Posted by -LOCKED - Suggestion: Queen Status

Alex [CLEAN] (#12117)

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Posted on
2016-04-13 15:21:00
We have submales, we have broodmothers, and I think it would be a nice addition to (somehow) add a feature for queen(s). With a pride full of female lionesses, it would make sense that one (or possibly two) take the "alpha" rank of the females, and I personally would like it to be an actual feature rather than just a footnote on a lioness' profile.

My suggestions (I'm not sure if all would work with the site's coding or not, but these are just ideas).

1. Queens would work similar to broodmothers, in that you can assign it to a lioness and it would appear on the pride page. However I'm thinking whereas you can only have one broodmother for every 10 lionesses, queens should maybe be one queen for every 20 lionesses (or can even be just one per pride).

2. Queens do not get affected by the king's personality. If your king is evil and your queen is good, it would still have no affect; basically would treat her as a neutral personality.

3. Unlike broodmothers, queens can still hunt, and they gain double exp for each successful hunt (maybe double stats too).

4. I'm not sure about this one... But maybe queens also go into heat again faster? Doesn't have to be a substantial amount of time (like only 15 days), but it's still quicker than all the other lionesses because your queen really, really wants to have more of your king's cubs ;)

So that's my suggestion. Comments? More ideas? Again I'm not sure if this would be difficult to implement, or even what features the queen(s) would actually have, but I do think it could be a nice feature!

EDIT: Thinking about it, there should also be a way to prevent people from changing their lionesses to queen just for the benefits. Either make it permanent (unless said lioness is gone/dead), or maybe can only choose a queen/demote a queen once a day (so if day one you choose a queen you can't demote her the same day, and if you demote her the next day you can't promote a new one until the day after).

EDIT 2: If you guys think the stat raising and earlier breedings would be too unfair, it could be something else? For example Lioden used to not have the cub survival meter, but now it does and the broodmothers help with that ... introduction of queens could even bring in something new to the game.

Suggestion by (#82377):
I like the idea to choose a queen, but double stats or faster heat is a bit too much. But maybe queen's cubs could have a small stat boost, like, 10-15% more? I don't think it would harm anything. Besides, i agree that queen can be chosen once and maybe not available to trade/chase. So the only way to get rid of her would be either wait for her to die or pay a gb retirement fee.

This suggestion has 119 supports and 22 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/04/16 @ 06:52:35 by Alex (#12117)

Posted on
2023-11-06 09:14:35
Hi there!

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