Posted by New Beginings (Icestar0413)

Mayonayys (#68948)

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2016-06-25 07:37:19
Mino had just finished tending to her garden around noon, the blazing sun high in the sky and beating down on her. She wiped her dirty hands on her long skirt, and wiped the sweat from her brow. Making her way over to the small bowl of water that still sat our from cleaning herself up this morning, she took the rag and wiped her face and cleaned the rest of the dirt off of her small hands.

"Hans!" She called out as she threw the cloth into the water, ducking her head in the back door of their home, looking for the large dog. When he did not immediately come running, she turned back outside, cupping her hand around her mouth and then yelling for the dog again. A few seconds late, the dog came bolting out of the woods, a small furry creature in his mouth.

"Eww..." Mino frowned as the dog dropped the rodent in front of her, giving a happy bark and wagging his tail. "...No thanks, Hans, you can keep it." She gave the dog a small pat on the head before going inside her home, leaving the dog to devour his lunch.

At that time, her stomach growled loudly. She made her way to the kitchen to have her usual lunch, which was just whatever canned goods she had at the moment. Rummaging through her cabinet, she noticed she didn't have many cans left. With her eggs and garden, she maybe had enough to last her another two weeks or so, which was less than she would like. So, after her quick lunch, she decided to make a quick trip into town, it had been some time, and she was running low on other things as well.

Calling Hans once more, she grabbed her travel pack from beside the front door, got on her bike, and headed out towards the town.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 07:56:50
Jason walked around his makeshift shelter which was a few planks of wood all put up together with a little rope tied around the joints of the wood to keep them together while a worn blanket was over top to keep wind out and a few garbage bags taped to the underside of the blanket to keep the rain out. He looked around for Nokoo who was probably in trouble by now.. he tried to stay quiet just in case something was around and would come uninvited. He finally saw Nokoo and he had come running, nearly knocking Jason over. He laughed, "Hey buddy, where have you been? See any good game around here?" he looked at Nokoo and his tail wagged, probably he found something.. but they needed more supplies to go hunting, he decided to go to the town just down the road to see if they had some supplies. He needed more things to use for hunting and maybe he would find something useful to use for his shelter. He pushed Nokoo off and walked over towards the road, he looked around cautiously and then started walking down the side of the road, rifle hung over his shoulder by the strap, he looked to see if Nokoo had been lagging behind but he was right beside him. He pat him on the head and then continued to walk towards the town he had thought might have enough supplies for what they needed, he was ready to grab hold of his rifle if he needed to as they walked towards the town. Hopefully this will be a worth while trip.. he thought, he looked down at Nokoo who seemed to be on alert as well, he hoped that nothing was coming.. he just wanted to get what they needed and then leave...

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 08:15:38
Mino would let out a giggle as Hans romped about on their way to town. He would dart off into the woods beside the road after birds and squirrels, then come bolting back out, happy and tongue handing out of his mouth. He would let out happy barks and fall into a slow trot beside Mino's bike, and she would praise him and let out small giggles at his playfulness.

Then, Hans' demeanor changed drastically. His wagging tail stopped and went stiff, his ears went back, and his lips went up as he growled. He started creeping forward slower, causing Mino to stop her bike, and she looked from Hans to the road ahead of them. Far off in the distance, she thought she could see the faint silhouette of another person, but she couldn't be sure. She shushed Hans, and got off her bike. She moved more to the side of the road, and pushed her bike slowly. Her hand went down to Hans' head ever so often, calming the dog who just seemed to want to dart towards the figure up ahead. Another person would more than likely mean trouble, and she wanted nothing to do with that.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 08:27:59
Jason kept walking, still cautious and ready to quickly pull it off of his shoulder to shoot at whatever threatening thing might be there. Nokoo had stopped and looked towards the back of them, he wondered if he had just saw a rabbit run by or he was just being cautious and wanted to keep alert but, he had gone darting down the way he had been staring. Jason turned around to see where Nokoo had run off to, he had looked to see another person, he then realized where Nokoo was going so, he ran after him. He didn't want Nokoo to start anything again, first it was with some stray dog and he had stolen a pup from a female dog and now he was after some person.. just great.. he called to him and wondered if Nokoo was even listening, he finally caught up to him and tackled the dog, landing almost at the person's feet. He held onto Nokoo, not really wanting to look the person in the eyes as he stood up, his personal trainer like muscles tensing under his dogs weight. "Nokoo you know you will get hurt one of these days you silly dog.. leave people alone won't you?" he talked to Nokoo like he could understand, which he could.. he just chose not to listen, he was staring at them, more keeping his eye on the dog than on the person..

