Posted by Feline Migration (Roleplay Thread)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-05-05 09:13:04
So, the group right now is in a desert. Won't give which desert because well, they wouldn't know.
This is the desert they are in at the moment
Remember the rules, and have fun!

(And sorry if my posts are a little short. Haven't roleplayed for a while.)

Shere Khan || Male || Siberian Tiger || 6 years 9 months || Open for Interaction ||

The hefty tiger slowly opened one eye once he saw that the sun was slowly beginning to creep over the horizon, the sky slightly illuminating with light. He let out a long grunt as he lifted his bulky body, stretching his forepaws out in front of him. His muscles were just barely visible under all the fat and fluff on his frame. The group had made its way to the desert, with nothing but cactuses, rocks, and the burning ground. The cats with the heavier coats would have a hard time with this place, Shere Khan being one of them. His coat was necessarily heavy, he just had a lot of fluff on him. He'd also have a hard time lugging all his weight around, especially in the deep sand.

He shook out his coat, and looked over the rest of the group that was still sleeping, or some that were just awakening. He'd wait for them before beginning to march out. He would be at the front. He'd always be at the front, no matter what. He let out another long grunt as he sat back down again, joints popping. He looked over the direction they would be going, blinking slowly.


Remedy || Female || 2 years 11 months || Ocelot || Open for Interaction ||

The small feline opened her maw and yawned silently once the feeling of morning came upon her. She rose up and stretched out most of her body, feeling very much satisfied with how she felt. She sat on the rock that she slept on all night. To her relief, it was a lot cooler than when she first laid down on it last night. She curled her tail around her paws and began to groom her shoulders.

Licking her lips, she jumped down off the rock and onto the ground. It was slightly less hot than it usually would be since it was still dark out. But as the day progressed, it would get a lot hotter. She began to jump on each and every member of the group, not giving a second glance to any of them. She got to the other side of the group and sat down, wondering if any of them would come after her. Now that would be interesting.

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Edited on 05/05/16 @ 23:33:31 by CapeSoul (#68250)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-05 09:39:05

Makali|Female|3 years|Jaguar/Panther|
--Mentions: Remedy

The ebony pelted cat woke as the sun crept over the horizon, blinking her pale green eyes open and letting out a huge yawn. This desert was the worst, her black pelt soaked up the heat and made her sweat, but there was no water to replace the fluid she lost. Night wasn't much better, it was freezing then. Dawn and dusk were her favourite times, she could hunt then without much trouble. It didn't take her long to get to her paws and shake the dust from her pelt. "Don't think about jumping on me little ocelot, this heat has gotten me in a foul mood" she warned, giving a look to also ward off the smaller cat.

Lifting her front right paws from the earth she looked at it, it was as cracked as the ground upon which it walked. Bringing her salmon coloured tongue out she began to lick it, removing some of the blood that was dried on it. If the blood was her own or the small creature she caught the day before she didn't know. "I'm off to hunt, these small creature don't fill my belly and it's too hot during the day for me to try and hunt" she spoke to no-one in particular. All she wanted was for someone to hear, so they knew where she had gone to. The occasional bits of water they came across kept her going, that and her prey.

Katja|Female|2 years|Indochinese tiger
--Mentions: Remedy, Makali and Shere Khan

The tigress was awoken as she felt small paws upon her side, making her jump a little in surprise. Seeing it was just Remedy she chuckled, watching the small spotted cat make her way across the group. Getting to her paws she began to follow the small cat, bounding over the other felines that lay in her path. Coming to the melanistic jaguar she skidded to a halt, the cat was on her paws and had a foul temper. "Sorry" she muttered sheepishly, before skidding round her and continuing her game of chase. The heat didn't bother her too much, but the lack of water left something to be desired. Back in her home she'd been able to go swimming in the lake nearby every day, she could still imagine the feeling of the water upon her pelt. The memories had her distracted as she continued to run.

