Posted by Viper Reprise - PRIVATE -

Racha (#8280)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-08 10:11:58
This role-play is based on 'A Town Called Viper' a role-play originally created by @Vanima (#23278).

Original Thread

Character Sheets

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 17:15:49 by Racha (#8280)

Racha (#8280)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-08 10:15:00
Current Character List:

Name: Roscoe
Age: 27
Species: Werewolf
Personality: Roscoe is very short tempered and impatient. He has no time for time wasters or people (especially other werewolves) who don't take him seriously. He doesn't naturally get on too well with other males, but after discovering his werewolf abilities he had little choice but to learn to at least co-habit with them, especially once he was accepted into a pack. Although he has a very grumpy and often cold demeanour, he can have his moments where he shows a slightly warmer side, although this is pretty rare and usually reserved for females. Otherwise, though, he takes his duty to the pack extremely seriously, and will stop at nothing to ensure their safety.
Description: 6ft 2'', broad shouldered and very muscular thanks to the fact that he likes to funnel his frustrations into working out. He has dark brown hair and grey eyes.
Other: Fave colour - green!
Position:In a pack - he's very good at leading a team as he's so dominant, so perhaps he could be like a higher up beta or something to that effect so that he's just below the Alpha? Otherwise he'd be fine with being an alpha if you guys need one!)


Name: Tythrus (Ty)
Age: 21
Species: Werewolf
Personality: Ty is relaxed, fun loving, and overly flirtatious when he sets his sights on a female, human or otherwise. Although his antics can often grate on others nerves due to his love of jokes and making fun of the other males in the house, he's got a heart of gold and usually means no harm. Well, unless provoked.
Description: 6ft tall, lean, dark brown hair which he studiously grooms and blue eyes.
Other: Fave colour: green!
Position: Also a pack member, but just a regular one as he grates on Roscoe's nerves too much to be anything higher!


Name: Evelyn Taylor
Age: 20
Species: Regular Human
Personality: Evelyn is a friendly person to those that she meets. She will always stop and say hello and is usually seen with a smile on her face, at least when she’s around people. She doesn't have a lot of friends, as she finds it hard to make true friends, hardly trusting people because of some past friendships she has had. The ones that she does have, she is very loyal to them and will do anything in her power to protect them. She takes responsibility very seriously and is very determined, so if she gets assigned to do something, she will see that assignment through until the very end. Once you get to know her, you'll see a girl who has a big heart, especially towards children. She hates seeing little children being mistreated and will stand up for them. She loves the color pink and of course loves when it rains. She isn't afraid to put people in their place if she has too and she will stand up for what she believes is right.

Description: Eve stands at 5'5" and weighs about 110 pounds can usually be seen running. Then, depending on the rather, such as if it's really hot outside, she is seen wearing a pair of black shorts and a different colored tank top, like pink, red, blue, etc. On cold days, she can be seen wearing a pair of black sweatpants and usually has a jacket on, of varying color as well. Rather its hot or cold, she usually keeps her shoulder length hair in a low ponytail. Other than that, she is seen wearing a pair of pants and a nice shirt, and can sometimes be wearing a dress of different styles, like no strap, thin strap, full sleeved, etc. She usually keeps her hair down when she isn’t running.
~Her favorite colors are pink and silver
~Lives by herself
~Loves to take pictures
~Works for the local newspaper as a photographer
~Loves animals
~Has a horse that she will ride a lot, named Sun Fire.


Name: Xanti (Shan-tea) Messorem
Age: 23
Species: Hybrid
Personality: Xanti is a very serious, no-nonsense kind of girl. She was taken when she was very young to be a hybrid, separated from her twin sister, the only family she had left after the death of her elder brother. Ever since, she's not believed in family, or attachment. She does as she's told, and otherwise keeps to herself.
Description: pics below
Other: fave color- Green, placed in Damon's pack? Xanti and Xyllona are twin sisters, separated at around 7 years of age.

