her tail is long and extra fluffy just like the rest of her. She's smaller then average, but packs one hell of a bite.

Orion is a solitary cat, she loves the early mornings and late evenings when there are few about. But, even with her solitary nature she is kind, If not awkward and shy. She'd like to be willing to help her pack mates with anything when asked, but has a hard time approaching other people. She gets nervous around flirtatious animals of either gender and doesn't like being called by pet names like 'dear' or 'honey'. There are days when she is colder and more shut off, but she makes an effort to smile and stay positive. She is wise beyond her years, but loves jumping about and playing, she adores snow and stars. Orion does suffer from insomnia and is always restless. She is very forgetful, and often spaces out.

Shift Creature~
From a young age, Orion always thought she would grow into a human shifting form, which was not the case. She instead gained a hawk shifting form and, after moons of practice, gained complete control over her changes. This allows her to shift all the way into a hawk or half way between Snow leopard and hawk, granting her wings and heightened senses. She does however, still sometimes wish she had gained a human form instead as she often gets made fun of for not having a human form.

Shift Creature Appearance~
Moderator removed image due to lack of source.
A grey, black, and white hawk. Her feathers are always messy and her silver eyes are piercing.
-squawking intensified-
Clan~ Idk, you can decide
Other~ banana tree? ew bananas are gross

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Edited on 15/04/16 @ 07:50:59 by Ashes (#82783)

BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 05:18:20

Kadan Mareo


Twenty One

Sexual Orientation~


Kadan is a muscular yet slender male with quite the amount of muscle. He is tall, standing around 6 feet and 1 inches in height. He has dark brown almost black bangs with only a hint of a normal brown at the roots that hangs in his left eye and is messy, while the rest of his dark brown hair is normally long and all over the place. His eyes are defaulted to look intimidating yet as if he is always focused and sometimes you will spot a small mischievous glimmer to shine in them at times. They are a light piercing sea foam green with spots of light turquoise and silver. His skin is pale though it has a sort of tanned tone to it, small scraps and scars litter his rough yet smooth skin from various fights and things, one very noticeable scar lies on left side of his top and bottom lip due to them getting cut in a fight. He also has a few good long scars on his chest and right shoulder. He has a deep voice with a light and seductive tone to it.
His body shape is evenly proportioned to his height, he has a sort of wide chest and his waist is slender. But due to his usual amounts of training and sparring, he has gained a good amount of muscle to help fill himself out over the years. His usually favored weaponry while in his human appearance are different types of duel wielding, usually you find two swords strapped onto his back or two medium and curved daggers. Source

+ Charismatic, it depends on how you would describe what he calls "charismatic".
+ Caring, he doesn't always show that he cares, he has many personalities and will rarely show any type of positive emotions unless he is comfortable with who is around him. He feels very vulnerable when he does show any type of positive emotion.
+ Intelligent/Strategic, He has high intelligence in various amounts of combat due to being a slight adrenaline junky and is very strategic with his attacks.
+ Very agile and coordinated with his movements, In human appearance he uses a lot of gymnastic based like attacks and defense.
+ Observant, he likes to be silent most of time only speaking if he has something on his mind, other than that he has the habit of observing others; calculating and figuring them out as he goes.
+ Mischievous, He is quite the sly creature and will cause any type of mischief if you allow him to get his "hands" dirty.
+ Determined, He can be very determined once he sets his mind to something he will get the job done in anyway of shape or form.
+ Loyal, he is loyal to anyone who shows that they can be trusted and shows him that they are worthy of earning his loyalty and trust back.
+ Persuasive
+ Sometimes caring and merciful, it is not very often that he shows his merciful and caring side but he does have his morals and will go by them if he feels that you are worthy of his mercy and care.
- Overly-confident, He wouldn't be classified as arrogant but he can be a little overly confident in himself sometimes.
- Rebellious at times, though he still stays loyal even if he has a slip up here and there.
- Malicious, He can become quite malicious when he fights or kills.
- Sadistic and dark sense of humor.
- He is known to be flirtious but he doesn't flaunt it around all the time, he usually acts flirtious in a joking manner rather than showing his interest.
- Possessive, he can become possessive of his things or others close to him, take his things you haven't asked to borrow first and he will get really aggressive.
- Sarcastic
- Sassy
- Manipulative, he can be very manipulative and persuasive with his words a sliver tongue if you will, it can be both a weakness and a strength depending on how you look at it.