Coming back into the world of the living as she crashed with the large male tiger she swiftly backed up. "Sorry! I'm sorry! I'll watch where I'm going in future" if it had been possible she would've been bright red in the face. Her ears lowered, showing she was truly sorry for the collision she had caused. Her eyes flicked to Remedy again, it was clear she just wanted to enjoy herself. Taking off once more she made it to the other side of the group of cats, looking down at Remedy. "Sorry!" she called back to Shere Khan once more. "That was a lovely chase, thanks" she purred to the Ocelot, sitting beside her.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-05 10:14:05

Loki | Male | 4 years, 2 months | Jaguar
Location: Desert; Temporary Camp; With Group | Mentions: Remedy, Group in General

As morning came, the bright sun rose slowly, very slowly. Lying in the warm sand was a massive pitch black jaguar, his head laying on his sandy paws and, due to a breeze all throughout the night, the sand had managed to cover his back-paws, legs, and some sand on his back too, though not nearly as much as was on his paws. Slowly waking up, Loki was still drowsy and a bit grumpy to and it didn't help when his little friend, Remedy, jumped on his back, causing the already grumpy jaguar to hiss. His head had been slowly raising up when the ocelot jumped on his back and her doing so had caused Loki's head to go down, muzzle colliding with the sand. With a quiet snarl, the black feline stood up, tensing his muscles, which got most of the tiredness out of his bones. Looking towards the sun, he let out a huff. It was hot enough, but he knew it would get even hotter once daytime arrived. This was mostly tragic for Loki, and any other black felines, as the hot rays seemed to be attracted to his black fur

Loki shook his body, the sand particles flying, before he extended his forepaws in a stretch, his rump going slightly in the air as he did so. After doing so, his intimidating eyes searched for Remedy, the only feline he was close to as he had known the small cat for a long time, the two practically best friends. In his search, he not only saw the ocelot, but he also saw a familiar tiger; Shere Khan. Ooh, he disliked that cocky cat. Always needing to be the leader, always needing to be strongest and the best at everything. In Loki's mind, the male wasn't. With a sigh, the sweaty and muscular jaguar began trudging towards Remedy, tail swaying back and forth behind him. "Do you always need to wake cats up?" he asked, a half serious and half teasing tone in his masculine voice as he slightly nudged her with his muscular shoulder, eyes narrowed- though there was a hint of amusement in them, though he definitely didn't show any emotion towards the small tiger, who he wasn't speaking to. Most would think he'd kill her, since she had woke him up- as he was known to be a aggressive brute- but Remedy was special. If it was any other cat, they'd probably get a scratch for disrupting his sleep.

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Saber.Driift (#61198)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-05-05 10:52:33
Xemas woke to the sun blinding in his eyes. He got up, shifting to be in the shade, he was about to curl back up and go to sleep but then he remembered that they had to get moving. He stepped out of the crevice in the rock, walking silently over and sitting down beside where Remedy and Loki were. He began to tentatively groom his paws, his pads cracked and dry from walking.

(sorry its so so short, im having a hard time really getting into it full swing at first)

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-05 11:15:55
Chenoa | female | 1 year 10 months | location: with group, desert | mentions Remedy

Chenoa woke up from her dream as she felt someone's paws stepping on her back. She parted her jaws in a huge yawn and looked over to Remedy. She stretched her front legs. It was still dark out, but it wasn't hot. She glared at Remedy. She licked her paw and threw it over her ears. "Can't you just go around us? Are you blind?" She hissed as she yawned again. She hated being woke up, and by being stepped on.

Sorry that it's short.

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85forthewin (#87266)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-05-05 12:26:55
Shadi Female

Shadi felt two small paws poke her side, waking her from her slumber. The sandy colored cat opened up her bleary eyes. Shaking her head, she stood up and stretched her front legs."Did you really have to do that" she asked the small spotted cat. After receiving a small shrug, she walked off. 'Man, I could really go for a drink of water right now' she wearily thought. She wasn't used to this kind of weather, back home it wasn't this hot. Even if it did get humid out she could always go swimming in a river or find some shade in the trees. Out here there was nothing but cacti, sand, and more sand. 'Was this all worth it?' shadi questioned herself. She looked over at the group of cats, softly padding over the Shere Khan she asked "What's the plan for today?".

Khari male

"Ah!" yelped Khari, waking up with a jolt as he felt four small paws land on his side. Looking around he saw Remedy laughing at him. Sighing, he stood up "Come on now, I like to get my beauty sleep", he jokingly said. Shaking all the sand from his pelt, he yawned, showing off his large canines. Khari was very grateful he was used to this sort of weather. A lot of the other big cats had thick, fluffy coats or were used to being able to cool off in water or shade. His short fur allowed him not to get too overheated. He glanced over towards the group and saw Shadi talking to Shere Khan. ' Why would she want to talk to him?', he shuddered at the very thought of it. Yeah, he would rather stick to talking with the smaller, friendlier cats. Suddenly the faint gnawing of hunger hit him. "Hey everybody, I'm going to go hunting" he announced to the group before turning and trotting off in search of prey.