Name: Xyllona (Zai-low-nah) Messorem
Age: 23
Species: Werewolf
Personality: Xyllona isn't quite right in the head, and there's a good reason for that. When she was about six, she was playing near a deep river in the middle of winter, and fell in. She passed out almost instantly, but rather than drown, she was saved by her older brother, Xerxes. Xerxes dragged her to the bank, but never made it out himself. Ever since, she has been deathly afraid of open water, seeing mother but her brother's lifeless body just under the surface. She is blissfully naive, and constantly sees visions of her brother, which are actually manifestations of her subconscious mind to communicate with her in a way that she'll listen to.
Description: pics below
Other: gave cod- Green, Roscoe's pack. Xyllona is Xanti's twin sister, separated at about 7 years of age. Never knew her parents, grew up in several foster homes after brother's death.


Name: Andrea Ilda Rosalinda Mhasalkar-Espinoza
(( She was born to her first name, but was given her other ones by her Vampire parents. ))
Age: 83 years old (( Transformed at 24 years old ))
Species: Vampire (( with a ring - Handed down to her from her parents ))

Personality: Andrea is typically a happy young woman. She tries to stick to a human-like lifestyle while remaining integrated in society even while a vampire. She can also be described as a heartfelt and naive young woman, as she's still too trusting of others and likes to jump in with both feet. Andrea is a very friendly and approachable vampire, but she is still socially awkward since she used to stick close to her sister in the early years. She is easily stressed but always tries to stay positive; this usually leads to her locking up her feelings or hiding the negatives to prevent conflict. She's also unwilling to fight or provoke someone without a need, but she isn't afraid to retaliate with a sassy remark or comeback. When her emotions are on lock-down, Andrea becomes almost the opposite. She stays rather carefree and relaxed while not being afraid to vent her anger or lash out for protection.
{ More later? }

Description: Andrea stands 5 foot 7 and is generally a more curvy woman. She has a regular fitness and meal plans she sticks to in order to help keep herself fit and active; although it's not generally need with her vampire body. Human habits die hard, though, and it's one of the few ways she can relieve stress. Andrea weighs about 160 pounds and is an hourglass-like figure with broader shoulders and hips. She possesses olive skin with pale blue eyes that have tiny crow's feet at the edges. She does have dimples and is usually seen smiling to herself like she's told a joke. Her face is composed of soft features, but she does have fuller lips and wide eyes that help offset her larger nose. She has a wide forehead and usually tends to hide it with her hair. Andrea is also known for her dark chocolate brown hair that extends down to her midback. It is naturally wavy and also has natural blonde highlights.
Andrea (( Source: Jada Sezer ))

History: (( This is option, so I'll add it later! ))
- Both vampire parents are alive, but currently travel the world (( Lillian & Samuele Mhasalkar-Espinoza ))
- Has a vampiric sister named Rajah Candela Alessandra Mhasalkar-Espinoza who visits her periodically
- She is mostly Italian and Caucasian, but does have Hispanic in her heritage as well. (( She simply is interest in India culture due to her vampire parents and sister originating there. ))
- Failure at basic communication in most situations; flirting is an impossibility for her
- {More Later?}


Name: Raine Mortem
Age: 19 years old
Species: Witch - Mortem Coven leader
Innocent looks are lost on this young girl, who uses her snarky, arrogant attitude to belittle those around her. This witch knows how to use her powers and isn't afraid to throw in dark magic in order to get her ways. While her spiritual connection needs work, Raine's stealth and use of personal might growing up shaped her into who she is today; an iron wall with little to no openings and plenty of defense. Those who get close to her will find she sometimes has a affinity to her 'pets' and possessions, but it's simply covered as her exerting power and respect over her things.
This young woman is most noted for her pale grey hair and red clothing. Her most noted keepsake is her red caplet/jacket she carries around at all times when possible. Standing as 5 foot 7 with a slender build and little to no curves, Raine has trained her body to be a weapon and keeps her muscle mass to a minimum. If picked up, one might be a bit surprised to find she weighs just over 100 pounds. Raine's eyes are a hazel, changing color but containing golden flecks that never go away.
- Raine's Favorite colors are Grey & Red.
- Her family is from a long lineage of male and female witches, and humans alike, that are specialized assassins that challenge others for power and control.
- She's the current leader of the Mortem Coven; the current members being related to her through direct family, extended family, or close relations to the family. [I'd perfer extended or close relations if anyone wants to join her coven]
- Her "things" can range from human beings, animals, shifters, witches, objects, or anything else she decides to claim as her own.
- The Mortem Coven is known for joining up with other beings/species for a means to an end; they have no trouble interacting, fighting, or even permitting relationships outside of their coven.