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 09:13:06
Hans' growling became deeper as the other persons' dog suddenly ran towards the pair. Hans started to charge towards the dogs, but Mino's gentle hand on his head stopped him in his tracks. "Calm down, boy." She spoke to him, but she was also trying to keep herself calm. Hans took a few steps, so to stand in front of Mino, his tail tucked between his legs.

Surprisingly enough, the dogs owner followed him, tackling him to the ground in front of Mino and Hans. The dog was much more aggressive looking than Hans, and his looks kind of matched his owners looks. The man didn't seem much older than Mino, but was obviously much more worn than she was. As he stood, Mino took a few steps back, Hans following, staying close to his owner and still growling. "Hans," She spoke, her eyes moving from the dangerous pair in front of them to her fluffy friend, bending slightly to pat his again, making his growling cease.

Looking back up at the man, she noted the gun, and froze. What was already a dangerous situation became much more concerning, there would be nothing she could do if this person choose to attack her. Taking another step back, she cleared her throat, noting how dry her mouth seemed in this situation. She felt she should say something, but didn't know what, or even if this person wanted her to say something.

"I... um..." She started, eyes shifting around, not wanting to look at the man as she spoke, "Thank you for stopping your dog."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 11:41:21
Jason stood there, holding Nokoo, which was staring at the two. He looked up to the girl as he heard her speak, he had no expression, looking to the ground and turning, putting Nokoo down and looking down at him as Nokoo knew that he shouldn't go after them anymore and looked up at him. He threw Nokoo a little piece of meat and gripped the rifle's strap and moved it up so it was closer to his side but never let go of it. His voice was even and silky but a little Lace of coldness stuck to the words, "no problem.. I guess.." He started walking away, he made sure Nokoo was following but, Nokoo looked back every so often as they were heading towards the town. He really hoped that this town had enough of what they needed, it would be lucky if it did but, he thought luck wasn't really on their side. His muscles tensed and relaxed as he walked, he wasn't really sure where those two were going and he didn't really want to know. He was fine with his own path and didn't want to get involved with anyone else's. He stopped a little bit down the road and knelt down, petting Nokoo, he smiled at him, "you are a silly dog Nokoo.. don't go running off after people anymore ok? I don't know what I would do if something happened to you" he hugged his dog and then stood up again then started walking. He was a little tired but, he kept going. He wanted to keep Nokoo safe and out of trouble..

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 14:41:12
(Was in a movie, sorry!)

Mino stood where she was as the pair made their way from her and Hans. It was obvious, to her, that they were going in the same direction, towards the town. It would be a bit awkward to be just behind the others, but she really did need to be on her way, she had hoped to be back home before nightfall.

Reluctantly, Mino started walking again. She would have gotten on her bike, but that would have meant catching up to them, which would be awkward for her. She preferred the distance she was at now, so that she could only just see the blurry backs of the man and his companion.

Hans did not like this, he kept wanting to dart up towards them, no longer growling and defensive, but curious. He did not understand why his human kept shushing him from barking, and telling him to calm down. Unlike his owner, he wanted to make new friends.

They were now only about ten minutes from the town, and Mino could not wait to be away from the man and his dog. There was no doubt that then they would be able to go in different directions, and hopefully, not meet each other again when she was on her way back home.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-25 23:12:29
Jason looked back as he heard foot steps, he realized that they were probably here a longer time than he was and we're heading towards the town.. just great.. he looked back a head of him, still clutching his rifle's strap as he had heard something in the woods nearby he as quickly as he could pulled the gun from around his back and aimed it towards the woods. He had stopped walking by this time and so had Nokoo, he looked down at Nokoo for a quick second and then back up to where he had heard something moving. Maybe it was game? It could be a deer, but they weren't that lucky.. Nokoo growled basically telling Jason that it was something they could hunt for Food. As he looked and had watched the bushes move, a little deer had went walking around, probably looking for its mom as it looked like only a baby. He slung his rifle back over his shoulder and started walking again, he looked down at Nokoo, "good boy buddy" he smiled as he pat his dogs head. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another meat piece and gave it to him. Nokoo looked up at Jason after he finished his treat, probably wanting another one.. "ok one more and that's it, we are running low here Nokoo" he smiled and gave him another one but, he didn't eat it, he picked it up and turned then walked in the direction of the other dog. He didn't get too close as he wasn't really trusting of them and dropped it, then he ran back to Jason. Jason had watched Nokoo and when he had come back he smiled, "you're very nice, I think the dog over there will enjoy that" he pat his dogs head and then kept moving.