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Edited on 05/05/16 @ 20:22:16 by 85forthewin (#87266)

Raven (#60460)

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Posted on
2016-05-05 13:55:22
Vidar/ Male/ 5 yrs/ desert with group/ Mentions: Remedy, Loki
As the warmth of the sun slowly made its way across the sandy desolation, Vidar slowly began to wake. The large lion lay tucked in a ball as peacefully as possible on the sandy ground, the desert for him hadn't been as unbearable as it had been for the cats with thicker coats. His short golden coat was his saving grace, but his thick mane was steadily becoming a hassle. His ears twitched in annoyance as he tried unsuccessfully to keep the constant onslaught of sand out. His eyes blinked open, and he let out a loud yawn. The rumble in his stomach didn't help his already grumpy mood, to add insult to injury he felt like he had swallowed the entire desert. He smacked his lips, and contemplated getting up to find something to eat. But as he experienced the desert held mostly small animals, he dropped his great head back on his paws and began to doze off.
Though moments later he was startled awake by something landing on his back. He leaped to his paws to his paws and made a sound somewhere between roar and a growl. The fleeting backside of Remedy seemed to taunt him. Now fully awake he walked stiffly towards Remedy and Loki, with his mane fully puffed up and a firm scowl planted on his face. His anger was about to come spilling out when his common sense kicked in. It was a waste of energy to get upset, he let out a defeated sigh and sat down. Sending a small cloud of sand billowing into the air. With a small yawn he said to Loki, " We should leave soon, it would be better to travel while the sun is still rising." "Besides," he said with a slight chuckle and looking at Remedy, " someone has already gone through the trouble of waking everyone up."

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Edited on 06/05/16 @ 04:41:13 by Raven (#60460)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-05-05 14:30:16
Nokk | Male? | 5 years | Jagpard
Location: Desert; Temporary Camp; With Group | Mentions: group general

The rising sun had already set Nokken sweating. He hated the heat, he hated dragging his big dumb coat and his long dumb tail through the sand. Most of all he hated that there was no water around to cool off in. Why did deserts exist? Who thought them up? Who thought that a desert would ever be a good idea for the world to have?! He sulked around the camp, trying to sniff out some damp spot to dig for water, but nothing. The heat was gonna be awful, they'd better find water soon. Maybe a nice big pool to swim in! He shuddered happily at the thought of something cold and liquidy. They'd probably find some big food there too, but with so many other big cats around it'd go pretty quickly. He pouted, almost jealous of the smaller ones who could walk in his shadow and avoid the heat. At least he made a good umbrella for them.

Queen | Female | 7 years | Serval
Location: Desert; Temporary Camp; With Group | Mentions: Remedy

Having woken up early, Queen had used the faint morning glow to hunt for mice, eventually finding an entire nest. Though the adults put up a small bitey-clawy fight, they were no match. It took a while to gather them into an easy-to-carry pile, but by holding them all by their tails, she was able to carry the entire nest. She was rather proud of herself and pranced back to camp. The little rodents would only be a decent meal for little cats like her and she hoped she'd be able to give them out before one of the bigger ones saw. They'd been getting hungry lately and although this would be little more than a toothpick for them, she would bet they'd still eat it. Seeing the small ocelot bounce across the bodies of sleeping cats was funny, she stifled a laugh, trying not to let her prizes fall, then continued her way over where Remedy, Vidar, and Loki sat talking. "
"Hello..." she said cautiously. Maybe approaching the two giants was a bad idea. She looked towards Remedy, trying to hide her nervousness. "I caught some mice! I thought you might want one...

Jackal | Male | 2 years | Caracal
Location: Desert; Temporary Camp; With Group | Mentions:

Feeling tiny paws on his side woke Jackal with a start. The cat was too small to really hurt him, but still, rude. He yawned wide and looked towards the bright rising sun. Another beautiful day in the desert. Maybe he'd find a snake today. He could chew it a bit make it into a scarf, that'd be sure to freak out the others. He was already snickering at the idea and began to look around for places snakes might hide from the cold. Rocks, holes, grass, sand. He quickly realised how many places snakes could hide and how potentially dangerous everything was. He stepped carefully towards one of the bigger cats. If a snake popped up it'd probably bite the big one instead.