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 17:16:36 by Racha (#8280)

Racha (#8280)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-08 10:16:47
Past posts:

Raine Mortem | Witch - Coven | Location: Pack House | Mentioned: Roscoe

The bulk on top of her didn't stop Raine from twisting slightly to avoid putting too much tension on her skin. It didn't want to stretched with the lack of slack it was given due to the gaping wounds on her sides. The next time Raine called a mortal a baby she might bite her tongue, sometimes they lived with these damned wounds their entire life. Of course they learned to live with them, immobile and weaker than before. It annoyed her while also giving her a small amount of respect for them. Raine, however, did not want to experience this again. Ever.

Okay, so setting him on fire was a long shot... Raine knew that without having a second thought on the matter, but it didn't stop her from thinking of ways to take the werewolf down. The pain of the antiseptic combined with his annoying aura transitions made her think of her training to avoid acknowledging them. Look for exits. The window, the door, and perhaps the bathroom. She'd let her guard down when she showered and never checked for a window in there. How could you escape this situation? Aside from the fact there was almost a something-hundred pound werewolf siting on top of her and 2 gaping streaks on her side, Raine knew plenty of ways to get out and incapacitate the mutt. All without her magic, but it would've been useful at this point. Using the hefty male's weight against him could prove useful.

The witch snapped out of her thoughts as Roscoe's heat extended through the gel on her side. And his annoying tone wasn't appreciated. It sounded like he was informing her of something, but she had no clue what. Raine knew how to trick people's emotions, read auras, and decipher a large range of movements and expressions. But she had little patience to decipher information she couldn't explain, especially from another species. And then there came the information of the wolf, and she quirked a brow.
"Well then. Try to keep your paws to yourself and we won't have a problem." She stated, not relaying the sexual harassment line she'd snapped at him since last night. There was a high chance she might end up with a broken rib, or worse, a punctures lung, if she continued with that. Maybe another time. Perhaps when the mutt wasn't hovering over quite a few vital organs.

As the bandages and tape finally were finished up and firmly, if not a bit haphazardly, in place, Raine sat up as Roscoe moved on. He might notice she only moved when he did, hesitating in case he unsheathed his claws. She'd seen what plain nails and teeth could do to a person, Raine had no intention of finding out what canines and claws could do to her.
As Roscoe explained the situation, she had remained silent. The shock was evident on her face. She was the reason an alpha had lost some manner of control? Sure her snide remarks got annoying, but she'd only noted high emotions triggering a wolf to take over. Emotions couldn't be the only thing in play here if an alpha himself was going slightly crazy. Raine wasn't a good answer, either.

"I apologize for making your mutt drool and go crazy. I guess I don't know how charming I am." Raine stated, glancing at Roscoe as she sat sideways on the bed next to him. She was about 130 pounds, but his weigh attracted more gravity and caused her to slide slightly towards him. She couldn't help it with her side, and simply stayed where she ended up. A few inches away and with enough room for the werewolf to grab her throat or a vital part of her body if he chose. But he wouldn't. His aura wasn't projecting aggression, just curiosity.

Xanti | Hybrid | Vets Clinic | Mentions: Luther (directly}

"Well, I suppose exotic is rather relative, don't you think?" Xanti asked, her eyes flashing with amusement as she assessed the newest puppy in town. It was clear that he had come here seeking her, but his motive was not so clear. She'd have to do some digging when she had the chance.

When the practice's owner showed himself, Xanti smiled warmly at him. She'd been coming to him since she started raising rabbits, around three years prior. "Hey Doctor Belmont," she greeted, nodding to the box of rabbit kits in her arms. "This is the last litter for a while, promise," she chuckled. This was the third litter she'd brought in in as many weeks. Rabbits just bred like . . . well rabbits. "I've got the males and females in separate hutches for this year. Almost have all the kits sold, as well," she explained. She'd become good friends with the doctor. And it only help that she had many animals that needed tending.
"Oh, and that colt I bought some months back turns two next month. I'd prefer he be gelded before then, if at all possible."


