Posted by Paws on the street Rp

Sirius (#87777)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 13:39:43
"The Pack"
Boss: Tony~Chihuahua
Underboss: Available
Advisors: 1 positions Available
Kiya~Belgian Malinois
Capo: 3 positions Available
Soldiers: Unlimited spots
Kallik~ American pitbull Terrier
Razor~Mackenzie Valley Wolf x German Shepherd Dog
Spies: 3 positions Available
Associates: Unlimited spots

"West end Prowlers"
Boss: Richie~ Tibetan Mastiff
Underboss: Available
Advisors: 2 positions Available
Capo: 3 positions Available
Soldiers: Unlimited spots
Spies: 2 positions Available
Sydnus~Longhaired Whippet
Associates: Unlimited spots

Character Sheets

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Edited on 27/04/16 @ 22:36:44 by Sirius (#87777)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 14:01:47

Kallik was sitting on the hard ground, looking at the skies, the clouds, the birds. Don't you think that clouds look like sheep? You can rip them into shreds and rip their flesh of their limp bodies. Her mouth watered, the taste of blood, mmmmm! She pushed that thought away, blood kinda taste like metal. She could smell cats, didn't she teach that cat a lesson by ripping a piece of his ear off!? Boy, that tom should get his loud butt out of here. "Hey boss, I smell cat," she howled to the little chihuahua, Tony. A little tiny dog could make a great boss, who knew?

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Sirius (#87777)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 15:25:05

Padding up to Kallik's side, Tony tilted his head back an gazed up at the sky. Dreamily he replied "you waitn' for a kiss on the cheek or what?" With his head still thrown back to the sky, the tiny dog continued in the same almost detached tone. "Just make sure stays quiet, don't want it gettin' away and squealing to the Prowlers". "I'd give it a run for it's money but I've got work to do, and watch the border, wouldn't want to lose another one of you" Tony replied casting Kallik an amused look. Stalking off, Tony threw a glance back and said "also keep an eye out for any trespassers, you know what to do if ya see one."

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Edited on 27/04/16 @ 22:28:26 by Sirius (#87777)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 16:37:16

Syndus | Male | 2 Years Old | Longhaired Whippet | West End Prowlers Spy
Mentions: None [Open]

"We need better protection!" The ginger tom hissed, voice rising in volume as he continued on. "They've chased all of the cats out of their territory, or else killed them. We can't remain within the Pack's borders any longer under these conditions. Something needs to be done if you want us to continue spying for your lot. I won't risk anymore lives!"

Syndus frowned grimly as he stared down at Blaze, leader of the local cat colony the West End Prowlers had managed to employ as an extra set of eyes and ears across the border. Syndus himself had been a big part of convincing the felines they needed to join forces and guilt washed over him as Blaze glared up at him accusingly. "I understand," he finally responded, forcing an even tone that wouldn't give away his inner emotions. "Take care of your own. I'll contact you if anything changes." The cat gave a haughty snort as if he didn't believe him before scurrying over the fence that blocked the alley they had met in and disappeared from sight. Syndus sighed before darting out of the alley, not wanting to be caught there alone so close to Tony's territory. As far as the Pack knew he was just another stray, but no dog could be too careful.


Razor | Male | 5 Years Old | Mackenzie Valley Wolf x German Shepherd Dog | Pack Soldier
Mentions: Tony, Kallik

Razor rested on the cold concrete a few paces away from where Kallik sat staring at the sky, soon after muttering something about a cat. His ears twitched briefly, but he made no comment and only lifted his head when Tony started trotting off on his own. Dutifully rising to his paws, the wolfdog trailed after the smaller male at a respectable distance, but close enough to intervene if any canine tried something funny. He hadn't been verbally invited along, but it didn't seem wise for any leader to wander the streets alone regardless of how big or small they were. "Alpha," he called softly, voice rough from lack of use. "May I accompany you?"


