Posted by On The Ground [Human Survival] Now Open!

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-06-22 08:28:43


97 years have passed since a nuclear war devastated all life on Earth, leaving very few survivors. Those who did survive often perished from the effects of the radiation which was one of the longer lasting reminders of the fatal conflict. Luckily not all human life was lost, for years before the nuclear blast ten of the world's most powerful countries put into orbit ten national space stations, all of which were carrying a controlled amount of human beings. Their motive was in response to the growing tensions among various nation-states, all of which were seeking total economic and territorial domination. Such greed from mankind is what led to the catastrophic event, one which the ten allied countries had assumed would occur. With the fate of human life in their hands, all ten stations eventually merged into one large station; The Ark.

The year is now 2104 and three generations have since survived in space. However, the future of the human race is now under threat, for with each passing day oxygen levels begin to decrease while the population increases. In an attempt to gain some time the decision is made to send one hundred juvenile criminals to Earth to know if it is survivable. It will be the first time in over ninety years that humans have returned home, and the state and secrets of the ground are completely unknown. Mankind is taking the next step into the future.
They are being sent down.

Welcome, survivor, to On The Ground! We are a semi-realistic roleplay, based on hit Tv Show The 100. If you are interested in joining, but you have not watched the series, it is completely fine! You can find the most valuable information below and in the roleplay thread, and if you have any concerns or doubts, feel free to let me or Christi know through a PM. We will be glad to help! c:

ChristiCat15 (#54511) is the Co-Owner of the roleplay. She owns the same power as i do, and is allowed to accept or reject applications, as well as to ban or warn members who do not follow the rules. As stated above, you can PM her for any doubts, concerns, or suggestions.

Small Spoil Alert;

I would like you to know/remember that we are not going to follow the exact stories, plots, etc. for the roleplay. For example, if The 100 manage to enter Mount Weather, they don't have to irradiate the people. Perhaps our survivors can find another way to escape, given the moment. This is our story.

|The Rules|

I. All lioden rules apply.

II. No godmodding, powerplaying, gary/mary issues, etc.

III. This is a semi-literate to literate roleplay, meaning that posting at least a paragraph (5+ sentences), using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation is required.

IV. We know that life can get in the way sometimes, but please, if you know beforehand that you won't be able to post, let us all know!

V. Fade to black when necessary. I suppose you all get it by now.

VI. Please be polite to everyone OOC. If there is any problem with other members of the roleplay, i would like you to let me or moderators know rather than creating something unnecessary.

VII. You cannot harm or kill another character without making the action an attempt. Preferably, discuss it with them first if you're planning to start some kind of fight scene. This way, you'll know the limits of what you are allowed to do.

VIII. Please be aware that characters can get minor and major injuries, as well as dying. They will all get hurt very often. Nobody is perfect nor invincible. They must have balanced strengths and weaknesses.

IX. We encourage our members to plot with their characters, to create IC drama, such as fights or injuries. These make the roleplay more interesting, keeping it up and going!

X. Canon characters are not allowed.

|The Hundred|

The group of humans who have returned to Earth from space are commonly referred to as The Hundred, Survivors, or Sky People. Upon first arriving to Earth this group of individuals managed to build themselves a home, using nothing but their own hands to form a camp. Their time on Earth proved to be nothing like life on the Ark, meaning they were forced to live in an environment completely foreign to them. This was achieved by establishing order in the form of social ranks.

The Leaders [ 2/2 ]
These individuals are the ones who stepped up and took charge when conditions became rough on the ground. These two sought to seek order, and achieved so by claiming a leader-like title. They are respected by those remaining survivors, for they have been the ones to make the tough decisions, as well as keep The Hundred out of harm's way.

- Athena Violet [ Legolas ]
- Hunter [ ChristiCat15 ]

The Guards [ 4/6 ]
There are many unknown dangers on the Earth, more than the teens ever could have suspected. With threats lurking around every corner some sort of protection had to be established. Under the leaders suggestions, the guards were created to protect those on the ground. Equipped with weapons formed by their own hands, the guards have the duty of putting their lives on the line for the rest of their small society.

- Talia Bello [ Potato Lord ]
- Jasper Oriel [ Fantastic Dorito ]
- Ares Violet [ Trash Panda ]
- Yoru Shifuta [ The Chesire Cat ]

The Trackers [ 3/6 ]
With a large amount of growing teenagers, the food levels must remain constant. This is where the trackers come in. These individuals are best suited in hunting wild animals, and tracking other sources of food, water, or even other persons.

- Xylona Sarkis [ Grounder Princess ]
- Ethan Fauhs [ Trash Panda ]
- Alrich Wolf [ Imperial Disease ]

The Medics [ 2/3 ]
On Earth there is no hospital, no medical enter, no doctors. If you get injured or hurt the chances of survival lower. However, not all hope is lost for there are those individuals who have medical skills. Although not as versed in the practice of medicine as actual doctors, these individuals are the closest things that those on Earth have. They are able to perform basic surgeries, as well as diagnose illnesses.