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Edited on 05/05/16 @ 21:30:43 by Ser Isles (#57298)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-05-05 14:53:18

Manyare | Female | 2 Years, 8 Months old | African Leopard
Location: Desert; With the group | Mentions: Loki, Remedy, Queen, Vidar, Katja

Manyare had been aroused by the rays of the early morning sun which, although they could hardly be noticed in the still-dark sky, already brought ridicule daytime heat of the desert. The voices of her awoking and already active partners helped on the task too, forcing her round ears to twitch slightly. Her piercing eyes opened not long after, blinking a couple times to erase the blurred vision on them. Her skull was lifted from her great paws, allowing her to glance around. A strong mixture of scents invaded her nostrils, all of them resulting as strangers for her. She was relatively new on the large feline group, and definitely not used to being so close to other species. If this exhausting journey didn't have such a promissing objective, she would be already baring her large fangs to other leopards. Perhaps, even lions. Even though those were rare ocassions, when another predator steal her prey, her nasty temper was discovered. Being as stubborn as she is, she ignored the fact that this easily gets her in major trouble. With a somewhat lazy move, Manyare got on her feet with the help of her front legs. The dried branch underneath her body creaked, letting her know that it would not be able to support her weight soon. She had spend the night in a fallen, old and dried log covered with sand. Who knows how much time it has been there, that it can't even hold a leopard on top. The female leaped down with a sly move, willing to keep what was left of the piece of wooden stable. As soon as her paws touched the cracked ground, a sudden heat enveloped her silhouette, as if by her traveled an electric current. She certainly hated the weather.

A paw in front of the other in a straight line, Manyare headed towards a group, formed by a couple of brutes and smaller females. She recognized them all, but her eyes observed Remedy for a few seconds, who seemed to have fun waking up other cats. Luckily, her branch was far enough... Rosing her lips into a warm smile, she bowed slightly in a sort of greet. "Ladies, gentlemans." Her british accent was heard with a hoarse tone, due to the lack of use during the night. Her tip tail made visible moves, moving from side to side with rythm, expressing her mood, wich was surprisingly good so far. If the day continued with such a calmed air, Manyare could gift smiles and sarcastic jokes until darkness invades the desert once more.

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Edited on 06/05/16 @ 19:56:22 by Legolas (#81091)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-05-05 21:38:27
Nova | Male | 5 years old | Masai Lion | Location: Desert | Mentions: Remedy

The deserts heat didn't bother the large brute much, but he had enjoyed the cool sand in his underside the night before. But now that a new day was breaking Nova found himself slowly waking. That was until a certain little cat decided to jump on him. Nova shot up with an aggravated roar "Remedy keep your paws off me and on the ground!" Now placed in a bad mood for the morning the large male decided to go ahead and stretch out his limbs, after all Remedy had gone and waken up everyone for the morning.


Safi | Female | 3 years old| Amur Leopard | Location: Desert | Mentions: Remedy, Shere Khan

Quietly the fae sat up after Remedy's pounce onto her side. Her vision still slightly blurred as she looked at the Ocelot. "Well good morning Remedy" her gentle voice spoke still as soft and sweet as it ever was. Safi stood up slowly stretching out the stiffness in her muscles. Her blue green eyes scanned over the other waking members of the group until they landed on Shere Khan. The large striped male looked like he had awoken before the others, she quietly wondered how he was dealing with the heat. She, herself had been having a hard time dealing with the intense heat with her thick coat. She was more suited for colder climates, but Safi wasn't one to complain about her situation.

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 16:21:49 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-05-06 12:45:43

Shere Khan || Male || Siberian Tiger || 6 years 9 months || Mentions: Shadi ||

The brute opened his mouth, letting out a long yawn, the sunlight of morning striking against his yellow-stained fangs. He didn't really care about the other feline crashing into him, shrugging it off. He blinked slowly as he continued to stare in the direction he was going to lead everyone in. He occasionally glanced back to check and see if any of the ones who went off hunting had come back. He wanted to leave now and hopefully get there by the time the sun has crossed the middle of the sky.

He let out a low grunt when he heard another cat talking to him. He turned his head slowly, seeing a smaller mountain lion. He hesitated for a moment before speaking, "There is supposed to be an oasis a little ways away from there. I plan to have everyone stay for a couple days." He spoke briefly. It was very rare for Shere Khan to have the group stay in one area for more than a day. He usually just travelled until dusk and then continue traveling in the morning. The sun was especially hot today, so he wouldn't be surprised if any cat would collapse under the heat-- not like he would stop for them. If they can't handle it, they don't deserve to be apart of the migration group.