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 05:35:00
Mino stopped in her tracks as the man in front of her took his rifle off of his back. She watched him and his dog with curiosity, they were a strange pair, and very fitting of one another. A few seconds passed before the rifle was back on his back, and Mino relaxed a little. The man then gave his dog a treat, and then another. He obviously cared for his companion, which was a good sign, right? She thought to herself, you can't be all bad if you're nice to animals, huh?

To her surprise, the dog came bolting back towards her and Hans, causing Hans to tuck his tail and get in a defensive stance. Mino quickly realized that the little meat scrap was still in his mouth, uneaten. As soon as he dropped it, and headed back, Hans bolted towards it, sniffing it cautiously before gobbling it up. His tail was wagging wildly and he let out a happy bark. Mino had started walking again to get to where Hans was, who was now looking from his owner to the pair ahead of them. It was quite obvious that now, the man and his dog had Hans' trust, and he wanted to bolt towards them.

Mino just gave Hans a look, and shook her head at the dog, who's tail wagged a little slower now at his owners disapproval. They began walking again, Hans was still enticed by the dog in front of them, and had picked up his pace, forcing Mino to do so as well. They were much closer to them now, and Hans kept looking back at Mino for approval to get closer, and despite her telling him no, he would pick up his pace even more. Mino was now just a few yards behind them, and Hans even closer.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 05:51:32
Jason heard them walking closer at an eventual pace, the dog closer than the girl. he turned around to look at them as he stopped in his tracks, deciding to actually look at the two because he hadn't before. His tone of voice never changed from before, "Are you two heading to the town just ahead? I haven't been around here much to be honest.." he looked down at her dog and actually smiled, "hi there, you are almost as big as Nokoo.." he trailed off as he stiffened up again, he felt weird talking to someone else's dog so, he shut his mouth. he looked at the girl, pulled out a little package of food from his other pocket, obviously that pocket was his food and the other pocket was treats for his dog. He gestured for her to take the package which, he now out stretched his hand and it could be seen that it was dried meat that was freshly packaged as the packaging was carefully put together. It looked like it was never touched, he thought she looked hungry and he was actually a big softy despite his attitude and appearance. He looked a little awkward while he stood there holding out a package of dried meat waiting to see if she wanted it or not.. Nokoo had sat down at Jason's feet, cautiously watching the interaction, ready to go if Jason said so or to jump if they did anything he didn't like. Nokoo looked between the girl and the dog in front of them, still untrusting of the two.. He stayed quiet, his light blue and green eyes watching, waiting for something to tell him that it was safe or dangerous, if they would go by themselves or closer to them. Though Jason wasn't really interested in walking with anyone, Nokoo didn't seem to care if they walked with them or not. He just stood there awkwardly, soon just looking down at Nokoo... so awkward..

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 07:20:43
Mino nodded, a bit surprised by the sudden friendly interaction, "Um, yeah. We actually live here... sorta.." Talking to someone was a little more than odd. Occasionally she would trade things with people, but never were questions asked. A small smile came upon her face as he interacted kindly with Hans. Then, when he offered her some of his food, she was a bit taken back. Food was not something that most would just give away freely.

"Er... no thanks." She waved a hand in front of her, "You probably need that more than i do." She wouldn't readily admit that she had some sort of steady food supply, that could potentially put her in more danger, but taking food from someone who probably didn't, just seemed wrong.

She felt as if she needed to say something more, as it seemed they would probably be walking together until they got to the town. "Are you guys just passing through the area, or are you here more permanently?" She asked, hesitantly, and slowly, starting to walk forward once more.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 07:36:48
Jason put the package back in his pocket as she declined and he looked around, he was being very cautious, he hadn't really been up here since they walked through to get where they were settled at the moment. He listened to her question and then answered, he didn't really mind questions as long as they weren't too invasive.. "We got here a little while ago, I don't think we will stay here either.." He had been to a lot of places. He still stood there as she walked, looking down at Nokoo who was focused on the treeline more than them. He thought he had only looked at the fawn again, "come on Nokoo you worrying banana, let's get going. You look thirsty and I don't have anymore water in the canister.." He sounded concerned as he pat his dog on the head. he walked a little bit after them and all of a sudden ended up walking beside her unintentionally but, he thought nothing of it. Nokoo walked between Jason and them, he still wasn't very happy with being so close to them, he didn't trust them at all. Jason pat Nokoo's head, Nokoo seemed to calm down just a little bit but he still looked a little unfriendly..

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 07:59:29
She nodded at his answer, paying attention to the road ahead of her, and trying not to look too tense. She stayed silent for a moment but it soon became too awkward for her. She glanced down at the other dog, who was not nearly as happy as Hans, who was just wagging his tail about happily, walking in front of the small group, looking back every few seconds.