- Kato Davis [ Potato Lord ]
- Owen J. Caspella [ Timbavati ]

The Scientists [ 1/3 ]
Living from the land won't last forever and so the future of society lays in the hands of the scientists. Although they are not actually scientists, these individuals are the closest things the sky people have to them. These grew up learning a certain trade, let that be engineering, electrical, chemistry, physics, or biology. They are the ones who come up with new technology, medicine, and weapons.

- Lance Alderson [ Engineering, Electrical and Weaponry ] [ Toska ]

Females: 4
Males: 8
Total Count: 12


'Grounders' is a term used to describe a person who was born on Earth rather than in space. The Grounders alive today are descendants of those who survived the nuclear apocalypse. These individuals have never left Earth, reason why they are well adapted to their beloved planet. They know how to hunt, kill, defend, and survive on the planet they were brought upon. They have a governing system which allows them to lead a fairly ordered life.

Commander of the Coalition [ 1/1 ]
The Commander is not just a position that one can gain, for in order to become Commander, you must be have Nightblood in you. Commanders are chosen at a conclave after ending the lives of the other participants. The winner of the conclave becomes the Commander, and has power over their clan. However, the Commander of the Coalition is a leader to all grounders in any of the twelve clans.

- Hades [ Imperial Disease ]

The General [ 0/1 ]
Also known as The commander's Second, this individual is directly under The Commander and in charge of the troops to devise the war plans.


The Village Chief [ 0/1 ]
Village Chiefs are in control of their village and the warriors in it. They take full charge of their village in the absence of the Commander and General.


The Warriors [ 4/4 ]
These are the ‘traditional’ warriors that will fight on the front lines. There are specialties of warriors as each person will have different skill sets. Some may be scouts, archers, etc.

- Emmeli [ Archer ] [ Amelia ]
- Issac Hickman [ Scout ] [ Blood Mare ]
- Zakarias [ Swordsman ] [ Legolas ]
- Benjamin [ Scout ] [ Potato Lord ]

The Sentries [ 1/3 ]
These warriors serve as guards for the Clan Leaders. In order to protect them they can be assigned to personally guard and accompany on trips, mainly The Commander.

- Nikita [ ChristiCat15 ]

The Medics [ 2/2 ]
Like the survivors, the grounders have medics who are skilled in healing. Being on the ground for centuries, this group of people have learned different ways of how to heal and help others.

- Norah Kingsley [ Toska ]
- Asta [ Trash Panda ]

Females: 3
Males: 5
Total Count: 8

|Clans and the Coalition|

In the post war eastern United States of America there are 12 clans. Clan names are geographically derived. Every clan has a leader. Every village within that clan has a leader. The leaders of the respective Grounder villages are warriors who have earned their place at the top through acts of strength and ferocity and through mentorship from previous leaders.

The Coalition is the collective name for the twelve clans who reside in the Eastern North American area. First united and lead by the Commander, and without, the Coalition would fail. Prior to that, the Ice Nation was the biggest threat to the alliance. Every clan has a leader who follows the Commander.

- Treekru ( Tree People ) ( Main Location; TonDC )
- Azgeda ( Ice Nation )
- Floukru ( Boat People )
- Sankru ( Desert Clan )
- Yujleda ( Broadleaf Clan )

These are only the main clans that have be seen in the show.

|The Crimes|
When teens under the age of 18 commit a crime, they are arrested and locked. When they reach adulthood, at 18 years old, they are 'floated'; Released and left in the space as a death sentence.

Minor Crimes

- Property Damage
- Trespassing
- Vandalism
- Assault Level 1 (With a weapon)
- Causing Disturbances
- Theft

Major Crimes

- Manslaughter / Murder
- Aggravated Assault
- Treason
- Improper / Exceeded Use Of Supplies
- Impersonating A Guard
- Arson
- Illegal Children.
The Ark allowed only one children per couple, and if a second was discovered, the parents would be floated and the child locked. This crime will be limited.

|Application Form|
We would really appreciate if you put the subjects in bold, and delete the ()'s to avoid confussion.
Feel free to add anything else you would like.



( From 13 to 18. If the crime committed is Illegal Impersonation, being older is an option.)

Orientation: (All are allowed.)


(Image is preffered. Please source the pictures.)


Strengths & Weaknesses:
(Keep them balanced, and please add some skills related to their position.)

History: (Let us know about the most important things of you character's past. What did they do to get arrested? What moments marked them? Try to keep it brief.)

Crimes Committed: (Only applicable for The Sky People, or The 100.)


Roleplay Thread
OOC Chat Thread

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Edited on 06/07/16 @ 14:25:00 by Legolas (#81091)

Amelia (#93372)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:42:45
I'm stuck.

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Amelia (#93372)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:43:14
How should I start my intro?