Roscoe | Werewolf - Alpha | Location: The Pack House | Mentions: Raine (Directly)

Roscoe's watchful gaze followed Raine as she shifted position on the bed. Whilst the witch had decided to remain lying down, the wolf was sitting upright with his back pressed against the cool wood of the headboard, causing Raine to slowly drift towards his thigh as the gravitational pull of the tilting mattress forced her that little bit closer. "You're about as charming as I am." He muttered, clearly unamused by the teasing manner of Raine's response. The matter of his wolf being difficult control was not in the least bit funny to the Alpha, not with the amount of danger it could put others in if he was unable to reign in his canine instincts. The amount of danger it put the little witch in.

Tilting his head back against the wall, Roscoe let his gaze drift from Raine just long enough to stare absently at the ceiling, clearly lost in thought as he tried to process what was happening inside him in such a way that he could explain it to the female. Not that she particularly deserved an explanation, but he'd seen the shock in her eyes before it was masked by her usual wall of sarcasm and decided that educating the witch would save him unneeded aggravation further down the line.
"Wolves are predators, when choosing between fight or flight was almost always pick fight. My wolf saw your abilities when you killed that hunter. It's protecting itself by wanting to kill you." Roscoe replied, choosing to keep his sentences short as he sifted through the emotions of his still very much active wolf persona. "...or, wanting assert itself as your superior, at least." He added, the corner of his lips dipped into a frown, clearly showing that the Alpha wasn't completely certain of his words.

However, Roscoe was soon pulled from his state of thoughtfulness whenever the sensation of something brushing lightly against him caught his attention. Raine had continued to slowly drift closer, causing her knee to come into slight contact with his leg. This instantly made the male aware of their position and the strangeness of it, causing his wolf to become further unsettled and his claws to slowly unsheathe.
"Ah, f*ck." Roscoe muttered to himself as he lifted one hand in assessment. For some reason whenever he initiated physical contact by dragging or grabbing Raine, nothing happened, but when unwarranted contact happened on Raine's end... different story entirely. It wasn't just the claws, either, Roscoe would feel his muscles contracting as his bones tried to shift and meld together. His wolf wanted out, now. Fortunately, Roscoe had been dealing with his werewolf side for a very long time and in that time he'd picked up a few tricks, usually they were used when he had the undying urge to rip Ty to pieces when the younger male was being an ass, but surely they'd work on a witch too, right?

"Keep still." Roscoe's voice was lower than usual, guttural and animalistic to match his flashing golden eyes. Seconds later his order became clear as he carefully reached towards Raine, grasping her shoulders as gently as possible so as not to let his claws pierce her skin. One shove later and Raine was forced onto her back yet again, but this this time instead of moving directly on top of her, Roscoe simply leaned his long body forwards until his torso was hanging over hers, his half shifted face merely inches away from hers. Roscoe was aware of how frightening the sight would be, how much it would seem that he was about to rip Raine's throat out. But he didn't have the time to explain.

Giving his wolf just enough control to satisfy itself, Roscoe allowed it to bring forth his Alpha powers with the knowledge that, as much as his wolf may have wanted otherwise, they would not work on the witch. But it was the action and not the result which Roscoe was relying on. Allowing his piercing gaze to bore into Raine's, Roscoe's eyes narrowed as his wolf honed in on the female. There was a moment of silence... and then suddenly the male pulled back his lips to display large, knife-like fangs. His wolf tried to pull him closer to Raine's throat, but Roscoe resisted to the point of moving one hand off her shoulder and using it to cover her entire neck area. His wolf could have some control, but like hell was it getting all of it.
Realising that it wasn't going to get what it wanted, Roscoe's wolf forced a growl to rip through his chest. Fine. So, to satisfy itself, it growled again, this time aiming it towards the restrained witch. The growl was filled with Alpha power, the type of power which would cause a subordinate wolf to submit completely. Roscoe had discovered at an early age that allowing his wolf to assert some dominance always calmed it down, and this occasion was no different, with the exception that rather than simply allowing his wolf all of the power, Roscoe forced it to recognise that he was in control, he chose the extent of it's actions, he was the ultimate Alpha.