Remedy || Female || 2 years 11 months || Ocelot || Mentions: Loki, Katja, Vidar, Queen, Manyare ||

The spotted cat let out a triumphant laugh, obviously satisfied with her work. She let out a small squeal when she realized that Katja had been chasing her. She then shrugged it off with a cool smile, "No problem. Any time." She purred softly, licking at the side of her paw. She turned to look at Loki and crawled around him to sit between his forelegs, planning to shield herself from the oncoming rays until the group would get moving.

She looked up at Vidar, blinking quickly, "Well, it's my job. Plus it's fun to see them get angry." She giggled darkly, leaning back against Loki's stomach fur. She liked cuddling with his fur. It was especially soft on his belly. She looked over at Queen who had caught some nice, "Oooh, nice." She purred warmly. Remedy was obviously the smallest cat in the little group they had formed. Queen was pretty close, but the serval was especially taller than the little ocelot. She looked up to the leopard that had joined the group, slumping back against Loki even more. She hated being tiny, but she had a bodyguard-- and a good one too.

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Edited on 07/05/16 @ 13:26:10 by CapeSoul (#68250)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-06 13:06:33

Makali|Female|3 years|Jaguar/Panther|
--Mentions: None

The black cat had slunk off into the dawn, unsure if anyone had heard her words. Her nose twitched as she took in the scents of the desert, most of which was simply dirt. The dust she had disturbed with her paws went into her nostrils, causing the cat to sneeze. just another thing she hated about this place, the dirt. Dirt and sand and dirt and sad, that's all there is! a small growl of annoyance came from her maw. There were small bushes dotted about, small prey would often hide themselves in this scarce shrubbery. As she was checking the land she came across a burrow, sticking her nose close she took in a deep breath.

Prey, it smelt of prey. This made the cat happy, for once this place was looking mildly liveable. She had in fact found a hyrax burrow, the animals were still asleep inside though which caused a problem. Looking at the direction the entrance hole went Makali moved herself to where she should be above the den. Pushing her front half off of the ground she went onto her hind legs for a moment before crashing down on the earth. That ought to of woken the sleeping rodents in panic, now all she had to do was wait near the entrance of the burrow. Soon a hyrax had made itself clear, to which Makali lunged down and grabbed the creature. It's squealing alerting the others who all either darted for cover or remained in the burrow. Swiftly she killed her prey, before deciding to rejoin the group.

Katja|Female|2 years|Indochinese tiger
--Mentions: Remedym Shere Khan and Shadi

As the ocelot said it was no problem she returned the purr, although it was short lived as she was left alone again. The young cat stood, ears twitching as a fly landed upon one of them. Hearing a question about what they would do today she padded over to the pair talking, her curiosity had taken over her. Sitting next to the pair she joined in, she liked to mimic Shere khans leadership style. The large male reminded her of her father, a true leader, and so she held a certain admiration for him.

"An oasis? Do you think there really is one?" there was hope that filled her voice. Her eyes however scanned the distance, which appeared to be nothing but more desolate land. "If there is an oasis and we find it I don't know if I will drink of swim first. Perhaps both" she let out a content sigh. She could imagine it now, a beautiful place with plenty of water. With water should come prey, I wonder what creatures call this home.... She began to imagine these weird and wonderful creatures that may inhabit this land, it was one of her ways of keeping her hopes up.

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Saber.Driift (#61198)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-05-06 14:20:54
(Xemas is open, its pointless for me to type out a full reply without any mentions)

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AngelsHeaven (#84180)

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Posted on
2016-05-06 20:43:05
Tigress lay with her paws full of nice mice. As remedy stepped on hwe she lost one of the mice she had caught the night before. " Again? You like waking me up don't u? "

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Edited on 07/05/16 @ 03:47:34 by AngelsHeaven (#84180)

Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2016-05-07 09:57:43
(Can I get a recap? Sorry I haven't been on, I had softball practice.)

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-05-07 10:26:18
(( So the group just woke up in the middle of the desert. Remedy jumped on every member to wake them. There an oasis that Shere Khan plans to having the group go to. Some group members went hunting. Not much else to it. ))

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