"So, he's Nokoo. Cute." She gave a small smile down to the tense dog, "That's Hans." Upon saying his name, Hans looked at his owner and let out a loud happy bark, before turning back and continuing on his way. This brought a smile to Mino's face. He was always so cute and happy, almost all the time.

Introducing her dog was one thing, introducing herself was a completely different thing. It had seemed like years since she had actually told someone her name, but it felt like the thing to do in this sort of situation. "And... my name's Mino." Her eyes moved from the road in front of her to the man that now stood just beside her. "Do you mind me asking yours?"

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 08:18:18
Jason smiled as Hans barked happily at his owner, he had a soft spot for dogs and sometimes other people.. He nodded when she said her name so she knew he was listening and when she asked about asking for his name, he just told her, nothing awkward or hesitant about it, "My name is Jason, nice to meet you Mino" He looked down at Nokoo and smiled, "buddy come on.. relax they seem ok." he talked so gently to Nokoo and he seemed to relax but, a hint of tension still there, he trusted Jason's words but, he was still unsure of them.. He looked to the other dog she called Hans and the other dog seemed to look at her. He could tell the two were like them but, he still wasn't very happy.. he walked up a little towards Hans and sniffed him from afar, still unsure. Jason all of a sudden started talking because he felt awkward at the silence.. "Nokoo is mostly wolf, not really dog actually.." He knew most didn't like Nokoo after knowing that but, that was to explain why he looked much larger than Hans though, Hans was pretty big.. Nokoo made him look small. He laughed as Nokoo sneezed, "allergic to other dogs hm?" Nokoo looked at Jason and seemed to stick his tongue out at him and then looked in front of him as he walked and Jason laughed. Jason stretched, letting go of the rifle's strap and putting his hands in his pockets. He looked around, trying to locate a water source of some kind.. so they wouldn't have to go to town that much as they stayed in the area.

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Mayonayys (#68948)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 09:15:21
"Nice to meet you too." She gave Jason a smile, his appearance was a bit different from his demeanor. The way he acted towards Nokoo showed that he was a kind person at heart. She watched as Jason spoke to Nokoo, and Nokoo relaxed and went to go sniff at Hans. Hans was clearly excited by this, and cautiously slowed down so he could sniff at Nokoo as well. Hearing Jason say that his dog was actually mostly wolf did worry Mino a bit, and she patted her leg to call Hans away from him, as he tried to get closer to Nokoo. He did not seem aggressive now, but she didn't want to chance it wiht Hans' curiosity, better to let Nokoo do all of the approaching.

"I thought there was something odd about him..." She looked the dog over closely, "I had thought he was just some strange mix, but i really see it once you say that." She let her eyes move from Nokoo to Jason, who's hands were finally off of his rifle strap. Him stretching really showed how built for survival he was, unlike herself, and she had to admit, it was kind of attractive.

As soon as that strange thought crossed her mind, she moved her eyes back to the road. "Well, the town is just a few more minutes away." She scrunched up her face at her own wondering mind, it had definitely been too long since she had interacted with other people.

(Going to eat dinner, so i'll be back in a little while!)

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Edited on 26/06/16 @ 16:15:48 by Mayonayys (#68948)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-06-26 12:30:18
Jason looked at Nokoo as she called her dog away from him. Nokoo looked confused as to why he had left and basically followed. His ear flicked and he left him alone because it seemed like his owner didn't like it very much.. he walked in front of Jason, his big paws leaving the tracks the size of a wolf's paws. He nodded when she said that the town was close, "well that is good.. we need stuff for our shelter as well as drinkable water and some more bullets.. I'm running low.." He pulled out a little leather bag that jingled slightly, he was being careful with it as he opened it. It had four bullets left in it. He put it back in his pocket and continued, "we use these to get rid of threats and hunt game.. we need protein and plants just don't give that much.. so, our diet has some meat and whatever eatable things we can find. We have been travelling for a while.. it doesn't bother me at all though and Nokoo quite likes running around out here." Nokoo looked at him when he mentioned meat and his name in the same sentence. He looked to the other dog and huffed as he looked up to Minor, he kept his distance from her as much as possible. Jason called him over but, he just looked back, he would look at Jason and then back to Mino, he would walk the same distance he was at and not go any closer. "Awww Nokoo she didn't mean it buddy.." He knew Nokoo probably thought Mino was scared of him like everyone else, he knew Nokoo could sense change in emotions just like other animals and he probably knew something that he wanted to stay away from.

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