With his wolf finally calming down, Roscoe's appearance steadily returned back to normal and his grasp on Raine loosened. "F*ck." He sighed, clearly relieved that his plan had worked but also exhausted from the exertion asserting dominance over his wolf had caused.
Rolling over onto his back, Roscoe ran one hand through his hair as he allowed his breathing to steady and the last remaining canine traits to disappear from his body. "That wasn't meant to happen." He muttered, as close to an apology as Raine was clearly going to get. Then, as an afterthought he added. "We need to get out of this damn room."

Luther | Werewolf - NPC Evil Alpha | Location: Vets Clinic| Mentions: Xanti (Directly)

Listening to Xanti explain to the practice owner about her extensive list of domestic creates, Luther couldn't help but smirk with amusement. It was truly an amusing thing to come across a supernatural hybrid who raised prey animals, especially to the extent of caring for them as pets. Luther may have been a trained veterinarian, but that was completely different. He worked on other creatures with detachment which allowed him to overcome his predatory instincts. But to live with them? Well, he'd certainly not win any welfare awards.

"I'm sure I could take care of that colt for you." Luther offered before the practice owner had a chance to reply. "Here." Dipping into the breast pocket of his jacket, the Alpha pulled out a business card with his details on it. The slip of paper which Evelyn had given to him with her own details threatened to slip out too, but he smoothly tucked it back inside the confines of the pocket before handing the business card to Xanti. "Contact me any time, I'm staying not far from here." He offered, the promise of getting the female alone already causing the male's eyes to flash with a mix of curiosity and something a little darker. Would the little hybrid be so pleasant when it was just the two of them?

Tythrus | Werewolf - Pack Member | Location: Town Square | Mentions: Xyllona (Directly) & Evelyn (Directly)

"Well, I just touched you when you ran into me." Ty pointed out with a somewhat teasing grin. "So, you tell me." The fact that the human remembered him was not exactly great, but the fact that she hadn't attempted to slap him the moment she realised who he was definitely outweighed that fact. Especially since the entire ordeal had been Roscoe's fault to begin with, not that the Alpha would ever agree to that fact, but eh. Still. "If it's any consolation though, my friend kind of has more women than he can deal with right now, so he shouldn't be grabbing anyone again any time soon." He added, with the decision that keeping the fact that Raine was one of those females to himself was definitely a good idea, lest her friend decide to report Roscoe for kidnapping or something. "I, however, haven't had the same luck." As the words left his mouth, Ty became acutely aware of the other female standing next to him, aka, Xyllona... but he was pretty sure she wouldn't take offence, after all, he had to figure out why the human stank of werewolf blood!


Xanti | Hybrid | Location: Vets Clinic| Mentions: Luther (Directly)

Xanti flashed Luther a smile, and whilst it may have seemed friendly enough, there was another untertone to it. Dark. Challenging. It may as well have been a game to her. After all, Luther was not the only one who wished to see Xanti alone. Xanti was more than willing to bring Luther to her home. She wanted to see what this little puppy was really like.

"Well, after these kits get their shots, I'll be heading home. Can't see myself leaving there for the rest of the night, either. Why don't you come on by, see what you can do with the colt, eh?" she offered, shifting the box of rabbit kits so that it was carefully perched against her hip.

Xyllona | Werewolf - Pack Member | Location: Town Square | Mentions: Tythrus (Directly)

"Hey Ty," Xyllona said, gently tugging on the other werewolf's sleeve. After she gained his attention, she nodded towards the veterinarian's office. "What's in there?"
It wasn't that she didn't know what a vet's office was, she wasn't that clueless after all, but she could tell that not everything in there was particularly . . . well, normal. In fact, it seemed mostly abnormal, like them. The auras in there were so overpowering to her new, enhanced senses.


Evelyn Taylor / Human / Location: Town Square/ Mentions: Ty and Xyllona

More females than he could handle? Sounded like a ladies man. Some women fell for that though. Seeing that the woman with him was wanting to go somewhere else, Evelyn decided to leave. She said "Umm, looks like your friend wants to go over there. I should be getting on my way." She was very very tired. She was probably going to head home and get some sleep. Maybe if she could. If she could close her eyes without seeing that girl's face, which she doubt she could. She started to back away from Ty and Xyllona.