Kiya | Female | 4 Years Old | Belgian Malinois | Pack Advisor
Mentions: None [Open]

Kiya prowled along the border, nose close to the ground as West End Prowler scent became especially prominent. "They've been here recently," she grunted to herself, outraged to find someone had been bold enough to step on their side of the street briefly. The scent of dead rat lingering in the air seemed to suggest they had chased prey over and Kiya bared her teeth at the thought of it. If she ever caught one of those mongrels on this side of the border she would shred them.


Aria | Female | 3 Years Old | Beauceron | Neutral Associate
Mentions: None [Open]

A loud clang echoed through the alley as a trash can unceremoniously dumped its contents all over the ground. Aria was quick to snatch up any edible scraps, brown eyes glancing toward the alleyway entrance every now and then to make certain no dog was trying to sneak up on her or steal her meal. It had been a full two days since she'd eaten last and desperation drove the Beaceron to feasting on garbage, something she had been too proud to do up until now. Her dignity stung, but a belly full of trash was better than an achingly empty one.

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Edited on 27/04/16 @ 23:39:10 by Saber (#33076)

Cosmic (#40407)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-04-27 17:11:08
Richie|West End Prowlers Boss|Mentions: n/a

At the back of a long Alleyway, and around a corner that halted at a dead end, there was an old leather couch. It had seen much, much better days, with its ripped cushions, torn armrests, and stained leather. Any human would find it repulsive, but to a dog it was a lovely, nearly irresistible place to kick back, and it was Richie's throne, of which his massive form currently occupied.
To be caught on Richie's couch without his express permission, was to warrant a thrashing, he was that possessive over it.
Opening his box shaped maw in a large yawn, the thickly furred male sank back into the leather couch, staring absently at one of the brick walls, his mind wandering.

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Edited on 28/04/16 @ 18:18:37 by ~Tanuki~ (#40407)

Sirius (#87777)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 04:08:58
Tony, mentions: Razor

Without turning to look at the wolfdog,Tony responded with an "Of course" the Chihuahua had gotten used to a solider or too following his every movement, those mangy Prowlers could send an attack at any moment. "There's a war comin' can you feel it?" Tony muttered almost to himself more that to Razor. The chihuahua trotted alone, eyes always wandering, checking every nook and cranny for a dog out of place. "Richie, needs to be taken care of" he said after a long pause. "That leather throne of his needs to be taken down" Tony's hackles rose slightly as he continued "he sits above them like a king, not among them like a family..." his thought was suddenly cut off as the scent of fresh blood washed over the two dogs.

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Cosmic (#40407)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-04-28 05:35:27
Richie|West End Prowlers Boss|Mentions: n/a

After brooding for quite some time on his couch Richie eventually slid down to the ground, and strode slowly to the entrance of his alleyway, pausing there to lift his nose to the wind, reading the scents the breeze brought to him. 'Hmm, that little bite sized fluff ball has been quiet for to long, what's he up to' he mused, his broad pink tongue sliding out to swipe once around his jowls, and his dark, droopy eyes lifting briefly skyward.
Where were his spies when he wanted them? A report on The Pack's movements was due. "Useless felines" he muttered under his breath.
He didn't much care for the arrangement struck with Blaze, as it went against his instinct to work with cats, but his advisors, and Syndus, had insisted that it was a good idea, and so he'd agreed. Even with all his grumbling, the cats made useful allies.
His thoughts were interrupted however, as the familiar racket of a metal can hitting hard concreate reached his flopped over ears, and he turned his gaze toward an alleyway located only a few blocks down, his black nose twitching in suspicion.

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Edited on 28/04/16 @ 18:23:34 by ~Tanuki~ (#40407)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 05:49:46

Razor | Male | 5 Years Old | Mackenzie Valley Wolf x German Shepherd Dog | Pack Soldier
Mentions: Tony

A shudder ran down the wolfdog's spine at the mention of war, but he offered no reply. Part of him still didn't quite understand the need for any of this. Why serve as rivals when life was hard enough on the streets? He kept such thoughts to himself however, certain they would be unappreciated among his packmates. "Should we plan an attack?" Razor asked softly, assuming that was what Tony was getting at. He couldn't say much else before the scent of blood wafted over the pair. Hackles rising, he moved to stand close behind his Chihuahua leader in case whoever had caused the bloodshed decided to make an appearance.


