Posted by .:Vargtimmen Wolf RP:.

_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 04:18:38


Come further in, come further up! Come and join the ranks of Vargtimmen Wolves. Wolves of the world. Wolves big and small, weak and strong. We turn no one down for Vargtimmen, the hour of the wolf, is approaching.
For an ancient prophecy says that when the last wolf moon rises Vargtimmen will come and men will fall in the light of the moon.

1. All Lioden rules apply
2. NO godmodding
3. By kind to each other. We RP the character not the person
4. Try to be realistic. Wolves don't have pink fur and can't hunt a deer in four minutes
5. Each player can have up to two wolves of which one may hold a lead rank

The Pack
-Sköll (Sköll)
-Athena (Legolas)

There is always at least one alpha who rules over and leads the pack. Alphas are commonly mated to each other, but there have been some cases where two siblings became alpha. They are chosen for their strength and experience.

-Takoda (Ghostinq)

Betas are thrid in comand. They take care of the pack should one or both alphas be wounded.

-Varis (✨NeptuneNebula✨)

The healer's responsibility is taking care of the wounded. They only have access to native herbs and the most basic knowledge. Primitive body paintings are allowed. The paint is made out of various berries.

War Leader(1/1)
-Claw (Christicat15)
The War Leader is responsible for the defences of the pack and will lead the pack with the alphas into battle. The War Leader will also over see the training of younglings.

-Accalia (MoonBeam(RSC)
-Akando (Great Lengths)
-Fala (Ghostinq)
-Dakota (Winterfeline)

Warroirs will patroll the pack's borders and kill or chase of animals that are a danger to the pack such as loners, foxes. They are usually aggressive and big wolves.

Lead Hunter(0/1)
The lead hunter responsibility is leading the pack hunts and will be made responsible if the hunt fails.

-Roman (Timbavati)
-Astrea (Simokey)
-Hel (Sköll)
-Amare (Jacques CP Faircross)
-Asakura (Ririe)

Hunters provide the pack with food. They will hunt in small groups or alone. Once a week there will be a pack hunt.

This is the default rank of new wolves.

- Reverant (Imperial Disease)

Younglings include all pups from their birth to the age of 1 1/2 years.

-Monticula (Imperial Disease)
-Calypso (Timbavati)

The Elder are one of the lowest rank and include all wolves too old for hunting.

- Verum (Jacques CP Faircross)

The Omega is the lowest rank. Omegas are the weakest dog in the pack. They are usually picked on by other wolves. Omegas often have puppyish behavior and lighten up the mood with their antics.



-any weak or young of the named below
-Wild Sow
-Lynx and foxes

Difficult(3+ Wolves)
-Wild Boars

The level of difficulty it takes to take down prey is estimate. They would differ for Warroirs or young wolves or if the animal is aggressive/has young.

Season: Late Summer


Character Sheets

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 12:13:00 by Sköll (#90939)

_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 04:19:20

Sköll awoke at first light. A cold wind made the leaves rustle above. It was chilly despite the stray rays of sunlight that had found their way through the thick canopy above. Soon the trees would shed their green canopy. Than the cold season would come. Thinking about that always made him worry. Worry for his pack, that they might not be strong enough. That their small territory, so hard fought for, might not be big enough to support them. That young Reverant might not make it.

Sköll slowly got up trying not to wake his mate lying beside him. They had made camp in a small hollow. A dense ring of undergrowth surrounded it and shilded them from most of the wind. He sat down at the edge of the hollow, away from the curled up bodies of his pack mates. Sköll watched the sun slowly rise. It had always clamed him. Made him think of a new beging.

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Edited on 25/06/16 @ 03:08:17 by Sköll (#90939)

✩NeptuneNebula✩ (#64036)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 17:29:40
Varis || Healer || Mentions: N/A

Varis slowly stirred from his sleep at the moment the sun rose from the horizon. It had been a long day yesterday and it left him entirely exhausted from running around and collecting herbs. The brute slowly rose from his paws, feeling the morning chill that had been creeping among the pack since the season of summer was coming to an end. He emit a quiet yawn and allowed his form to stretch out among the ground. Today his objective was to find some Juniper Berries. They'd do well for the belly aches that would come most likely in the future. Tomorrow he also had his plans set, he were to head off and get some Marigold and some more Poppy Seeds, all in one day. He'd be out of his den for a bit, but it'd most likely be worth it to stock up on all the herbs he could before the frost came.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 18:30:12
Asakura - Hunter - Mentions: Sköll

Asakura twitched a bit in her sleep, resulting in her waking up in a grumpy mood. She lowly growled and sighed quietly, careful not to wake her pack mates. Stretching each of her limbs, Asakura yawned quietly and looked around to see Varis and Sköll had already awoken. Asakura hummed slightly before plopping back down and closing her eyes, hoping to fall into her once lost slumber. Unfortunately, once Asakura has waken, she cannot fall back to sleep. Sighing, Asakura opened her eyes and rolled onto her back, spacing out as she looked up for awhile until she lost balance and fell on her side. She groaned lightly and rose up to her paws and quietly padded towards the alpha and sat down slightly near him but far away, closing her eyes, she inhaled the scent of the morning air and let the morning breeze flow through her fur.