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-04 13:49:59
|Raine Mortem|

"Ouch. You just put your own foot in your mouth." Raine stated, cringing dramatically. This wolf could learn a way or two with words. He wouldn't punch himself in a fist fight, so why do it in a word fight? It was amusing, but sad. Especially when he attempted to pull her into the mix. The annoyance Roscoe felt was of little worry to her. She felt like this one's human form would be harder to hold off than the wolf. After all, human forms had hands and more of a brain to function with. Not that the latter would matter if a giant, angry wolf was rampaging after her and she could barely twist her body to run. How far away was Ty again? She didn't know anymore.

While she was a snarky little wench, Raine knew when information was needed. Right now she should absorb all she could, especially if it meant saving her skin down the road. After listening for a few moment, the witch's brow furrowed as she turned her gaze to focus on the werewolf at her side. He was as confused about his emotions as she was, no wonder his aura was a light show and a dubstep of movements across the spectrum.
"Well, I'm not going to harm any of the pack like that. If that's not enough to deter it then maybe it should take a gander at my side... It'll by my superior when I'm dead, thanks but no thanks fluff. I'm not a piece of your little pack thing going on here. I'm not some mutt waiting for a leader." Raine stated, her eyes narrowing as she sent a piercing glare in Roscoe's direction.

As soon as Roscoe let a bomb fly, the witch quickly looked around for the problem. The room was clear, so the was window. All that was left was--- Her. It was her. Glancing at Roscoe, she did a quick mental checklist of his human features. Either the claws were new or he was in dire need of a manicure. Not that saying it aloud would really help her situation, so the witch gladly kept her mouth zipped. It almost crumbled when Roscoe ordered her to keep still, but her refute died in her throat with her ability to argue. While she was fearing for her life, Raine couldn't help but watch as Roscoe's features shifted. His eyes were mesmerizing, and the gold they morphed into caught her attention easily. They were so bright, and it was a big change from his normal look just because of that. While he was a snarling mess, he didn't seem to be some old grumpy grandpa yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

Even after the moments she was lost in the shift of Roscoe's eyes, Raine could tell he wasn't attempting to force her just for the heck of it. He was almost treating her like glass, which meant his wolf must be close enough to the surface he wasn't sure what his strength would be. She didn't fight him, simply out of the drive to survive. It was a horrible medicine to Raine to swallow, but she knew if her life was at risk she'd surely submit if there were no other options. Thankfully, she didn't have to roll over and play dead for this alpha. Although it might be a good idea with how the fangs currently inches from her face and throat looked. When Raine felt the werewolf's hand across her throat she forced herself to remain still. Roscoe just laid it there. He didn't squeeze or press, he wasn't trying to suffocate her. Yet.

As the werewolf's aura calmed itself, Raine allowed herself to breath. She didn't know what to do, but was thankfully quiet as she sat up and observed Roscoe. Her snarky and childish nature was gone, she was calculating the risk he was to the life she desperately wanted to keep. He was in control, but his wolf was a backseat driver that wasn't afraid to snatch the wheel if he wanted to. Sitting up, the witch watched Roscoe flop onto the bed, glad her sitting up allowed her to keep her body from sliding towards him. She could at least use her hands to push herself to the edge of the bed. She needed a breather and could only agree with his statement. "Out we go. Touch me again and I'll make sure that hand gets a nasty burn." Raine snapped softly, not wanting to push her luck too much. She wouldn't rile the wolf up, but she wasn't going to roll over and submit like a puppy either.

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Racha (#8280)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-09-03 05:35:35
| Roscoe |

Roscoe was so wrapped up in what almost happened that Raine's snarky remark seemed to roll rather uncharacteristically off his back. Pushing himself up, the Alpha seemed to have completely forgotten about the witch's presence as he strode across the room towards the firmly secured doorway. "Keep up." He commented, allowing only the smallest of pauses before wrenching open the cracked door and disappearing into the hallway.
Once safe from the suffocating closeness of the bedroom, Roscoe reluctantly began to notice the eery silence which occupied every space which he and Raine had not yet entered. Normally, the house was a mess of noise; from footsteps to easy chatter as the wolves in his life clattered, banged and generally paraded around with little care for the fragility of their home. Roscoe usually enjoyed the quiet, but suddenly, it felt much too empty.