Shift Creature (no mythical creatures)~
Black Panther

Shift Creature Appearance~
Kadan's animal appearance is a large, muscular yet slender Black Panther, with rich light hazel eyes with spots of gold in them. He has a long tail with thick black fur, enabled to help him balance easily in trees and other obstacles. He has massive and powerful paws equipped with large hooked claws, though his paws also have flexible toes in order to be able to grab onto trunks of trees and climb. His paws are also able to deliver powerful swipes that can easily knock down certain animals with a good enough hit. Large and muscular back legs make up for his lack of high stamina, giving him enough power to do large bursts of speed and to do long jumps. His front legs allow him to be able to grab onto trees and other structures. Kadan is also equipped with large teeth and a powerful set of jaws, allowing him to latch on and give really painful blows if he strikes correctly. Even though his body is muscular and tall he is also very agile and stealthy, his coat giving him a wonderful advantage of camouflage during the night. His body my not seem like it but it can be very flexible allowing him to stretch out while he pounces to gain more area. Though his hearing and stamina aren't the best in the world so he relies mostly on sight and smell when at night. Source



Other~ Banana Tree

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that lioness you
love (#87735)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 07:38:34
All accepted except for @Ashes. I will message you.

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that lioness you
love (#87735)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 08:38:55
@Ashes accepted and I think the dark will fit her better because of how "hurt" she is

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that lioness you
love (#87735)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 09:20:47
Update. two more members and we will start, one dark and one light or both dark. I will make the rp link once that happens

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that lioness you
love (#87735)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 11:38:22

the rp thread is up

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Echo (#88016)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-08 12:05:17
Name~ Amelia Blackthorn
Gender~ Female
Age~ 8 years old
Sexual Orientation~ Unsure
Amelia is a short, blond-haired girl with green eyes. She isn't skinny nor is she overweight. Everything about her is pretty much as average as it can be for a 8-year-old.
Personality~ Amelia is a well-behaved kid who's very curious about almost everything. She's not the smartest of kids but she knows when to be respectful and serious. She can also be easily influenced but tries to act like she knows what other people are talking about when, in reality, she might not have the slightest clue. Not only is Amelia quite naïve, she can be shy at times but mainly in front of people she doesn't know as well. She likes talking and annoying others, but she knows when to stop.
Shift Creature (no mythical creatures)~ Rabbit
Shift Creature Appearance~ hare-1230209_960_720.jpg
Clan~ Dark
Rank~ Kid
Other~ Banana Tree

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Edited on 08/04/16 @ 19:06:25 by Ignis (#88016)

that lioness you
love (#87735)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 12:50:20
Accepted. You may go rp

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 15:22:50
Here's my form if there is still some availiable:

Name~ Samantha Greene ~~ Though she prefers Sam
Gender~ Female
Age~ 20
Sexual Orientation~ Pan-romantical -- Bisexual
Appearance~ She has an orange ombre-ish hair that goes a little below her shoulders, and pale skin. With bright, intimidating, and blue eyes. Sam has a few scars here and there but nothing really 'big'. She is also quite skinny for her age. (~might add more to this~)
Personality~ Positive:
+ Caring ~ Though she may not act like it, she cares for her family and friends.
+ Quick-Witted ~ Sam can be smart but ignorant. Yet again, everybody is ignorant in a few things.
+ Quiet ~ Sam is very, very quiet. And that can be a good thing sometimes. She knows how to keep her mouth shut but when approach with a idiotic question, or comment, a sarcastic comment will be floating in the air back to her.
+ Loyal ~ A lot of times, people seem Sam may be deceiving but she is loyal.
+ Enthusiastic ~ If she likes an idea or someone is unsure of something, she'll be a mouse and squeak up her opinions.
- Quiet ~ When spoken to, she doesn't reply that much.
-Not-Flirtatious ~ Some say this is a problem but to Sam, it's not. If someone does compliment her, she either blushes or just stutters.
- Thinks bad of herself ~ If she wins a fight, or something, Sam usually says that she probably won't win next time.
- Being Sarcastic
- Cannot sell ice to an Eskimo (~A metaphor: means she is not persuasive))
Shift Creature (no mythical creatures)~ Her shift creature is a red fox. All her fur is red but her chest, back of ears, legs, and half of her tail. Sam has black on the back of her ears, legs, and 1/4 pf her tail. White covers her chest and the half of her tail. So the tail looks like: 1/2=Red, Then 1/4 White, then 1/4 Black.
Shift Creature Appearance~ Image. Does this count for the source as well?
Clan~ Light
Rank~ Warrior
Other~ Sam likes to plant banana trees (JK, not XD))

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Edited on 16/04/16 @ 10:13:01 by BritishAce{Bday~4/19] (#78363)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-04-08 19:42:00
I switched Bon to the dark side, they had cookies c:, so that it's more even. I'll update her personality accordingly and finish Caspian's.

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that lioness you
love (#87735)

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Posted on
2016-04-08 22:16:47
Okay changes made and @British accepted you can go rp

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 00:01:12
I'll Post in the RP soon, right now I'm working at the moment.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-04-09 02:59:07
Thank you!

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