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Edited on 25/06/16 @ 08:35:10 by Ririe (#91514)

_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 20:23:26
(Just so it's clear wild wolves don't sleep in dens. Dens are for nursing pups only. They curl up together instead-no matter what the weather.I guess the healer could have his own nook, where he can keep herbs and stuff. If you Rp wolves ouside the camp, when they are hunting for instance state it above your post to avoid confusion)

Sköll watched his pack mates stir and slowly rise. He turned towards Asakura who had sat down next to him. "Wake the other hunters and prepare a morning hunt." He said in a quiet voice. "Varis, take Reverant and any of the Elders who want to come. You need to stock up herbs for winter, they can help you."
He would lead a patroll and maybe bring back a small catch. Making his way between the curled up bodies of his pack mates he nugded Fala and Dakota, waking them.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 01:32:59
Asakura - Hunter - Mentions: Sköll, Amare, Roman, Astrea, Hel

Asakura nodded and quickly got up and padded towards the other hunters, Asakura blinked for awhile until she finally nudged Amare along with Roman, Astrea, and Hel. After that, Asakura sat down and waited for the hunters to be fully awake so they can hunt. Yawning, Asakura shook her head quickly for no reason in particular and shifted her icy blue gaze towards Sköll. Sighing again, the female got to her paws and padded carefully towards the alpha and spoke "I've awaken them." Asakura stated, referring to the rest of the hunters in the pack. Humming lightly, she shifted her gaze towards the pack members and sighed quietly and then shifted her gaze back towards the alpha.

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 01:43:33
|Hel | Hunter| Mentions: Asakura

Hel woke up when she felt a snout touching her shoulder. She lay still for a moment savoring last nights dream before it would vanish.
The grey Female opened first one than the other light blue eye. It was early and the sun hadn't fully risen yet. Hel got to her feet and shock the last remains of sleep away than stretched with a wide yawn.

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sagesnout (#90894)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 01:51:57
{ R O M A N }

The black canine had an uneasy sleep, even though the pack normally clustered together during the nights, the cold still got to him. He rose from his spot and tiptoed out of the remaining cluster of wolves, stretching his legs the moment he got out and on to open ground. Roman took notice of his pack mates stirring awake, his ears perking a bit as he took notice to Asaurka chatting with the pack alpha. He approached slowly, still groggy from waking so early, greeting the two and dipping his head in respect for Sköll.

[* C A L Y P S O *]

The thin elder awoke slowly, with wobbly legs she stepped out of the cluster, she was a bit uneasy during mornings. Claypso shivered as it seemed to have gotten much colder over night, her pelt wasn't as thick as most would think -- she didn't stay out of the cluster for long after sniffing around some, only a few were awake so there was no point in getting up quite yet. The old female crawled back in to her spot and curled up, her tail tucked neatly around her hind paws.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 02:27:06
Asakura - Hunter - Mentions: Sköll, Roman, Hel

Asakura hummed and shifted her gaze towards Roman, who respectfully, dipped his head towards Sköll. Asakura tilted her head and lightly shook a thought away "Finally, another hunter is up...lazies.." The female mumbled and shifted her gaze towards Hel who was stretching for a moment. Asakura sighed and looked back at Roman then at Sköll "Do we need all the hunters awake? Because, the rest are still tired.." Asakura pointed out as she questioned the alpha, and dipped her head a bit showing respect towards him.

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 04:10:30

Athena Violet | Wanheda | Female | 4 Years | Alpha Female
Location: Territory; Camp | Mentions: Sköll, Asakura, Varis, Roman, The Pack

Athena's audits whirled in a sudden and repetitive movement at the near sound of paw steps of her pack mates, who, like her, were barely arousing. Her piercing silver eyes opened slowly, feeling the empty and cold space by her side, soon noticing that her mate, Sköll, had already awoken. The soil underneath her body was cold and somewhat moist, making noticeable the soon arrival of the winter. After a couple blinks, the blurred vision was finally erased, allowing her to look around. Several wolves, the Alpha, a couple hunters and Varis included, were having a discussion about the daily duties. Her large silhouette was lifted up from the ground with the help of her front legs; It was unusual when Athena was not one of the firsts, if not the very first, in awaking. Her claws would attach to the land and the grass, curving her spine in a stretch, feeling how bones creaked and demanded for a proper body position. A paw in front on the other in a straight line, feminine and swift steps would lead Athena towards her pack mates, lifting her snout into the air current. With a good, deep sniff, all of the morning scents invaded her nostrils. She acknowledged and separated the aromas pertaining to her pack, of others completely different, making sure that no stranger was in the vicinity early in the morning. "Did i missed anything, dear?" The dark pelted female would push her head forward and towards Sköll's shoulder in a nudge, followed by a brief licks on the male's cheek. Her eyes traveled to the other wolves, a minuscule nod gifted in greeting. Wanheda sat beside her mate, awaiting for further instructions. However, her calculating mind had been planning the hunts; Without a Lead Hunter chosen within the pack, Wanheda usually joined the hunts for organization, and, if needed, backup.