Aria | Female | 3 Years Old | Beauceron | Neutral Associate
Mentions: Richie

After she had finished consuming anything worth eating Aria stared down at the mess at her paws and wondered briefly if she should try cleaning it up. After some thought she concluded it was the humans problem and moved to the alleyway entrance, poking her head around the corner to make sure she was still alone before venturing out onto the street. Her gaze swept the area before landing on the alley she knew the West End Prowler leader Richie tended to hang out. She couldn't see him from her position and wondered briefly if he was down there right now. The thought of the large Mastiff coming to investigate the racket she had created was not a pleasant one and she quickly hurried on down the sidewalk.

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Edited on 28/04/16 @ 12:51:18 by Saber (#33076)

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 07:34:12
|Cypree|Male| 3 years, 4 months|Borzoi x Golden Retriever|Pack Capo| Mentions: None [Open]|

Nails clicked delicately over concrete, causing a soft resounding tapping noise, the only noise on this particular street as all the cars sat unused and humans stayed inside. The thin male swung his tail lightly, a bounce in his gait as he moved keenly towards the alleyway commonly used as a home for the Pack. A dove hung limply in his jaws, it's frightened cooing adding to the noise factor. It was a wonder as too why the golden borzoi hadn't killed the bird, but he figured he would leave it alive till he reached the alleyway so it was still warm when he either ate it over gave it too Tony as a meal. The sight of a cat almost made him drop the bird as it darted away, every bone in his body screaming at him to chase after the fleeing animal. Reeling it it, he gave a harsh bite to the dove to kill it as he entered the home of the Pack.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 10:02:14

Kallik watched the chihuahua go, she stood up, and looked around the alley for any cats, or dogs, nearby. She could smell them anyway, the breeze is pushing towards her, she scratched her floppy pitbull ears and shook her head. "These cats need to get goin' or I'll snap their necks. Useless pieces of fluff and no muscle." She muttered to herself, sniffing the air. "That cat must be Richie." She thought, outloud. The scent grew stronger, she decided to walk out of the alley, checking if anyone was coming. "Ugh!" She growled, cats smell HORRIBLE! She would rather smell the blood from them other then their stench. She wrinkled her nose, how can she even take that horrible smell out of her nose!!!? And, did she smell blood? She could smell it. Is someone hunting? She would rather kill both the animals and eat both of them. Her belly rumbled. She stood in the front of the alley, watching cars dart pass.

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Edited on 28/04/16 @ 17:02:32 by Adaeze (#83026)

Cosmic (#40407)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-04-28 12:43:21
Richie|West End Prowlers Boss|Mentions: Aria

His attention riveted on the alleyway where the noise had originated from, Richie waited with building expectation, for the culprit to expose itself. It could just be a human, rarely some really smelly ones could be caught rooting around through trash cans, but he didn't think that was likely.
Tipping his head to the side, the mastiff continued to wait, getting a bit impatient really, and his patience was finally rewarded.
Squinting his dark eyes as a slender, Harlequin face, peered out of the alleyway, he watched as wary brown orbs darted briefly in his direction, making him tense, but they did not seem to catch sight of him, for they turned away and hurried off in the opposite direction.
Well...this simply wouldn't do.
He couldn't just let strays prance around on his turf, eating his pack's food, and peeing on his trees, whenever they felt bold enough to do so. What kind of boss dog would that make him?
Feeling his blood ignite at the prospect of a good chase, Richie left his alleyway with a large bound, and set upon the thief's trail, slowly gaining momentum with every step until his large furry form was barreling down the sidewalk in pursuit. A heavy woofing bark resounding deep in his chest.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-04-28 13:13:15

Aria | Female | 3 Years Old | Beauceron | Neutral Associate
Mentions: Richie

The sound of rushing pawsteps filled her ears and Aria didn't even stop to glance back at her pursuer before picking up the pace, little more than a blue-gray and tan blur racing down the street. Richie's heavy footsteps and booming bark were already clue enough as to who was chasing her. Despite making an attempt at fleeing the scene she was strangely calm. The icy grip of fear hadn't yet taken hold of her and for some reason she found running from the intimidating leader more exhilarating than terrifying as it should have been. The Beauceron made a flying leap as she darted down a narrow alley, scaling the dead end wall easily before touching down on the other side. The landing sent a painful jolt up her legs, but she continued on, hoping the move might have thrown the Mastiff off or at least slowed him down a bit.