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:45:12
I don't know. Its your intro, start it however you want! :3

Also, just to let all of ya'll know, me and Lego won't allow 1x1's in the thread. I'm not saying anyone here would do that, I'm just saying. No back-to-back roleplay with someone. Interact with everyone and don't post with just one person. My own personal policy is to wait for at least 2 people to respond in the thread before posting again. Most of the time I wait for more than that. Just wanted to let everyone know! ^.^

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Edited on 04/07/16 @ 12:45:55 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Amelia (#93372)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:46:51

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:51:04

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:52:26
Le roleplay thread won't open x x

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:55:35
Oh no.

Check dat out! <3 I hope (too lazy for html, ain't that right Lego?). I hope it works. I'm scared.

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:56:08
So.. can we post? XD

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:56:53
Um... yes? Yes.


Yes. You can <3

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 11:27:22
Name: Victoria 'Tori' King
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Orientation: Heterosexual
Rank: Guard (Sky people)
Crime: Manslaughter/Theft/Illegal child
(She's a badass xD)
Image: Tori. Sourced by Tori Kelly
Skills: Weaponry, Tailoring, Slight of hand, Close combat, Music
Strengths: Confident,F earless, Intelligent, Resourceful
Weakness: Her fearless attitude gets her into trouble, Stubborn, Reserved to the point where she ignores everything around her.

Personality: Tori is a typically king young woman who would like to help others out. But given her past she is wary of helping others t times and puts herself before anyone. Overall: Kind, Reserved, Quiet, Quirky, Mysterious.

Description: Making this short: 5'8, Hazel eyes, Dirty blonde curls, Rich light honey tan, Two ink stains on her bicepand Right hip.

History: WIP

Other: Did I mention she's a badass? XD And zakarias is hawt.

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Edited on 07/07/16 @ 23:40:53 by Imperial Disease (#74494)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 11:35:12
@Imperial Disease,


~ IT SHOULD'VE BEEN US. US. IT... Ok, stop. c: ~

I'm confussed and curious about how the three crimes develop on her story, so it's a 'bookmark' for the application. xd She is accepted <3

Oh, dog, he certainly is. 7u7

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 11:36:35
Down Lego xD down girl lol. Hmm.. Hades may have fun with him XD bot in a sexual way. Hehe as he is all Nikitas. Hmm.. probably promote him as village chief lolol

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 11:38:38
R.I.P Lego.

Died by laughter.

Killed by Imperial Disease. Lol xd

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 15:15:30




13 years old.


Warrior / Scout.

Smoll bean who more often than not looks quite disgruntled.

Slightly above average height for a boy his age, standing around 5'3". What he makes up in height he lacks in muscle mass however, being both rather thin and light weight. His hair is a mussed up mop of slightly wavy dusty blond locks and his eyes are light gray. His skin is fair with a faint dusting of freckles over the bridge of the nose. A long scar slashes sideways from the left cheekbone down to his chin, but he is otherwise unmblesmished by far. It's likely even as he grows older he'll always look a bit younger than he actually is thanks to his round, boyish features. His thin frame makes him appear rather delicate, but don't be fooled. This kid knows how to kill you in about every way imaginable.

Quiet and reserved. Benjamin rarely speaks to the other Grounders outside of training and duties, preferring to either be alone or in the company of animals or perhaps a select few people. His face is almost always set in a scowl even when he isn't particularly upset about anything and people tend to assume he's permanently hostile. In reality he's actually quite even-tempered even if he isn't exactly a social butterfly. He takes his training seriously and is a very determined individual.

Strengths & Weakness:
+ Stealthy. Being so light makes it pretty easy to creep up on people without making a sound.

+ Agile. Long legs paired with a slim body gives this kid the advantage as far as speed goes.

+ Endurance. "You don't need to be stronger than your opponent, you just need to outlast them."

- Physical strength. He's an excellent fighter, but he doesn't retain the same brute strength many of his fellow grounders were gifted with. If he wants to win he needs to rely more-so on wits, speed and hitting the right areas.

- Accuracy. His aim isn't always as spot on as it could be. The problem lies in focusing too much on how fast he's going or making sure he doesn't make a sound instead of keeping an eye on the target's location.

- Unsocial. His grouchy appearance makes him seem unapproachable.

Born among the Azgeda (Ice Nation), though his father was a Treekru (Tree People) warrior. His mother Ashira was unstable for reasons unknown to her Tribe. It was how she had always been. Unable to actually care for a child, Benjamin was neglected throughout his younger years and eventually abandoned in the woods by the time he was five years old. Miraculously the boy managed to survive the wilds on his own and travel to his father's Tribe. Unfortunately the warrior had fallen in a clash with another Tribe and could not claim the boy as his son, but the Treekru took pity on the child and raised him regardless. Benjamin strives to be an elite warrior just like his father and prove his worth to the Treekru.

Chilali | An albino raven he keeps as a pet/companion. He's trained the bird to speak and she can repeat quite a few words and phrases.

Asta | The younger boy's fearful nature sets his big brother senses tingling despite the two sharing no blood relation. He tries to look after him and see that he isn't bullied by the other children.


Decided to just keep the boy for now. Might add a lady grounder later if I feel I can handle a fourth character.

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Edited on 06/07/16 @ 13:26:45 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-07-05 15:16:55
potato bud your wips give me life

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