-LOCKED - Random but Peachy!
Posted on 2016-06-24 06:53:44

Improving Features!

Non-Hungry Exploring


If your male is fully fed when exploring and you stumble across a carcass, instead of eating and gaining no hunger boost, you should now grab yourself between 1-3 smallmeat chunks to put in your hoard. They have a short expiry date on them though, so best to eat them sooner rather than later! If the area is flooded, unfortunately you won’t be able to do this!
LINK to suggestion

Clan Raffle Cancelling
Admins of a clan may now cancel a clan raffle providing they have enough SB in the clan bank to cover the cost of refunding all the fees back to ticket entrants.
LINK to suggestion

Clan Booting
When a clan admin chooses to boot a user from the clan, they are now required to give a short message detailing why.
LINK to suggestion

Frozen Lions
Frozen lions now have the exact same early retirement option as older lionesses. It costs the same and can be triggered at any age for the frozen lion as they do not age. From suggestion: LINK

Zebra Hearts
A small oversight that has now been corrected. After using a Zebra Heart on a lioness you will now be able to see a link to her in the success message. Fast access!

UAV drones
You can now consume whole stack!

Lion Scrotum
A lioness who has consumed Lion Scrotum will finally show the message at the top of her page like those who eat GMO Cows & Lion Meat. As requested in LINK

Male lions can now be deleted from your dynasty. Any plain or boring stat replacers in there? Now you can tidy them away and make everything much neater in your dynasties!
LINK to suggestion

Couple of Bug Fixes
*Wardrobe imports weren’t properly importing the lion’s eyes - they now do.
*Creating a custom lioness created some error messages afterwards - this should now be fixed.
*Pretty sure we nailed the wrong opponent in battle bug, it no longer pops up!



This awesome 1 GB oasis item is something entirely new!
As you pick a slot, a random marking will fill it up with a random opacity. It's of course to be expected the marking will be a common or a custom one, HOWEVER, there is an extremely rare chance to get a Raffle marking, Event marking or Applicator marking, and even rarer chance that a Rosette marking will pop up!

*Future markings will automatically be affected by this item in proper rarity types
*Mane Markings are included
*Markings can duplicate, as it's completely random
*Mottled Rosette or any future mutation related markings are excluded




Showing on Leopon teen stage.

Saffron base is now available in Customizer in Oasis or the Base Changer!
It is Golden Medium Countarshaded Common.

They are a new +1 GB (like Hazel) custom eyes, available in Customizers or the Eye Changer. They fail to Yellow, Red and Pink.


Remember that the event ends on June 30th at 11:59 pm, and all your currency will be stored in your account until next year.

Shad has added new tags, check them out as usual! :D

Raffle Lioness

Congrats Korve (#87900)! You have won the latest raffle lady along with the first Feline 4 Silver and Coral Soft Unders!
Newest lady with the Knysna Lagoon background and Feline 3 Ginger and Coral Underfelt (based on user design!) is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Polls and dev notes
Thank you for voting on which new marking colour should happen next! Blue it is, followed by Heather, Quartz, Red, Mocha, and so on.
NEW POLL LINK - Since we're in beta, it's worth asking the community what progress stage to launch: Would you want new lioness poses to be released sooner, but without working decors, or wait longer time and have them launch with fully updated decors?

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Jordan (#1891)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:07:18
Looks cool!

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saskia™ (#27029)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:19:53
I think that the non-hungry thing is really great because I happen to be running low on food, lol.
Random marking applicator is going to be the death of me and all my GB. I may or may not have a gambling problem! :P

Besides that, really happy that Lioden actually listens to users and their suggestions tbh

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Ryzzack (#88113)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:21:38
The random marking applicator is really awesome :) I like this. Its have us the opportunity to add a marking for only 1gb. Thats really useful when you have a pretty lion but with only 2-3 marks. I use try and I got Henna tail, chocolate marzoi. and Dark brown Marzoi. :)

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Khazhi(side) (#92581)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:32:25
Woo! Love the poll results, love the peach eyes, random app, dynasty editing, hunger change... So much good stuff!

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AmurTigress (SIDE) (#92439)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:38:45
Glad we get meat chunks now. :)

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Lumiere (#86771)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:43:56
Woot! Love the new meat thing, so much more useful.

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Nilla (#63883)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:53:13
Whoo hoo! Thanks for the new stuff and fixes, staff!

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¾ (#23259)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-06-24 07:54:41
The not hungry update is handy~

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Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 08:31:08
I adore this site. It's quickly replaced almost every other sim I've ever tried (including some mainstream non-browser sims!) I love that the creators actually listen to the community and actively ask for their opinions. That said, I have one real complaint about the site. Name choices for the base coats. The base is beautiful, but it is *not* saffron.


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Sarah (#65126)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 08:40:48
Oh man, it always irks me when my lion is already full and he stuffs himself on more meat :P I like this change!

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Dam (#7325)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 08:43:52
M'si the Graceful- you might be right about that. I think they meant turmeric instead, but I can live with that name :b I might be wrong though but I think saffron the color ≠ saffron the plant/seasoning

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Edited on 24/06/16 @ 15:45:04 by Dam (#7325)

HellsAngel (#87884)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 08:45:37
These updates look awesome!!

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 08:46:29
The plant is also used to make a golden-yellow dye.

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Amaroq (#89511)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-06-24 09:04:12
Love the non-hungry exploring! Thank you!

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Silver (#53790)

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Posted on
2016-06-24 10:45:59
Awesome updates! :'00

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