She finally dared to gaze over her shoulder to see if Richie had followed her, which would ultimately be her downfall as she hurtled face-first into a tall fence barring her path, the steely mesh bouncing her back a few inches. Aria cursed under her breath before quickly scanning the area for a new escape route and finding there was a space clawed into the ground at the fence's far end. She doubted she would make it though in time and came to accept she would have to face the formidable dog if he chose to follow her. She would rather present a strong front than be caught with her front on the other side of the fence while trying to squeeze her rump through the small hole or even worse get stuck when Richie made his appearance.

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-04-28 17:54:07
Frankie | Male | 3 Years Old |Doberman Pinscher | Pack Capo
Mentions: Aria

The thunderous barking had woken Frankie from a restless sleep. He knew that sound, the last thing many of his family had heard before meeting a brutal end. It set his hackles raising and his heart racing. He bounded down the alley from the box he'd been sleeping in towards the sound, his paws thudding gently against the concrete below. Through the twisting maze of back alleys and streets, each one a mosaic of dark shadows and blinding light cast by streetlamps. Sniffing the air, Frankie's nose caught a scent. Not Pack, but not Prowler either. Some poor stray caught between their borders. A few more turns brought him to a high fence, black and red dog girl caught between it and the incoming monster that was Richie. "Ey, Trix! Over 'ere!" He called, biting the edge of the fence and using his strength to bend and lift it, just enough to let the dog through. He sure hoped she wasn't deaf or he'd be dealing with an angry mastiff's claw in his eye.

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-04-29 12:57:03
{{Could someone mention my character...? That's the only way I can jump into an RP.}}

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Anarch ★ (#43404)

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Posted on
2016-04-29 14:03:17
Ido | Female | 3 years. | Saluki | West End Associate
Mentions; Kiya

The Saluki's expression twists into a look of disgust as she leans down to sniff the pavement beneath her paws. "This place reeks of Tony's pack and his pawns." She mutters under her breath, chocolate eyes glaring around at the neighbouring buildings. Her wispy ears fall down into her face as the noise of a passing car makes her jump. She needed to calm down, no one would find her- and if they did she could always come up with an excuse and escape.

She glances around, sticking close to the walls as she walks. The dull sound of her claws clicking on the pavement below her echoed through the empty alley ways. All she needed to do was get through this area and she was home free.. As she nears the border between The Pack and the West End Prowlers she quickens her pace, breaking out into a sprint. The sight of the Belgian Malinois standing at the border causes her to skid to a stop, careening into a wall. Her heart pounds in her ears and she clambers to her feet, jumping back around the corner of the building. Crap- I had to've been seen.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-04-29 16:36:34

Kallik ears stood straight. Who's here now?! She smelled a dog, really close , no, too close. Kallik growled. Didn't those dogs know what they are getting themselves in?! "Oi!" She barked, running to where the scent was stronger. "You better not be around here I WILL rip you to SHREDS!" She barked aggressively. She backed up as car passed. The stupid human decided to throw a cup of some sticky water on her. "Get goin' mutt!" He called. Why not give this guy a lesson? Kallik ran towards the car, snarling and barking furiously. The car sped up, spraying nast gray smoke in her face. She coughed, covering her nose. "Better run!" She barked. Can cars run? Meh, who cares?! At least she chased it away. The smoke covered the dogs scent. "ERRR, STUPID CAR!!" Kallik growled with frustration. She trotted to the front of the alley.

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