OOC: I apologize for the late response! <3

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 04:59:35


"Do we need all the hunters awake? Because, the rest are still tired.." Asakura asked. He looked around. Taking in the sight of the tired wolves rising. His nose curled with displeasure "Wake them" He said in what was almost a growl. His mood lifted slightly when Sköll saw the dark shape of his mate approaching. "Did i missed anything, dear?" She asked, her silver face turned towards his. He didn't reply but instead stood up, raised his head and let out a howl that filled the air with sound. Satisfied he sat down again. Easing his demeanor a bit he gave Athena a slight smile.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 05:25:26
Asakura - Hunter - Mentions: Sköll, Athena, Astrea, Hel, Roman, Amare

Asakura dipped her head a bit lower towards Sköll and arose it once more as she shifted her gaze to Athena, her expression remained in its blank state as she then shifted her gaze towards Roman before padding off to the others. She lightly growled and nudged Astrea and Am are a bit harshly trying to wake them up from their slumber. Her gaze shifted towards Hel, she sighed and padded towards her, she tilted her head towards Sköll and Athena, signaling Hel to greet the alpha and alphess. She sighed before padding back to Astrea and Amare, nudging them once more to awaken them.

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sagesnout (#90894)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 05:32:12
{ R O M A N }

The black canine was taken back by Asaukra's attitude, giving her a small huff, he turned and trotted off more towards the entrance they used for the camp. Roman sat and waited for the other's, pawing at a few small dried up leaves which seemed to disappear beneath his paws.

[* C A L Y P S O *]

The elder grumbled a bit as she felt other's rustle and squirm around, her ears going back as she shifted on to her other side in hopes of becoming comfortable again. Eventually, she decided she had had enough, getting up and trotting off, passing by the two alphas. Calypso dipped her head in greeting before trotting over to where Roman sat, tilting her head a bit as she had noticed his change in expression.

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✩NeptuneNebula✩ (#64036)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 06:03:38

(A'ight, sorry about that, usually in the wolf roleplay's that I've entered there is dens, but there is a suggestion about this, wouldn't healers need a sort of den to protect their patients from outside weather and other sicknesses? It's not necessarily needed though)

Varis || Healer || Camp-Territory-outside of camp || Mentions: Sköll and Athena (Briefly)

The masculine emit a solemn sigh as he glanced over towards at the alphas, dipping his head towards Sköll and Athena before padding away from the small crowd of wolves and away from the limits of camp. He kept his senses wary of any herbs that he might want to collect other than Juniper Berries, although he had to be careful about what Juniper bush he was going to be taking from. There was several kinds bush that held toxic berries, although he was sure he'd avoid that situation, luckily he could tell by the leaves that grew among the branches. After nearly 10 minutes of walking along the forest terrain his gaze then slowly shifted over to spot a Juniper Berry bush, the kind that was edible, and in this weather the berries would most likely remain sweet than bitter.

Varis began to slowly head over, picking at the berries with his teeth. Once having enough he headed back towards the camp. If it was that easy to find Juniper Berries of the right kind, he already had enough time to go ahead and search for Poppy Seeds. Marigold didn't bloom until late afternoon when the sun was fully out and the weather was warm, so if he went venturing out for poppy seeds he'd more likely be searching for Marigold tomorrow.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 06:14:10
Asakura - Hunter - Mentions: Astrea, Amare, Sköll, Athena

Asakura sighed and lowered her head as she sat down, waiting patiently for Astrea and Amare to awaken. Asakura shifted her gaze towards Sköll and Athena, rising to her paws, Asakura was about to alert Sköll that the remaining hunters were still asleep but she stopped, she looked down and thought for a moment before nodding slowly and padding carefully towards the alphas. "Um.. The others, haven't waken..." She said and dipped her head towards Sköll, she knew that if she couldn't wake the others, the hunt would fail or wouldn't happen at all.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 07:40:08
Accalia stood up and yawned. Skoll's howl awakened her from her sleep. She noticed almost everyone else was asleep. Accalia's stomach growled. *Ugh. All the hunters should be out hunting right now, but there sleeping instead* She thought as she looked at the sleeping wolves.

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