It was this level of awareness towards their isolation which led Roscoe to do what he did next, which was to begin the descent deeper into the house without Raine, something he never would have dreamed of doing with any other 'prisoner' or whatever she was. But, Roscoe reasoned with himself, Raine was not a threat, not yet, therefore he did not have any reason to constantly drag her around. In fact, the less physicality which happened between the pair, the better. At least, until Roscoe could figure out what the f*ck was triggering his wolf to act so damn rabid around her.
Once downstairs, Roscoe waited in the hallway by the main entrance for Raine to appear. Truth be told, he had no bloody clue what to do with the petite female upstairs, all he knew was that the longer he forced her to stay, the longer before she would be back with her coven and the more time it gave him to formulate a plan of defence. If those damned witches found his pack to be interesting enough to stalk once, he wasn't naive to believe that they would suddenly give up just because he proved to be stronger than their precious Raine.

Folding his arms across his chest, Roscoe glanced from the floor he'd been absently staring at. His gaze moved up the staircase and towards the empty landing and irritation began to gnaw at his already stretched temper. Raine had managed to rebel against every order he had given her, even unintentionally. Was the witch not aware of her situation? Was she dumb enough not to be afraid?


The thought caused Roscoe's breath to hitch in his throat as he remembered how Raine's hazel eyes had widened as his fangs hovered in deathly proximity to her fragile neck. The smell of the witch's fear would usually have sent his wolf clambering for freedom, but this time it subdued it. His wolf had been calmed by the control it felt from showboating Raine's mortality, by forcing her to see how easily her life could be taken.

No. Raine was definitely afraid. And despite knowing that keeping the upper hand like that would only serve to benefit Roscoe in the long run, the Alpha felt an undeniable shame in the pleasures of his beast.

Deciding that his mind was much too dangerous a place to dwell at that moment, Roscoe moved towards the same closet where he'd retrieved the spare clothes for Raine earlier that morning and after a few moments of rifling through the boxes and boxes of supplies he'd stored over the years (werewolves ruined a lot of stuff!) he pulled out a pair of sneakers which had belonged to a visiting she-wolf who had loved to jog. They were probably much too large for Raine, who looked like she'd be much more at home in the kid's department of any store, but they would do until he found something more suitable.
Gah. Another thought which Roscoe had been pushing from his mind. The girl couldn't survive in just sweats and as reluctant as the Alpha was to admit it, he knew something would have to be done. But, that could wait until Ty returned, because like hell was Roscoe going to go shopping.

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Edited on 03/09/16 @ 12:35:55 by Racha (#8280)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-12-27 17:45:58
| Raine |

The fact Roscoe ignored her snappy comment made Raine notice how busy his mind was, even if his aura was calm compared to what it had bee previously. It just brought to attention the lack of details one got from a 6th sense without actually observing anyone. When the alpha who had previously pinned her down left, Raine sighed and reluctantly followed. The layout of the house as will relatively new to her, which meant she might as well follow to explore and learn of her new surroundings.

Raine looked down at her attire, grumbling at her sweats and arranging them before she followed Roscoe with a slight limp. She felt better from the previous night, but every time she thought of the shift her body twitched or shivered and betrayed her mind. It was a ghastly feeling she had to at least give credit to the werewolves for bearing every full moon. The wrappings around her waist were fine, snug and clean. Once she rounded a corner to a hall way, she watched Roscoe begin to dig through the closet and raised an eyebrow. When he brought out a pair of tennis shoes she sighed and it clicked.
She was going to be trapped in these disgusting clothes for a few days. That didn't sound so bad, until she suddenly remembered she was without magic as well as her trusty cape coat. I'm going to freeze to death in this house. The witch whined softly at the thought and she approached Roscoe with a slightly slouched posture.
"Could we maybe find me some socks before we focus on shoes? I'd rather have warm feet first. In fact, why not try looking for some extra blankets? You mutts keep this house a sub-zero temperatures." Raine's tone was much more polite than what it was, and she had forced herself to stop using her 6th sense for the sake of resting her mind. Roscoe's aura was bothersome to follow, but she could tell he had been in thought from his expression before he opened the closet.

(( This is unnaturally short, but it's been a few months and I'm at a loss for what the tone of the situation was beforehand! Apologies. ))

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